After school on Friday, unlike on Wednesday, with the help of Sayuri Sawamura, Yuanjing's trip to buy a house went smoothly.

The house seller this time was originally a rich man who specialized in real estate speculation.

The property that Yuanjing signed was the one with the best location, the best environment and surrounding supporting facilities in his hands.

After signing and paying the deposit extremely neatly, Yuan Jing and Shimizu Kaguya returned to the Shinomiya villa.

By tomorrow, after Minamoto Raimiko is sent away, several people will be able to officially leave here.


Shimizu Kaguya grabbed the hand of Hayasaka Ai who was standing at the door to greet her.

"In a while, I want to talk to Hayasaka about some chores related to moving tomorrow." While saying this, she squeezed Hayasaka Ai slightly, "Then, please allow us to leave for the time being."

Although Hayasaka Ai was a little confused, but out of trust in Kaguya, she still showed a very obedient look.

After waving goodbye to Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya pulled Hayasaka Ai through the courtyard and corridor.

Finally, the two stopped in front of Shimizu Kaguya's bedroom.

After pushing the door open without hesitation, Shimizu Kaguya held Ai Hayasaka's hand and pulled her in.

"Hayasaka, I remember that during the midterm exam, you didn't show your true strength, right?" After poking his head out and seeing that there was no one following them, Kaguya Shimizu slammed the door cleanly Close it, then turned and said to Hayasaka Ai who was showing a little confused look.

"Yes." Although it's not clear why Kaguya asked such a question at this time, Ai Hayasaka nodded her head honestly.

During the mid-term exam, the fact that she was Shinomiya Huangguang's spy was not exposed, and she was still Shinomiya Kaguya's right-hand man. In addition to the work of the head maid, she was also responsible for intelligence collection.

Excessively excellent grades will cause discomfort and jealousy of others, which is undoubtedly extremely detrimental to the development of her work.

Because of this, she will release water in various exams and maintain a level around the middle.

In this way, he will neither be despised because of poor grades nor envied by people because of too good grades, which is the most favorable position for him to start his work.

However, now that Sigong Huangguang has been exiled and all the chains on her body have been disintegrated, she has already carried out this kind of "deliberate point control" operation.

"Then, Hayasaka, let me ask you." Shimizu Kaguya stared at those blue eyes that were as blue as the sky, and said very seriously, "If you use all your strength, you will be able to do so in the first year of high school at St. Eden Academy. Among the grades, what rank can you probably rank in?"

"Ummmmmmm," Ai Hayasaka pinched her chin, and after a moment of contemplation, she said with some uncertainty, "If you are in the top five in grade, there should be no problem, right?"

After the midterm exam, she actually did an assessment.

After adding up the scores of all the questions she did wrong on purpose, she should be ranked fifth in the grade, about 3 points lower than Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Top five in grade?" Shimizu Kaguya nodded knowingly, "Well, it's almost enough."

"Enough?" Ai Hayasaka was a little puzzled at first, but when she thought about Kaguya Shimizu and Genke being called to Shizuka Hiratsuka's office after school in the afternoon, she suddenly realized, "You mean, traveling abroad during the winter vacation? "

"That's right." Shimizu Kaguya nodded.

"Kaguya," Hayasaka Ai shook her head, "In my heart, I really want to go abroad with you, but to be honest, I really don't have such confidence."

Academic ability is not combat ability, it can rely on things like friendship, faith, or courage to explode.

Even if the heart is full of pride and the will is as hard as iron, it should not be or will not be.

In terms of talent alone, Hayasaka Ai may not be inferior to Shimizu Kaguya or Shijo Makoto, but her previous heavy work squeezed her study time, and it is not easy to catch up now.

"I will help you." Kaguya Shimizu replied without the slightest hesitation, "In the next less than a month, I will impart all my learning skills and skills, and help you make up for the shortcomings. .”

"Also, it's not just as simple as going on a trip with Ajing." Shimizu Kaguya approached Hayasaka Ai, and whispered in her ear:

"If you want to get the top three in the final exam, there is a possibility that one of us will live in a hotel room with Ah Jing."

Hayasaka Ai was taken aback for a moment, then her face became serious in an instant——


she urged.

In fact, back when Kaguya was in junior high school, she would get this qualification basically every holiday.

But the Shinomiya family did not give her enough freedom, so this kind of overseas travel was not allowed at all.

Because of this, Hayasaka Ai only knew about such a thing, but did not collect information on its specific situation.

She still subconsciously believed that St. Eden Academy would book separate rooms for students and teachers.

But from what Kaguya said, it doesn't seem to be the case?


At this moment, on the side of Concubine Shijo——

"Well, assist, assist..." She was pacing back and forth in her bedroom, thinking about how to create opportunities for Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing to be alone.

"Hey, wait a minute." The tails of the two brown pony curled up slightly, and she suddenly thought of what Shizuka Hiratsuka said in the afternoon.

"As long as there is one more quota for the final exam, it will be 8 people, which is an even number."

Qingshui Huiye has already lived with Yuan Jing, so it is only logical that he wants to live in a double room.

Of course, the premise is that the extra quota is for girls.

She began to frown, recalling the report card posted in the hallway—

"No.4, No.4 is... Yukinoshita Yukino!"

"It's really a girl!"

This is simply God's will, Kaguya!

Chapter 25 The source scene of stepping into the devil's lair?

Songtao in Shibuya District is as famous as Danenchofu (Ota District, Tokyo) and Chengcheng (Setagaya District, Tokyo), and is one of the few high-end residential areas in Tokyo.

As early as the Edo period, this was the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family. It was replaced by the old Saga feudal lord [Nabeshima clan] until the Meiji period. Then the Nabeshima family opened a restaurant named [Songto] here. tea garden.

This is also the origin of the name [Songtao].

In the Taisho era, the Nabeshima family had declined, and its official residence, Shoto tea garden and surrounding areas were packaged up and sold separately.Since a referrer was needed when buying at that time, only the famous and prosperous nobles in the [upper society] had the opportunity and ability to buy real estate in the Songtao area.

In this way, the impression that those who can live in the Songtao area are all wealthy businessmen and dignitaries has gradually become fixed.

After sending the reluctant Minamoto Raimitsu to the train, Yuanjing did not return to the Shinomiya Villa, but went directly to the address that Fujiwara Manho told him.

After he got out of the car, he waved to Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai in the car, "I'll just walk the rest of the way by myself, you guys go back first."

The two people in the car looked at each other, their eyebrows couldn't hide their worry.

If you only look at the expressions of the two of them, it feels like Yuan Jing went to not some classmate's house, but some kind of pan silk hole that can eat him up.

"Ajing," in front of Minamoto Raimitsu, Hayasaka Ai still referred to Yuanjing as Gen-kun, now after she left. [A Jing] This title is naturally lifted——

"What time shall we pick you up?"

She was quite cleverly useless 'What time are you coming home? 'This kind of statement, but directly asked Yuanjing when he came to pick him up, in order to have a good reason to ring the doorbell of Fujiwara's house directly.

Fujiwara Chika would never let Yuanjing go so easily, she is not Touma Kazusa and Yukinoshita Yukino, she is not as 'good' as the two of them.

Hayasaka loves to judge others by herself, if she is in the same position as Fujiwara Chika now——

"Thank you, it's so late, why don't you stay and have dinner?"


"Oh, I'm so sorry that I made your clothes dirty. The bathroom is over there. You go and wash them. I'll see if there are any suitable clothes for Dad."


"Sorry, Dad's clothes are too big and old-fashioned to wear at all. However, our family has pajamas specially prepared for guests. Otherwise, you can make do with one night here and wait for your clothes tomorrow Go back after you're done?"


"Hey, since the opportunity is so rare, do you want to have a pajama party? Let me tell you first, I am very good at pillow fights."


Messy clothes, panting, sweating, and wet handprints on the windows...

Would you like to go into more detail?

If it is more detailed, it will not pass the trial.

Although ninety-nine percent of this is basically a girl's delusion, what if it really becomes a reality?

However, Yuan Jing waved his hand——

"no, I'm fine."

He directly rejected the proposal of the two to pick him up.

"The two of you will be moving and setting up a new home, so you must be very busy." Yuan Jing said very considerately, "You don't have to always think about coming to pick me up."

"I want to take a long walk alone this time. Anyway, I have already been to my new home, so I can find my way."

Seeing Ai Hayasaka who was hesitant to speak, and who was still wanting to speak, Yuan Jing couldn't help laughing a little.

"What's going on in your little head." He stretched out a finger, and gently tapped Ai Hayasaka's forehead, "Not to mention Qianhua's older sister and younger sister, her parents are still at home. "

"Have you met Mr. Fujiwara Daichi? How about giving this daughter some trust?"

"...I'm afraid Mr. Fujiwara's words won't work..." Ai Hayasaka touched her forehead sweetly, and after muttering something softly, she stopped worrying.

"Let's talk about it first. If Kaguya and I will be in our new home, we will wait for you to come back for dinner." After putting aside her concerns, Ai Hayasaka said seriously, "If the 'master' of your house doesn't come back, we won't There will be dinner."

"Okay, okay, I get it." Yuan Jing raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "7 o'clock, I'll definitely be back at 7 o'clock, isn't this the way to go?"

Looking enviously at the interaction between Ai Hayasaka and Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya cleared his throat and smiled at Yuan Jing——

"Then, Hayasaka and I will go back first. Goodbye, boss."

"See you."

After waving goodbye to the two, Yuan Jing turned his head and looked at the end of the road.

On the hill at the end, there is a huge bungalow.

That is Chika Fujiwara's home.

Yuan Jing walked slowly on the stone road leading to the bungalow, and when he reached the arch of the bungalow, a group of yellow shadows suddenly appeared, and then stared at him through the fence of the arch.

It was a huge ugly and cute dog. In addition to its huge body, the short yellow hair all over the body added a bit of viciousness to it. Coupled with the big piercing eyes, it made people look I felt extremely uncomfortable.

Yuanjing remembered that Chika Fujiwara had a big dog named 'Pace'.

It should be the one in front of me.

Pace just stared at Yuanjing through the arch.

It neither bared its teeth nor barked loudly, but looked up and down at Yuanjing, as if it was evaluating him.

Yuanjing also expressed a little curiosity about it's performance of human nature.Instead of ringing the doorbell on the arch, he squatted down and approached Mr. 'Pace'.

With his current skills, even with bare hands, there are not many creatures on land that can defeat him, so naturally he will not have any fear of this big dog.

And after seeing Yuanjing approaching, Pace also made his own response——

It leaned its head directly, and arched a few times in the direction of Yuanjing.

'It's okay to let you touch your head. ' it seemed to say so.

Although Yuan Jing was a little surprised, he still passed his hand through the arch, and gently smoothed the short hair on its body.

As a pet of the Fujiwara family, although Pace looks a little clumsy, he is quite human and well-bred.

Its body is not dirty at all, and it feels quite comfortable.

No wonder Qianhua likes it so much...

"It's the first time Pace has shown such intimacy with a stranger." Yuan Jing, who was a little obsessed with petting the dog, looked up and found a man standing there with his arms crossed at the entrance of the bungalow.

It was Fujiwara Chika's father, Fujiwara Daichi.

Different from the previous formal attire in a suit and leather shoes, today's Fujiwara Daichi is in casual attire, and even has a pair of furry slippers on his feet.

After discovering that Yuanjing had noticed him, he walked slowly towards this person and a dog in a majestic manner like the head of the family.

"Long time no see, Mr. Yuan." After nodding towards Yuan's scenic spot, his unsmiling face showed a very serious expression, "I came all the way here to help Qianhua with her homework, it's really hard for you."

"Ah, um," Yuan Jing didn't panic, but felt a little baffled, "It's not hard work, it's not hard work. Mr. Fujiwara is serious."

Was this what Mr. Fujiwara looked like when he was at home?

"Hmm..." I don't know if it was an illusion, but after Yuan Jing said [Mr. Fujiwara], the veins on Fujiwara Daichi's temples bulged slightly, as if he was not very happy.

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