Under Touma Kazusa's awe-inspiring eyes, after finishing the test papers, they exchanged with each other and scored according to the standard answers.

turn out--

Two full marks.

Concubine Sijo bit her lip.

Although in terms of performance, the two can be said to be a tie.However, Yukinoshita Yukino was about 1 minute faster than herself.

This made her feel a sense of frustration.

"In your bedroom, there should be other test papers, right?" Shijo Makoto looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, "As far as the current situation is concerned, it won't be clear for a while."

"It's not good to always trouble you to get the test papers in the bedroom, why don't we go directly to your bedroom?"

Her competitive spirit was thoroughly aroused.

The two of them sat on the sofa before and answered the questions with the test papers on the coffee table in front of them.

To be honest, this posture is actually a bit tiring.

Therefore, she wanted to go directly to Yukinoshita's bedroom, on a special table and chairs, and have a good competition with the other party.

She is not a boy, so naturally she doesn't have too many scruples about entering a girl's bedroom.

"Ah, this..." Yukinoshita Yukino showed some embarrassment at first, "My bedroom is a bit messy, and there are a lot of things piled up, maybe there is not much room for my feet..."

Concubine Sijo couldn't help but frowned.

Yukinoshita Yukino lives in a high-end apartment, and the bedroom in this apartment can't be called 'small', and it is definitely more than enough for a single woman.

Can make this kind of bedroom crowded to the point of 'nowhere to go'...... Unless Yukinoshita-san is the kind of sloppy person who doesn't tidy up the room at all, how is this possible?

"That's right, Touma-san and I can also help clean up."

Yukinoshita Yukino's tone was not resolute, Shijo Zhenfei stood up immediately, and walked towards Yukinoshita Yukino's bedroom without hesitation.

If the other person is hesitant, 'help' him (or her) decide.

This is what the elders of the Shijo family taught her.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't stop the other party, she naturally knew that her words had hurt the other party's self-esteem a bit, if she didn't let Shijo Zhenfei see it clearly, she would never let it go.

'I'd like to see how messy Yukinoshita's bedroom will be. With this in mind, Concubine Shijo opened the door of Yukinoshita Yukino's bedroom at once, and after that——


She froze for a moment.


Reference books, tutorial books, exercise books, test papers...

Presented in front of the four real concubines is the kingdom of books.

On the carpet, on the desk, beside the bed, next to the wardrobe...

All kinds of paper products occupy these spaces to the brim.Because of this, under the oppression of these things, the originally extremely spacious bedroom seemed extremely cramped. What Yukinoshita Yukino said earlier about "no place to step down" was not a lie at all.

Such a shocking scene took away Shijo Zhenfei's excellent adaptability in an instant. She just held the doorknob and patrolled the space with her eyes in a daze.

Shizuka Hiratsuka did nothing.

Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't need her generals at all.

Whether there is a "reward" or not, Yukinoshita Yukino's approach will not change in the slightest.

Question: What is the most efficient way to learn English?

Answer: That is to really fall in love with a foreigner who can only speak English.

As long as you have the sincerity of "wanting to talk to your lover", everything that comes into view will become a textbook; and the supposedly arduous learning journey will become surprisingly easy.

Human beings, as long as they have a definite goal in their hearts, can burst out energy that makes themselves horrified.

And Yukinoshita Yukino is in this state.

And her goal——

At this time, it happened to meet the eyes of the four real concubines.

Just on the wall in front of the desk in the girl's bedroom, where Yukinoshita Yukino could see when she looked up, was a square note.

On it, in graceful handwriting, it is written stroke by stroke——

【Become someone who can stand beside Yuanjing】.

'Among our grades, there is only one Yuanjing, does this mean that we only regard him as the target? ' She tried to convince herself that Yukinoshita Yukino didn't have that kind of meaning for Yuan Jing.


Zao turned her head slightly, peeped Yukinoshita Yukino's expression from the corner of her eye, and then stopped such self-deception.

For now, she's got good news and, of course, bad news.

The good news is that even if she doesn't help, Yukinoshita Yukino will almost certainly be in the top three of her grade.

And the bad news is—

Yukinoshita Yukino seems to have something wrong with Kaguya's lover? !

Wait a minute, the relationship between Kaguya and Yuan-kun has not been made public, so Yukino's behavior is naturally beyond reproach.

But in this case, what is she going to do?

The four real concubines fell into confusion!

Chapter 33 I don't want to see any of them sad!

"Ah, I see." The way Shitiao Zhenfei stared blankly at the note clearly misunderstood Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Student Sitiao, can I ask you not to tell others?" With a slight embarrassment on her fair cheeks, she clasped her hands together and said this to Concubine Sitiao.

She obviously thought that Concubine Sijo was shocked that the motivation for her to study so hard came from a woman of the opposite sex.

"Huh? Well, oh..." Gradually reacting from the huge shock, Shijo Zhenfei looked away from the note, looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, and couldn't help but say, " Is the [Yuanjing] written on the note the same [Yuanjing] I was thinking of?"

"The first grader in Class A, Senior One?" Shitiao Zhenfei still had a ten-thousandth hope.

Is there such a possibility that what Yukinoshita Yukino cares about is actually a person with the same name and surname outside the school...

"That's right." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded with great certainty, and then asked with some doubts, "Does Sijo know other [Yuanjing]?"

"No, I don't know." Shijo Zhenfei looked away.

This one-ten-thousandth hope was shattered.

Well, is there such a possibility that Yukinoshita Yukino simply regards that Yuanjing as a learning goal, not a love object...

No, not possible.

With just a slight glance at Yukinoshita Yukino, Shijo Zhenfei vetoed her self-deceiving thoughts.

When mentioning Yuan Jing, the pitiful expression on the other party's face is a very standard expression of a girl in love.

Although Shijo Zhenfei has never been in love herself, her insight ability is actually quite good.

This is the result of the efforts of the Sitiao family to cultivate, and it is also something she is quite proud of.

When she was with Hui Ye before, she also saw at a glance that her feelings for Yuan Jing were not pure.

Today, Yukinoshita Yukino's expression is exactly the same as Kaguya's expression at that time!

Kaguya said that Yuan Jing was quite popular in school, but she never expected to be so popular.

Is this a bit too much of a coincidence?

"Student Shijo also saw it, my bedroom is indeed a bit difficult to get in." Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to be still planning to continue the competition with Concubine Shijo, "Then, let's continue in the living room..."

She didn't want to fight against the real concubine Sijo, but she had to convince the other party, otherwise, unnecessary misunderstandings would cause unnecessary trouble.

"No, there is no need for a competition." Shijo Zhenfei sighed with complicated emotions, "I agree with your point of view."

What Yukinoshita Yukino said before was correct, her joining would indeed disrupt her plan.

After all, the awareness of the two is not at the same level.

I just regard it as something similar to a game, but Yukinoshita Yukino is really doing her best.

Although she is a genius, Concubine Shijo really doesn't hate people who work hard.

No, it should be said that she is quite respectful.

After entering Yukinoshita Yukino's bedroom, she didn't just notice the note that exposed the girl's heart.

She also noticed a large plastic jar on the girl's desk.

This jar was supposed to be used to hold snacks or candy, but now, it has been filled to half with another kind of thing.

That's the spent refill.

These thin plastic tubes are stacked together, like spears and spears worn out by fierce battles, put together by their owners as a testimony of their efforts.

In addition, there are extremely detailed work and rest schedules and various marks on the calendar that are pasted on the wall (Sijo Zhenfei noticed that there were marks from the 1st to the 30th, and before today have already been marked with a small checkmark), various books that have obviously been read quite a few times...

She has a panoramic view of all of this.

"Wow, this is really..." Shijo Zhenfei didn't know what to say.

Have a longing for the one you love, want to stand by his side, and make unremitting efforts for it.

Such a person is naturally worthy of respect.

If Kaguya hadn't been there, Concubine Shijo couldn't help but want to applaud and cheer for her at this moment.

but now......

Concubine Shijo is a very kind person.

Logically speaking, no matter how much Yukinoshita Yukino likes Yuan Jing, it has nothing to do with her.There is no need for her to care about other people's feelings and care about such things.

However, thinking that Yukinoshita Yukino knew nothing about the fact that Yukinoshita Yukino had secretly married someone else, and was still making extremely futile efforts to be able to stand with him.

As an existence with strong empathy, she was quite sad in her heart.

More importantly, she also promised Kaguya to keep it a secret, not to disclose this kind of thing to others...

To her, this was simply torture.

'Can, can you insinuate a little bit and ask Yukinoshita to lower her psychological expectations, so that it won't be too uncomfortable in the future? '

With such thoughts in mind, Concubine Shijo gently closed the bedroom door.

She looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, and said very earnestly, "Can I take up a little more of your time?"

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino with obvious embarrassment on her face, she hastily stretched out her right hand, making a gesture with her thumb and index finger——

"As long as a little bit is enough, it will never delay your study plan too much."


"Ah..." When she walked back to the living room, Concubine Shijo noticed Dongma Hesha who was still sitting on the sofa, and she paused, showing a little hesitation.

"It's okay." Yukinoshita Yukino noticed Shijo Ma's hesitation, smiled and shook her head, "Kasa is my best friend, there is no need to hide anything between me and her."

"She also knows?" Shijo Zhenfei looked back at Yukino Yukino, and what answered her was the latter's extremely positive nod, and——

"After clarifying my mind, I confide in Hesha immediately."

Yukinoshita Yukino said so.

Well, great.

Concubine Shijo breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Since you have the support of your best friends, even if you break up in love, you will not be hit too hard.

Returning to the sofa in the living room, Concubine Shijo hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Student Yukinoshita, does he know that you have a crush on Yuan-student?"

She wanted to confirm first what stage the two of them had reached.

"I know." Yukinoshita Yukino didn't doubt it at all.

Yuan Jing was not the kind of dull boy, and after confirming her intentions, she acted quite obviously, and he definitely knew it well.

"Then what about him, what does he think of you?" Said the real concubine Sijo, "Does he have that kind of meaning for you?"

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