This is an important node between Tokyo and domestic and overseas transportation, and all kinds of ships come and go here.

At this moment, Yuan Jing was standing beside a very inconspicuous pier.

In the underworld of Sakurajima, there is a widely circulated threat, that is, 'Put you in cement and sink into Tokyo Bay'.

And the inaccessible place where Yuanjing is now is undoubtedly an excellent 'discard point'.

Arriving at the pier, he looked down at the sea surface reflecting the dots of lights, and then looked up at the colorful Tokyo Rainbow Bridge in the distance. Yuanjing took off his shoes and socks and put them aside. Then roll up the trousers above the knee.

Sitting on the pier, Yuan Jing stretched his legs into the water and swayed gently.

The originally extremely calm water surface just caused waves like this. Under the water surface, there seemed to be countless eddies emerging.

After getting acquainted with the water flow here, Yuanjing suddenly 'suddenly' left the pier.

But he didn't slide into the water all of a sudden like ordinary people, but stood on the surface of the water all of a sudden.

The salty sea water barely reached his knees, but it didn't continue to spread upwards, and even his rolled-up trouser legs didn't get wet.

Under Yuan Jing's feet, the surface of the water didn't seem to be water, but something like quicksand.

This kind of scene seems to be quite magical, but in essence, it is actually quite simple and plain.

Because this is actually no different from ordinary people treading water.

When ordinary people fall into the water, as long as they are not the kind of landlubbers who can't swim at all, or if they panic because they suddenly fell into the water, they can push the water with both feet, and cooperate with the sliding of their arms to make the position above the shoulders out of the water. As for drowning.

And if he is a master of martial arts, even if his hands are tied and thrown into the water, he can rely on his excellent body coordination and extremely strong lower body strength to make his chest move The above body parts were above the water, as if there were rocks in the water for him to stand on.

And if you go a step further, you can use the strength of the lower body, especially the soles of the feet and toes, to continuously exert strength to lift the entire upper body out of the water.

Generally speaking, if one can reach this point, it is enough to be called a god-man with the supernatural power of 'discharging water'.

But if you want to go further, it can be said that you have reached the realm of martial arts mythology.

In the past years, Taijiquan master Wang Zongyue once stepped on the water and crossed the river, the water did not reach his knees.

In ancient times, there was also a legend that Master Bodhidharma crossed the river with a single reed.

Even in terms of martial arts, the saying that the past is better than the present is untenable. As an unarmed combat, it has almost broken through Lv.3 and reached Lv.MAX. On the ground, just let it soak your two calves, naturally it is a very common thing, right?

In fact, if Yuan Jing concentrates on exerting force on his feet and doesn't care about other things, he can continue to lift his body up, but that's just a pure show of skill, and has no practical significance.

Well, although the principle is quite simple to say, it can even be said to be unremarkable, but as a person with considerable common sense, Yuan Jing still knows what kind of sensational consequences he will have if he acts like this during the day.

Because of this, he came to this lonely pier in the dead of night.

The incident brought up by Sawamura Spencer Eriri seems to be on the same level as the "Minami Raimitsu Attack", so he must make various preparations.

If things get out of hand, this kind of unbelievable ability of 'walking on water' or even 'water fighting' is his trump card.

Of course, apart from this somewhat utilitarian reason, Yuan Jing himself is actually very interested in this kind of ability that can be said to be almost magical.

Why does he have to work so hard to accumulate proficiency and improve the level of skills?Besides satisfying oneself, isn't the greatest desire to be able to 'do what ordinary people can't do'?

Walking on water, something that only existed in the fantasy of the previous life, is actually able to turn it into a real reality.

That's pretty darn cool, isn't it?

A very obvious smile appeared on Yuan Jing's face.It was a pure and clean smile from the heart, in which there was no 'impurity' except happiness.

When he was in Minamoto's family, he had done similar training under the protection of Minamoto Raimitsu.

But at that time, I could only let the water reach my thighs.

Moreover, at that time, I was imprisoned, and there was no freedom at all.

The place where I practice is just a small lake in the deep mountains, how can I get on this vast sea that is boundless for thousands of miles?

The current self can be called "the sky is high and the birds are flying, the sea is wide and the sea is wide and the fish are leaping"!

He felt an unprecedented ease in his heart, as if his illness had disappeared in an instant.

Lightly 'walking' on the waves, he just walked slowly at first, then his speed became faster and faster, and in the end, it was no different from his speed of sprinting on the ground.

And when he was enjoying such a time, the corner of his eye suddenly turned to a figure in the distance.

Although it is far away from here, Yuan Jing can vaguely see that it is the silhouette of a somewhat petite girl.

She was standing on the long bridge in the distance, and the white light cast from behind her cast a somewhat blurred shadow on her.

But when Yuan Jing looked at her, he found that she was taking a deep leap, just jumping off the bridge.

This is, suicide?

Yuan Jing was taken aback.

In addition to the hidden corpses of the underworld, Tokyo Bay is also a very famous suicide sanctuary in Sakurajima. Every year, people who are filled with despair go to a dead end here.

From Yuan Jing's point of view, the girl who jumped off the bridge is obviously one of them.

He didn't hesitate at all, it can be said that he immediately changed direction and ran towards the place where the girl fell into the water.

Regardless of the reason, giving up one's own life without authorization is not an act that he can approve.

Nothing can change this behavior!

And when he got there...

But no figure struggling in the water was found.

On the contrary, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes was standing gracefully on the water.

And when Yuan Jing found her, that girl also spotted him very keenly.

The two just looked at each other, speechless for a moment, even the wind held its breath at this moment.

After a while, the girl tentatively raised her hand and waved at Yuan Jing—"Oh ha yo? (Good morning)"

Yuan Jing looked up at the crescent moon and the dots of stars in the sky, and couldn't help being speechless.

Is this the time to say good morning?

Chapter 43 Meeting by chance, we should forget each other in the rivers and lakes

"I didn't expect that I would be able to meet a warrior of this realm on the first night when I came to this place in the extreme east."

Although the "good morning" sounded a little out of place, it suddenly dissolved the awkward atmosphere between the two that seemed to be frozen.

Like a light butterfly, the blond girl circled around Yuan Jing and cast extremely curious gazes at the boy.

Relying on the light projected from the Rainbow Bridge not far away, supplemented by the meager moonlight and starlight, Yuan Jing could see the girl's slender calves and white feet submerged in the water.

The ten green onion-like toes are as flexible as fingers. They paddle around in the water, and every time they stroke, the water can create a vortex.

Relying on the recoil force of these countless vortices, the girl stood firmly on the water surface.

"It's a double that looks very similar to me..."

Yuan Jing played a trick in his heart silently.

After noticing Yuan Jing's gaze, the blond girl didn't get angry.

Although she is still a girl on the outside, the events she has experienced and the people she has seen can be said to be richer than 99.99% of people in this world. She can naturally see that there is no trace of adultery in the boy's eyes. Just full of inquiry and curiosity.

Not only did she not just stay away from Yuanjing, but she moved closer to the boy, as if she wanted to let him see more clearly.

'Take it as supporting the younger generation. ' she thought so.

However, after getting a little closer, she discovered a problem again——

That is, the boy is a little too tall.

It wasn't obvious when the distance was a little far before, but after getting closer, the height difference between the two was displayed so abruptly.

The boy's height is 1 meters, but the girl's height is less than 8 meters.

'It's okay, teenagers in this era have no worries about food and clothing, so it's very natural for them to be taller. 'Although she comforted herself so much in her heart, she still exerted a little force on her feet, quietly elevating her figure standing above the water by a few centimeters.

Although this is still not enough to make up for the height difference between the two, it has already allowed her to stop looking at Yuanjing from the perspective of looking up.

Such actions naturally cannot escape Yuan Jing's eyes.

While feeling a little smile at the other party's slightly childish behavior, a little doubt flashed in his heart.

The blond girl with the ability to walk on water claims that this is her first night in this far eastern place...

In this case, the identity of the girl in front of me is naturally ready to be revealed——

Arturia Pendaragon.

The king who ruled the island of Great Britain around the 5th century AD can almost be said to be the brightest star in the moon world.

However, this is the setting in the anime of the previous life.

Just like Yuan Jing's mother, Minamoto Raimitsu, because there is no reason for the existence of heroic spirits in this world, no matter their status or ability, they will automatically match this world.

For example, in the original Xingyue world setting, the reason why Artoria has the ability to walk on water is because she was blessed by the fairy of the lake.

But in this world, because there are no fantasy species like goblins, its ability to walk on water has become the highlight of its own martial arts skills.

Even so, its most prominent character traits will not change.

For Minamoto Larimitsu, it is the extremely deformed desire to control children wrapped in "maternal love", and there is another blackened personality in his mind.

But when it comes to Arturia Pendaragon, what is her most prominent character trait?

In the anime of the previous life, Artoria blamed herself for the subjugation of the country, and thus pinned her hope on the omnipotent wishing machine, wanting to change the fate of her country.

But in this world, although England can't be called a world hegemon, in terms of international status, it can be ranked at the forefront, and there is no need for a girl to save it.

Under such circumstances, she was actually sent by the Spencer family to Sakurajima, a place in the far east. What is the purpose of this?

How did Sawamura Eriri and Artoria get connected?

After all, what kind of status and identity is Artoria in England?Does she have anything to do with the British royal family?

After seeing Arturia, although some of Yuanjing's doubts were solved, it also brought bigger and more mysteries.

However, that's what makes it interesting.

There was a strong excitement in his heart.

Yuan Jing is the kind of player who likes challenges very much, and it can be said that he is a fan of the old thief Hidetaka Miyazaki.

In his previous life, although he was extremely busy at work, he still cleared "Dark Soul 3", "Sekiro" and "Elden's Ring" in his spare time.

The more daunting the difficulty you face, the more enjoyable it is to overcome it and get over it.

This is the truest side of this man, Yuan Jing.

Although the above thought is quite long to write, it is actually just a matter of Yuanjing's thought.

But in reality, seeing the source of Arturia's 'little movements', she also focused her attention on her feet.

As the water waves swirled, the boy's figure rose a few centimeters.

It's not that Yuan's prosperity is limited and he deliberately shows off his skills.

As the saying goes, 'there is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts'.After encountering opponents who are difficult to determine the outcome of each other, even if they just meet by chance, the strong competitive spirit will make them subconsciously compare each other.

This is called 'hands-on'.

Seeing Yuan Jing's behavior, Arturia was not only not annoyed, but her eyes lit up.

Because of the development of modern technology, although the art of martial arts fighting is still developing compared to before, there are very few people who are sincere in it.

After all, compared with things like firearms and artillery, the price/performance ratio of such things is too low.

Although Arturia is quite happy to see such a development, this change also reminds her all the time——

'You're an outdated antique, people don't need you anymore'.

Fortunately, her spirit is extremely tenacious. The easy negation of this kind of life goal just made her a little sad, and it didn't make her give up on herself.

But after meeting Yuan Jing, who is comparable to herself, she not only feels extraordinarily cordial, but also the heart of victory and defeat is constantly beating in her chest.

This is also the direct reason why she made the slightly childish behavior that was not in line with her character.

Yuan Jing's actions are undoubtedly challenging her.

So, even if she is no longer the 'King', how could she avoid such an invitation?

With a somewhat aggressive smile on her face, Artoria took a deep breath.

For her, walking on water is a unique skill, but for her, this matter is still not easy.

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