He raised a finger to his lips and made a silencing motion, "Be quiet, don't scare 'it' away."

Yuan Jing said so softly.


Concubine Shijo was a little surprised, but she still kept her mouth shut with great wit.

A pair of deep purple eyes also looked curiously at the place Yuan Jing looked at, as if he also wanted to see through the water surface and see the thing swimming underwater.

After seeing Sijo Zhenfei's upright performance, Yuanjing also heaved a sigh of relief.

He has been staring at 'it' for a while, if he is allowed to scare the cautious and vigilant 'it' away, his previous efforts will be in vain.

Concubine Shijo didn't wait too long.

After basically confirming the location of the thing through the disturbance of the water surface, Yuan Jing gently placed the fishing rod in his left hand on the special shelf, and held the fishing rod on the right with both hands.

Under his force, the fishing rod moved very slowly, as if it was moving slightly with the current, and the other end of the fishing rod was also approaching the water surface bit by bit.

The whole movement is like the wind blowing willows, appearing natural and gentle.

After it reached the expected position, Yuan Jing's hands holding the end of the fishing rod vigorously 'slammed' down.

Concubine Shijo couldn't find a more suitable word to describe Yuanjing's action.In her opinion, the actions of the young man in front of her just now are like those generals in historical dramas juggling halberds, 'smashing people' with heavy weapons in their hands.

Still, Gen Scene's movements are quicker, more ethereal, and less pyrotechnic than something that is clearly the result of camerawork and camera editing.

The extremely flexible fishing rod in his hand was faithfully fulfilling its role as an amplifier.By the time such a tiny movement reached the tip of the pole, the latter had already shot into the water like lightning.

The slender head of the pole suddenly hit a certain target that Yuanjing had locked on before, but just this one hit made 'it' a little confused.

This is not over yet.

Yuanjing didn't 'smash' this time, but flicked his wrist and drew a few small circles.

This action was reflected on the head of the pole, that is, the fishing line on it tied up a guy who was already in a daze.

After that, it's, 'pick'!

I saw a black shadow flying out of the lake all of a sudden, and after drawing a beautiful parabola in the air——

'Clap! 'Accompanied by the extremely crisp sound of splashing water, it just fell into the bucket at Yuanjing's feet.

The four real concubines who witnessed all these actions opened their mouths slightly, showing a kind of naive shock.

She took a few steps forward, looked into the bucket, and saw a big fish between 30 cm and 40 cm in size, spitting bubbles in it.

With its extremely barren brain, it was obviously unable to understand what happened just now.

It was quietly enjoying the food enshrined to it by stupid humans in the lake just now, why was it suddenly brought into this 'small box'?

What happened?

At this moment, the fishing friends on the side also focused their attention on this side.

They were all concentrating on fishing before, and didn't notice Yuanjing's abnormal movements.

From their point of view, it was nothing unusual for this young man who had just arrived to catch a fish.

Driven by the 'fisherman's pride', they put the fishing rods in their hands on the shelf, and gathered around to look at Yuanjing's harvest——

"What a big crucian carp," exclaimed a bald middle-aged man. "It's about 30 centimeters in length, right?"

"It must be more than that." Another middle-aged man spread his thumb and index finger, roughly measured it in the void, and said, "It should be 40cm."

"I've been fishing here for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen such a big crucian carp." Another person said enviously.

In order to allow fishing friends to catch fish better, the management staff will stock new fry in the fish pond every autumn and winter to maintain the density of fish in the pond.

In addition, they will also control the distribution of feed, causing the fish in the fish pond to compete for survival and compete with each other for bait.

This has caused a phenomenon, that is, the fish here basically do not grow too big.

The one that Yuanjing 'caught' up might be the biggest one in the pond.

"Are you [fishing]?" You took a few steps back together with Yuanjing, leaving some room for the amazed fishing friends, the four concubines gently poked Yuanjing's ribs with their elbows, He said so with a slightly joking tone.

As a witness to the whole process, she knew exactly what method Yuanjing used to get this poor fish into her hands.

"At least let it take a bite, you won't be stingy with this food, will you?"

"No, no, no," Yuan Jing shook his head at Si Tiao Zhenfei, "This guy is very cunning. Before you came, he had already eaten my bait twice, but he was unhooked."

"Looking at its size, it should be a habitual offender. If I don't use the method I just did, it would be impossible to get it out."

After explaining, Yuan Jing looked at Sijo Zhenfei, "Are you just here to say hello to me, or do you want to ask me something?"

If it's just to say hello, there's no need to rush over, right?He and Concubine Sijo were just nodding acquaintances, but they didn't get to know each other to that extent.

"Ah, this..." Looking at the uncles around her, Concubine Sijo hesitated to speak.

The question she wanted to ask involved the privacy of the two young girls, so it was best to have a talk with Yuan Jing when there were no outsiders around.

The current situation is obviously not suitable.

However, the four real concubines are the four real concubines, and with a slight turn of her eyes, she thought of the next method.

She pointed to a building next to the entrance of the fishing ground, and said to Yuanjing——

"Since this fish is so rare, it has the value of making yutaku."

Gyotaku is a special work in which ink or other pigments are dipped on fish and then rubbed on rice paper.

Generally, after catching a big fish, anglers will make such a gyotaku as a proof and honor.

"There is a special venue there, let's go there and talk?" She suggested to Yuanjing.

Chapter 35 Is there a pure friendship between a man and a woman?

"I really didn't expect you to have such a hobby as fishing." The dark brown small twin ponytails flicked, and the black skirt fluttered slightly in the wind like blooming flowers, walking beside Yuanjing. Four real concubines The mood is quite good.

For this young man who didn't give Shinomiya Yan'an face, let the Shinomiya family suffer, and saved Kaguya from the Shinomiya family, she already had a good impression of him.

However, for now, this kind of feeling has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women.

It's a bit like the pure admiration that the audience in front of the screen will feel when they see a righteous knight or a chic and elegant monster in a film and television drama.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to sit there doing nothing for hours on end just staring at the float."

Concubine Shijo has a tendency to be a little efficient cook.

As an existence who received elite education from the Shijo family since childhood, she is actually quite sensitive to the passage of time.

She is not afraid of hardship.

Even if she is talented, but without continuous hard work, there is no way for Shijo Zhenfei to become what she is now.

She just doesn't like wasting time.

If it's just for a while, she can't stand it if you have her spend hours on something that seems futile.

"oh, I see."

Fishing is not just sitting around doing nothing.

Although he didn't agree with Sijo Zhenfei's words, Yuanjing's reaction was quite flat.

It is quite difficult to persuade a person and make her change her mind, so he is too lazy to spend this effort.

The reason why Shijo Zhenfei has such an idea is because the happy life has been too long.

If she is like herself in her previous life, after being beaten and exploited by society, she will naturally like this kind of exercise that saves energy and relaxes her mind.

However, coming to Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park was not in his plan.

Yesterday's moving was all handed over to Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai. He just moved his things to the bedroom after returning from Fujiwara's house, and simply made some arrangements.

Today, he originally wanted to help Shimizu Kaguya who had settled down on the first floor, and Hayasaka Ai who stayed in the guest room next to Kaguya's bedroom yesterday because it was 'too late', but the two girls It is quite resistant to this.

According to Ai Hayasaka, it is 'it is a disgrace to a maid to let the master pick up the rag and broom'.

Just like that, Yuan Jing was 'invited' out of his house by the two energetic people.

"For a while, it will ping-pong-pong for a long time, and it will definitely disturb you." Shimizu Kaguya, wearing a long skirt and a scarf, covered her beautiful long hair with a white cloth to prevent dust from falling, said, "So , I hope you can temporarily move to another place, and come back after we clean up the house."

"It's the best time to enjoy the maple leaves when you come to Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park, and it's very close to here." Ai Hayasaka, who was doing the same dress on the side, showed her mobile phone screen to Yuanjing. The route map of this memorial park, "If Ah Jing has no place to go, this park is a place worth visiting."

This is the reason why Yuanjing will appear in the Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park.

As for why Yuanjing came to fish...

Of course it’s because the fishing pond is there (laughs)!

In other words, this scene seems to have an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, as if similar things have happened before——

Oh, Yuanjing remembered.

On the first day of joining the Lamb Club (there was no such name at the time), Fujiwara Chika was 'kicked out' by Yuan Jing when she wanted to help clean the house...

However, at that time, he met Yoko Touma, but today, he met Concubine Shijo.

"What [like this]," Concubine Shijo pursed her lips unwillingly to Yuanjing's perfunctory response.

If you want to find out Yuan Jing's views on Shimizu Kaguya and Yukinoshita Yukino, getting in the relationship between the two is an extremely necessary condition.

But Yuanjing didn't seem to have such intentions at all, which undoubtedly frustrated Shijo Zhenfei's self-esteem.

"Whether it is affirming my words or opposing my words, at least give me a point of view."

Otherwise, there is no way to continue the topic...

Wait a minute, is this his purpose?

"...I don't like futile arguments. That kind of thing can do nothing but waste time and make one's mood worse." After she had no intention of giving up at all, she sighed softly.

"Student Sijo, you will definitely accept the related industries of the Sijo family in the future, right?"

He suddenly said that without any beginning or end.

"Of course, does this have anything to do with our previous topic?" Although Shitiao Zhenfei was a little baffled, her original intention was to use words to narrow the distance between the two, because of the questions Yuanjing raised, she was naturally Take it all.

Unlike Kaguya, who is in an awkward position in the Sigong family, Concubine Shijo is the second in line heir of the Shijo family. The reason why she is not the first is because she is not very interested in being the head of the family, and she does not want to be with her younger brother Shijo. The reason for the emperor's struggle.

In her capacity, it is very natural for her to take over the property of the Sijo family when she becomes an adult.

"Naturally there is a relationship." Yuan Jing nodded, "Through the conversation just now, I can roughly guess Sitiao's adult life."

"A vigorous, smart and capable strong woman, the future Sitiao classmates should look like this."

'what? Concubine Sijo opened her eyes slightly in surprise, "Are you saying good things to me?" '

It is naturally a happy thing to be praised by others, and it is still praised by people like Yuanjing.

However, before she could really feel happy, Yuanjing's next words reached her ears——

"Then, because of cherishing time and focusing on efficiency too much, Sitiao will squander his health to his heart's content while he is young and full of energy."

"For food, eat only when you feel hungry; for sleep, only sleep when you are sleepy. Such a life of disordered work and rest, while making the career continue to take off, is also eroding the body of Sijo's classmates."

"And one day later, when Sitiao wakes up from his sleep, he will be horrified to find..." Yuan Jing paused slightly at this point.

Because of some personal experience, his speech full of true feelings can be said to be vivid, and from the somewhat pale face of Concubine Shijo, she seems to have listened to this passage.

"Scary to discover?"

Concubine Shijo repeated Yuanjing's last words nervously.

"On her pillow, a lot of dark brown hair fell. She hurriedly took out the mirror, and finally discovered a very painful fact—"

"She's bald."

"No!" After hearing such bad news, Concubine Shijo couldn't help but let out a somewhat desperate cry.

She put her hands on the top of her head all at once, as if she wanted to absorb the missing sense of security from the denseness.

For a girl who loves beauty very much, baldness is absolutely unacceptable. She just thought about it for a while, and she couldn't help but shudder!

"The current concubine Sijo is still unclear. After only 13 years, 6 months, 21 days and 7 hours, her thick hair will leave her just because she doesn't care about her body. ..."

"Don't pretend to be a narrator and say such terrible things! And the time is so accurate, it's even more frightening! You made up this time, right?"

"...(silently looks away)"

"It's your nonsense, isn't it!"


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