"Zhenbai's parents never asked me for such a thing. They even directly rejected the Spencer family's request."


Looking at Sayuri Sawamura who was showing a little astonishment, Rita's voice suddenly softened.

"Actually, after the unexpected death of Mr. Spencer, Zhenbai once talked with his parents in England on the phone."

"I didn't ask you, and I secretly hid it from Ying Lili. It seems that she asked the head of the painting department to help me."

"Facing her parents who had learned of Mr. Spencer's death, she begged her parents not to take her away on the phone."

"'At this moment, Sayuri and Yinglili are very sad. Although what I can do is extremely limited, I still hope to be the strength of these two people.' She said this to her parents."

'It's really like what Mashiro would say. Saying this silently in her heart, Sayuri Sawamura pursed her lips tightly.

Although she was extremely moved, she didn't want to show such a fragile side of herself to outsiders.

"Zhenbai's parents are typical artists. In their eyes, sensibility must completely overwhelm rationality."

"Since Zhenbai has said so, they will naturally not forcefully change their thoughts about their beloved daughter. On the contrary, they can be said to be unequivocally on the side of Zhenbai."

Rita couldn't help holding her forehead as she recalled the servants of the Spencer family who were driven out mercilessly by the couple.

The Zhenbai family seems to have escaped from a fairy tale kingdom. They are all innocent and pure, and they only focus on the things they care about.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this quality that they can show such amazing talents and become great painters who have a certain reputation even in the world.

However, the real world is not a fairy tale.

This is a fact that Rita has long recognized.

"It's my own initiative to take Mashiro away from Sakurajima." If this is what Mashiro's parents meant, then the resistance she would have encountered would undoubtedly be much less, but out of admiration for the couple, Rita really did Do not stigmatize the behavior of the two.

"As a native of Sakurajima, Mrs. Spencer, who has never set foot on British land, may not know how powerful the Spencer family is there." Rita's blue eyes sparkled After a few traces of haze.

"In front of them, whether it is my family or the Zhenbai family, it can be said that there is no resistance at all." She said with some concern.

If it's just to let Sawamura, Spencer, and Eriri recognize their ancestors, then that's fine.

But as someone who knew a little bit of the inside story, she naturally knew that the water in this incident was much deeper than it seemed.

That can really drown people...

"I don't want the Zhenbai family to be involved in this vortex, so although I am a little sorry, I still want to take Zhenbai out of this place of right and wrong."

"This is the main purpose of my coming to Sakurajima."

After expressing her purpose so clearly, Rita closed her mouth and reached for the small bottle of black pepper.

Although it is a little late, it is still within the scope of remediation.

Even if they will be kicked out by Sayuri Sawamura later, then at least let me prepare a hearty and delicious breakfast for them, let's just repay yesterday's welcome party...

"If I remember correctly, Miss Rita's exchange program should last for two weeks, right?" Sayuri Sawamura said suddenly after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, that's right," Rita replied.

"In other words, are you planning to return to England with Zhenbai in two weeks?"

"if everything goes well."

"That's it, that is to say, there are still two weeks..." Sayuri Sawamura murmured so softly.

"...Aren't you going to kick me out?" Rita felt a little unexpected after seeing the other party's reaction, "Look, I'm here to make things worse for you. Enemy."

"Your starting point is also for the good of Zhenbai, just because of this, I can't hate you." Sayuri Sawamura smiled and shook her head.

"However, this does not mean that I have given up." She continued.

"Isn't there still two weeks left, as long as everything is settled within these two weeks, wouldn't it be fine?"

In Sayuri Sawamura's words, there was an extremely strong fighting spirit burning.

"In the eyes of the Spencer family, I may be a small person who can disregard my will and knead at will. If that's the case—"

"Then let me 'struggle' well."

This is what it means to be a mother.


A few minutes before the first class on Monday, in the classroom of Class A of Senior One.

Yuan Jing was writing something on a piece of paper with a pen.

The encounter with that Miss Artoria last night, or early this morning, it seems that apart from the character of the other party, there is not much information revealed.

Her tone was quite strict, she kept secret about her own affairs, and hardly said any useful information.

But Yuanjing still found something out of it.

The starry sky above is an eternal research topic for human beings.

The history of astrology can be traced back to the celestial omens of the ancient Mesopotamians.

As early as the ancient Babylonian dynasty from the 18th century BC to the 16th century BC, the first book on cuneiform writing that discussed celestial omens by category appeared.

Human beings in ancient times firmly believed that the movement of celestial bodies was closely related to the fate and fortune of people and dynasties, and they devoted a lot of energy to it.

At this point, the whole world is the same.

With such energy investment, astrology and astrology have naturally undergone a series of evolutions with the times. Even the same star has different names and meanings in different eras and regions. .

Take Polaris as an example, except that it was called "Ziweiyuan" in ancient China.It has many different names in foreign countries: Alruccabah, Angel Stern (Angel Stern), Cynosura, Lodestar, Mismar, Navigatoria, Phoenix, Pole Star (Pole Star), Star of Arcady (Arcady Star), Tramontana and Yilduz.

These are all different titles given by different cultures at different times and places.

Arturia is not completely ignorant of this starry sky.

She actually has a certain understanding of several extremely famous stars.

It seems that she felt a little embarrassed for always letting Yuanjing teach her, but she actually taught Yuanjing something in turn.

For example, if a certain star is dim, it means what the weather will be like tomorrow; otherwise, it is something like judging the direction based on the position of the star.

In short, it is some knowledge that can only be called 'practical'.

Well, although because of the existence of weather forecasts and portable compasses, such knowledge is useless in modern times.

However, these unintentional things from her mouth can help Yuan Jing to deduce something based on it.

This is what Yuanjing is currently doing.

And at this moment, the whole classroom suddenly became noisy, Yuan Jing even heard the boys cheering and whistling.

This sudden noise interrupted Yuanjing's originally smooth train of thought.

When he raised his head slightly displeased, he happened to meet a pair of jasper-like eyes.

After confirming Yuan Jing's identity, the pupils of the eyes suddenly became a little brighter, as if revealing the inner surprise of its owner.

After quietly holding the white paper under his brush into a ball, and destroying the corpse, Yuan Jing averted his gaze.

There are 20 classes in the first year of St. Eden Academy, and there are only 10 exchange students, which means that the probability of being selected is actually only half...

"Papa papa!" As the class teacher, Shizuka Hiratsuka knocked on her podium with a blackboard eraser, using her majesty as a teacher to suppress the cheers of the boys——

"Don't get too carried away, boys!" she said. "It took me so much to snatch such a cute girl into our class. If you scare her away, I won't spare you!"

'Okay, crack the case at the speed of light. '

Yuan Jing gently supported his forehead.

'By the way, you homeroom teachers assign exchange students, did you use robbing in the first place? '

He groaned in his heart.

Chapter 45 The indifferent exchange student from England only favors me?

"Lily Spencer." Accompanied by the girl's awe-inspiring voice, the slender jade fingers held white chalk and wrote the words Lily Spencer on the blackboard.

After that, she looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka, as if explaining to her with her eyes that she had finished what she wanted to say.

"Well, classmate Lily." The smile on Hiratsuka Shizuka's face was a little stiff. For some reason, the exchange student's gaze was obviously extremely calm, but it made her feel a great pressure.

Hiratsuka Shizuka is actually no stranger to this kind of pressure.

During the cultural festival, she had experienced a similar feeling from the 'demon king' Minamoto Raimitsu who passed the 'Hundred Trials'.

But Minamoto Raimitsu is Genkage's mother and the current patriarch of the Minamoto family who once ruled the world, so it is extremely normal for him to have such a high-ranking person's coercion on him.

But the classmate Lily in front of her is obviously just a young girl in her prime. According to the information handed over from her former school, apart from her fairy-like beauty, everything else is mediocre.

Although she has the surname Spencer, she is not a member of the Spencer family, but an adopted child by him.

If so, why?

Suppressing the doubts in his mind, Shizuka Hiratsuka said as if to induce, "The so-called self-introduction is actually not just saying your name."

"What do you usually like to eat, what are your hobbies, what kind of animals do you like, what kind of books do you like to read..."

"If it's convenient, I can actually reveal a little bit."

Listening to Shizuka Hiratsuka's words, the classmates (both male and female) who were staring at Lily with extremely curious eyes nodded in unison——

'That's right, let's get to know you better. 'They expressed such thoughts with their eyes, expressions and movements.

Yuan Jing was not surprised by this.

Exchange student from England.

Just such an identity is actually enough to arouse the curiosity of the students.

And as long as a modifier is added before this [exchange student], that is, [beautiful girl exchange student], the attention she attracts will immediately expand to three times as much as before.

That's right, even if they don't know the true identity of the transfer student, just based on the other person's appearance, it is actually quite worthy of attention——

The snow-like skin that the native Sakurajima cannot have, the beautiful eyes shining like emeralds, and the long hair that shines like flowing gold are tied with a black hairband into an elegant and simple single. The ponytail, and the elegance that flows from its every move...  

If it weren't for Hiratsuka Shizuka's pressure, they couldn't wait to ask.

There is no way we have to admit the fact that human beings are actually visual creatures through and through.

But 'Lily' shattered such illusions in an extremely cruel way——

"No need, I have nothing to say." The extremely cold voice just passed through the entire classroom.

"What's the point of knowing this, anyway, I'm going to disappear in two weeks."

"When the time comes, please forget about me."

The silence at the moment surrounded the classroom like a frozen lake.

After Lily finished speaking, everyone didn't say a word, and couldn't think of what to say, even Hiratsuka Shizuka was a little dumb.

She could tell that the classmate Lily in front of her was neither shy nor nervous, but simply wanted to reject others and be thousands of miles away.

Hey, wait a minute, this attitude seems a little familiar...

Shizuka Hiratsuka glanced at a certain boy thoughtfully.

At this time, the class bell rang, freeing the group of people in the classroom from such an embarrassing scene.

"Ahem." After coughing lightly, Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes wandered around the class, as if looking for a suitable seat for him.

But before she could make up her mind, 'Lily' directly pointed to Yuan Jing who was sitting at the back of the classroom, "I want to sit next to him, is that okay?"

Although it ended with a question sentence, her tone was not tactful, but she said it as if she was giving an order.

Ah, this...

Shizuka Hiratsuka seemed a little hesitant.

If this had just started school, she would have agreed without hesitation.After all, at that time, Yuan Jing was still the representative of "loneliness" and "out of gregariousness" in her heart.

Apart from Fujiwara Chika, the more people who can change his personality, the better.

But now, in addition to agreeing with Yuan Jing's way of dealing with the world, there are actually enough women around him.

In this classroom alone, there are two of them...

To be honest, she was already a little afraid of these girls fighting.

Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes flicked across the faces of Chika Fujiwara and Ai Hayasaka who obviously looked a little strange.

As an exchange student, you don't need to get involved, right?

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