Yuanjing's understanding of Shiina Mashiro is actually no worse than that of Sawamura Eriri.

Of course he knew that the painting genius didn't have that kind of "worldly thinking" in his eyes.

Put your heart and soul into your own preferences, and don't be moved by foreign objects at all.

For Shiina Mashiro, who has such a precious quality like a diamond, almost no one can hate it, right?

Yuanjing is no exception.

He actually admired Shiina Mashiro's character, and didn't think it was an offense for her to look at him.

Brilliantly talented and hardworking, these two Shiina Mashiro all in one, are undoubtedly the ones he has ever seen who are most likely to break through the skill of [painting] to the level of Lv. Max.

Can Shiina Mashiro reach this peak without the help of the system; after breaking through to that level, what kind of radical changes will she have compared to before...

Yuan Jing was very curious about this.

Because of this, he actually does not reject helping Shiina Mashiro.

Anyway, just looking at it, and there will be no loss of meat.

When he found out that Yuan Jing was so understanding and cooperative, Shiina Mashiro was obviously stunned for a while, and then looked into his eyes, as if he wanted to see what Yuan Jing was thinking.

There was neither disgust nor rejection in those deep black eyes.

The feelings she read from it were only understanding and encouragement.

In Shiina Mashiro's eyes, a gleam of splendor flashed.Then, she raised her hand and asked tentatively, "Can I touch it a little?"

If you just look at it, you can only see the body, but you can't grasp the muscle activity under the clothes.

That's why she made such a seemingly offensive request.

"Of course not!"

It was not Yuanjing who made such a categorical rejection gesture.

It was Kaguya Shimizu who had already finished talking with Concubine Shijo.

After receiving Makoto Shijo's permission to assist her, she was in a good mood when she was about to return to Yuanjing's side, when she heard Mashiro Shiina's words——

"Can I touch it a little bit?"

How can this be!

Concubine Shijo's eyes flickered, Shimizu Kaguya seemed to teleport, and appeared in front of Shiina Mashiro and Yuan Jing. After showing a vigilant expression towards Shiina Mabaro, she stretched out her arms to protect Yuan Jing behind her.

Shiina Mashiro blinked, she moved a few steps to the left, as if she wanted to bypass Kaguya Shimizu.

But the latter obviously didn't give her this chance.

No matter Shiina Mashiro moves to the left or right, Shimizu Kaguya will firmly block between her and Yuan Jing, preventing her from getting a chance to touch Yuan Jing.

"Hui Ye, you don't have to protect me like this, do you?" Yuan Jing said with some surprise.

Among the responsibilities he assigned to Shimizu Kaguya, it was true that he should not let other women disturb him.

However, is Shimizu Kaguya overreacting?

"Boss, I think you should be conscious of your own charm." Shimizu Kaguya looked at Shiina Mashiro warily.

She didn't expect that the one who should pay attention the most is not Sayuri Sawamura, but the girl next to her who has always acted harmless to humans and animals.

Fortunately, she found out before it was too late.

"You are too kind, too unguarded, and too easy to think too well of others."


Yuanjing blinked in confusion.

He really didn't expect that he would have such an image in Hui Ye's heart.

"[Increasing progress] is a woman's nature. Once the other party's initial small request is met, she will expand the request step by step."

When Shimizu Kaguya was at Shinomiya's house, he received education related to psychology.There is also a proper term for this effect, which is [Foot In The Door Effect].

"At the beginning, I just look at it, then I have to touch it with my hands, and then I feel that I can't figure it out through the clothes. I hope you take off your coat a little bit, and then the underwear..." Shimizu Kaguya said vividly Said, "By the time you realize something is wrong, boss, it will undoubtedly be too late!"

"As a subordinate, I will definitely protect the innocence of the boss!" She said firmly.

"No, Shimizu-san." Eirika Sawamura couldn't bear it anymore. She stood between Shiina Mashiro and Shimizu Kaguya, and confronted the latter, "Isn't it too much to say Mashiro?"

"That's just your delusion, no matter how you say it, Zhenbai would never do that."

In order to strengthen the credibility of her words, she turned her head to confirm Shiina Mashiro, "You wouldn't act like that, would you?"

"..." Shiina Mashiro did not answer, but quietly looked away.

"Shiro?!" Sawamura Eriri opened her eyes wide, feeling as if she had been betrayed.

"Eriri, I can't deceive my heart." Shiina Mashiro undoubtedly did not acquire the skill of [lying], she said honestly, "I actually want to see Gen-kun's naked body."

"!!!!!!" All the girls present gasped, obviously they didn't expect Shiina Mashiro to dare to say such a tiger-wolf word.

Sawamura Eriri held her forehead in despair.

She looked at Kaguya Shimizu and Concubine Shijo who were looking at Mashiro in shock, and explained weakly, "If I say that Mashiro is actually a person who lacks common sense, she actually doesn't know what she just said. mean something."

"Such an explanation, do you believe it or not?"

I believe you ghost oh.

Concubine Shijo and Kaguya Shimizu shook their heads in unison.

'That's right, generally speaking, you won't believe it, right? '

Just at this moment, a somewhat unexpected voice came in——

"Hey, are you all here?"

Eiri Sawamura followed the prestige as if listening to the music, and saw Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka striding towards her, followed by a Hei Changzhi.

Considering the information given by Chairman Ningguang, it should be Touma Kazusa.

In this way, the 6 confirmed places in the first grade finally gathered together.

Chapter 24 Do you want to share a room with Ah Jing?

The final exam time of St. Eden Academy is two days from December 12th to 19th.

There will be a day off after the students finish their exams.Wait until the morning of the 22nd, and then go to school to get the report card.

Of course, there is also the evil winter homework.

After a thorough cleaning, St. Eden Academy will be officially closed at noon on the 22nd.

And the next time to open the school gate will be on January 1th.


"Maybe some people already know about it." In the private office, Hiratsuka sat quietly in his seat and looked around at the other six students, "This time, the vacation destination for the first grade is the music capital of the world. The famous Vienna, and the teacher leading this trip is me.”

"We're going to gather at Tokyo Haneda Airport on the morning of December 12, fly directly to Vienna, and spend about a week there." Speaking of this, Shizuka Hiratsuka paused for a moment, then chuckled at the six people One sound——

"This period happens to be Christmas time, and there will be various celebrations in Vienna."

"Everyone should take this opportunity to sing the praises of youth to the fullest."

"In this way, in the future, you won't be like me, the kind of adults who are arrested by the top and randomly assigned tasks because there is nothing to arrange for Christmas."

Shizuka Hiratsuka-sensei, with a smile all over her face, said words full of self-torture...

The air in the office instantly became a little heavy.

"It's okay, it's okay, you don't need to be so concerned about my feelings." After realizing that she seemed to have spoken the truth inadvertently, Hiratsuka Shizuo hurriedly said:

"Actually, even if I wasn't assigned this job by the school, my parents would probably arrange for me to go on a blind date, and I would mutter in my ears that girls of the same age have already become mothers, and the children are already two years old. kind of words."

"It's really annoying." Hiratsuka Shizuka scratched her hair a little irritably, making the originally extremely smooth long hair a little messy, "Wait a minute, think about it this way, after returning from Vienna, isn't Sakura Island New Years?"

As if thinking of something terrible, Hiratsuka Shizuka rubbed the center of her brows wearily, "Otherwise, why not hide in Vienna for another week?" ', such thoughts flashed in Shizuka Hiratsuka's mind.

However, this was just a collection of her long-standing grievances, and after thinking about it for a while, she decisively left it behind.

Her sense of responsibility as a teacher does not allow her to do so.

"Meals and accommodation expenses during the stay in Vienna are all contracted by the school, and collective action is advocated in principle. If one of you wants to break away from the group action, you must report to me and obtain my permission."

When she said this, she took a special look at Yuan Jing.

"By the way, among the six of you, is there anyone who doesn't have a passport?" Austria's visa-free period for Sakurajima is as high as 90 days, so for this one-week trip, as long as you have a passport, you don't need to go to the embassy Visa.

Among the six people, only Yuanjing and Qingshui Huiye raised their hands.

Yuan Jing had been confined to the original family of the Yuan family before, and Minamoto Raimitsu was not even willing to let him out of the house, so naturally he would not give him a passport, something that is only used when going abroad.

When Shimizu Kaguya was still Shinomiya Kaguya, her freedom was strictly restricted by the Shinomiya family.

Fortunately, the shackles on both of them have been broken now.

"Okay, then next Monday, please submit the relevant materials, and the school will have professionals to handle the relevant procedures for you." Hiratsuka clapped her hands, indicating that she had so much to say.

"Any questions?"

Concubine Shijo first raised her hand—"After the final exam, there should be more people added, right?"

"It's possible, but it's not very likely." The figure of the second lady of the Yukinoshita family appeared in Shizuka Hiratsuka's mind.But even she who knows Yukinoshita Yukino very well, actually doesn't have much confidence in her.

Judging from the results of the midterm exam, among the high school freshmen of St. Eden Academy, even among the top students, there is actually a very obvious gap.

As the No.1 Yuanjing, there is a gap of more than 2 points between No.20 Kaguya Shimizu.

There is only one point difference between No.2 Shimizu Kaguya and No.3 Shijo Makoto, and they are basically at the same level.

And the No.4 Yukinoshita Yukino is more than ten points behind Shijo Zhenfei...

If she hadn't seen such an obvious gap, she wouldn't have deliberately provoked Yukino a few days ago.

"Even if there is, I will notify them of related matters by myself in the future, and I will not notify them collectively like this time."

After Sijo Zhenfei, it was Shimizu Kaguya who raised his hand.

"I heard that according to the past practice, the rooms booked by the school will be double rooms," this is what she learned from her when she asked the concubine Shijo, who has relevant experience, "Is this true?"

"It's true." Shizuka Hiratsuka nodded without hesitation.

St. Eden Academy is actually not short of money to order a room for each student.But the school did not choose this approach.

The apparent reason is simple:

This is to deepen the bond between the students.

Those who can obtain this kind of travel qualification are undoubtedly the most outstanding candidates from all grades. This kind of travel is not only a reward, but also an excellent opportunity for them to deepen friendship and form small groups.

They are happy that these top people have deep feelings for each other and help each other.

The above is the rationale for the revised world.

The real reason is actually simpler.

You may have forgotten, but this is indeed a 18X butter world.

This kind of travel opportunity is originally an incentive for your previous efforts, the purpose is to deepen your friendship with the girl, and then some happy things will happen.

If this is still in the game, the strategy routes of certain schoolmaster girls will only be opened after the player has obtained this qualification.

However, the current situation seems to be slightly reversed.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there are 6 women, 1 man and [-] people in this trip. In this case, it is just right for Yuan, the only boy, to live in a room alone." Shizuka Hiratsuka noticed, saying After saying this, Touma Kazusa's expression immediately became a little disappointed.

"However," she rubbed her chin with a smirk, "the quota for the final exam hasn't been decided yet."

Her gaze swept across the crowd, observing everyone's expressions.

"If a boy is added after the final exam, he will naturally share a room with Yuan."

"But if it's a girl—" Shizuka Hiratsuka dragged her voice deliberately, "then there might be a girl who 'has to' share a room with Yuan."

"Oh, I really don't want such a thing to happen, otherwise, wouldn't it be too pitiful for that girl?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka said so with some pretentiousness, but the smile on the corner of her mouth revealed her inner thoughts completely.

'Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely let this happen! 'This is someone, no, it should be said that some 'several' people's thoughts.


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