"..." Sayuri Sawamura remained silent.

"Mom, think about it seriously, is this bloodline in me really that important?" Eriri Sawamura continued, "If you can really use this to bite off a piece of meat from the Spencer family , then you won’t be rejected when you seek help from families like the Sijo family and the Shinomiya family.”

During this month, it wasn't just Sayuri Sawamura who was anxious.

Eri Sawamura has also been thinking about feasible solutions.

She said goodbye to her delicate and savage self in the past, and carried out a growth called "pain".

"The reason why you think that the Yuan family has a high probability of agreeing to this proposal is actually the most important reason because you have discovered that Yuan Jing is an extremely rare and good person."

"So I think that as long as he is given an acceptable reason, the other party will lend a helping hand."

Eri Sawamura took a look at Mashiro.

Yuan Jing is because of her extremely pure mind that she personally identified as a "very good, very good, very good person".

It was the first time she heard Zhenbai have such a high evaluation of a person.

"This is not a begging attitude. Mom just wants to take advantage of his kindness."

Sawamura Eriri felt very uncomfortable.

She knew that everyone was qualified to say such things, only she was not.

Because everything Sayuri Sawamura did was for herself and for her future life.

But as the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black.

In the process of getting along with Shiina Mashiro day and night, although she slightly stained him with a "little bit" of yellow, she was actually more influenced by him.

Although she lacks common sense, there is no doubt that Shiina Mashiro has a crystal clear mind.

Zhenbai is not good at words, so she has to speak up for her.

Of course, this is also what she has in mind.

"...I haven't..." Sayuri Sawamura muttered.

She has no way to deny Ying Lili's previous words, because that is indeed what she said in her heart.

"Yes, Yuan-kun hasn't responded to your request, so it's out of the question to use his kindness for the time being." Sawamura Eriri nodded, "But, mom, you did take advantage of Miss Shimizu's kindness."

"It's a fact of life."

"I just don't want her to hinder my direct contact with Gen-kun..." Sayuri Sawamura said softly.

"If you just think like this, Mom, you shouldn't be here." Eriri Sawamura stretched out her hands and held Sayuri Sawamura's slightly trembling hand.

She wants to pass on her warmth to her mother.

"Since Miss Qingshui has been persuaded by you, why don't you go directly to Yuanjing?"

That's right, if Sayuri really only thought this way, then now she followed Kaguya to the Shinomiya Villa, not here.

Deep in her heart, she actually had the idea of ​​using Kaguya Shimizu as a buffer, so that she could guess Yuanjing's attitude based on her performance, and then adjust her strategy afterwards.

"Mom, I'm not as smart as you, and I'm not as good at adapting to changes as you are." Eriri Sawamura's words were extremely sincere, "But I know, this is not the attitude of asking for help."

"It is an extremely bad behavior to calculate a benefactor who has good intentions for oneself."

"I'd rather leave than have my mother become so unrecognizable."

Silence suddenly descended on the entire carriage.

Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri just stared at the silent Sawamura Sayuri.

All that should be said, all that can be said, has been said.

If Sayuri still persists, then they have nothing to do.


"Where Mr. Yuan lives now, do you know?"

Zhenbai and Yinglili looked at each other, and there was unconcealed joy in each other's eyes.

"I don't know." Sawamura Eriri shook her head, and she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, "But, I can ask President Ningguang."

"She sure knows."

Chapter 19 There is no one behind me

"Where Yuan-senpai lives now, of course I know." When she received a call from Sawamura Eriri and heard the eagerness in her voice, Ningguang was actually a little puzzled.

The other party also asked her about ways to build a good relationship with Yuanjing today, and he even made some suggestions for her, why is it after school in the afternoon?

"Didn't I tell you before that Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka will let you meet in the near future, but there is no need to go to him in such a hurry."

"No, I must see him as soon as possible." Sawamura Eriri thought very clearly at the moment, "If I can't see him today, there should be nothing [in the near future]."

Is it so serious?

His gaze sank, and his tone became serious, "Did something happen to you with him?"

Her purpose of helping Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro is not pure, it can be said that the ulterior motives are not about drinking, but about Yuanjing.

She had to know exactly what happened before she could make a judgment on [whether or not to tell the other party the address of the Shinomiya villa].

If something really happened between them and Yuan Jing that made Yuan Jing extremely unhappy...

Then she can only say sorry on the phone.

"Actually..." Eriri Sawamura raised her eyes and looked at Sayuri Sawamura who was looking at her with regret and expectation in her eyes.

Then he looked aside, Shiina Mashiro, who was obviously pricking up his ears.

After that, as if she had made up her mind again, she told the whole story about what her mother had done.

After she finished speaking, Ning Guang on the other end of the phone did not speak for a long time, as if she was thinking about something.

Although Sawamura Eriri was anxious, she didn't urge her.


"Sister Sawamura, give your mother the phone number." Ningguang didn't choose to directly tell the other party the address, but directly asked to talk to Sayuri Sawamura.

Of course, she did not reject Sawamura Eriri's request.

Eri Sawamura has nothing to do.

But when Sayuri Sawamura answered the phone, she heard some cold words from the student council president—"Mrs. Sawamura, you have a good daughter."

"Hmm." Sayuri Sawamura answered softly, she glanced at Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri, "Two, to be precise."

"That's it." Ning Guang was not surprised by this, obviously she also understood who Sayuri's 'second daughter' was.

"If this call hadn't been made now, as long as it's three nights, no, one hour at night, I wouldn't have told you where he lives."

"I hope you can think about what kind of rhetoric you want to use in order to remedy your previous behavior on the way."

"After all, this is related to whether Sawamura-san will be forcibly taken to the other side of the ocean."

As the student council president, she naturally knew about Sawamura Eriri.

She even knew about the [deadline].

If it wasn't the case, she wouldn't be bothered to talk so much with this 'stupid lord'......

Looking at Shimizu Kaguya who was caressing the forehead that he just bounced, and staring at him in a daze, Yuan Jing couldn't help feeling a little toothache.

Shimizu Kaguya's subordinate is not only excellent in ability, but also extremely motivated, conscientious and conscientious, and Yuanjing is generally very satisfied with her.

However, after all, it is [generally], not [all].

That means that Shimizu Kaguya's subordinate also has flaws that Yuanjing thought existed.

And the reason why she was persuaded by Sayuri Sawamura to be her mouthpiece, apart from her own sympathy for what happened to the mother and daughter, is that the biggest flaw in her body also has to bear a lot of blame.

Yuanjing called it - 'retainer thought'.

The formation of this kind of thinking is closely related to the education Shimizu Kaguya received from childhood.

She grew up in the Sigong family, and what she received was naturally the [orthodox education] of the Sigong family.

In addition to schoolwork, music, martial arts, etc., she will also be specially taught the "Skill of Controlling" called "Emperor Studies".

This is not a good thing.

The so-called 'imperialism' is just a layer of resplendent packaging. After tearing it off, its essence can be seen clearly——

In fact, it is to teach people how to do so that they can efficiently squeeze and exploit subordinates and let them create value for themselves.

In Brother Xun's words, it is to teach people how to 'eat people'.

Although Shimizu Kaguya is no longer surnamed Sigong, her way of thinking is still the same as when she was still in Sigong's house.

Although she called Yuanjing 'Boss'.

But this 'boss' is not the kind of 'boss' that people generally think.

It's the 'boss' in the eyes of the Shinomiya family.

In other words, the 'monarch'.

And her identity as Shinomiya Kaguya is Yuan Jing's 'retainer'.

Considering her daily work, Kaguya's position for herself might be Yuanjing's [General Manager Ouchi]......

Yuan Jing can frankly say that he has never PUA against Shimizu Kaguya in terms of behavior or words.

But according to the way of thinking formed by her education and the environment in which she grew up, she let herself complete this process on herself.

And this incident of Sayuri Sawamura exposed her to the fullest.

"Kaguya, don't tell me, you didn't realize that Mrs. Sawamura is using you." After signaling Shimizu Kaguya to put his hand down, and then continue to turn to the mirror, Yuan Jing said so.

Ideological work requires a lot of time and effort, and there is no rush.

After all, she has been here for more than ten years, and it is not realistic to want to eradicate the legacy of her thoughts all at once.

"Well, of course I found out." Looking at the scene in the mirror, seeing Yuan Jing adjusting his hairstyle, Shimizu Kaguya's heart was extremely sweet.

"But it doesn't matter, I don't care about this kind of stuff."

Wanqingsi's behavior, together with drawing eyebrows and painting Daisy in ancient times, was regarded as a kind of "boudoir joy" between husband and wife.

Although she knew that the present is different from the ancient times, Yuanjing didn't have any thoughts about it, it was just a kind of self-consolation for her.

But so what!

In order to prevent Yuan Jing from discovering her intentions, she had to be extremely careful in the process of getting along with him, not daring to reveal the slightest bit of tell.

In such a depressing situation, if she didn't take the initiative to find some 'sugar' for herself, then she couldn't hold on.

Her spirit is not so tough...

"Although Sayuri Sawamura's motives are impure, her statement does have some feasibility." Apart from sympathy, the reason why she was willing to be used by Sayuri Sawamura is also because her words did have an impact on her. A certain touch.

"If used properly, Sawamura Spencer Eriri can indeed bring you great convenience, at least a piece of habitat in England is not a problem."

She recognized the value of Sawamura Eriri that Saiduri Sawamura said.

In the entire Sakurajima, there are actually not many families who have this strength and can take advantage of this value.

According to Kaguya's current knowledge, there should be only four families, the Shijo family, the Shinomiya family, the Mina family, and the Fujiwara family.

The Shinomiya family is too busy to take care of themselves now, so of course they won't pick up this hot potato.

The current policy of the Sijo family is to take advantage of the signs of the decline of the Shinomiya family, and begin to gradually shrink their influence abroad to Sakurajima. If they want to replace the Shinomiya family, they will naturally not create additional problems or make additional enemies.

And the Fujiwara family is a political family through and through. If someone finds out that they are interfering in other countries, they will be attacked by their political opponents.

In other words, in Sakurajima, only the Gen family has the ability to use 'Sawamura Spencer Eriri'.

"You are not a person who is willing to be limited to Sakurajima," Shimizu Kaguya said plausibly, "Now that there is such a good opportunity to enter overseas, I think it would be a pity to miss it for nothing. .”

She knew she was being used by Sayuri Sawamura, but so what?

If it can help Yuanjing and let him get what he wants, she Qingshui Huiye doesn't care about it.

"...How do you see that I'm not willing to be confined to Sakurajima?" Yuan Jing was a little bit dumbfounded at Shimizu Kaguya's words so firmly.

Are you the kind of careerist who conquers the world?

In this world, I have never written any second-year notes, and there is no possibility of "black history" being dug up by others suddenly. How could Kaguya have such an idea?

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