"Father, Mom, Sister Toyoshi, and Moeba," Chika Fujiwara widened her eyes in amazement when she saw the four of them fell into her bedroom like a pile of arhats, and she immediately understood, blushing all of a sudden. ——

"Why are you eavesdropping outside!"

She said coquettishly.

Fujiwara Daichi coughed a few times in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

In this regard, Fujiwara Wansui seemed much more calm.

She stood up from the ground and lightly patted some floating dust on her knees, "Everyone is worried about you, look, boys and girls are living together in the same room, in case something really happens , then tonight we are going to eat red bean rice."

In the eyes of Sakurajima people, eating red bean rice is a custom to celebrate good things happen.

She looked up at Chika Fujiwara, and found that she was holding a full test paper in her hand. She was smart and knew immediately what her daughter meant.

After a very obvious "tsk!", she said in a somewhat disappointed tone, "So you are really doing the test paper. Hey, it turned out to be a handwritten question. Yuan Jun really prepared well."

Doing it for one hour means writing the test paper for one hour.

4 hours of stock refers to other test papers.

The so-called 'filling up' naturally refers to using this kind of cramming method...

"Otherwise, what do you think we are doing?" Chika Fujiwara opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Not to mention that it is still daytime, you are still at home! In this state where you can be broken in at any time, who would Do that kind of thing!"

"Eh?" Fujiwara Wansui made a disappointed voice, "Some people think that this is more exciting. I thought..."

"I'm not such a bad person! What do you think of me, mom!" Chika Fujiwara said a little bit angrily.

"It's boring." After curling his lips, Fujiwara Wansui pulled the other three up, "Qianhua seems to dislike us a little, as unwelcome people, we'd better leave."

The door of Chika Fujiwara's bedroom closed slowly.

However, before Chika Fujiwara could look away from the door—

"Pa-ta." The door opened slightly again, and Fujiwara Wanho's head stuck in——

"The four of us are going to go shopping next time, and we won't be back until dinner. During the five hours, there should be only the two of you in this house."

"You can use it however you want, Daichi, who is the head of the family, has already allowed it." Winking at Fujiwara Chika, Fujiwara Wanho said meaningfully.

"I didn't... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Such a voice leaked in quietly, it seemed that Mr. Dadi had his mouth covered by someone all of a sudden.

"That's it, see you before dinner." Waving at the two of them, Fujiwara Wansui closed the bedroom door again.

In the originally lively room, there were only two people left in an instant.

From the sound of footsteps, these people really left from the bedroom door this time.

"Mom and Dad are real." Chika Fujiwara patted her cheeks lightly to cool down her hot cheeks, "Sister Toyoshi and Moeba are also good at playing pranks!"

She showed her cute little canine teeth, and said so viciously.

But it doesn't show any viciousness, but a little cute.

Chika Fujiwara wasn't really angry, it was her way of hiding her shyness.

Yuan Jing naturally saw it, but he didn't point it out, just showed a little smile, and then said, "Qianhua, you told me before that you want to enter the top three in the grade and get the qualification to go to Vienna, right? ?”

"I want to ask, are you saying this as an excuse for me to tutor you, and you just said it so casually?"

"Or, do you really have such a plan and are ready to make real efforts for it?"

Yuan Jing said pointedly.

Fujiwara Chika's eyes widened in surprise, she looked at Yuan Jing, and asked in disbelief, "A Jing, can you really get me into the top three?"

"Is there anything I can do?" Yuan Jing shook his finger, "This matter depends on you."

"First of all, even if you start today and work hard until the end, the chance of success in this matter is actually not very high, but it will definitely not be 0."

"Even if we work hard to the end, the result is still very likely to fail." Yuanjing said bluntly.

"So, what is your final decision?" He tilted his head to look at Qianhua, waiting for her reply.

Chapter 31 Daga, Verbal Wow!

As Sakurajima's largest and most famous consistent private noble high school, St. Eden Academy has more than [-] students.

Among them, although there are students like Touma Kazusa and Shiina Mashiro who are in a mess in their studies and rely entirely on their talents and achievements to obtain admission qualifications, the vast majority of students obviously do not have this condition.

And even if there are such "gifted students" holding back, the deviation value of St. Eden Academy (a value used by Sakurajima to measure student performance) is still quite high, which proves that in St. Eden Academy, learning The atmosphere is actually quite strong.

Although geniuses like Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya, and Shijo Makoto are still extremely rare among geniuses, there are still a lot of "scholars" with outstanding learning talents.

These people are the cornerstones of St. Eden's high average deviation value.

However, Chika Fujiwara obviously does not belong to the category with particularly good learning talents.

If there is such a thing as talent points, she obviously invested them on several qualities that she thinks are more important, and did not invest too much in [learning].

There are more than 1000 students in the first year of St. Eden Academy, and in the midterm exam, Fujiwara Chika ranked 497th, which can only be said to be above the middle.

During the period after the midterm exam, because of the cultural festival and Minamoto Raimitsu's attack, Chika Fujiwara obviously didn't spend her mind on studying well.

Not only has there been no progress in this regard, but it has greatly regressed.

If you take the exam now, you may not even be able to maintain the top 500 position in your grade.

There are still 20 days left before the final exam. It can be said that it is basically impossible to achieve a rapid improvement in grades in such a short period of time.

Just like Chika Fujiwara said in the room of the Lamb Club, this is just a kind of 'dream' and 'vision', of course she knows that she can't realize such a wish, but 'it's okay to just think about it, right? '.

She used this as an opportunity for Yuan Jing to come to her home for tutoring, basically just as a reason to stick with Yuan Jing.

Of course, she would work hard to accept Yuanjing's tutoring, but she knew in her heart that even if it was Yuanjing who helped her with tutoring, the top three in the grade would be too far away for her.

This is something that Xue Nai is not sure about, let alone her.

However, Yuanjing did not hold the same idea.

His character has always been 'either don't do it or do the best'.

In terms of making up lessons for others, it is naturally the same.

As the 'protagonist' who already has lv.3 [high school knowledge], his accuracy in betting can even reach over 80%.

The reason why he was able to gain the upper hand in the first confrontation with Ningguang was that he relied on this extremely unscientific accuracy rate.

But only this is obviously not enough.

If Fujiwara Chika only wanted to get the score he bet on, then although it should be no problem to enter the top dozens of grades, it is still impossible to get the top three.

She also had to work hard on her own.

"If you don't have extravagant hopes for the top three in your grade, and the main purpose of coming to tutoring this time is just to let me come to your house to play, and improving your grades is just a incidental thing, then of course that's okay."

This should be Chika Fujiwara's original purpose, and Yuan Jing sees it quite clearly.

In this bedroom, in addition to the round table and chairs prepared for the two to study, he also glimpsed various board games that were specially taken out.

They were stacked on the cabinet next to Chika Fujiwara's bed, lying on the bed, tilting his head slightly, he could see the sharp-edged boxes.

Last night, when Qianhua fell asleep, she must have been thinking about how to play these games with Yuanjing tomorrow, right?

Board games are a big hobby of Chika Fujiwara, and she definitely hopes that the person she cares about the most can also enjoy the fun of it.

There are actually quite a variety of boxes stacked on the cabinet.

The only ones that Yuan Jing can recognize are the more common ones, such as Monopoly and flying chess, but he has basically never seen the others.

"If you want to spend this afternoon easily and happily, I will naturally accompany you. I have brought my own final papers. As long as you understand this set of questions thoroughly, the top 50 questions in the grade are actually no problem. Big."

What Fujiwara Chika did before was the physics test paper.

After returning home yesterday, Yuan Jing wrote down word by word what he thought would be the subject of the final exam at an extremely fast speed.

This took him about 3 hours.

"This is the most cost-effective solution. After seeing you make such progress, your parents should be very happy." Yuanjing's words were quite frank.

As for Fujiwara Chika, he didn't need to hide the truth.

"However, if your goal is to be in the top three, not only this afternoon, but maybe in the next 20 days, you should have a very, very hard life."

He used two [quite] in a row, and the meaning he wanted to express was already quite obvious.

"The most important thing is that even if you go through such a difficult time and go through this road full of thorns, in the end it is only a 'possibility' to enter the top three, not a certainty."

There is no way, Chika Fujiwara's talent and foundation are too poor.

If she wants to be among the top three, her opponents are people like Shimizu Kaguya, Shijo Makoto, and Yukinoshita Yukino.

Even Yuanjing couldn't give Chika Fujiwara the certainty of victory.

Even if Fujiwara Chika perfectly completes all the tasks he assigned, the probability of success is almost only half.

"The current situation is basically like this." Yuan Jing concluded in this way, he looked at Chika Fujiwara who had been quietly listening to his narration, the red glow on his face had faded, and he repeated the previous question ——

"Qianhua, these two paths, which one are you going to choose?"

Regardless of Chika Fujiwara's final choice, he will not comment.

He hates other people choosing for him, so naturally he will not choose for others.

This is his credo in life.

But after he explained this, Chika Fujiwara did not give any reply immediately, but looked at Yuanjing with some concern, "Would this be too much trouble for you?"

"Huh?" Yuan Jing didn't react too much for a while, and made a somewhat puzzled voice.

Fujiwara Chika also seemed to realize that what she said just now was a bit too wordy, so she gently played with the tip of her long pink hair with the fingers of one hand, and said a little embarrassedly:

"In terms of learning, I have never been smart enough. No matter how hard I try, let alone keep up with you like Kaguya and Yukino, in the end I can't even see your back."

"Using the words of the teacher, there is no 'spirituality' like Kaguya and Yukino." There was a little discouragement in her words.

For Chika Fujiwara, who is positive and optimistic by nature, this kind of dejected expression is actually quite rare.

"I also studied with Kaguya before."

That was when I was in middle school.

At that time, Fujiwara Chika, although she still had a wide range of friends, her best friend was undoubtedly Shinomiya Kaguya.

"That was the moment when I realized very deeply that I am not this material."

The Fujiwara family and the Shinomiya family will not be stingy in hiring private tutors for them.

As close friends with similar families, there is actually not much difference in the educational resources devoted to the two.


"When I was thinking about a difficult problem, Kaguya usually had already solved the correct answer. Not only that, but after I asked her for advice and listened to her explanation, I was still at a loss."

This is the first time she has experienced the huge gap in learning ability between the two.

Fujiwara Chika looked at Yuanjing cautiously.

"For a stupid student like me, it should make people feel a little angry when teaching it? Many processes that should be taken for granted in your opinion, but I may have to ask you to explain them several times."

"Isn't it too much trouble for you to let such a student enter the top three in the grade?"

This is what worries her the most.

"...This is a problem on my side, and you don't need to worry about it."

Speechlessly glanced at Fujiwara Chika, Yuan Jing shook his head lightly.

"However, since you said that, it means..." He tentatively raised his eyebrows at Chika Fujiwara.

The latter nodded very firmly——

"I want to be in the top three and qualify for Vienna."

Vienna was the capital of the late Holy Roman Empire, and it carried the vision of its king for Rome.

And now, it takes on the dream of a young girl.

As a well-informed person, it is naturally impossible for Chika Fujiwara not to know the specifics of this trip to Vienna.

This is an opportunity to be able to live in the same room with Ah Jing justifiably, and it will last as long as a week!

Just this is enough for Chika Fujiwara to fight.

She doesn't care about odd or even numbers.

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