"Isn't this obvious?" Shimizu Kaguya opened his eyes wide, as if a little surprised. "What you've read recently are all travel notes of countries other than Sakurajima, or books related to their geography, history, culture, and customs."

"You also deliberately subscribed to foreign news columns online, and started listening to some lecture programs about foreign celebrities."

"Isn't this proof that I'm tired of Sakurajima and want to open up a new sphere of influence overseas?"

Listing the various behaviors of Yuanjing before, Kaguya said that he has completely seen through the thoughts of the 'boss'.

...it turns out, is the problem here?

Before, because of the appearance of 'Men Laiguang', Yuan Jing had a new idea on how to make his skills break through to Lv. Max.

He has a certain curiosity about whether there are existences like 'Men Laiguang' and Wanjianlou in other parts of this world.

This is why he has recently started reading various books related to foreign countries and paying attention to news from countries other than Sakurajima.

However, in Shimizu Kaguya's view, this behavior seems to be a sign that Yuanjing wants to expand the Yuanjia's overseas influence.

"If you want to go overseas, England is actually a very good choice. I would like to...pain for the horse." Before Shimizu Kaguya could continue to show her loyalty, she received another blow on her forehead. King's 'finger attack'.

"Boss, I have to make a suggestion to you." Covering his forehead vigilantly with his hand, Kaguya Shimizu said, "If possible, can you stop hitting my head in the future?"

It's not that she doesn't like being punished by Yuanjing.In fact, she actually enjoyed this kind of interaction with her sweetheart, but——

"If you keep knocking like this, you will knock me stupid." She protested, "If possible, can you change the way of punishment?"

Yuan Jing's finger is quite light, it will not cause any harm to her body at all.

But the act of knocking her forehead always felt like she was treating her like a child.

Can we change to some more intimate 'punishment'?

Like, like, spanking or something...

This kind of thing, Shimizu Kaguya can only think about it in his heart, and absolutely dare not say it.

This way of using imagination to satisfy herself has become more and more handy for her.

"You're just too smart." Yuan Jing glared at her, "I wish I could make you a little stupid, so that you won't think so much about what you have."

"I just paid more attention to foreign things today, and you started planning for me to take benefits from the British nobles."

"Does that mean that if I look at you one more time today, you will feel that I am interested in you, so you will start thinking about whether to warm my bed at night?"

"Divergent thinking is not such a divergent method."

And just when Yuanjing was about to lecture her——

Ai Hayasaka, who had been watching from the side, suddenly pressed her finger to her ear.

She heard the notification from the gatekeeper of the Shinnomiya Villa through the earphone in her left ear.

"Although it's rude, please allow me to interrupt the two of you." After listening to the words in the earphones, Ai Hayasaka, who was still dressed as a butler, raised her hand, attracting the eyes of Yuan Jing and Shimizu Kaguya come over.

"I just received a notification from the gate guard that a person who claimed to be Sayuri Sawamura came outside the Shinnomiya Villa, saying that she came to apologize for her previous behavior."

Hayasaka Ai's blue eyes looked at Yuan Jing, with a questioning expression in them, "Should we let her in, or just lock her out?"

"You changed your mind so quickly?" Yuan Jing seemed a little surprised, then as if thinking of something, he asked, "Did she come here alone?"

"Wait a minute." After confirming, Hayasaka Ai said, "No, according to the guard, there are two girls beside her."

"One has pretty prominent blonde twin ponytails and the other has beautiful long amber hair."

Oh, it turned out to be the two of them.

After finishing Kaguya's hairstyle for the last time, Yuan Jing let go of his hands.

"Go, they're here for you."

Kaguya didn't move.

"So, this plan to use the identity of Sawamura Eriri to gain benefits from the Spencer family..." she asked in a slightly questioning tone.

"Negative." Yuan Jing said firmly. "I don't need this kind of thing."

"If you really want to convince me, then find a new reason to make me care."

"Okay." After nodding, Shimizu Kaguya stood up briskly, the red hair band on her head fluttering like a graceful butterfly.

She raised her hand, slightly feeling the soft touch, and her heart was full of satisfaction.

Yuanjing hoped that she could value herself.

After knowing this, her heart was filled with peace and no longer hesitated.

She was wrong.

There was no one behind her.

Fujiwara Chika has Fujiwara Manho, Yukinoshita Yukino has Yukinoshita Haruno, Touma Kazusa has Touma Yoko, Hayasaka Ai has Hayasaka Nao...

And she has a 'boss'.

Chapter 20 Guess who didn't qualify for Vienna?

Above the head is a chandelier that is bigger than the table, and the soft light it emits pours onto the warm-colored curtains, splashing out dots of light.

Under the feet is a fluffy carpet that is so soft that it seems to suck your feet. Because of the excellent floor heating system, it is still slightly hot.

Lean back and the well-crafted sofa will hug you.

On the cream-colored coffee table in front of you, there are delicate trays of fruits and pastries.

This is the living room in the Shinomiya villa.

And in this warm and comfortable environment, silence flows gently.

'What's the best way to start? Sayuri Sawamura thought to herself.

She came here to apologize for her previous actions, but everything must be done in an orderly manner. Before getting to the point, she always used a few words as a foreshadowing.

And when she was thinking about it in her heart——

"The red headband suits you very well." Shiina Mashiro, who was sitting on her right, spoke first.

"It's cute." She stared at the red hairband tied into a bow on the back of Kaguya Shimizu's head, and emphasized seriously.

Sayuri Sawamura understood why the other party suddenly praised Kaguya Shimizu's appearance.

When you meet a woman you know but don't know very well, if you don't know what to say, it's always right to compliment the other person's appearance.

It was given to her by herself and Ying Lili, and she ended up learning and using it here.

However, Shimizu Kaguya, as the eldest lady of the former Shinomiya family, should have heard this kind of praise too much. Isn't this kind of praise too simple...

"Eh, really!" Shimizu Kaguya's reaction was beyond Sawamura Sayuri's expectation.

After hearing Shiina Mashiro's praise, she touched the hair band on the back of her head that was the same color as her eyes, showing an extremely happy expression.

"You have a good eye, Miss Shiina."

Sayuri Sawamura was very familiar with this expression.

When her husband was not dead, she would often hold parties in that villa that only wives could attend. When those wives were amazed at the trophies and awards won by Ying Lili in various painting competitions, She also has this expression.

Whether it's trophies or certificates, she basically doesn't care.

The reason why she was so happy was because the other party was essentially praising her favorite daughter.

This is the main reason why she showed such an expression.

And the reason why Shimizu Kaguya behaved like this at this time was naturally the same.

If it was just an ordinary hair accessory, she would not show such a happy expression because of such a simple compliment, at most she would only show a polite smile.

It seems that this red hair band has a different meaning to Kaguya.

Thinking back to when I met myself in the afternoon, this girl still had long hair fluttering and no makeup, and Yuanjing also lived here...

Sayuri Sawamura seemed to understand something.

"The red color of this hairband is exactly the same as the color of your eyes, so it matches so well." Saidura Sawamura took over what Mashiro Shiina had started.

"It seems that the person who gave you this hair tie is not only very familiar with you, but also chose it with great care."

"Right, right? I also think that's right!" After saying such words happily, Shimizu Kaguya found that he seemed to be acting a little out of control.

After coughing softly and suppressing the smile on her face, she gracefully picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said, "You can actually see this, Mrs. Sawamura, you have a good eye."


'Say more, talk more. Sayuri Sawamura seemed to hear such a heartfelt voice.

She couldn't help chuckling from the bottom of her heart.

A girl of this age is really cute.

Looking at the other person's expression like this, she felt as if she had become younger too.

Shimizu Kaguya has obviously found 'that person' in her heart.

Sayuri Sawamura looked at Eri Rika Sawamura who was sitting on her left, and then at Mashiro Shiina who was sitting on her right.

I don't know when the two of them will find such a partner...

With the help of Shiina Mashiro Wuxinyu, the beginning of the conversation can be said to be quite smooth.


"About everyone's reason for coming, needless to say, I also understand." After the relaxed and cheerful beginning, Kaguya Shimizu, who was in an extremely comfortable mood, said so without waiting for Sayuri Sawamura to speak.

"Although I don't mind too much about being used," she subconsciously ignored the gloomy and distracted performance when she just returned to the Sigong villa.

"However, it seems that some people are more concerned about this, so there is no way."

【I didn't come to be your weakness】, thinking of what Yuan Jing said to himself, Shimizu Kaguya felt that he could support himself for a long time with this alone.

"However, you guys reacted so quickly, and even took the initiative to come to apologize." Shimizu Kaguya looked at Sayuri Sawamura, "Then, let's cancel everything before."

"My 'boss' is not a person who can be moved by profit." Shimizu Kaguya originally thought that Yuan Jing wanted to expand the power of the Yuan family overseas, but it turned out that this seemed to be a misunderstanding of her wishful thinking.

Before that, Sayuri Sawamura's proposal had no chance of being accepted by Yuan Jing.

She continued, "The source family doesn't seem to be interested in this either."

At least Minamoto Raikou is definitely not interested.

Before, when she told Yuan Jing what had happened before, she even deliberately observed Yuan Laiguang's expression through the mirror in front of her.

When talking about using Sawamura Spencer Eriri to grab benefits from the Spencer family, she didn't show the slightest bit of emotion on her face.

Shimizu Kaguya sensibly concealed the plan proposed by Sayuri Sawamura——

That is, by making Yuan Jing recognize Ying Lili as her god-sister, the Yuan family has the right to interfere in this matter.

Saidura Sawamura, who has never met Minamoto Yorimitsu, obviously regards the head of the Minamoto family as someone who would shout, 'Family interests come first! 'The orthodox patriarch was gone.

But it's clear Minamoto Raimitsu isn't that model.

In her heart, the Yuan family can only be ranked second, far inferior to the adopted son Yuan Jing.

Otherwise, she would not have thought of breaking Yuan Jing's engagement with Fujiwara Chika.For this reason, she even made a move to directly intimidate Fujiwara Daichi with a knife.

Although after being defeated by Yuan Jing, Minamoto Laiguang has restrained a lot, it can be seen from the fact that she is willing to make a deal with Ai Hayasaka and grant her a house, a house... Anyway, that kind of secret technique. Get a glimpse of it.

However, if Yuanjing regards Sawamura Eirari as his "godmother", it means that Sawamura Sayuri has become his "godmother"......

Even if it is just a hypothesis that will not become a reality, Minamoto Raimitsu is expected to explode.

She would never allow anyone who threatened her status to appear.

"So, Mrs. Sawamura, I can only tell you with regret that the Minamoto family rejected your previous proposal." Shimizu Kaguya said to Sayuri Sawamura.

"I see." Sayuri Sawamura was not too surprised by this.

When she was on the road, she had roughly thought about such a possibility, and now she was told so, but she finally felt a sense of relief.

"【If you really want to convince me, then find a new reason to make me care】." Shimizu Kaguya suppressed his voice and said, "This is the boss's original words."

' Didn't say【The Yuan family won't help you, please stop thinking about it】! , but bluntly say [find a new reason to make him care]? '

Sayuri Sawamura thought in her heart with some relief.

'Great. '

She didn't know how Yuanjing would react if she hadn't come this trip and just followed what she had imagined before.

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