However, her "hot eyes" failed before Yuanjing's book.

This kind of setback not only didn't kill her fighting spirit, but even more aroused her determination to win.

I want to read what the boy in front of me is thinking, I want to see more expressions on Yuan Jing's face, I want to know what kind of person he is...

This kind of longing, like weeds, began to grow quietly in the heart of Concubine Sijo.



The word in Yuanjing's words reminded her of the words she heard from Yukinoshita Yukino yesterday.

"Confession should not be a lucky draw, but a prize redemption with certain chances of winning."

The girl's gentle yet firm words echoed softly in the ears of Concubine Sijo.

Thinking of Yukinoshita Yukino's expression that seemed to have light flowing on her face when Yukinoshita said these words, some inexplicable emotions rose silently in the heart of Concubine Shijo.

If you savor it carefully... the most accounting for it should be envy.

Although it seems to be just unrequited love, and in her opinion, the possibility of the other party getting a good result is actually not great, but Shijo Zhenfei is still somewhat envious of Yukinoshita Yukino.

At least, she has found her goal and identified the object of her admiration.

From this point of view alone, she is much stronger than herself.

"By the way, Yuan." After a moment of silence, Shitiao Zhenfei seemed to be covering up her previous embarrassment, and said without words, "I heard that the president of the Lamb Club you belong to is Yukinoshita Yukino?"

This is the little information she collected after returning home yesterday.

Moreover, according to the information, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuan Jing met before Shimizu Kaguya. If it comes first, then she has the qualification to say, "Obviously I was the first".

It's a pity that love doesn't come first, first come first, there are only winners and losers.

According to the information collected by Concubine Shijo, the emotional breakthrough between Yuanjing and Shimizu Kaguya should be the week when the former dropped out of school and had to be confined in the Shinomiya villa.

'Well, if we get along day and night, it's a very normal thing to attract each other and spark sparks. '

Thinking so in her heart, Shijo Zhenfei continued, "I don't know, you..."

What's your opinion on Yukinoshita Yukino?

Before she could say this, she was suddenly interrupted by a voice from Yuanjing's pocket.

This is the sound of the mobile phone receiving the message.

She could only close her mouth with some regret, watching Yuanjing take out the phone from his pocket and unlock the lock screen.

Although there is interference from the reflection, the concubine Shijo, who has quite sharp eyes, can still see a corner of the screen.

It looks like someone sent a photo to Yuanjing on 'Line'.

Concubine Sijo narrowed her eyes and found that there seemed to be two people in the photo.

It's hard to see much, though, except that one is blond and the other is brunette.

"...Does it look good?" Sijo Zhenfei's obvious prying eyes couldn't hide it from Yuanjing.

Looking at her speechlessly, Yuan Jing said quietly.

It's strange, is the real concubine Shijo so curious?

Yuan Jing felt a little strange.

However, he hadn't had much contact with her before, and all his knowledge of her was basically derived from the works he saw in his previous life. In this case, it is very normal for him to have cognitive deviations .

He is not an all-knowing and omnipotent god, so naturally he doesn't know the entanglement in Concubine Sitiao's heart at the moment.

"No, nothing." Shijo Zhenfei looked away in embarrassment.

She is naturally aware that this kind of snooping will make Yuanjing's impression of her worse, and it will be harmful to her plan, but she just can't control herself.

Today's coincidence made me a little carried away, so I was a little too hasty.

Concubine Sijo was silently reviewing in her heart.

And just as she was thinking about whether there was any remedy——

A pleasant voice came from her pocket.

It was the ringtone of her mobile phone.

'Who is calling me at this hour? 'Although I was a little surprised in my heart, this is obviously an excellent opportunity to get rid of my current rigid situation.

Just like Yuanjing just now, Shijo Zhenfei took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

She glanced at the screen and saw that her father was on the caller ID.

'Why is Dad calling me at this hour? '

With such doubts in mind, Concubine Shijo connected the phone and put it to her ear.

"What? Is my brother going back to China?"

Concubine Shijo blurted out in surprise.

As I said before, Concubine Sijo is the second in line heir of the Sijo family.

As for the number one heir, it was her twin brother, Emperor Si Tiao.

Unlike Shijo Zhenfei, Sijo Emperor did not enter St. Eden Academy to study.

He has shown a strong interest in football since he was a child. Since elementary school, he has determined to be a great football player.

For his dream, he even persuaded their parents to allow him to study abroad in England, the birthplace of modern football.

Although the focus of the family is gradually returning to China, this does not mean that the Shijo family has given up its overseas business.

As the future successor of the Shijo family, it is actually very important to be familiar with the situation in other countries and master the methods of dealing with people from other countries.

The parents of the two did not object to the four emperors playing football.

Football is a youth meal. Even if he becomes a national-level athlete, this career will not take too long in his life.

It is not too late to take over the family business after retiring.

It was with this thought that they allowed the 'willfulness' of the four emperors.

However, this is also conditional, that is, the academic performance cannot be lowered, and every time there is a major exam, you must be in the top five in the school, otherwise...

Shijo Tei never made this 'otherwise' a reality.

He spent three years in junior high school in England.

There, he played for their school's varsity team and quickly became a regular on the football team.

In addition to the results of each test and his ranking in the grade, he often sends home trophies, certificates and photos with award presenters from various football games, wanting to prove that he is not just talking. .

"It's not winter vacation yet, why is the emperor back?" In addition to being happy, Concubine Shijo also felt a little strange.

With study and football training, Shijodi's life in England is actually quite busy. Logically speaking, he would never return to China outside of the holidays?

"It's like this. His school recently had a two-week student exchange program. He saw it as an exchange study with St. Eden, so he signed up."

Shijo Zhenfei's father said so on the phone.

"He also asked me to provide accommodation for other exchange students."


Another two-week exchange student?

And it's still a school in England?

This restriction seems a little familiar, right?

Sijo Zhenfei's two slender eyebrows slightly furrowed.

......Could it be that?

Chapter 38 Serve it up, I can't wait!

"For this exchange student program, there are a total of ten students, half of whom are male and female." After finishing the call with her father, Shijo Zhenfei put the mobile phone back into her pocket, and then put her little one. Maza moved towards Yuanjing, and said this to him as if chatting.

"...Why did you tell me this?" From the corner of his eyes, he glanced in the direction of Concubine Sijo, and Yuanjing also responded in a chatty tone.

"Because you still care about this thing, right?" Concubine Shijo showed a slight smile, with two cute dimples showing on her cheeks.

She stared at her buoy, and the anxiety caused by not being able to catch fish had disappeared without a trace.

"Just treat it as an apology." Shitiao Zhenfei said, "Because of my curiosity, I just wanted to spy on the information you just received, so naturally I have to give something, so that you can let Yuan Jun forget the past."

Among the words of the four real concubines, there were nine parts of seriousness and one part of ridicule, and after adding them up, they seemed very close.

One time at the cultural festival, plus one time in Shizuka Hiratsuka's office...

Strictly speaking, this is actually the third meeting between Concubine Shijo and Yuanjing.

But looking at Sijo Zhenfei's performance, it seems that the two have actually been friends who have known each other for many years.

Of course, Shimizu Kaguya and Yukinoshita Yukino are credited for this, but apart from that, Shijo Zhenfei is actually quite willing to make friends with Yuanjing.

It's not the kind of 'friends of the opposite sex' who have ideas for each other - Yuan Jing is Kaguya's boyfriend, she won't do such a shameless thing as 'poach someone's corner'.

It's something like 'good brother, show loyalty! 'It's pure buddy love like that.

"Moreover, things like information are time-sensitive. Once it arrives tomorrow, it will naturally be worthless."

Concubine Shijo had naturally heard about the fact that Hayasaka Ai had mastered a large intelligence network that almost surrounded the entire St. Eden Academy.

And Hayasaka Ai is Kaguya's person, and also has a certain relationship with Yuan Jing-this is something she knew during the cultural festival.

At that time, in the room of the Lamb Club, the three of them were lying together in the crack of the door to watch the "magnificent scene" of Yuanjing flattening Sigong Huangguang's subordinates by himself.

The plane of the exchange students will arrive at Tokyo Haneda Airport at about 7 o'clock this evening, and starting tomorrow, the 5 men and 5 women will start their exchange and study for two weeks.

As transfer students of sorts, these individuals are sure to become the focus of classes and to be questioned by curious students.

Although the other party is from England, communicating in English is actually not a big problem for the boys and girls of St. Eden Academy.

And when school is over in the afternoon, no, maybe it will be during the lunch break, and the various materials of these ten people will be sent to Ai Hayasaka.

If she knew it, it would naturally mean that Yuanjing knew it.

"If that's the case, then I naturally want to let it have some effect," Sijo Zhenfei said quite frankly, "[Make the best use of everything], this is one of the family mottos of the Shijo family."

"How did you know this in advance?" Of course there is scheming, but only a little bit, and the girl floated it on top of the full sincerity, and then presented it in front of Yuanjing indifferently .

Yuan Jing naturally wouldn't feel unhappy about this, but naturally began to ask for more details.

"I have a twin brother who is studying in England. His name is Emperor Sijo." When Concubine Sijo said about her younger brother, a smile with a little pride appeared on her face very naturally.

Obviously, unlike Kaguya, the relationship between Makoto Shijo and her younger brother is actually quite good.

"This student exchange program happened to be launched by his school, so he took this opportunity to go home."

It turned out to be the case.

Yuanjing nodded slightly in his heart.

Of course he knew that Concubine Sijo had a younger brother named Emperor Sijo.

However, he did not expect that the other party went directly to England.

Well, thinking of the obsession with football in the original book, I will be interested in the birthplace of modern football and study there.This is not something that is incomprehensible.

"Why can you be sure that the exchange student program Sawamura mentioned is the same as your brother's exchange student program?" Yuanjing continued to ask.

"The end of the term is approaching, and it lasts for two weeks, and it's still between the British School and St. Eden Academy..." Shijo Zhenfei said with fingers, "Of course, the more important thing is, from my father's mouth, I heard the name [Rita]."

In the process of making Gyotaku just now, she chatted with Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina for a period of time, and learned from them the name of [Rita Einsworth]’s former roommate of Mashiro Shiina .

"As a student of the same school and half of the host, my younger brother generously took over the reception work of these exchange students and the teachers who lead the team in Tokyo."

The British school that can be linked with St. Eden Academy and let Emperor Shijo choose is naturally an old and famous school.Except for the four emperors, the families of the nine people also have certain influence in England.

This is a good opportunity to establish and consolidate contacts, and the Shitiao family will naturally not give up.

"However, one of them told Di directly, saying that she has already found a place to live in Tokyo, so he doesn't need to bother."

"Is this person Rita Einsworth?" Yuan Jing asked.

"That's right." Shijo Zhenfei nodded, which is why her father mentioned this name.

"She was born in an art family in England, and her grandfather is currently the most famous painter in England," Shijo Makoto thought about the information she heard from her father, "This is very consistent with Shiina's previous experience, basically it can be determined that it is the same Individuals, rather than some existence of the same name."

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