However, unlike the greeting cards that are usually printed, these two greeting cards seem to be handmade.

The patterns on it are all hand-painted by the creator one by one.

The styles of these two greeting cards are completely different.

The greeting card on the left is a watercolor painting of the ginkgo trees on both sides of the street that have been dyed golden yellow by autumn.

The greeting card on the right is a caricature brushstroke, depicting a blond girl wearing a wreath and smiling brightly at him.

However, although the handwriting is completely different, on the two greeting cards, "I wish you a good mood today" is written with extremely serious strokes.

Yuan Jing looked at the words on it, and then looked towards the corner of the corridor as if feeling something.

There, fleeting traces of blond twintails and long amber hair...  

"Mrs. Sawamura, why are you here?" As soon as the real estate agency where Ms. Fujii worked opened, a distinguished guest greeted her.

"What, you don't plan to sell your house?" As the person who knew her best, the person who received Sayuri Sawamura was naturally Ms. Fujii.

After hearing what she said, although she felt a little regretful, she also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"What, you want to work in our company for a period of time without salary, as long as you are in charge of Miss Shimizu's work?" Ms. Fujii showed a somewhat embarrassed expression on her face, "Is this not in line with the rules? "

Chapter 14 That's it, someone finds a boost, and someone...  

"Well, what should I do to have a good relationship with boys..." Sawamura Eriri held her head and let out a painful voice.

As the trump card of the painting department, just like Touma Kazusa, Sawamura Eiriri and Shiina Mashiro naturally have privileges, such as a studio that only the two of them can use independently.

Shiina Mashiro didn't really want this privilege.

She actually wanted to make friends with other people in the painting department and paint with them,

However, other people in the painting department obviously did not have similar ideas.

Overly outstanding talent and skills that are not at the same level are like a fiercely burning flame, making others daunting.

In the end, other people in the painting department took the initiative to find the minister, thinking that the existence of himself and others would affect Shiina Mashiro's artistic creation, so he proposed to allocate a separate studio for him.

On this issue, the head of the painting department also had a discussion with Shiina Mashiro, and this studio independently used by Eriri and Mashiro was the result of that discussion.

Now, the two of them are in this studio, frowning, thinking hard.

They are thinking about how to build a good relationship with Yuanjing.

By the way, it is actually class time, but Sawamura Eiri and Shiina Mashiro both skipped the class indifferently.

They have more important things to think about.

For example, how to break through the siege around a certain person, and then build a good relationship with him so that he can help Yinglili and Sayuri......

This is the most troublesome thing for the two girls at present.

In terms of greeting cards, of course Sawamura Eiri and Shiina Mashiro will not only do today this time.These two people are actually planning to do it as a long-term project.

The thin water flows long, and the water drips through the stone.

This is the plan that the two girls made from the beginning.

But this is not enough.

It should be said that it is not enough.

In fact, they never thought about relying on this kind of thing, so they asked Yuanjing to help.

The reason for doing this is actually the main goal is to leave a good impression on Yuan Jing, so that he doesn't forget them.

If you want Yuanjing to take action and help resist the pressure from Spencer, this level is far from enough.

At least try to upgrade the relationship from 'stranger with a little impression' to 'friend'.

However, it is really difficult to complete such an upgrade...

Before this, Sawamura Spencer Eriri never thought that he would still have a day to think about how to have a good relationship with boys.

With her outstanding appearance and first-class family, she has always been sought after by boys of her age.As long as she wants to, she only needs to wave her hand lightly, and there will be a lot of boys who are willing to work hard for her.

This is the prerogative of good girls.

...even though she's never used it either.

She doesn't have the bad taste of playing with boys' feelings, and she doesn't need to gain any practical benefits from the relationship between men and women, so why does she want to 'raise fish'?

Although the appearance is glamorous, Sawamura Eriri is actually a full-fledged home girl on the inside. She actually hates the kind of bitch girls.

For this kind of people, she has always drawn a clear line with them in her daily life, and she is ashamed to be with them.

The result of this is that in terms of the relationship between men and women, the level of Eri Sawamura can only be described by the word 'tragedy'.

She has even begun to seek inspiration from the notebooks she drew before.

But soon, she found out sadly that such behavior was useless.

Not to mention the pursuit of practicability, the plot in this book can be said to be completely unworthy of scrutiny.

Her paintings are basically free, or else they are popular CPs who have confirmed the relationship between men and women in the original work. This cannot be implemented as a practical method at all.

And just when she was at a loss and was thinking hard——

"Eri, what does 'fait accompli' mean?" Shiina Mashiro asked her suddenly.

"!!!" Sawamura Eriri was shocked, "Where did you hear this statement?"

Who is polluting her friend who is as pure as white paper?

"Here." Shiina Mashiro obediently put her mobile phone in front of Sawamura Eriri, and the latter put it in front of her eyes for a closer look, and found that Mashiro seemed to be using the search function of her mobile phone to search for "the last" on the Internet. A quick way to get girls and boys close'.

"The answer that was pushed to the top and received the most likes is 'causing an established fact'." Mashiro Shiina tilted her head, looking at Eri Rika Sawamura with some doubts, "So, what they said is 'fait accompli' Facts', what the hell do you mean?"

"..." Sawamura Eriri fell into silence.As the eldest daughter of Huanghua, it is really difficult for her to talk about such a question.

Which guy taught Zhenbai to surf the Internet?Is it difficult for her to know that this will teach children badly?

Hey, it seems to be me.

That's fine...

"'Fat fait accompli', um, the so-called 'fait accompli' refers to," Sawamura Eriri turned her head quickly, as if she was asked by her young daughter, "How did I get here?" ' A young mother with this kind of problem is trying to explain this vocabulary to her in a way that doesn't teach the other party too much.

By the way, it can be explained like this.

A sudden light flashed in Sawamura's mind.She coughed a few times, cleared her throat, and explained to Shiina Mashiro in a serious tone——

"It means [the child]."

"[Child]?" Mashiro Shiina's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

"That's right, it refers to children." Sawamura Eriyoshi (Hu) said strictly (eight) words (), "For example, you are the crystallization of the love between your father and mother, that is this A 'fait accompli' for the two."

"Oh." Shiina Mashiro opened her small mouth slightly, and nodded with some understanding.

Her eyes as clear as topaz looked at the screen of the phone, and her tone revealed a sense of 'so that's the case', "So, the fastest way to draw in the relationship between a man and a woman is to have children together?"

"Yes, that's right." Sawamura Eriri insisted.

'In a way, yes. 'She said in her heart,'After all, the consequence of [fait accompli] is the birth of [child], so the two are at least roughly equal to each other, right? '

"However, Mashiro, this kind of thing can only be done after you have to believe that the other party is the person who can accompany you for the rest of your life." Sawamura Eriri emphasized to Shiina Mashiro very seriously.

She had to make this matter clear to the other party.

"Just like your father and mother, you must have such a strong thought [I recognize him, I must be with him in this life] in your heart before you can make such a request to the other party."

Sawamura Eriri stared into Shiina Mashiro's eyes, and in a way, she was also conveying her own views on the relationship between the sexes to the other party.

"Zhenbai, now you, would you have such thoughts about that classmate Yuanjing?" She said so earnestly and kindly, as if she was really playing the role of a mother to teach her daughter——

"If not, making such a request without authorization is not only a sign of not caring for oneself, but also an irresponsible behavior for the other party."

"What's your answer?"

Shiina Mashiro's eyes flashed with thought, and she raised her chin slightly, as if she was carrying out extremely complicated psychological activities for her.

In the end, Shiina Mashiro shook his little head from side to side under the extremely nervous gaze of Sawamura Eriri.

This means, is 'no'.

Sawamura Eriri breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she was really afraid that Shiina Mashiro's response would be 'Yes' after careful consideration.

If that happened, she would have no idea what to do.

Fortunately, the answer given by Shiina Mashiro is no.

"Okay, then there is no need to think about this method at all." Sawamura Eriri said in a relaxed tone.

She holds out a finger and swipes up and down the phone screen to see if she can get any inspiration from other answers.

But unfortunately, she didn't find a real and practical method.

What bothers her the most now is that she and Zhenbai have no connection at all.

The class she and Mashiro are in is Class E, and unlike Yukinoshita Yukino and Shimizu Kaguya's Class B, there is no class that can be taken together with Genjing's Class A.

Even if she went to Yuan Jing during the recess time, she would be blocked by that pink-haired, bow-knotted, big-breasted girl in her class, and there was no way to talk to him.

During the lunch break that just passed, she and Mashiro went around the restaurant of St. Eden Academy, but they didn't find any trace of Yuanjing. It seemed that he was the kind of person who would bring his own lunch.

I accidentally exposed her and Zhenbai's thoughts to his club before, so this road is basically blocked...

She found out that if it was just the two of them, thinking in the studio like this, they would definitely not be able to come up with any good solutions.

In the huge St. Eden Academy, is there no one who can help himself and Zhenbai?


Eri Sawamura's eyes lit up, and she thought of someone.

If it's her, she can definitely help herself!

Coincidentally, the other party doesn't have to attend classes, and the location is extremely fixed. If you go to find her now, she will definitely be free!

As long as she wants to, it is easy to create an opportunity for herself and Yuanjing to interact.

Sawamura Eriri grabbed Shiina Mashiro's wrist, "Mashiro, I figured out a way, come with me."

Because she finally saw the dawn, Sawamura Eriri showed excellent mobility, and she rushed out of the studio with Shiina Mashiro excitedly.

What the elated Sawamura Eriri didn't notice was that after she explained Shiina Mashiro, the latter remained extremely silent, as if thinking about something extremely important in her heart.

The hand that was not held by Ying Lili gently stroked her lower abdomen through the school uniform of St. Eden Academy.

'child?Fait accompli? 'Only Shiina Mashiro could hear the murmur, just like pearls slipped from the corner of her mouth, just like that all the way......

There was a knock on the door of the student council president's office in St. Eden Academy.

Ning Guang, who was working in it, raised her head in surprise.

It's class time now, why would someone knock on her door?

Although she was a little stunned, she still stopped the pen in her hand——

"Please come in."

After getting her approval, the one who pushed open the office door was a girl who combed her golden long hair into two ponytails, and behind her, a girl with amber long hair followed suit.

Ningguang knew these two people.

For more than 8000 students in the school, she can tell each other's name and their major achievements, not to mention such famous people as Sawamura, Spencer, Eriri and Shiina Mashiro.

"Sister Sawamura, Junior Sister Shiina," staring at the two people who walked in, asked curiously, "Is there something you want to do when you come to see me?"

"Yes." Eiri Sawamura nodded very simply, and she told the 'queen' who controlled the entire St. Eden Academy her request without any concealment.

Ningguang raised his eyebrows, and after looking up and down Eiri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina, he said with great interest, "So, you all hope that I can create opportunities so that you and that 'source Jing's classmates have a good relationship?"

Both girls nodded without hesitation.

"Well," Ning Guang tapped his fingers on the table regularly, as if he was weighing the gains and losses in his heart.

In the end, she smiled at the nervous two——

"Okay," she said.

"You know, my favorite thing is the beauty of adults."

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