For her, the difficulty can be said to increase geometrically for every centimeter raised. After all, the closer to the water surface, the thinner the water layer above her feet, and the strength of the churning vortex will also be affected.

After seeing Arturia's actions at this time, Yuan Jing also took a deep breath like her.

If someone is watching at this time, they will see this incredible scene above the water next to the Rainbow Bridge in Tokyo——

A boy with black hair and black eyes and a girl with blond hair and blue eyes stood facing each other on the water.

The water waves under the two people's feet churned, and the turbulent vortex made the water flow hit each other, making a somewhat low-pitched roar, which made the two of them look like gods riding the waves.

Although the water was rushing under their feet, the standing posture of the two of them was not crooked at all, like two plants firmly rooted in the bottom of the sea, slowly growing towards the sky.

However, because this place is extremely hidden, apart from the whistling wind, fish swimming in the water, and the crescent moon and stars in the sky, no outsider has witnessed such a miraculous scene.

And at this moment, the blond girl seemed to slip suddenly, as if she was about to fall down.

In this competition, Artoria is undoubtedly the one who suffers.

As the first mover, she was already a bit more difficult than Yuan Jing; and unlike Yuan Jing who took off her shoes and socks on the pier, she carried them to one of her hands, making the left and right half of her body There is a slight imbalance.

Of course, the most important reason is the thin shackles tied between her ankles.

This restraint made of special metal directly disturbed the vortex under Artoria's feet, and finally caused her to lose her balance.

And at this critical moment, a slender and powerful hand grabbed Artoria's wrist, and with such support, she finally regained her balance.

"Thank you." Artoria said to Yuanjing.

She wasn't afraid of falling into the water just like that, but she was worried that her dress would be wet by the sea water.

Arturia sneaked out of Shijo's house tonight, if she appeared in front of other people in wet clothes tomorrow morning, she would be suspected, which can be said to be a certainty.

After that, the supervision of oneself will definitely be stricter, and it will naturally be more difficult to find opportunities to escape.

Yuan Jing shook his head at her, indicating that it was nothing.

His eyes froze slightly on the shackles between the girl's feet, but he didn't say anything about it, but pointed to a small island not far away (it's actually a little flattering to say it's a small island. According to the saying, it is actually a small bump emerging from the sea)——

"Would you like to take a break?"

This kind of water walking is actually a very exhausting thing, even Yuan Jing is slightly out of breath at the moment.

Arturia is obviously the same.

"Yeah." After nodding obediently, she gently shook her wrist, which was caught by Yuan Jing, to indicate to him that she no longer needed such help.

Yuan Jing also let go of his hand without the slightest nostalgia.

After a few minutes of 'trekking', the two finally set foot on solid ground again.


Putting the slightly small high-heeled shoes and black socks on a clean reef, Artoria, with a pair of crystal clear feet, stepped on the sandy beach of the island.

Feeling the grains of sand under her feet and the waves caressing her soles, she looked at the city not far away that was surrounded by neon lights with some emotion.

This small island in the sea full of tranquil atmosphere is incompatible with the noisy and lively one. Although it is very close, it seems that it is not in the same world as it.

'Just like myself...'

After quietly feeling so emotionally in her heart, the girl's eyes moved back to this isolated island again.

Looking at Yuan Jing who was sitting cross-legged on another rock, staring at the starry sky and wondering what she was thinking, she wrinkled her thin willow eyebrows in distress, looking a little troubled.

It stands to reason that now that the temptation has been tested, the next step is to report each other's names and start asking questions like 'Who is coming? ! ' stage up.

But according to the agreement with the Spencer family, she cannot use the names of 'Arthur' and 'Artoria' in Sakurajima, and can only use the pseudonyms they prepared for herself.

However, facing Yuan Jing, a 'commoner' who was somewhat congenial to her, she really didn't want to give him that false name.

Seemingly seeing Artoria's troubles, Yuan Jing, who still kept looking up at the starry sky, said in a cold tone——

"Since we met by chance, let's skip the step of reporting names to each other."

"Anyway, if we say goodbye tonight, we don't know when we will meet next time."

That's right...

Artoria naturally knew about this.

The lifespan of the identity she is currently using is actually only two short weeks, and after two weeks, she will be named 'Sawamura Spencer Eriri', and the real Sawamura Spencer Yingli, will be brought back to England.

For this young man, getting involved with a right and wrong person like himself is not a good thing at all.

Obviously it was hard to meet someone who is similar to me...

Burying such troubles in her heart, Arturia came to the side of the reef that Yuanjing made.

She raised her small face, and looked at the bright galaxy from the same angle as the boy.

Under the shining starlight, Artoria's emerald-like pupils were shining brightly, as if they contained the stars in the sky.

"Are you looking at the stars?" Arturia said as if sighing.

"Yeah." The boy's answer was extremely short.

Clean and neat, without muddy water.

This is very consistent with his previous style.

"Hmm..." Although the starry sky is indeed beautiful, it would be a little boring to just look at it like this.

After hesitating for a moment, she cast her eyes on him——

"I don't understand something, can you point it out to me?"

After a brief silence—

"Okay." Yuan Jing said.


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Chapter 44 This is for survival, my struggle!

The sun rises quite late in late November.

At least it was much longer than a big-breasted girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

When a little paleness appeared in the eastern sky, the girl who had finished washing had already stepped into the kitchen.

"Toast, sausage, bacon, eggs, tomato, mushrooms..."

Although it was just one night of boarding in this 'home', the location of ingredients in the kitchen is actually quite easy to find. After opening the cabinet and refrigerator and checking the stock of ingredients at home, she nodded with satisfaction.

She doesn't know how to cook Japanese breakfast, but the existing ingredients are enough for her to make a hearty English breakfast.

'By the way, Miss Arturia should be up by now too, right?I don't know if she is used to living in Sijo's house...'

Such worries ran across her mind quietly, but it was useless to think about it.Now I need to think about some practical questions——

For example, how many fried eggs do Sayuri Sawamura and Eri Sawamura usually eat for breakfast?Do they like to eat well-done, medium-rare, or slightly charred?

With a click, the fire was turned on, and Rita Einsworth placed the frying pan on the gas stove.

'Generally speaking, it is not wrong to be fully cooked. In short, at present, we should do it according to the standard of one person, right? '

Shiina Mashiro's first owner thought so.

When Sayuri Sawamura walked into the kitchen smelling the aroma, Rita was melting salty butter in a pan. Buttered mushrooms are quite a classic Western-style breakfast.

"Do you want me to help?" He didn't say that you are a guest, so you don't need to bother so much.

Sayuri Sawamura took off the hanging apron from behind the kitchen door, and tied it directly around her waist.

"Well, then please." Rita did not refuse.

She pointed to another plate, on which was a stack of toast that she had cut but hadn't had time to bake.

"Bake the toast in the oven first?"

After doing this, the two of them prepared breakfast together in the kitchen with a tacit understanding.

Although she is from Sakurajima, Sayuri Sawamura is not unfamiliar with how to cook Western cuisine. After all, Mr. Spencer is a native of England, and being able to satisfy her husband's appetite is an extremely important skill for Sakurajima women.

"Where are Zhenbai and Yinglili? Are they still sleeping?" After all the butter melted, Rita poured the chopped mushrooms into the pot, asking as if casually.

"Well, these two played a little too crazy last night," said Sayuri Sawamura with a gentle smile on her lips when talking about these two people, "Anyway, it's still early, let the two of them Let's rest for a while."

In order to welcome Rita's arrival, at the Sawamura house last night, led by Sayuri Sawamura, a somewhat grand welcome party was held.

Mashiro Shiina and Eri Sawamura both had a great time.

For the fact that Rita was brought from England to Sakurajima and lived here for a period of time, the two girls were really happy from the bottom of their hearts.

After dinner, the three girls even held a pajama party in their own rooms, and the lights in their bedrooms were kept on until very late, very late...

"Miss Rita, you just got off the plane yesterday, and you played with those two girls until late at night, but you were able to get up so early this morning to prepare breakfast." One side of the toast in the oven was already fried. It has become quite an attractive golden yellow color.

While turning on the oven and turning it over, Sayuri Sawamura said worriedly, "Will it be a little too hard?"

"No, it's nothing. I did it on purpose." Rita wasn't going to hide her intentions from Sayuri Sawamura, at least not one of them.

In that case, it would be too much to treat others as fools.

"If you get up early to make breakfast, there is a great possibility that you can talk to Mrs. Spencer without being disturbed by Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina."

"That's what I think." Rita stopped the shovel that was stirring the mushrooms, and added a little water to the pot.If you don't do this, the mushroom will taste dry after a while.

"Mrs. Spencer..." Sayuri Sawamura's eyes were in a trance for a moment as she murmured the address softly.

It had been a while since she had heard that title.

In other words, after her husband died unexpectedly, no one called her by this title anymore.

"You still called me Aunt Sawamura last night, are you calling me Mrs. Spencer now?" Sayuri Sawamura said with a chuckle, "Does this mean that the reason why you will participate in this exchange student program And living in my house, do you actually have other plans?"

"That's right," Rita admitted graciously.

"I'm here to take Zhenbai back to China."

The mushrooms in the pot have been stir-fried to give off a tempting aroma.After seeing that the fire was almost done, Rita turned off the fire on the stove.

Logically, the pepper should come next.

But obviously, the blond-haired, blue-eyed British girl had more important things to do at this time.

She cast her eyes like a sharp sword straightly at Sayuri Sawamura who was a little silent because of her previous words, her tone was as sharp as a blade——

"I hope Mrs. Spencer can agree to my unfeeling request."

"..." Sayuri Sawamura was not a fool, she was already quite intelligent, and she understood the reason for Rita's words almost instantly.

"Are you afraid that our family's affairs will implicate Zhenbai?" There was a hint of sadness in her tone.

"It's not that I'm afraid of implicating Zhenbai," Rita shook her head lightly. "It should be said that the affairs of your family have indeed affected Zhenbai."

"You may not know it when you are in Sakurajima, but the Spencer family has actually looked for Shiina Mashiro's parents."

"In other words, are you doing this at the intention of Zhenbai's parents?"

Shiina Mashiro's parents are her husband's friends, and she was able to come to Sakurajima to live with Eriri, which is also the result of her husband's matchmaking. Sayuri Sawamura and those two can only be said to be strangers, but to say If you are familiar with it, it is not at all.

If it was what her parents meant, then she really had no reason to refuse.

"No." To Sayuri Sawamura's surprise, Rita directly denied her words.

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