In the living room, it returned to silence.

Yuan Jing stretched out his hand, and slightly pushed the mobile phone on the table, and the latter drew a beautiful curve, which just stopped in front of Sayuri Sawamura.

"That's how things are," Yuan Jing said, the coldness disappeared and became soft again.

"Mrs. Sawamura, I don't know exactly what channel you used to get in touch with this Gen Takuma, but from my side, I still suggest that you better be vigilant and keep a distance from him."

"As for this Yuantuo's true fate, as well as a certain amount of spiritual compensation, the Yuan family will provide it later."

He stood up and gave a consoling smile to Ms. Fujii, who was completely afraid to speak, "Although this transaction did not succeed, my intention to buy a house has not been cancelled. If there is such a good house, Please don't forget to contact Huiye from your company."

The latter nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Let's go, Huiye." Yuanjing took the lead to leave, and walked out of the living room, while Shimizu Huiye followed closely behind.

"Wait..." Sawamura Eriri couldn't help feeling a little anxious when she saw Yuanjing looking like she was about to leave.She raised her head eagerly, as if she wanted to stop him.

Although Yuan Tuozhen is a fake, but Yuan Jing is obviously the real Yuan family, and he is still some kind of 'young master'.

If it was him, there must be a way to protect their mother and daughter and prevent the Spencer family from taking her away from her mother.

Sayuri Sawamura grabbed her daughter's arm and shook her head silently.

Now is not the best time to talk about this stuff...

Shiina Mashiro had a panoramic view of all this, she looked at the Sawamura mother and daughter, and at the back of Yuan Jing's departure, her crystal-like eyes were shining, as if she was thinking about something.

In the end, she nodded slightly but solemnly, as if she had made some very important decision in her heart.

Chapter 13 That's it, Sayuri made up her mind

"Mom, why didn't you let me stop him just now?"

After Yuan Jing and Shimizu Kaguya left, Ms. Fujii from the housing agency quickly bowed her head and said goodbye.In the living room, only Sayuri Sawamura, Eriri Sawamura, and Mashiro Shiina were left.

After seeing that there were no outsiders, Sawamura Eriri couldn't help tugging at her mother's sleeve and said anxiously.

"Hey, Eriri," Sayuri Sawamura said with a light smile as she held her daughter and Shiina Mashiro in her arms, "Even if you stop him, what are you going to do next?"

"Of course we want to have a good relationship with him." Sawamura Eriri said as a matter of course, "He has done us such a big favor all of a sudden, how can we not express it?"

"Furthermore, although that liar is a fake Yuan family member, this Yuan Jing is obviously real," she recalled the scene when Yuan Jing and the liar were on the phone just now, and a strange light flashed in her blue eyes, "That Didn't the liar still call Yuanjing "Young Master" in fear?"

"[Young master] means the future head of the family, right? That is to say, Yuan Jing, is he the one who will inherit the Yuan family in the future?" Eriri Sawamura said shrewdly, "If it is him, would you like to follow from here? In the hands of the Spencer family, it should be a breeze to save me."

"Whether it is from the perspective of repaying the other party's kindness, or from the perspective of reuniting our mother and daughter, we must have a good relationship with him. How can we just let him go like this?"

She said regretfully, "at least you should stay and let him have dinner?"

Sayuri Sawamura looked at her daughter with amazed eyes. She looked up and down Eriri Sawamura, as if wondering if this was her silly, arrogant daughter.

Sawamura Eriri was a little embarrassed by her, and couldn't help but coquettishly said, "Mom! Why do you look like you don't know me anymore?"

"I really don't know such a sensible Eriri." A sweet smile appeared on the corner of Sayuri Sawamura's mouth, apparently quite satisfied with what Eiri said just now.

"I thought you wanted to stop him, saying that the Yuan family had such a scum, that he, the [young lord], was lax in running the family and wanted him to take responsibility for protecting our mother and daughter."

"Mom!" Sawamura Eriri was a little anxious, she grabbed the wide sleeve of her mother's kimono, and her petal-like lips pouted all of a sudden, showing a little reluctance, "I was in your eyes before, What kind of image is it!"

"Well," Sayuri Sawamura pretended to think for a moment, and then she replied very fluently, "It's the kind of unruly and willful young lady who is very common in manga. Don't say what you say, and wait until the time has passed before regretting it."

"Probably this is the classic image of a lost dog."

"...It's the first time I've seen a mother who can comment on my daughter so harshly." Eriri Sawamura said in a daze. She now seriously doubts that she might not have been born by her own mother.

However, when she recalled her past appearance, she couldn't help but find with some sadness that her mother's words were about [-]% to [-]%, no, [-]% to [-]%... well, [-]% to [-]% were right.

If it was me who hadn't been beaten by reality before, it was really very possible to say such a thing.

"It's a gratifying progress to realize that Yuanjing doesn't owe our mother and daughter anything, but owes us a great debt of gratitude," Sayuri Sawamura put her chin on the tops of Eirari and Mashiro's heads, sniffing Seeing the orchid-like musk fragrance coming from the girls' hair, "Mom, I am very happy about this."

What was wrong was that I believed the introduction of my 'friend', but only saw the evidence provided by the other party, so I believed in the other party's identity.

Thinking of that 'friend', Sayuri Sawamura's eyes flashed a gleam of coldness, and she also blamed herself extremely in her heart.

It's obviously a matter related to my own and my daughter's family life, and it's obviously something that can't be overstated no matter how carefully I verify it, why am I so careless?

She scolded herself in her heart.

However, she actually knew the reason in her heart——

Because she couldn't bear it any longer.

The death of her husband, the accusation and persecution of the Spencer family, and the persuasion and disapproval of her natal family...

All of this exhausted Sayuri Sawamura physically and mentally.

She seemed to be walking forward in an abyss where she couldn't reach her fingers. She couldn't see a ray of hope that represented hope. All she could see was the thick and suffocating darkness.

But at this moment, a long spider thread suddenly hangs down in front of her, as long as she grabs it, she can get out of this abyss full of pain and despair...

How could this not make her ecstatic, holding it firmly in her hand at once?

She even subconsciously hypnotized herself, convincing herself that this is the 'road that never ends', that she was lucky enough to get the help of a nobleman...

Turns out, it's no 'noble man'.

But the devil who wants to swallow her and her daughter together.

If he hadn't happened to meet Yuan Jing and discovered the clues...

The consequences can be said to be unimaginable.

It doesn't matter what she will look like, the key is how miserable her most precious daughter will end up in the end because of her carelessness and gullibility.

She shuddered just thinking about it.

Thinking of this, Sayuri Sawamura couldn't help hugging the two in her arms tightly again.Her body trembled uncontrollably, and there was a layer of water in her wine-red eyes, as if she was about to cry.

At this moment, from the top of her head, she felt an extremely soft touch like a feather.

Sayuri Sawamura was stunned for a moment, and then she discovered the source of this tactile sensation through her somewhat hazy vision.

That's Mashiro Shiina.

In her arms, she was raising one hand with some difficulty, and gently stroking the top of her head.

"Aunt Sawamura, don't cry, don't cry." Although Shiina Mashiro's face is still the same as usual, without much expression, but as a person who has lived with her for several months, Sawamura Sayuri can still see the sincerity in the other party's eyes .

"Whenever I'm about to cry, my mother will do this, and then I miraculously don't want to cry anymore." Shiina Mashiro's movements are gentle, but her words are extremely serious, "Aunt Sawamura, don't cry anymore, okay?" it is good?"

Ah, really.

First it was Yuanjing, and then it was Mashiro... What an unqualified and worrying adult I am.

"Mom, are you crying?" At this moment, her somewhat dull daughter came to her senses. She raised her head, her blue eyes were full of worry.

She stretched out her hand, did not learn how to stroke the top of her head, but slowly wiped away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes.

Saidura Sawamura just enjoys the care of her 'pair' of daughters silently.

After a while...

"Mashiro," she suddenly called Shiina Mashiro's name, and then asked him, "In your opinion, what kind of person is that Gen-kun?"

Shiina Mashiro was stunned for a moment, then showed a thoughtful look, and finally——

"A good man."

She, who was extremely lacking in vocabulary, replied like this.

Seemingly feeling that this level was not enough for Sayuri Sawamura to understand, she then emphasized, "He is a very good, very good, very good person."

She used three [very good] in a row.

"I see." Sayuri Sawamura smiled as expected after hearing Shiina Mashiro's comment.

The confidence that had disappeared for a long time due to the heavy blow just returned to her face.

The current Sayuri Sawamura is like a piece of beautiful jade that has finally shed its stone shell after being hacked with a knife and axe, exuding a dazzling charm.

"Ying Lili, were you asking me why you didn't keep Yuan Jun here, right?" She asked Ying Lili in her arms.

The latter nodded.

"Because now is not the best time." Sayuri Sawamura's eyes shone with wisdom, "There is no need to be so impatient, we still have time."

What Sayuri Sawamura fears the most is the situation where she can't see any hope and can only circle in circles in despair in the dark.

Now she saw a ray of light that was still faint but extremely eye-catching in the darkness.

What she has to do next is to move firmly in this direction, and then hold this light in the palm of her hand.

It doesn't matter even if it is a little slower, safety is the first priority to ensure.

And before that—

Let her indulge in the warm interaction with the 'two daughters' for a while...

"Mashiro is really cute," Sayuri Sawamura gently rubbed her cheek against Shiina Mashiro's cheek very affectionately, "Mashiro, if you can, how about treating me as a mother?"

She looked at Sawamura Eriri again, and blinked narrowly at her, "How about it, Eriri, do you also want to have a sister as cute as Mashiro?"

Zhenbai looked at Sayuri, then at Yinglili, "I want to be an older sister." She declared.

"Ah, cunning! Obviously I'm the older sister!" Sawamura Eriri was a little anxious,

Sayuri Sawamura watched the interaction between the two, and couldn't help smiling.

This is her most precious treasure, and she will hold it in the palm of her hand without letting any dust cover it.

For this, she did not hesitate to pay any price.



"True white, what are you doing?"


"Really? Let me see, what are you drawing... I see, you are drawing this thing, is this going to be given to him?"

"(nods) I want to thank him."

"Okay! Then I'll come too."


The next day, that is, early Thursday morning, school time.

"Touma-san has been temporarily absent from school recently because he has to be busy with the album. Boss, are you a little lonely?" Shimizu Kaguya was half a body behind, bouncing and walking behind Yuanjing.

She seemed to have slept very well last night, and the ailments from yesterday were gone, making her look even more charming and charming.

Kaguya even had the strength to play a small joke on Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing glanced at her, but he wasn't annoyed, he just opened his mouth and made a 'salary deduction' mouth shape.

The latter immediately paled, and folded his palms together in a gesture of begging for mercy, expressing that he was just making a harmless joke.

The two walked up the ramp in front of St. Eden Academy, and then came to Yuanjing's shoe cabinet.

Shimizu Kaguya took out a pocket very skilfully, opened it, and placed it directly under the shoe cabinet of Yuanjing.

She was clearly prepared for Yuanjing's full shoe cabinet.

In fact, she has been the handler of Yuanjing's 'love letters' these days.

Seeing that Hui Ye was ready, Yuan Jing opened his cabinet door, and in an instant, various letters poured out of his shoe cabinet.

But compared to Ying Lili, who is busy with coaching, Yuan Jing's movements are obviously much more chic and calm.

His hands seemed to be like butterflies wearing flowers. After flying in the air for a while, he held all the envelopes in his hands.

This is Yuanjing's routine operation, and Shimizu Kaguya has long been accustomed to seeing his boss's skills far beyond ordinary people.

However, today seems to be a little different from usual——

"Huh?" Yuan Jing made a somewhat puzzled voice.

With a slight movement of his fingers, he flipped out two small cards from the pile of envelopes, one on the left and one on the right, and placed them on top of the envelope he was holding with both hands.

Shimizu Kaguya approached curiously, and then said in surprise, "This is a greeting card?"

That's right, these are two greeting cards.

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