She turned her head to Shiina Mashiro's direction, and confirmed, "Mashiro, what kind of interest do you have in this [Yuan-kun] that Eirari is talking about?"

"Hmm." Shiina Mashiro put his fingers on his cheeks, and after thinking for a moment, he said in a quite calm tone, "I want to strip him naked, see every detail of his body, touch every inch of his body skin."

"That's what I most want to do right now."

A girl who lacks common sense and doesn't know what shyness is, just confided her heart to her two hosts.

However, such words of tiger and wolf did not shake Rita too much.

'Understood, Zhenbai wants to let that [Yuan Jun] be his model. '

Rita translated in her mind.

As Shiina Mashiro's first owner and her "childhood sweetheart" who grew up with her, she already has a code book in her heart that is specially used to translate the words of Zhenbai.

"...Zhenbai, although I can understand what you mean, but don't say such things to outsiders." Rita sighed a little tiredly, "It will be considered that you have bad intentions for him, think that You are a slut."

"[Slut]?" Mashiro Shiina blinked her eyes, her face showing confusion, she obviously didn't quite understand the meaning of the word.

On the other hand, Sawamura Eriri showed an expression very similar to Rita, and shook her head at her——

"Rita, it's getting late."

Eri Sawamura thought about what happened yesterday after school.Even now, she was so embarrassed she wanted to find a crack in the ground.

If Shizuka Hiratsuka hadn't arrived to save her and Mashiro...

She estimated that at a young age, her life would be shortened.


At this moment, in the bedroom of Chika Fujiwara on the second floor of Fujiwara's house.

Around the round table in the center of the bedroom, Fujiwara Wansui and Yuan Jing sat facing each other.

"Mr. Spencer?" Fujiwara Wanho was obviously a little surprised, "Are you talking about the British diplomat who died of a heart attack?"

The source point of view nods.

"I want to ask something related to him." He said, "Of course, if it involves something that needs to be kept secret, please don't worry about me, just say that you have no comment."

He just came to understand the situation, and didn't intend to embarrass Fujiwara Wansui.

"Yes." Without asking Yuanjing why he asked such a thing, Fujiwara Wansui nodded very simply and said yes.

As the mother of Chika Fujiwara and the daughter-in-law of the Fujiwara family, she can be said to have a very detailed understanding of what Yuanjing did during the cultural festival and the week before the cultural festival.

She would not regard Yuan Jing as some spoiled young master, or some immature child.

Yuan Jing is a very assertive person, he has his own set of criteria for judging everything, and there is absolutely no need for her to bother.

This maturity, which is completely out of line with her age, is also one of the reasons why she can entrust her second daughter to him with confidence.

"Thank you." After Yuan Jing thanked him sincerely, he didn't act pretentiously, but started to ask directly——

"That Mr. Spencer, it is said, died of a myocardial infarction after drunkenness?"

He looked at Fujiwara Wansui with burning eyes, "Is this true?"

"It's true." Fujiwara Wansui replied in the affirmative, "This is not some official rhetoric, but the fact is."

"The hospital-related reports are all confidential. I have no way to show you, but I can tell you that this conclusion is definitely correct."

She said so firmly.

"Well," Yuan Jing rubbed his chin lightly, which is his habitual action when thinking, "Then, is there a possibility that this incident was man-made?"

"No." Fujiwara Wansui still replied quite simply, "We have not found any signs of man-made. According to repeated investigations by professionals, this is a tragic accident."

"Mr. Spencer's bad luck."

With the advancement of modern medical technology, the mortality rate of acute myocardial infarction in Sakurajima has dropped below 5%.

For a person of his status, the odds are even lower...

From this aspect, it can be said that Mr. Spencer is really unlucky to be able to hit such a chance.

"Aunt Fujiwara," Yuan Jing had nothing to ask about Mr. Spencer's death, so he turned to another question, "The Spencer family, what is the matter for picking up Sawamura Spencer? How determined is Yinglili's attitude?"

"If Sayuri Sawamura resists the pressure and still refuses to separate from her daughter—"

"Change your attitude and say that you can also bring Sayuri Sawamura to England." Yuanjing raised his first finger.

"Give up on bringing back Eiri Sawamura, take back Spencer's name, no longer recognize her identity as the Spencer family, and let her stay in Sakurajima." The second finger also stood up.

"After sending people close to Sawamura's mother and daughter, find an opportunity to rob Sawamura Eriri from Sakurajima." These are three fingers.

"As the person who has the most dealings with the Spencer family, Aunt Fujiwara thinks, what method will they use?"

Chapter 29 One, two, three...

"Well, what if that Sayuri Sawamura really withstood the pressure?" Fujiwara Wanho was taken aback for a moment, and after she looked at Yuan Jing meaningfully, she didn't say anything, but pinched her clean chin and thought After a moment, he said:

"Well, it's not all of the Spencer family that I came into contact with, but only a very small part."

"However, the [stubbornness] of the Spencer family is quite famous in England."

"Coupled with the arrogance engraved in the bones of the blue-blooded nobles, I don't think they will adopt the first method."

Fujiwara Wansui said so.

"That is to say, can neither the second approach nor the third approach be denied?" Yuan Jing nodded, expressing his understanding. "Aunt Fujiwara, I want to ask, what is the tendency [over there]?"

He didn't mention a specific person or department, but directly used the somewhat vague pronoun [over there].

Yuan Jing believed that if it was Fujiwara Wansui, he would definitely understand what he meant.

"If, I mean, if Sawamura Spencer Eriri is really taken away from Sakurajima, what will [there] do?"

"[Over there] can't do anything." Compared with the previous vagueness when judging the actions of the Spencer family, Fujiwara Wansui is very sure at this time.

"First of all, I want to tell you that the nationality of Sawamura Spencer Eriri is actually not Sakurajima." Fujiwara Wansui's always smiling expression was gone, and she put her right hand on Yuanjing in front of him, and raised an index finger.

"Her father applied for British citizenship for her before his death. It should be with the idea that one day, the Spencer family on the other side of the ocean will recognize his daughter and allow her to be recognized by the family."

"Unfortunately..." Fujiwara Wansui did not continue, but sighed full of regret.

"The second point," she raised her middle finger this time, "After Mr. Spencer's funeral, Sayuri Sawamura came to the relevant department and wanted to transfer the nationality of Eiri Sawamura to the relevant department as the sole guardian. Go to Sakurajima."

"This is actually a very normal and compliant operation, but does Mr. Yuan know what the answer from the relevant department looks like?" Fujiwara Wansui blinked at Yuanjing.

"Since the operation is in compliance with the regulations, it will definitely not be rejected explicitly." Yuanjing said without thinking.

Since Wanho Fujiwara just mentioned that 'Sawamura Spencer and Eriri are still British nationalities', it means that Sayuri Sawamura has still not been successful until now.

"Should it be that she was deliberately stuck in a certain process, or else, she was asked to provide some information that she is unlikely to provide?" Yuanjing guessed.

"Oh, Gen-kun seems to understand this process quite well." Fujiwara Wansui chuckled, and then said seriously, "That's right, the household registration management department said that they need to see the issued by the British embassy in Sakurajima. The relevant written materials will be processed for her daughter’s nationality conversion later.”

"...Isn't this the level of tactful rejection?" Yuan Jing never thought that [there]'s tendency would be so obvious.

"'Mr. Spencer's marriage was specially approved by the Queen of England, so if the crystallization of this marriage wants to sever the relationship with England, it must be approved by England', these are the original words of the head of the household registration management department. "Fujiwara Wansui spread out his hands and said so helplessly.

"In this case, Yuan-kun should already know what kind of attitude [there] is?" Fujiwara Wansui obviously didn't want today's good mood to be ruined by such things, and after providing enough After the message, she was ready to end the conversation.

"So, if Yuan-kun really wants to help the mother and daughter, then the Spencer family must choose the second method, which is to directly deprive her of her surname and no longer recognize Eri Sawamura as Spencer. A member of the Se family."

Fujiwara Wanho said in a warning tone, "In short, before this incident is resolved and the Spencer family gives up completely, please, please don't let Eri Sawamura be taken away from Sakurajima by the Spencer family."

She used two 'tens of millions' in a row to express the seriousness of the matter, "If that Miss Ying Lili is really brought to England, [over there] won't do anything."


At this moment, in Yuanjing's 'new home', it was already time for lunch.

However, except for Sayuri Sawamura who came to help, Ai Hayasaka and Kaguya Shimizu seemed a little worried.

For now, in Yuanjing's heart, Fujiwara Chika's favorability is undoubtedly the highest.

Usually in school, it’s okay to say, after all, there is Hayasaka Ai in the class, Yukinoshita Yukino and Shimizu Kaguya in the Lamb Club, and Minamoto Raimitsu who still resents her at home.

So what Fujiwara Chika can do is actually quite limited.

But today—

Minamoto Raimitsu had already left Tokyo by train, and the others were not around...

Fujiwara Chika can be said to have lifted all the shackles at once.

To make matters worse, Chika Fujiwara's parents also had a very good impression of Yuanjing, so the two of them definitely wouldn't just watch.

Fortunately, Mr. Fujiwara Daichi said, the key is Aunt Fujiwara Wansui.

She will definitely try her best to create conditions for her daughter.

For example, after lunch in the afternoon, in order not to disturb Yuanjing and Chika Fujiwara's "study tutoring", she would definitely take everyone away except the two of them, she would definitely do it!

"Our whole family agreed to go out shopping, and we will not come back until dinner at night. During this period of about 5 hours, there should be only the two of you in this house."

"It's definitely not good to always study, right? There must be some rest time."

"Please don't be polite, just use this place as your home. Whether it's the entrance, hallway, balcony, kitchen, bathroom, attic... You two can use it whenever you want; use it as you want Use it as you like."

"It doesn't matter if you do some weird things, we will turn a blind eye anyway."

Both of them were able to comprehend, when they said these words, Aunt Wansui's gesture of covering her mouth and chuckling, and her meaningful tone!

Ugh, I'm really worried...

The mood of the two of them is a bit complicated.

On the one hand, getting Yuanjing interested in love at the moment, saying goodbye to the quagmire of celibacy is an absolute priority, and everything else has to stand aside.

If they only start from this point, then they should support Chika Fujiwara's actions, at least not to hold back.

But from another aspect, they were also afraid that if Chika Fujiwara, who was the fastest and most justifiable, won the final fruit of victory, she would choose to monopolize Yuanjing and eat alone.

This is very likely to happen.

Everyone is selfish.

If the identities were swapped, and the dominant position is now Shimizu Kaguya or Hayasaka Ai, the two of them would probably not be willing to let Yuanjing's eyes focus on others.

Now, at most, the two of them can guarantee not to be jealous of each other, but as for the others...

"It will be very difficult to clean such a big house in the future." Seeing the obvious worry on the faces of the two girls, Sayuri Sawamura had nothing to do.

Now that the deal is done, just worrying and praying in my heart is of no use.

Therefore, she took the initiative to speak up, trying to focus the two of them on their vision for the new home.

Shimizu Kaguya has already obtained the right to live with Yuan Jing.So, such a topic should be able to make her happy again, right?

As for Ai Hayasaka, she is really not very familiar with her. She only knows that she and Kaguya Shimizu are sisters, her former personal maid, and the person who grew up with her.

She still didn't know what kind of "coveting heart" Hayasaka Ai had for Yuan Jing, and thought she was simply worried about Shimizu Kaguya.

"Kaguya, have you considered finding a regular cleaning staff?" She asked the two of them.

Hearing Sayuri Sawamura's inquiry, Kaguya Shimizu and Ai Hayasaka exchanged glances, and the latter took out a somewhat flat square box from the large and small boxes brought by the moving company.

Sayuri Sawamura noticed that there were five or six more of the same box.

After opening the box, Ai Hayasaka took out a disc-shaped thing.

"This is an automatic sweeper?" Sayuri Sawamura was quite familiar with this.

She has such a thing in her own home, and it really saves her a lot of things.

"I'm not going to hire additional cleaning staff," Shimizu Kaguya explained, "Gen-kun doesn't like letting strangers into his house, so I'm going to hand over the cleaning of the ground to these people." Smart machines."

One of the great benefits brought by the development of modern technology is that it can liberate manpower from this simple and repetitive work.

"But even with the help of a machine, it's not enough, right?" Sayuri Sawamura said.As a 'lady' who also lives in a villa, she obviously has a deep understanding of this.

Cleaning of furniture, pruning of garden gardens, feeding of ornamental fish in tanks...

Even as a full-time housewife, it is not easy for her to do these things, not to mention students who still have to go to school and have academic pressure.

"If only Kaguya was here, it might be true." Ai Hayasaka nodded approvingly, "However, if I also live in, and Kaguya and I share the share, then there will be no problem."

"..." Saidura Sawamura first looked at Kaguya Shimizu, and then at Ai Hayasaka, and found that the faces of both of them looked 'natural', so she said this cautiously, "Hayasaka Miss, do you want to live in too?"

She originally thought that Hayasaka Ai would come to help because of Shimizu Kaguya, but now it seems that it is not just that?

Is this a 'threesome'?

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