If Yuan Jing also has impure feelings for Yukinoshita Yukino, then she will have to re-examine Yuan Jing.

He obviously has a girlfriend with a confirmed relationship, but he is still messing around outside. Such a scum is not worthy of Kaguya Shimizu, nor Yukino Yukinoshita!

"He definitely regards me as a friend." This is something that Yukinoshita Yukino can be sure of, "As for how many emotions are there..."

Speaking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino's expression darkened slightly, obviously she didn't know much about it.

"The current situation of the two of us," Yukinoshita Yukino thought for a while, and suddenly looked at Madam Shijo, "Student Sijo is so cute and smart, there must be many boys who have a crush on you, right?"

"Of course." Although she didn't know why she was mentioned, Concubine Shijo still puffed out her chest proudly, showing strong confidence, "I'm quite popular."

"Then, among these boys, there must be some you not only don't hate, but also have some liking for, but if you want to confess to you, there is a high probability that you will still refuse."

"My current relationship with Yuanjing is roughly equivalent to this."

"This, this way," Shitiao Zhenfei was a little tangled in her heart.

On the one hand, she is relieved that Yuan Jing is not a scum who looks at the bowl and thinks about the pot.Her perception of this boy is actually pretty good, and she doesn't want him to be the kind of person she despises the most.

On the other hand, she felt a little headache again.If Yuan Jing was really that kind of person, things would be extremely easy to handle - she just needs to expose his true face.

Now, there is no other way to do it.

"Before Yuan-san, did Yukinoshita-san ever have someone he liked?" Shijo Zhenfei changed her mind slightly.

"No, Yuanjing is my first love." Yukinoshita Yukino was quite sure about this.

"In this case, is Yukinoshita's previous feeling an illusion?" Makoto Shijo continued, "For example, Yuan-san actually likes you in his heart, but he is too embarrassed to confess, is it possible? Is this the case?"

'Or on the contrary, Yuanjing actually already has a lover, in order not to hurt your heart, so he waited for you to confess and reject you clearly. '

This is what the four real concubines said in their hearts.

This was what she believed to be the truth, but as she was quite sophisticated, it was naturally impossible for her to say it.

In short, she thought it was a good thing for both parties to stop thinking about it earlier.

"I'm going to confess?" Yukinoshita was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled calmly, "Yes, I do have the possibility of being wrong. If I were to confess, although the success rate is very low, it should It won't be zero either."

"But I won't do it." She shook her head.

Here, Yukinoshita Yukino fully expresses her love view.

"What I look down on the most is the kind of person who confesses with the idea of ​​'try it and it will pay off, if she (he) agrees, it will make a lot of money!'" She herself suffered from it , Naturally, he will not have any good feelings for this kind of behavior.

"This kind of confession is just a 'lottery draw'." Yukinoshita Yukino frowned, obviously not interested in such behavior, "Once you win the lottery, you will naturally make a lot of money; if you don't draw Now, go find the next target."

"I don't want to start such a frivolous relationship."

"In my opinion, 'confession' should not be a 'lottery', but a 'reward'."

"It should not be the horn to launch a charge, but the snare drum after the battle is won."

"In the daily life of getting along bit by bit, the distance between the two hearts is gradually approaching. After touching and supporting each other, sparks are gradually sparked. When it finally comes to fruition, the relationship will be taken to a new level by confessing to each other. stage."

Yukinoshita Yukino held her chest with one hand and said so.

"This is what I agree with, the most perfect love."

These words had obviously been brewing in her heart for a long, long time.

Using the four true concubine's words as an introduction, these sincere words immediately flowed out of her heart very naturally like gurgling water.

Concubine Shijo has an approachable attitude. Although it is the first time we meet today, Yukinoshita Yukino almost instinctively thinks that the other party is a trustworthy person.

Moreover, whether it's the fact that she likes Yuanjing, or her view of love, it's not something to be shamed.

But the four real concubines who heard these words became even more entangled all of a sudden.

Yukinoshita Yukino's words directly spoke to her heart, and she agreed with it very much, and it can even be said that it directly resonated with her.

Especially after she saw the scene in Xue Nai's bedroom, it can be said that these words moved her to a higher level.

She's not just talking, she's planning ahead and she's been making silent efforts.

Facing such a person, she really couldn't utter any words that would hurt her.

'The current Yukinoshita classmate is so beautiful. Yukinoshita Yukino, who is upright and dignified, who devotes herself wholeheartedly to love, can be said to be quite dazzling in the eyes of Concubine Shijo.

She originally wanted to persuade Yukinoshita Yukino to give up, but now she seems to be the one who is persuaded.

On one side is Kaguya Shimizu, who is willing to give up her identity for love.

On the other side is Yukinoshita Yukino who is working tirelessly to be able to stand beside her sweetheart.

Both of these two touched the heart of Concubine Shitiao, and she couldn't help being in a dilemma——

Either of the two being sad is not what she wants to see

"...Come on, I will support you."

In the end, she could only run away after saying these words.

'I'm not Yuanjing, why should I worry about such a thing!It's really salty to eat radish and worry about it! '

She cried out in her heart.

This is not something I should take care of, I am just meddling in my own business.

She knew it clearly, but——

'Is there no way to have the best of both worlds? ! '

Kindness and intolerance made her have to think so.

"Ahhh, really!!!" Sijo Zhenfei couldn't help scratching her hair.

Chapter 34 You at least let it take a bite! (Good luck with the college entrance examination!)


A beige long-sleeved shirt, a black skirt reaching to the knees, and below that, white knee-length stockings and dark brown boots.

This kind of autumn clothes is quite dignified and elegant, without being too ostentatious, showing the very good clothing of its matcher.

However, the beautiful girl in this attire had a look of sadness on her brows.

Walking on the path in the forest, seeing the red maple leaves and golden ginkgo leaves blown up by the breeze, Concubine Sijo couldn't help but let out another long sigh.

Now the time has come to Sunday.

The place where she walked was the Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park.

This 6.7-square-meter tour-style courtyard was once the royal land of Prince Arisugawa, and it is also the best maple viewing place in Tokyo.At the end of November, it can be said to be the best time to enjoy maple leaves.

More than 1300 trees are dyed red, showing the most beautiful side of the year to the tourists who come to visit.

But even with such a beautiful scenery, it still couldn't cheer up Concubine Shijo.

The scene she saw in Yukino Yukino's bedroom yesterday is still vivid in her mind, and the soul-stirring words of the other party are still echoing in her ears.

And thinking that such efforts are doomed to be in vain, after walking this road full of thorns, what is waiting for her at the end is actually only disappointment...

She couldn't help feeling rather uncomfortable.

Because of this, she chose to come to the Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park, which is a famous maple viewing spot, to take a walk on this sunny Sunday. She wanted to take advantage of the beautiful scenery to relax and soothe her emotions.

But for now, the attempt appears to have failed fairly flatly.

The iconic dark brown small twin ponytails were pulled weakly, Sijo Zhenfei thought to herself——

"Kaguya's thoughts, and Yukinoshita's thoughts, I have already almost understood, but now, only the center of the vortex remains, which is the thoughts of that Gen-kun. '

According to Kaguya, she and Yuan Jing fell in love with each other, they became a couple in private, and they were already living together.

However, there are many other types of relationships.

Judging by Hui Ye's performance, she is 24% in love with Yuan Jing at this time, and it is the period when she can't wait to be with him for [-] hours.

But what about Yuanjing?What is his attitude towards Kaguya now?

Are you in the same passionate love period as Kaguya, or are you in the burnout period when the frenzy has dissipated?

Concubine Shijo didn't know about this.

'Speaking of which, Kaguya seems to be intentionally or unintentionally preventing me from contacting Yuan-kun. 'Sijo Zhenfei's brows gradually tightened, and then immediately relaxed——

"It should be because I'm afraid that Yuan-kun will be attracted to me," she thought narcissistically, "He would care about such a thing, Kaguya, that guy is really cute." '

As Shimizu Kaguya's 'former' enemy, she is quite aware of how cold and ruthless Kaguya was before.

And after having a sweetheart, not only the attitude is completely different from before, but also this kind of vinegar, and this kind of cute jealousy...

Concubine Sijo is actually very happy about this transformation, and she feels a sense of relief seeing the prodigal son return from his lost way.

But this obviously does not help the current situation. After Shijo Zhenfei's mood rose for a while, it immediately ebbed rapidly again.

'I want to find a chance to meet Gen-kun in private, and get a little bit of his opinion on Kaguya and Yukinoshita. '

'Well, how do you find such an opportunity? '

After gradually clearing up her thoughts, Concubine Sijo was thinking about what to do next, while casually admiring the beautiful scenery on the roadside.

Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park is a typical tour-style garden, characterized by a very large circular pool.The entire Memorial Park is actually built on the back of the pool.

And beside this lake, there is naturally a place specially opened up by the park for fishing.

Here, as long as you pay a certain amount of money, you can get the "fishing right" for a certain period of time and get the permission to fish here.

On top of that, if you do catch a fish and want to take it away, you have to pay extra.

Of course, it is much cheaper than going to the market to buy fish.

By the way, there is also a small live fish sale service here.

If you spend a day here and get nothing, you can also buy 'face' with money so that you don't come home empty handed...

To be able to come up with such a means of making money, the management here is obviously a talent.

Hobbies like fishing are basically hobbies only owned by uncles who are free and rich.

When Sijo Zhenfei passed by this place, she found that the people fishing here were basically middle-aged people who had passed their forties.

And among these few people, a pretty young handsome boy was quite eye-catching.

Because of something on her mind, Concubine Sijo's eyes passed over him directly.

But immediately, she was in the state of the radio with some poor contact, and after a while, she caught the signal all at once.

His gaze, which was already looking at the scenery in the distance, turned instantly, and it was firmly locked on this young man who was somewhat incompatible with the surrounding uncles.

She couldn't help stretching out her hand, and rubbed her eyes a few times with her small fist, as if to confirm whether she had some hallucinations because of what she thought in her heart.

'Not a hallucination! '

After doing this several times, she finally confirmed it.

'what?Why is Yuan Jun fishing here? '

No matter what the reason is, I finally don't have to think about how to get in touch with Yuanjing anymore!

Concubine Sijo couldn't help but thank her for her natural luck.

She looked around, and after finding the path to the fishing area, she walked up without hesitation.

She will not let go of such a good opportunity.


At this moment, Yuan Jing was sitting on the mat that he brought with him, holding a fishing rod on one left and one on the right.

His eyes were fixed on the surface of the water not far away, where the floats of his two fishing rods floated gently.

However, he didn't just stare stupidly.

Those black and white pupils moved slightly, as if they had locked onto something slowly swimming underwater.

"Yuanjun!" A somewhat familiar voice reached his ears, and Yuanjing, who was concentrating on his target, was slightly taken aback.

After turning his head away, what caught his eyes was the smile of Concubine Shijo, which was more beautiful than the maple leaves falling in the wind.

It seems that because of the trotting all the way here, her cheeks are slightly rosy, and she is slightly panting when she speaks, but this not only does not damage the girl's charm, but adds a healthy vitality to it.

...But this is of no use to Yuanjing.

"Hush!" After recognizing the person in front of him, the expression on Yuan Jing's face did not change much.

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