"I shouldn't hurt a girl's heart like this, especially if she is kind to me." Sayuri Sawamura gently stroked Shimizu Kaguya's soft long hair with her hands, "I will help you, Kaguya Night, I swear."

"...What can you help me? Let me tell you first, I don't have the slightest affection for the boss." Shimizu Kaguya didn't break free from Sayuri Sawamura's embrace, but still said so stubbornly.

"Okay, okay, let's just treat it like this." Sayuri Sawamura smiled lightly.

She doesn't dislike Kaguya's duplicity, on the contrary she finds it quite cute.

"But, what about Eriri?" After being gentle for a while, Shimizu Kaguya became a little worried about Eiri, "If she doesn't get engaged to the boss..."

"Don't worry at all. If you want to be a family, you need more than just a husband and wife." Saidura Sawamura smiled slightly, obviously already prepared, "Kaguya, do you think Yuan-kun would mind having another one like Eriri?" Where's your sister?"

Chapter No.17 Shimizu Kaguya's "Good Thing"

"Miss, you are back." She has a slender figure, short black hair that reaches the ears, and a pair of obsidian-like pupils under the eyes on the bridge of her nose.

White shirt, dark tie, dark brown vest and pure black trousers.

Just as Shimizu Kaguya got off the car, such a 'boy' dressed as a 'housekeeper' stood in front of the gate of the Shinomiya villa.

'He' walked up to meet Shimizu Kaguya, and after a slight bow, 'he' stretched out his hands to Kaguya, "Just leave it to me."

"...I'm no longer a young lady." Instead of handing over the things to 'him' as the other party said, Shimizu Kaguya took a step back, with a speechless look on his face, "Also, Hayasaka. What are you up to?"

That's right, this 'boy' dressed up as a housekeeper is actually Kaguya's former personal maid——Hayasaka Ai.

As a master who is proficient in makeup and acting skills, it can be said that for Hayasaka Ai, it couldn't be easier for a woman to disguise herself as a man.

When Shimizu Kaguya was still Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai often changed into this "butler" appearance, mainly for the convenience of receiving guests.

According to the standard configuration of the Shinomiya family, Kaguya, as the eldest lady, should be assigned a housekeeper and a head maid.

The butler is responsible for receiving guests, receiving and summarizing various letters, and arranging arrangements for private teachers.

The head maid is responsible for cleaning the mansion, finalizing three meals a day, replacing and pruning garden flowers and trees, etc.

To put it simply, the butler is in charge of the outside, and the maid is in charge of the inside.

The two cooperate with each other to take care of everything about the master.

This is the case for Sigong Huangguang, Sigong Qinglong and Sigong Yunying.

However, Shinomiya Kaguya did not receive the same treatment as her brother.

Maybe it's because her eldest daughter's identity has been questioned, or it's just a simple 'patriarchal'. In short, the Sigong family didn't assign her a 'housekeeper' like her brothers did.

By her side, only Hayasaka Ai, the personal maid, exists.

There is no other way, Hayasaka Ai can only be a 'father' and a 'mother' to take on the responsibility of housekeeper.

This image, which she called "Hasaka-kun", was an image she used very often during the "Shinomiya Kaguya" period.

However, that is already a thing of the past.

The current Hayasaka Ai should have absolutely no reason to use this masculine [butler] image anymore, why did [him] suddenly come out today?

Pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose with the ring finger, [Hasaka-kun] looked at Shimizu Kaguya with eyes discolored black by special contact lenses, and said in a juvenile voice that was deliberately pretended——

"Kaguya, don't you have a clear understanding of who is in charge of this four palaces now?" Ai Hayasaka did not continue to use the title "Miss", but directly used "Hui" Night' the name.

By the way, Shimizu Kaguya was actually planning to call her "Ai" directly, but at Hayasaka Ai's insistence, she changed back to the original "Hayasaka".

As for the reason, it's actually quite simple——

She is used to Kaguya calling her Hayasaka, if she suddenly calls her 'Ai', she will feel a little shy...

"The reason why I made such an attire must be that Yuan Jun asked me to do so." While speaking, she shrugged her shoulders, looking a little helpless.

"Gen-kun asked you to do this?" Originally, Shimizu Kaguya was a little preoccupied because of the matter of Sayuri Sawamura, but after hearing the words, he frowned even more, "Why did he make such a request?"

"Sah, who knows, I can't figure out what he's thinking." Ai Hayasaka had a mysterious smile on her face, "However, I have a guess here, of course, it's just a guess .”

She squeezed her chin lightly, making an expression like a detective making the final deduction, "Tell me, could it be that Yuan-jun is a little bored because of the beautiful girls around him?"

"That's why I was asked to dress up like this, so that I can add some [beautiful boy] energy..."

"!!!" Shimizu Kaguya was stunned as if struck by lightning, her lips trembled slightly, and she took a few steps back as if she was unsteady, looking deeply shocked.

"Hey, hey, Kaguya, you don't really believe it, do you?" Shimizu Kaguya's appearance of believing it to be true actually frightened Ai Hayasaka a little.

Shimizu Kaguya is still very sensitive to things like lies and jokes, and she didn't take the performance very seriously just now?Why is Kaguya's reaction so big?

As a sister who grew up with Kaguya for more than ten years, Hayasaka Ai obviously found that there was something wrong with Kaguya now.

Did something happen when she was looking for a property for Yuanjing?

Muttering in her heart, Ai Hayasaka hurriedly cleared up her misunderstanding——

"The reason why Mr. Yuan asked me to dress up like this is actually because he wants to learn how to [transform] from me. This is my demonstration."

"[Cross-dressing]?" Shimizu Kaguya blinked.

Yuan Jing is a person with a strong curiosity and desire to learn, so it is quite normal to be interested in skills like [Cross-dressing].

Putting his hands on his chest, Kaguya Shimizu let out a long sigh of relief.

However, her hand was immediately grabbed by Hayasaka Ai.

"Come on, come on," Ai Hayasaka looked very excited.

Although she doesn't know exactly what happened to Kaguya, but now she has a lot of experience on how to make Kaguya happy——

"If it's a little later, we won't be able to catch up with such a good thing."

No matter what happened to Kaguya, what happened next would make her happy.

She promises!

After all, she just had such a good 'enjoyment'...

"No, don't pull me, Hayasaka!" Shimizu Kaguya didn't know anything about the next thing, but she didn't think Hayasaka Ai would harm her, so she couldn't help but also looked forward to it in her heart.

What is the "good thing" that Hayasaka said?


Shimizu Kaguya was not disappointed.

Now she is holding back her smile forcibly, sitting in front of a big floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Behind her on the left is her good sister Ai Hayasaka.

And behind her on the right is his 'boss' and the person he cares about the most.

And through the mirror in front of her, she can still see Minamoto Raimitsu sitting on the sofa in the back, with slightly puffed cheeks, looking at her with some jealous eyes, as if feeling a little bit at her for occupying the position she had just now. dissatisfied.

'I'm sorry, Raikou-sama. ' Shimizu Kaguya murmured in his heart, 'Have you enjoyed it long enough?Make me a little bit happier too. '

"Then, since Kaguya is here, Gen-kun, you can perform what I just taught you on Kaguya from beginning to end." Ai Hayasaka cleared her throat slightly, and then said in a strict teacher-like tone.

Yuanjing learns too fast, and there is not much time left for her to put on such a posture.

"Yes." Yuan Jing nodded.

Afterwards, Shimizu Kaguya felt an indiscernible touch from the lobe of his right ear.

It's one of her sensitive zones....

This kind of close contact produced a numb feeling, like an electric shock, which made her feel a little weak all of a sudden.

And as if aware of this, Yuan Jing stretched out an index finger, and gently held Shimizu Kaguya's white jade chin.

"Well, the length from the earlobe to the chin is 5.9 centimeters." The thumb of one hand slightly touched the earlobe, and the index finger supported the chin. Yuanjing started to measure the distance with the ruler on the other hand Come.

He was judging the center of gravity of Shimizu Kaguya's face.

If the distance is more than 5.7 cm, then the center of gravity of the face will be at the position of the eyebrows, so women are more suitable for long hair.

If the distance is within 5.7 cm, it means that the mandible line is short and the center of gravity is in the lower part of the face, so choosing short hair will be more refined.

Of course, this is not the only criterion for judging hairstyles.

He will also measure the ratio of Kaguya's face width to face length in a while.

If the ratio is greater than 5 to 8, it is a short face and is more suitable for short hair; if the ratio is less than 5 to 8, it is a long face and is more suitable for long hair.

This is the very beginning part of what he has learned today, and it is called on the skill panel——

make up!

That's right, it's Sakurajima's make-up technique known as one of the four major magic arts in East Asia.

Recently, because Minamoto Raimitsu is about to leave, she can be said to be very obsessed with Yuanjing.

However, this kind of "obsessive obsession" is not pestering Yuan Jing to do what he wants, but simply wanting to stay by his side, just watching him.

For the current Minamoto Raimitsu, as long as he can do this, he is actually quite satisfied.

After all, after this week, if you want to enjoy this kind of time again, at least you have to wait until the New Year, when Saint Eden Academy is on holiday...

It also depends on whether Yuan Jing is willing to go home for the New Year.

Minamoto Raimitsu's performance of keeping his own law and order naturally paid off.

After returning to the Shinomiya Villa today, Yuan Jing found Ai Hayasaka and expressed that he wanted to learn her 'cross-dressing' technique from her.

He also asked Minamoto Raikou if she would like to be a model for Ai Hayasaka to teach him, and the latter was naturally very willing.

Before Shimizu Kaguya came back, Hayasaka Ai's "teaching aids" were herself and Minamoto Raimitsu.

And after she came back, "teaching aids" naturally had a new choice.

"Whether it's Kaguya, mother, or Ai, all of them are suitable for long hair." Although he learned 'cross-dressing', a more accurate name for this skill should be [makeup].

"However, whether it's mother or love, there are headgears for decoration, Kaguya, your head is empty."

Minamoto Raimitsu's hair band has been repaired and returned to her head. This is a coming-of-age gift from Minamoto.

On Hayasaka Ai's head, there was the dark blue hair band that Kaguya gave her.

Shimizu Kaguya still had long hair fluttering, and there was no decoration on it.

"Although there is an old saying that goes well, [Why do swans need to dress up?], but I think a little decoration is necessary to make it more lovely."

[Why do swans need to dress up? 】This sentence actually came from Kaguya's mouth, but it's not the Kaguya of this world.

Yuan Jing in his previous life was extremely impressed by these words, but this time he simply expressed his feelings.

However, after these words entered Kaguya's ears, her already uneasy girl's heart became even more turbulent.

'Heaven, swan? The corners of Hui Ye's mouth could not help but curl up, "In Ah Jing's heart, am I originally this image?" '

'very happy! '

'No, I can't act too happy. Kaguya Shimizu, who was looking in the mirror, immediately noticed his abnormality, "Take that natural look, don't act too much." '

'Kaguya, oh Kaguya, haven't you heard such a compliment so many times?Think about how you reacted before? '

Although she warned herself so in her heart, Kaguya still couldn't control the smile on her face.

How can the praise of others be compared with the praise of the person you like?

However, this unintentional compliment is just an appetizer.

Gathering Kaguya's smooth long hair and tying it into a ponytail, Yuan Jing folded it in half twice, then took out a red hair band from nowhere and tied it up.

This is how a noble bun is formed.

"This is?" Unable to conceal his surprise, Shimizu Kaguya touched the red bow, feeling the soft touch, "Is this a gift for me?"

"Yeah." Yuan Jing nodded, "When I was looking for materials to repair my mother's hairband in the school store, I saw this by chance, and I thought this color was quite suitable for you, so I bought it."

The color of this hairband is exactly the same as the color of Shimizu Kaguya's eyes.

"Since I've become my subordinate, then of course I have to make some gestures to curry favor with you, so that you can work hard for me." Yuan Jing said with a light smile.

"Didn't you also give Ai a dark blue hair tie as a gift? I think it's a good idea, so I did the same."

"Just don't think it's cheap."

How could it be disgusting!

Shimizu Kaguya looked at his own appearance in the mirror, touched the red hairband that Yuan Jing tied into a bow, and seemed a little fond of it.

This is the first thing Yuanjing gave her, she will definitely cherish it.

"Well, this expression is not bad." Yuan Jing nodded in satisfaction.

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