The place Rita has found is definitely the house of Sayuri Sawamura, right?

This is really-


Yuan Jing's lips are slightly raised, outlining a curve full of interest.

He didn't think it was just a very simple accident that the Sitiao family would be involved.

Otherwise, it would be too coincidental.

Among them, there must be the handwriting of the Spencer family.If he guessed correctly, some of these foreign visitors must have the instructions of the Spencer family.

Besides that Miss Rita, there should be others.

It is said to be boarding, but obviously, the meaning of "contact" is quite strong.

For the Spencer family, the Shijo family, which has returned home and has a large number of industries overseas, is naturally the most suitable candidate for cooperation.In this case, the interaction of interests is also quite convenient.

However, is this a little too cautious?

Sawamura Spencer Eriri is just a branch of the Spencer family. Although she bears the name [Spencer], as a mixed race, even if she was taken to England, among the Spencer family, Basically, it should also be a status of [No such person found].

It was just to bring her to England, why did Hua put in so much effort, and even involved Shitiaojia?

According to Sayuri Sawamura, the reason why the Spencer family must take Eiri Sawamura back is because they are afraid that someone will use her [Spencer] name to cause trouble, thereby violating the interests of the Spencer family.

Now, this statement obviously doesn't make sense.

You know, even if it is just for the help of the Shitiao family, the Spencer family will definitely have to pay a lot.

The most important thing is that the price/performance ratio of doing so is too low.

Even without the intervention of the Shijo family, Sayuri Sawamura might not be able to keep her daughter.

The intervention of the Shitiao family only increased the original 90% possibility to 99%.

As for whether it must be done to this point?

It would be understandable if the Spencer family liked Eri Sawamura so much that they were willing to pay the price to ensure their 'homecoming' was safe.

But that's clearly not the case now.

Among them, there must be hidden secrets that he still doesn't know well.In addition to the surname Spencer, Eri Sawamura must have a huge value that he is still not clear about.

Otherwise, the so-called 'bringing Eri Sawamura back to the family' is just a cover, and they have other more important things to do.

Otherwise, such abnormal behavior cannot be explained at all.

In fact, Yuan Jing already had such a premonition.

With the midterm exam as the watershed, after that, he bid farewell to the relatively stable novice period, and started a life trajectory like a raging wave.

"The Attack of Minamoto Raikou" is obviously the first large-scale incident, and after this incident is resolved, the next large-scale incident is naturally on the way.

This is the fate of the 'protagonist'.

In fact, he has been paying attention to various omens, and the reason why he pays so much attention to this seemingly simple matter is also out of consideration of 'just in case'.

It now appears that he was quite right.

Yuanjing is not afraid of various challenges.

For him who aims to 'become the strongest', these incidents are nothing more than delicacies to make him stronger.

Serve it up quickly, he can't help but want to taste it!

However, before that——

Yuan Jing glanced at Sijo Zhenfei at the side, and then took out the smart phone that had been put away again.

After some manipulations, he showed it in front of Concubine Shijo.

"Reciprocity is a courtesy." Yuan Jing said briefly.

This was something that Concubine Shijo wanted to spy on curiously before. After getting the important information, he was in a good mood, so he was naturally willing to satisfy the other party's curiosity.

...Anyway, it's not something private or shady.

Now, Concubine Shijo was finally able to see this photo clearly.

There are two people in the photo, the black-haired figure she saw earlier was Shimizu Kaguya, and the blond figure was naturally Hayasaka Ai.

Both of them were wearing black dresses and white aprons. Only their hands and heads were exposed, revealing a clean and simple look.

However, this simple attire in black and white did not hinder the beauty of the two of them in the slightest, but produced an extremely elegant aesthetic feeling.

The golden long hair that seems to flow in the sun is slightly entangled with the long black hair that looks like a deep night. The blue eyes that are as blue as the sky and the scarlet red eyes that are like blood complement each other. The delicate face with obvious mixed-race features and perfect The looks of the complete East Asian classical beauties are gently next to each other.

It can be said that they are two completely opposite styles, but they are extremely harmonious in one photo, as if they were born to be so.

The two stood next to each other, making a V-shaped victory gesture toward the camera.

The smile on Hayasaka Ai's face was quite bright, while the smile on Shimizu Kaguya's face was a little shy.

And behind the two of them, there is a long corridor that has been tidied up.

"The first floor is done!" This is another sentence sent by the two besides the photos.

Photos of beautiful girls always make people feel happy, and Shijo Zhenfei is no exception.

As if infected by the two people in the photo, a smile appeared on her face very naturally, and her mood became more cheerful.

"Are they cleaning?" She looked up at Yuan Jing and asked.

"Yeah. I just moved yesterday, and this shows my new house." Yuan Jing nodded and said, "I wanted to help, but I was kicked out by these two people."

"Hey, that means, are you living in the same room with Kaguya now?" Makoto Shijo asked as if casually.

In fact, she had already heard the answer from Kaguya, but now she wanted to hear from Yuanjing to confirm again.

"Yeah." Yuanjing is still unclear, Kaguya has already described his relationship with her as a couple, "In my current house, there are two confirmed residents, no."

He looked at Hayasaka Ai in the photo again, and sighed softly, "There should be three of them."

He knew this maid very well, and she didn't hide at all that she must stay here! 'intention of.

Anyway, Kaguya has already settled down, so it doesn't matter if there is one more person...

"Huh, three people?" Makoto Shijo's eyes widened, her eyes wandered between the photo and Yuanjing for a moment, and then she asked cautiously, "Did Hayasaka-san stay here for Kaguya?"

"There must be some reason for this," Yuan Jing nodded, "However, the more important reason should be for me."

"Well, does Kaguya know? I mean that Hayasaka-san's intentions towards you are not so pure..." Shijo Makoto can find out even Kaguya's thoughts, how could she not understand that Hayasaka Ai has thoughts about Yuanjing ?

She was almost drooling!

"Of course she knows, love can live, and she spent a lot of effort to persuade me."


Not only was she not jealous, but she also took the initiative to send her former personal maid...

Wait, wait, wait, let me take it easy.

Is this how Kaguya won the fruits of victory?

Concubine Shijo looked at this photo with somewhat unbelievable eyes——

Two against one, isn't it too despicable?

Chapter 39 This is God's will!

The cool autumn wind blew past, blowing the girl's black skirt close to her thighs, thus highlighting her slender and perfect legs.

Generally speaking, among the girls of Sakurajima, the rate of "bow-legged" is quite high.

This somewhat deformed leg shape has a great relationship with its living habits.

Since ancient times, the daily life of Sakurajima people has been closely related to things like tatami.

Compared with stools and chairs, sitting upright is obviously more suitable for them.

Generally speaking, standard sitting upright does not cause deformation of the legs.

As long as the back is straight enough and as graceful as possible, there is no big problem.

But nowadays, it is actually quite difficult for the girls of Sakurajima to do it - because the standard 'sitting upright' is too tiring to maintain!

This is the same as standing in a military posture during military training. Compared with the most standard standing posture, it is obvious that you can make yourself more comfortable when you are crooked.

During the rather long "sitting", in order to make themselves more comfortable, girls often adopt an extremely relaxed sitting posture, putting all the weight of the body on the legs.

For this sitting posture, there is still a very cute and exclusive title at present, that is 'duck sitting'.

Although this way of sitting is a little more relaxed, it will put a burden on the pelvis, which will lead to changes in the shape of the legs-this is one of the reasons why the proportion of "bow legs" is quite high among the girls in Sakurajima.

But the four real concubines did not have such a problem.

The Shijo family has worked overseas for a long time, and the various traditional habits that originally belonged to the Sakurajima people, especially some parts that are not suitable for modern society, have naturally been replaced by more Westernized habits.

In the environment where the concubine Shijo grew up, the existence of tatami is actually quite rare.This kind of thing is more related to the 'traditional etiquette class', which is specially used to teach her how to deal with traditional Sakurajima people.

Her upright sitting is basically limited to this kind of course.

As a wealthy family, the etiquette teachers hired by the Sijo family are naturally quite professional, and they will not allow the real concubine Sijo to show any slack.

Any deviation in her posture was severely corrected.

Because of this, the four real concubines can have a pair of perfect legs that have nothing to do with 'banded legs'.

...However, the current Concubine Shijo is obviously not the time to care about such things.

Although her eyes were still on the float on her fishing rod, it was obvious that her eyesight was quite scattered, and her attention had obviously gone somewhere.

The previous conversation with Yuan Jing and the photo obviously had a strong impact on her three views, and now she is in a mess.

"Kaguya didn't take that Hayasaka Ai's jealousy. Knowing that she had something wrong with Yuanjing, she still took the initiative to help her and let her live with herself and her future husband..."

Her float has gone up and down, which is a sign that some fish are tentatively biting the bait.

If it was before, she would have picked up the fishing rod with great excitement, and then found out with great disappointment that she had acted too hastily.

But now she is motionless, acting quite calm.

After all, now is not the time to dwell on trivial matters like fishing.

"As for Hayasaka Ai, I remember Kaguya's former personal maid?She seems to have been serving Kaguya and growing up with her.Although they are masters and servants, they are actually more like sisters...'

Half of this kind of information comes from the Shijo family's intelligence collection system, and half comes from Kaguya's own narration, so the accuracy rate is naturally quite high.

'Wait a minute, is this situation the legendary one—a dowry maid? There was a flash of inspiration in Concubine Sijo's mind, and such a word suddenly appeared.

...Human thinking is inertial.

Because of Shimizu Kaguya's deliberate guidance, the "fact" that "Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing are mutually confirmed boyfriend and girlfriend" has been firmly engraved in the mind of Shijo Zhenfei.

And all the inferences she is making now are basically based on this 'fact', which naturally and the so-called truth are constantly diverging from each other.

Well, after all, it was because Kaguya himself had lied in advance in order to get Zhenfei's help.

If this is the case, it is natural to bear the corresponding consequences, right?

'I've heard that among many traditional families in Sakurajima, there seems to be a bad habit of [dowry maids]. "Although there is no such situation in the Sijo family, as a typical representative of 'backward', 'cold-blooded', and 'rotten' in the eyes of the real concubine Sijo - the Sigong family (this is the stereotype she got from her elders, of course from a certain It cannot be said to be wrong to a certain extent), and it is obviously a very normal thing that such a tradition will still be preserved.

On this point, Sijo Zhenfei did not guess wrong.

According to the Shinomiya family's thinking, Ai Hayasaka is indeed Kaguya's "dowry", and she was raised according to such standards.

If it is said that Kaguya's status in the Shinomiya family is a "marriage tool person", as her vassal, Hayasaka Ai's fate is obviously even worse-in addition to being squeezed out of her labor, she also has to be that kind of "" Buy one get one free'' Raotou'.

As a wife, satisfying her husband is her most important duty.

However, as a daughter, it is very normal to have inconvenient times.

For example, the days of each month, and when I was pregnant.

At this time, in order to win over the man as much as possible and prevent him from messing around outside, another woman who can reassure the wife and satisfy the husband is naturally very important.

This is the most important role of 'dowry maid'.

In addition to this, her other duty is the so-called 'trial marriage'.

To put it simply, it is to have sex with the uncle before the eldest lady, to teach the man some necessary knowledge, so as to alleviate the embarrassment and pain of the two on the wedding night...

Such a system naturally has nothing to do with things like progress, and is a bad habit that should be swept into the dustbin of history.

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