"Even with the help of modern technology, it would be too much for one person to manage such a large villa, but Yuanjing doesn't like strangers entering his house and rummaging through his belongings... this is But what should I do?" Although he was talking about what to do, there was no embarrassment in Shimizu Kaguya's words, but a little joy.

Obviously, Sayuri Sawamura's method had an effect, successfully shifting Kaguya's attention to her, Hayasaka Ai, and Yuanjing Mirai's beautiful life.

"It's very simple, as long as this person is not a stranger." Ai Hayasaka replied with a smile on her face.

As the former head maid of the Shinomiya Villa, Kaguya Shimizu and her sisters, and one of the few girls who have taken care of Yuan Jing for a period of time and will not be rejected by him, there is no candidate more suitable for this position than her.

"I will accept Kaguya's 'employment' and live here to help her work." Ai Hayasaka said so.

This is something that she and Shimizu Kaguya had communicated a long time ago.

Yuanjing agreed to Qingshuihuiye's move in, that was a slight opening, and someone would 'take advantage of the gap' because of this, then it was a very normal thing.

"By the way, Mrs. Sawamura." Kaguya Shimizu said suddenly as if thinking of something, "If it makes you sad, then I will apologize here first."

She lowered her head slightly, and after expressing a little apology, she immediately raised her head, her scarlet eyes sparkling——

"But I really want to know how you and your husband got together."

"I've heard that he seems to be in England, but he has a childhood sweetheart and fiancee."

"How did you make him reject his fiancée and finally choose you?"

"I'm curious about this!"

Shimizu Kaguya figured it out.

Instead of worrying about this and that meaninglessly here, it is better to focus on other more valuable aspects, such as——

Learn from the success of others!


At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino is under the apartment where Yukinoshita lives.

A girl with long flowing hair in a black coat and trousers met a girl who was wandering outside the apartment, looking a little hesitant.

She carried a light backpack and her dark brown hair was pulled into two small twin ponytails.

Because the two of them met just yesterday, they recognized each other immediately.

"Student Dongma, why did you come here?" After saying hello, Concubine Shijo looked at the fruit in the opponent's hand and asked with some doubts.

"I'm here to see my friend." Touma Kazusa replied briefly.

She didn't know what Shijo Zhenfei was doing here, and she wasn't very interested in it.

But the other party didn't seem to let her go.

After hearing what she said, Concubine Shijo was taken aback for a moment, then trotted over and said with bright eyes, "Could it be that your friend is Yukinoshita Yukino?"

She was wondering how to get online with the other party, it was like falling asleep and meeting a pillow!

Hui Ye, this is God helping you!

Chapter 30 Please fill me up!

Fujiwara's lunch is very traditional Japanese cuisine.

Even so, it was very tasty.

However, this was not done by the Fujiwara couple, but by the chef they hired to cook at home.

Because of his special blood type, Fujiwara Wansui usually tries his best to avoid encountering all kinds of sharp weapons, so naturally he knows nothing about cooking.

As far as Fujiwara Daichi is concerned, in the education he has received since he was a child, he naturally never thought of cultivating him as a "house husband".

For now, at most he will deal with some frozen foods, such as quick-frozen dumplings, instant noodles and the like.If you want him to cook, it's a bit too reluctant.

So, although Yuanjing came to the door today, the Fujiwara couple didn't do anything 'let you taste your mother-in-law's (father's) craftsmanship! ' and the like.

Instead, they still handed over the matter to their exclusive chef.

However, because of the entrustment that had been made beforehand, the master chef had obviously tried his best, almost showing his highest level.

Even Yuan Jing was extremely satisfied with this lunch and enjoyed it well.

And at this lunch table, Yuan Jing also met the last member of the Fujiwara family, that is Chika Fujiwara's eldest sister, Toyomi Fujiwara.

Apart from the beautiful appearance that is very similar to Chika Fujiwara, Yuan Jing's most prominent impression of her should be that she is really worthy of being the "big" sister of the Fujiwara family.

Wow, so big...

Chika Fujiwara's specifications can be said to be far superior to those of her peers. To use a little exaggeration, it means that the three girls, Shimizu Kaguya, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Hayasaka Ai, would secretly bite their handkerchiefs and envy them. Level up.

But Fujiwara Toyomi is even better than Fujiwara Chika...

From this point of view, Qianhua's potential has not been tapped at all.

Well, even so, Yuan Jing didn't pay too much attention to the eldest sister of the Fujiwara family.

As an existence raised by Minamoto Raimitsu, a chest monster, he is already a little numb to this, and will not have too many other emotions because of it.

For him, Toyomi Fujiwara's somewhat strange attitude towards him is what deserves more attention.

Obviously today is also the first time they met each other, but for some reason, after seeing him, this Fujiwara Toyoshi nodded politely to him, and then quickly looked away.

Although her face was almost expressionless, Yuan Jing could still see a little embarrassment from this movement.

'What is she embarrassing about? '

A question mark appeared above Yuan Jing's head.

"Hey, wait a minute," Yuan Jing suddenly remembered the wet pocket of Fujiwara Chika and the smell of that very special essence, and a strange look appeared on his face, "Could it be..."

If his conjecture is correct, then the women of the Fujiwara family should not be underestimated.

"This chef's tempura is a must. I really like it." After purposely sitting next to Yuan Jing, Mr. Fujiwara Daichi skillfully sandwiched a piece for him.

The batter wrapped around the fried shrimp has been fried to a golden color, and it exudes an extremely rich aroma mixed with oil and seafood, which makes people feel refreshed when they smell it.

"By the way, there is also this one, which I also recommend..."

This time it was beef that was already roasted.

"He also handles fish sashimi very well. I heard from Qianhua that you don't like picking pricks, so you hate eating fish?" Fujiwara Daichi said very familiarly.

"How can this work? Fish meat is a great delicacy. It would be a pity not to eat it."

"The thorns of these things have been picked out long ago, so you can eat them with confidence."

Before Yuan Jing moved his chopsticks, his bowl was already filled to the brim by Mr. Daiji Fujiwara.

Looking at the various delicacies in his bowl, Yuan Jing blinked——

To make a correction, the members of the Fujiwara family, regardless of gender, should not be underestimated.


After finishing lunch and waving goodbye to others, Yuan Jing went up to the second floor again, and Fujiwara Chika naturally followed behind him.

After enjoying lunch, Chika Fujiwara, who was afraid to face him because of the ups and downs, finally adjusted her mood. At least she can continue to get along with Yuan Jing normally, and will not delay the make-up class with Yuan Jing in the afternoon. .

Watching Yuan Jing and his second daughter disappear from sight, Fujiwara Daichi looked a little lonely.

However, he immediately showed his excellent psychological quality as a politician and put his energy on work.

For an official of his level, there is no such thing as a holiday.

Even when he doesn't have to go to work, there are as many jobs as mountains waiting for him to deal with.

His study is his second office.

But this afternoon, Fujiwara Daichi, who was dealing with work matters as usual, felt a little uneasy very rarely.

He naturally knew where this feeling of uneasiness came from. After finishing what he was doing, he only hesitated for a moment, and then stood up decisively from his seat.

"Just to take a look." He seemed to be talking to himself, and said, "I'll go downstairs to get some tea and pass by the second floor. Is this reasonable?"

Turning a blind eye to the full tea pots on his desk, Fujiwara Daichi stood up with a 'swish' and walked towards the door of the study without thinking.

By the way, his study is on the third floor. If he wants to get tea, he doesn't need to walk up the corridor on the second floor, and naturally he won't pass by Chika Fujiwara's bedroom.

Well, anyway, Fujiwara Daichi is the head of the family here, so he is naturally right in everything he says.


Walk out of the study and down the stairs.

When stepping onto the corridor on the second floor, Fujiwara Daichi involuntarily lightened his steps.

Because it was already winter, the wooden floor in the corridor had already been covered with blankets.Stepping on it can be said to be completely silent.

When approaching Chika Fujiwara's bedroom on tiptoe—

He immediately found three pink-haired heads lying outside the door of Qianhua's bedroom.

The three heads from high to low all put one ear tightly against the door, as if they were listening to the movement inside.

When Fujiwara Daichi saw the three of them, these three people naturally also saw Fujiwara Daichi.

Suddenly, one pair of eyes and three pairs of eyes looked at each other, and the air suddenly became a little quiet.


Slightly approaching these three people, Fujiwara Daichi just wanted to say something.

But as soon as he uttered a syllable, his two daughters and a wife acted in an extremely tacit understanding.

Yaomei Mengye immediately hugged her father's legs, the eldest daughter Fengshi grabbed her arms, and Wan Sui covered his mouth.

Women's self-defense is a compulsory course for the girls of the Fujiwara family. Fujiwara Daichi is very pleased with the agile skills shown by his wife and children.

Of course, it would be even better if it is not used on yourself.

"It's the critical time, don't interrupt!"

After whispering in his husband's ear with a barely audible voice, Fujiwara Wansui directed his two daughters to move the immobile Fujiwara Daichi to the door, and then gently pressed his ear to the door .

'I didn't intend to eavesdrop at the beginning, but Wan Sui, Feng Shi and Moe Ye forced me to do so. 'Fujiwara Daichi said in his heart and adjusted his neck slightly so that his ears and the door could stick closer together, so that he could hear the words more clearly.

After holding his breath and concentrating, the voice in the room came to his ears very clearly.

Apart from the voice, the most obvious thing was Chika Fujiwara's rapid panting? !

"Hmm...ha..." After panting like a little tired, Chika Fujiwara said with some credit, "Ah Jing, I'm doing pretty well, right? Compared to the beginning Did you become more proficient at the time?"

"!!!" Fujiwara Daichi's eyes widened.

"Mm, not bad." The next thing that came to my ears was Yuan Jing's recognizable youthful voice.There was a taste of satisfaction in his tone, "Indeed."

"It's been an hour, do you want to take a break?" He said with some concern, "After all, you have been working all the time, and I just sat..."

"No need." Although the words were full of exhaustion, Fujiwara Chika still gritted her teeth and said, "I can continue, as long as it can make Ah Jing feel comfortable, I will be satisfied."

"Ah Jing, do you still have some in stock? It's only been an hour, so it's gone?" This time, the words were a little provocative, "I won't let you give them to others Yes, please leave it all to me!"

"According to the current situation, there are at least 4 hours left, but this is based on the condition of not resting..." There was a little hesitation in Yuan Jing's words.

'5, 5 hours! 'The three women exchanged a few glances with great excitement.

"Sister Fengshi, sister Fengshi, you are a medical student, what is the standard for 5 hours among men?" ' Fujiwara Moeha whispered excitedly in her elder sister's ear.

Toyomi Fujiwara did not speak, but silently gave a thumbs up with his right hand.

After hesitating for a moment, she placed her left hand on top of her right thumb, and her left hand also looked like a thumb.

Fujiwara Moeha let out a silent scream.

"It's okay, Ajing, no matter how much you have, I can bear it." Chika Fujiwara's words revealed a little perseverance, "Let me, show you my feminine side. Bar!"

"Please fill me up without any hesitation!"

"Okay." As if moved by Chika Fujiwara, Yuan Jing finally made up his mind, "However, before that..."

The next moment after saying this, the four people who were lying on the door listening to the corner suddenly felt that the right side was empty.

After losing their support, the balance of the four of them couldn't be maintained immediately, and finally they all lay on the floor of Chika Fujiwara's bedroom.

Fortunately, there was a thick carpet as a buffer in the bedroom, so although they were a little embarrassed, they didn't even touch a single bruise on their bodies.

After breaking free from the shackles, Fujiwara Daichi hurriedly looked towards the scene in the bedroom, but the picture that came into his eyes made him a little dazed——

The clothes on Chika Fujiwara and Yuanjing were extremely complete, and the picture he made up did not appear at all.

The other three also blinked, as if they felt hallucinations.

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