
After school that day, when Shimizu Kaguya stepped into the gate of the housing agency, she couldn't help frowning when she saw the mature woman walking towards her.

"Ms. Sawamura, what's going on?" She looked at Sayuri Sawamura with a serious expression, "Where is Ms. Fujii?"

Different from yesterday's simple black kimono, today's Sayuri Sawamura is dressed in an office worker outfit, revealing the sophistication of a professional woman.

"I will take over the work in Ms. Fujii's hands." She said with a smile.

Shimizu Kaguya's eyes were sharp, and his willow eyebrows stood erect, forming a sharp contrast with Sayuri Sawamura.

"Mrs. Sawamura, I'm not a fool, so I know exactly what your intentions are." Kaguya didn't intend to hide her thoughts. "Although I do sympathize with your family's situation."

"However, as a subordinate, I will not let the boss get involved in this mess."

"Absolutely yes no!" Shimizu Kaguya said word by word.

Chapter 15 Sayuri said (shuo) Kaguya

The matter of Sayuri Sawamura's family is a pure mess.

From a utilitarian point of view, it is the most [smart] way to turn a blind eye to it and keep it at a distance.

the reason is simple--

That is, the pay and return are completely out of proportion.

The Spencer family is an old-fashioned blue-blood noble with deep roots in England, and there have been figures like Sir Churchill in modern times. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are powerful.

Not only that, but they also occupy righteousness.

The son of the family who is a diplomat died in a foreign land, and the family wanted to take his blood back to England and raise him by himself. This is a very normal and reasonable request.

There is nothing to criticize in it.

This is also the reason why Fujiwara Wanho, a diplomat, expressed his helplessness.

As a mother, she can be said to empathize with Sayuri Sawamura's situation and sympathize with her very much.

If possible, she actually wanted to help the mother and daughter.


Shimizu Kaguya's attitude was very clear.

Personally, she sympathizes with Sayuri Sawamura and Eriri Sawamura, and if she can, she doesn't mind helping the poor mother a little bit.

But if Mrs. Sawamura wants to use this as a springboard to get in touch with Yuan Jing through her, so that he can intervene in this mess and act as an umbrella for their mother and daughter.

It can only be said that she thought too beautifully.

The relatives who are related to Sayuri Sawamura have given up on her very simply, and even do her ideological work every day to persuade her not to be so stubborn.

Yuan Jing and the mother and daughter are neither relatives nor relatives, not only did they not owe these two people, on the contrary, it can be said that they have a great favor.

If Sayuri Sawamura is not only ungrateful, but wants to take advantage of Yuanjing's kindness, and wants to rely on him without hesitation—

Then don't blame her Shimizu Kaguya for not showing affection.

She neither has the sense of justice like Yukinoshita Yukino, nor is she helpful like Fujiwara Chika.

As the eldest lady who received the education of Sakurajima's [Incarnation of Evil] Shinomiya family since she was a child, Kaguya Shimizu never advertised herself as a good person.

If the other party thinks so arbitrarily, she doesn't mind letting her have a taste of the method she learned from the Sigong family.

Facing Kaguya Shimizu who was aggressive and merciless, the smile on Sayuri Sawamura's face did not waver in the slightest.

To be honest, Shimizu Kaguya's reaction was nothing compared to the setbacks and cold reception she had suffered in asking for help in the past month.

In fact, she has already thought about the worst situation in her heart. For example, after seeing her, Shimizu Kaguya turned her head and left. At that time, she probably had to forcefully break into the "Yuanjing's residence". inferior option

Although Shimizu Kaguya did not show mercy at all, she was still willing to face her well, and did not choose to walk away.

This shows that she is actually not as hard-hearted as she said.

'That's the right bet. Sayuri Sawamura breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart.

According to her contact with Shimizu Kaguya yesterday, Sayuri Sawamura can tell that the girl in front of her is not only ice-snow smart, but her nature is not bad at all.

If she hadn't noticed something and started the conversation tentatively, she wouldn't have been able to talk about the name 'Gen Takuma' at all, and naturally there would be no way to talk about what happened after that.

Compared to her, he who is keenly aware of this and uses it without hesitation is a 'despicable adult'...

But there is no way, Yuan Jing is the last "life-saving straw" she can grasp now, even if she is called despicable, she must firmly grasp him with both hands.

If the hands are broken, she bites them with her teeth; if the teeth are knocked out, she wraps them tightly with her hair...

No matter how embarrassing and ugly she is, she will never let Ying Lili be picked up.

This is Sayuri Sawamura's realization as a mother.

"Isn't it good to just block the door like this?" Sayuri Sawamura looked around without directly responding to Kaguya Shimizu's words.

Whether it is Kaguya Shimizu or Sayuri Sawamura, they can be said to be first-class beauties.And one of the two people laughed at Yan Yan, while the other raised eyebrows and raised eyes.

It is quite normal for such a strange scene to arouse the curiosity of the people around.

Although frightened by Qingshui Huiye's attitude, no one dared to stop and watch, but the sights from all directions were still indispensable.

"The company has a reception room dedicated to receiving distinguished guests. Even if you want to scold me, please go there and scold me." Sayuri Sawamura stepped forward, as if she wanted to grab Shimizu Kaguya's wrist.

The latter frowned, as if he wanted to escape Sayuri's pull, at this moment——

"Just a little while," Shimizu Kaguya heard Sayuri Sawamura's small mosquito-like voice, which contained pleading voices, "Just give me a few minutes, let me Just finish talking."

"Afterwards, if you still feel that Ying Lili and I are not worth saving, I will definitely not pester you and Yuan Jun."

"Just treat me as a beggar on the side of the road, show me a little bit of kindness, and give me alms." For her daughter, Sayuri Sawamura didn't mind letting herself fall into the dust, "Just a short while, Just a little while."

Hearing such words, Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help trembling slightly.

Having lost her mother since she was a child, she is already very weak in defense in this regard.

After hesitating for a moment, Shimizu Kaguya was successfully grabbed by Sayuri Sawamura's wrist and walked her towards the interior of the housing agency.

'...that's all. '

Shimizu Kaguya sighed inwardly.

'Even if you reject her here, you will definitely be pestered by her in the future.Then simply explain it once and for all, and let this matter be settled right here. '

'Anyway, I will never be persuaded by her! '

In this way, Shimizu Kaguya was successfully pulled into the small reception room only open to distinguished guests by Sayuri Sawamura.

The first step of Sayuri Sawamura's plan——



In the small reception room, Kaguya Shimizu was sitting on the seat with his arms crossed in front of his chest, his delicate face was full of impatience.

"The set of serving tea and pouring water is almost free." She said firmly, "I still have the boss's affairs to deal with, and I really don't have time to spend on it."

She has not forgotten that she still has the task of 'buying a property for Yuanjing'.

This is the first task that Yuanjing entrusts her, if there is no such thing as Sayuri Sawamura, it should be done yesterday.

Minamoto Raimiko will leave this week, and after she leaves, Minamoto will also move out of the Shinomiya villa.

Before that, she had to find a house that would satisfy both her and her.

It was with great difficulty that she obtained the permission to live together from Yuanjing, how could she allow this matter to have further twists and turns?

Sayuri Sawamura did not do what she imagined, but directly took out a large notebook from the bag she had put here a long time ago.

This notebook is quite large, and before it was opened, it immediately occupied a quarter of the table between the two of them.

She gently pushed it in front of Shimizu Kaguya, beckoning her to open it.

'What kind of tricks is this playing? '

Thinking like this in his heart, Shimizu Kaguya folded his arms and put them down, and then opened the big notebook——


Immediately, a look of extreme surprise appeared on Shimizu Kaguya's face.

The main body of the notebook is the photos.

Start with the address of the house, after that, the exterior of the house, courtyard, living room, kitchen, balcony...

And next to the photo, the evaluation of the things in the photo is written in graceful handwriting.

It's not the kind of announcement of good news but not bad news in a sales tone, but with an extremely neutral attitude, it speaks out its advantages and disadvantages without shyness.

"It's not that I came to take Ms. Fujii's class without the slightest preparation." Sayuri Sawamura winked at Shimizu Kaguya playfully.

She is not here, quietly waiting for Shimizu Kaguya's arrival.

After using her 'money ability' in the morning to get the housing agency to hand over Kaguya Shimizu's reception work to her, she went non-stop around almost the entire luxury housing area in Tokyo, and traveled all over Tokyo's housing agencies and sales offices. Upstairs, she also used some of her connections in Tokyo to be able to prepare this notebook before Shimizu Kaguya's arrival.

"I screened out the information of all the mansions that are for sale and worthy of Gen-kun's status," she pointed to the note in front of Kaguya Shimizu, "Price, geology, surrounding facilities, and contact information of the owner. .....I have written all of these in here.”

"Of course, most of these houses are not actually owned by this company." Sayuri Sawamura stretched out a slender finger, put it on her lips, and gestured with the word 'shh', "Kaguya Just take a look here, but don’t tell people outside?~”

"..." Shimizu Kaguya looked at the notes in front of her, she flipped back slightly, and found that Sayuri Sawamura hadn't been perfunctory because she already had too much information.

This large notebook is obviously the brainchild of Sayuri Sawamura.

She even felt a little shocked that she could prepare such a thing in a hurry.

"...I don't understand." Shimizu Kaguya sighed, and closed the notebook on the table.

In her words, there was both deep emotion and a little bit of incomprehension, "Sawamura Spencer Eriri was taken away by the Spencer family, is that something you can't accept?"

Those who pick her up are her relatives, and she is not going to accept abuse...

"Of course." Saidura Sawamura answered decisively, without any hesitation in her tone, "The reason why you ask such a question is because you don't have a very clear picture of Yinglili's current situation and what will happen next. cognition."

She stood up and came to a corner of the reception area, where there were tea sets and various drinks, "I can't explain this thing clearly for a while."

"We might as well talk while drinking." Sayuri Sawamura began to skillfully fiddle with the pile of bottles and cans, "Kaguya, what kind of drink do you like? Green tea, black tea, coffee, fruit juice or milk?"

Instead of asking 'do you want something to drink', he directly asked 'what would you like to drink'.

This is a trivial little trick.

"...Black tea is fine, thank you." Shimizu Kaguya looked at the note in front of him, and couldn't say no to it.

"Okay, black tea, right? Wait a minute?" Sayuri Sawamura responded as if she was singing.

The second step of her plan——



After serving hot black tea to Shimizu Kaguya, Sawamura Sayuri also poured herself a cup, and then sat down on her seat briskly.

After she picked up the teacup, she took a shallow sip, and then stuck out her tender little tongue as if she was afraid of being scalded.

She is obviously a human being in her 30s, but Sayuri Sawamura does not have a little bit of pretentiousness when she makes such cute moves, but instead looks cute and girly.

Shimizu Kaguya even had the illusion that 'the other party is just a sister who is a few years older than her' for a moment.

However, Sayuri Sawamura's next words were so heavy that this illusion was swept away——

"My father-in-law and mother-in-law have always disliked me very much." Sayuri Sawamura held the teacup, her eyes were full of sadness and heavy.

"They are all British aristocrats, and they are born to think that their status is superior, and they look down on me who was born in Sakurajima. Even the Sawamura family can be regarded as a prominent family in Sakurajima, so it is the same." She narrated so quietly.

"They thought I was a vixen who confused their son. Although they couldn't stand my husband's begging and agreed to my marriage, they not only did not attend my wedding, but they also told me directly on the phone—— [Not to set foot on England's soil]."

"And after Ying Lili was born, their attitude towards me became even worse."

Sayuri Sawamura glanced at Shimizu Kaguya, "If you want to talk about the reason, it's actually very simple, even so simple that it makes people feel a little funny—"

"That's because Ying Lili is a girl."

"... Patriarchal?" Shimizu Kaguya asked tentatively.

Sayuri Sawamura nodded.

Shimizu Kaguya immediately fell silent.

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