She was born in the Sigong family, so she knew how outdated the concept of such a wealthy family was, but she did not expect that England on the other side of the ocean was the same.

"In the past ten years of Ying Lili's growth, her grandparents have always ignored her, as if there was no such granddaughter. The reason why she insists on taking Ying Lili back now is not because she treats her so much. Missing, but simply reclaiming the blood outside."

"With such an attitude, how can I safely hand over Eirari to the Spencer family?" Sayuri Sawamura showed a very cold smile at the corner of her mouth.

"In a big family like Spencer, a smart person like Kaguya should be very clear about how the undervalued female members will be treated."

It will be used as a tool for family marriage or as a 'reward' to the retainers who have contributed to the family...

If he hadn't met Yuanjing, [-]% of 'Sinomiya Kaguya' would have ended up like this.

Fortunately, she is now 'Shimizu Kaguya'.

But Ying Lili doesn't seem to be as lucky as her...

"I won't let Eriri accept such a fate." Sayuri Sawamura's knuckles were slightly white while holding the handle of the teacup, and she could see the great strength she used——

"Absolutely not!"

"...It's still the same sentence," Shimizu Kaguya didn't notice, his tone had softened a lot compared to the beginning.

But this is not enough.If you want to convince her, this level is not enough.

"I deeply sympathize with your family's affairs, but this does not constitute a reason for the boss to take action."

"I'm not going to use this kind of thing to impress you. The reason why I said what I said before is just to tell you why I am so opposed to Yinglili going to England."

Sayuri Sawamura looked at Kaguya Shimizu, and suddenly smiled——

"Yinglili may be a hot potato for other families, but for the powerful Yuan family, it is an excellent opportunity."

"Kaguya, I don't know if you are clear. As a branch of the Shinomiya family, how did the Shijo family rise so rapidly in an unfamiliar place across the ocean?"

No.16 Zhang Yuanjun, do you mind having an extra sister?

As a branch of the Sigong family, after being forced by the Sigong family to go abroad, what method did they use to quickly take root on the other side of the ocean where they were unfamiliar, and then rise rapidly?

The answer is to eat soft rice.

...This is what Shimizu Kaguya said when Shimizu Kaguya was still in the Shinomiya family, the elders of the Shinomiya family said in a tone mixed with envy and jealousy.

Well, this is actually a derogatory statement, which is obviously not the case.

However, after all, there is no storm without waves, and it is indeed true that the rise of the Sitiao family overseas is related to women.

The experience of the first Patriarch of the Sijo family who left overseas is actually quite legendary, and the most talked about by later generations is the great love between him and his wife.

The wife of the Patriarch of the first Sijo family was from a large overseas family, but she was not the sole heir of any family.

On the contrary, her position in the family is quite marginal, basically a kind of dispensable existence.

Well, it's actually similar to Sawamura Spencer Eriri's status in the Spencer family.

However, no matter how marginal it is, what flows in her veins is still the blood of that big family.

The reason why the Sitiao family was able to gain a firm foothold overseas so quickly has a lot to do with the marriage of the first Patriarch.

Although in modern times, basically everyone is criticizing 'marriage', a backward product full of feudal stale atmosphere, but it has to be said that this method is indeed the fastest way to draw the relationship between the two families.

Without the efforts of this marriage and his wife, the Sijo family would not have been able to gain a foothold overseas so quickly, and then develop rapidly to the point where it is on par with the current Sigong family.

As for whether this kind of behavior can be regarded as "eating soft rice"...

Then the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

"Why did the Spencer family oppose my marriage at that time, and even directly refused me to set foot on the land of England; after my husband died, why did they rush to bring Yinglili back to England? The main reason is that this--"

"They don't want to give forces outside of Britain the opportunity to invade their territory."

Sayuri Sawamura saw this quite clearly.

"Eriri's full name is Sawamura Spencer Eriri, as long as this Spencer is not removed from her name, it means that she is a member of the Spencer family, no matter how marginal, she is in this way."

"Once Erili has a family in Sakurajima, if she gets married and has children, it's okay for ordinary people, because it won't pose a threat to the Spencer family."

"However, if it is a son of a famous family, then it will give the other party a chance, a chance to bite off a piece of meat from the family by relying on Ying Lili, a member of the Spencer family."

The family to which the wife of the first Patriarch of the Sijo family belonged is a lesson from the past.

Now that the Sijo family is developing rapidly, the original big family has gradually declined.

Although the main reason is that the successors of the subsequent generations were not very successful, it is hard to say that the Shijo family is not responsible for its decline.

"My relatives, the Sawamura family obviously don't have the strength, nor the magnanimity. Relying on the blood of Eriri, they can get something from the Spencer family. If the Minamoto family has such a good reputation, shouldn’t they have such scruples?”

This is why Sayuri Sawamura would say that Sawamura Spencer Eriri is just a hot potato for other families, but it is an excellent opportunity for the Minamoto family.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, the current predicament of Sawamura Eriri is actually quite difficult——

That is to marry her to an ordinary man in Sakurajima.

The Spencer family on the other side of the ocean doesn't have any feelings for Eriri. The reason why they must take her back is just like Sayuri Sawamura said. The main reason is that they are afraid of this blood who is living overseas. It became a springboard for Sakurajima forces to intervene in England.

If Ying Lili married an ordinary person, then naturally there would be no threat to her family, and they would not be so determined to take back this blonde girl with twin ponytails.

If Eri Sawamura has such a partner, Sayuri Sawamura will naturally choose this method to match the relationship between the two, at least to the extent of engagement.

In this way, the pressure on the Spencer family will be greatly reduced.

It's a pity that there is no such object in Sawamura Eriri.

Her eyes are too high.

In the ten years she has grown up, there is not a single man who can make her feel good about her and have a romantic interest in her.

Sayuri Sawamura doesn't want to just find a "fake partner" for Eriri or urge her to fall in love quickly because of this.

As a woman, she is naturally aware of such matters as marriage, but it is absolutely important that matters that are truly related to the happiness of a woman's life should not be taken lightly.

The main reason why she didn't want Yinglili to cross the sea like this, apart from worrying that she would not get warmth from the Spencer family, was that she was afraid that the Spencer family would sacrifice Yinglili's happiness and send her away. As a marriage tool or a 'reward' to win over retainers.

If she interfered with her feelings for this, wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse?

"Oh?" After listening to Sayuri Sawamura's story, Kaguya Shimizu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in his pupils, "Then what Mrs. Sawamura means is to hope that my boss can Like the first Patriarch of the Shijo family, marry Sawamura-san to get a ticket to England?"

Saimura Sawamura felt a chill on the back of her neck, as if a blade-like murderous aura passed through the back of her neck.

However, she didn't feel a little bit of fear about it, instead she felt the feeling of 'it really is so' in her heart.

"As long as the Spencer family gets the news, if they don't want to give the Minamoto family this chance, they have only one choice, and that is to expel Sawamura-san from the Spencer family."

"In this case, the Minamoto family will only be busy in vain in the end, and you will be able to get your wish and reunite with Eiriri mother and son." Shimizu Kaguya applauded softly, as if admiring Sawamura Sayuri's scheming deep.

"However, I, Shimizu Kaguya, will not allow such a thing to happen."

"Why?" Sayuri Sawamura widened her eyes in surprise, and looked at Kaguya Shimizu, "Even if the Spencer family did this, the Minamoto family can just refuse to admit it."

"In England, the Spencer family is not the only one. There are always families who are hostile to it and displeased with it. Then, as long as you use the banner of [You are insulting my wife by kicking my wife out of the family], there are In order to unite with these families, we will have the opportunity to bite off a bigger piece of meat from the Spencer family."

Sayuri Sawamura seemed to really consider for the Minamoto family wholeheartedly and said, "From this point of view, isn't this more in line with the Minamoto family's interests?"

Well, that seems to be the case...

Shimizu Kaguya bit her lower lip, feeling a little short of words for a moment.

"But, but, this will have a certain impact on my boss's reputation." The girl began to look for excuses from other aspects, "My boss has a real fiancee, if it's just for this reason, I will marry Ze If Mura Ying Lili, then where is the family where his fiancée belongs to?"

"Oh, don't worry about that." Sayuri Sawamura said quite relaxed.

"Yuanjing's fiancée is Fujiwara Chika, right? Wan Sui even showed off to me, saying that her second daughter's fiancé also happened to be her ideal."

'Wan Sui? Kaguya Shimizu was a little surprised, "Is the relationship between Mrs. Sawamura and Aunt Fujiwara so good?" '

"Yuri and Yuanjing are just engaged, they won't really get married, and it will still be Chika who will marry Yuan-kun." Sayuri Sawamura said nonchalantly, "Anyway, the Yuan family only needs such an excuse and name." , As for whether there is a substantive relationship, it is not the point."

"As long as the Fujiwara family agrees, then naturally there will be no problem."

...None, can't refute.

If Sayuri Sawamura can really convince the Fujiwara family to accept this plan, Kaguya Shimizu really has no position to refute.

Her identity, after all, is just a subordinate.If Chika Fujiwara, the fiancée, agrees, then she has no objection at all.

And with the kindness of Fujiwara Chika's family, the possibility of them agreeing is not low...

"Then, then, Mrs. Sawamura, if you do this, where do you put Sawamura-san's mood?" Shimizu Kaguya began to question Sayuri Sawamura, "You said that you don't want to put Eri-ri Pushed into the pit of fire, and finally decided for her without authorization, saying that she would marry my boss."

"Do you really love your daughter? Or as long as she is by your side, nothing else matters?"

Kaguya Shimizu began to question the motives of Sayuri Kisawamura.

Because her approach is actually exactly the same as Minamoto Raimitsu before.What is the difference between this practice of disregarding the feelings of one's own children and arbitrarily deciding life-long affairs for them, and the Spencer family?

This is an extremely harsh question, almost clearly saying that the maternal love shown by Sayuri Sawamura is just a kind of selfishness that regards children as her own property.

Faced with such a question, Sayuri Sawamura covered her mouth with a smile—"Ah, so from Kaguya's point of view, [marrying Yuan-kun] is actually the same thing as [pushing into the fire pit]?"

"I don't know how sad Yuan-kun will be when he hears such a thing." Sayuri Sawamura sighed extremely melancholy, as if feeling sorry for Yuan Jing.

"Don't change the concept secretly, these are two completely different things!" Shimizu Kaguya was obviously a little panicked, she knocked on the table between her and Sawamura Sayuri, and made a loud noise, "I am here Said, you disregarded your own daughter's feelings and decided her future for her without authorization!"

"If I hadn't obtained Eriri's consent in advance, it might be true." Sayuri Sawamura nodded, agreeing with Shimizu Kaguya's statement, "However, if Eriri not only knows, but also agrees Woolen cloth?"


Shimizu Kaguya was a little dumbfounded.

"She agreed?" the girl asked in a daze.

"I agree." Saidura Sawamura replied affirmatively, "Yuan-jun almost saved her life yesterday, it is not normal to have a good impression of him, and then have the idea of ​​getting close to him. ?"

"When I asked for her opinion, she told me confidently that she would actively launch an offensive to take down Gen-kun." Sayuri Sawamura had a warm smile on her face, "She is so It's the first time I have such a good impression on a boy of the same age."

"No way, as her mother, I naturally have to support her relationship."

Kaguya fell silent.

From Sayuri's point of view, it was Genjing's previous performance of "hero saving the beauty" that got quite a high score from Sawamura Eriri, which made her agree with Sayuri's approach.

And who was the one who first noticed the clue and started the conversation?

It's herself.

If she didn't have the good intentions to test Sayuri Sawamura and ask her why she was so eager to sell the house, wouldn't there be so many things?

I don't have to continue to worry about choosing a house, and Yinglili won't have a good impression of Yuanjing, and she won't be so uncomfortable now...

No, no.

In that case, Mrs. Sawamura and Eiriri would be tricked to Kansai, where they would be treated very cruelly, and they might even lose their lives.

Even in this state, Shimizu Kaguya did not feel the slightest bit of remorse for his actions yesterday.

She just felt a little bitter in her heart.

Fujiwara Chika's mother is helping her daughter, Touma Kazusa's mother is helping her daughter, Hayasaka Ai's mother is helping her daughter, and Sawamura Eriri's mother is also helping her daughter.

In the case of Yukinoshita Yukino, she also has the helper of her older sister, Ono.

And only myself...

"Hey, Kaguya." Sayuri Sawamura looked at the sinking Shimizu Kaguya, and said softly, "The reason why you object so much is because you like Gen-kun, so you are jealous in your heart?"

"It's absolutely nothing." Shimizu Kaguya tried hard to keep his face expressionless.

However, Sayuri Sawamura could still see a gleam of water in the other party's scarlet eyes.

...Kaguya Shimizu seems to be about to cry?

"You succeeded in persuading me." Shimizu Kaguya tried to hypnotize himself, thinking of himself only as a subordinate of Yuan Jing.In this case, she really didn't have any reason to reject Sayuri Sawamura.

But her slightly trembling voice still revealed her true inner thoughts.

"However, I'm just a subordinate, and I can't make any decisions for the boss." Shimizu Kaguya's eyes were a little sad, and every word she said made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

But she couldn't help it.

This is her duty, and it is also the foundation of her life now.

"I will tell the boss what you think, as for whether he will accept it..."

However, before she finished speaking, she felt a sudden blackness in front of her eyes, and she couldn't say the next words.

It turned out that Sayuri Sawamura hugged her.

"That's enough, Kaguya, don't say any more." She said this with some distress, her wine red eyes were full of self-blame.

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