"Teacher, can I ask the reason, student Lily?" Shizuka Hiratsuka showed just the right doubts, "Obviously, she acted so repulsive before, why is she showing such interest in Yuan now?"

"Could it be," not only Shizuka Hiratsuka, but the eyes of other people in the classroom wandered between the two, "did you know each other before?"

"No, it's the first time I've met him today." 'Lily' shook her head and denied, she blinked her eyes in confusion, as if she didn't understand why other people would make such a fuss—

"Isn't it obvious why I want to sit next to him?"

"Because he's the most handsome." Without a trace of shyness, she said this dignifiedly.

Silence once again surrounded the entire classroom.

But the silence before was because of 'nothing to say'.

The silence this time was because of 'unable to refute'.

Almost all the female students in Class A of Senior One nodded in agreement, and although the boys showed some expressions of reluctance, no one spoke.

In the end, under the envious and jealous eyes of all the girls in the class, especially a certain blond maid, 'Lily' moved her desk and chair to the side of Yuanjing.

"Please give me more advice." She smiled and nodded towards Yuanjing.

"Please advise me more." Yuan Jing also said so lightly.


"After the dusk of the long moon, stand and cover your body with dew;"

"Don't ask who I am, I treat myself to Iraqis."

Artoria listened to Shizuka Hiratsuka recite such lines, her green eyes were full of bewilderment.

The first class of Class A of Senior One on Monday is the Chinese class taught by Shizuka Hiratsuka, and what is going to be learned today happens to be the most difficult ancient Chinese language appreciation and analysis.

The poem that Shizuka Hiratsuka recited just now comes from "Manyoshu".

This is Sakurajima's earliest collection of poems, and its status in Sakurajima's literary world is roughly equivalent to Huaguo's "Book of Songs".

While St. Eden Academy is an aristocratic school, it is also the best middle school in Sakurajima with the highest average deviation value, and its learning progress is actually significantly ahead of other middle schools.

Even the top-level figures in other regions can basically be said to be out of the crowd here, and even worry about whether they can keep up with the pace of the teacher.

Although Arturia has already learned the language of Sakurajima, even if she is a native of Sakurajima, there are many people who can't understand ancient Chinese, let alone her who has never been exposed to Asian culture before.

However, although she didn't quite understand, Artoria was still taking notes very seriously.

She naturally knows the value of knowledge, so even if it seems not very useful knowledge, she is naturally willing to absorb it into her mind.

However, between taking notes, she still turned her head from time to time to take a look at the scene next to her.

The reason why she chooses to sit next to Yuanjing a bit domineeringly is not, as she said, because she wants to 'look at the handsome guy'.

In fact, even if there is no Yuanjing in this classroom, she will still say some other outrageous instructions.

The fact that the target was Yuanjing was quite a surprise to her.

In addition to "what a coincidence", a sense of intimacy of "meeting an old friend in a foreign land" arises spontaneously.

In fact, whether it was the blunt self-introduction, or the cold and blunt attitude, plus the arrogant and domineering look, it was just a gesture made by Artoria on purpose.

As she said before, after two weeks, the identity of 'Lily Spencer' will disappear completely, but she herself will continue to study in St. Eden Academy for a period of time.

That being the case, for two weeks 'Lily Spencer' would do well to be alone and keep her true self hidden.In this way, when I live in this campus, the probability of being exposed is greatly reduced.

In other words, her previous actions were actually a kind of 'self-pollution'.

If you don't do this, but show your true nature, even if it is only a short two weeks, there will be quite a lot of people around you, right?

...just like 'they'.

When thinking of 'they', Arturia's eyes darkened slightly.

However, if the transfer student is extremely beautiful, but indifferent, arrogant, selfish, contemptuous... In short, it is a collection of all kinds of bad impressions, then it is very easy to be respected and kept at a distance.

For her, this is actually a very beneficial 'disguise'.

Anyway, it's just imitating the indifferent look of 'sister', which is not difficult for her at all.

However, among these people, there is only one exception.

That is Yuanjing.

Arturia's perception of this mysterious young man she met above the water in the early hours of the morning is actually rather contradictory.

On the one hand, if the plan is to be implemented smoothly, then keeping a distance from this young man who has seen his true side is the safest way.

But on the other hand, whether it was the encounter above the water or the unexpected encounter this morning, Artoria felt a force called fate.

To put it in a slightly oriental way, it is [Fate].

In this era, no, no, no, it should be said that no matter in which era, anyone who can be so sincere in martial arts and reach such a height at this age can definitely be called a genius.

This touched the heart of "talent" in Artoria's heart, and made her want to recruit him into her camp as if instinctively.

"Anyway, my true side has been exposed, and he has definitely recognized me. If I keep a distance like this, it will make him suspicious. If this is the case, it will be more natural to act closer. '

'Maybe in the school time in two weeks later, I still need him to help me cover up a thing or two. '

After doing some psychological construction in her heart, Artoria nodded with satisfaction.

Just now, Shizuka Hiratsuka's lecture has come to an end, and it is time to 'read it a few times silently and recite it as much as possible'.

Although she didn't quite understand the meaning of it, to her with an excellent memory, it was just a few lines of poetry, and it wasn't difficult even if she memorized them by rote.

Taking advantage of this spare time, Arturia quietly tore off a small piece of note from the notebook, and after writing a paragraph on it, with a flick of her finger, this small ball of paper suddenly appeared on Yuanjing's desk superior.

With her skill, it is naturally impossible for people outside Yuanjing to discover.

And Yuan Jing looked at the small ball of paper that appeared on his desk as if teleported, and his movements froze slightly.

He turned his neck slightly, looked in Artoria's direction from the corner of his eye, and saw that she was quietly waving at him.

what is this?

The cold and arrogant beautiful girl exchange student from England only favors me?

Is this the title of some light novel?

With such complaints in his heart, Yuan Jing twisted his thumb and index finger, and opened the small paper ball at once.

On it, in somewhat scribbled but extremely forceful handwriting——

"It's not a chance encounter this time, you should be able to tell me your name?"

A moment later, a ball of paper also appeared on Artoria's desk——

"My name is Yuanjing, Yuan is my surname, and Jing is my first name. Also, please don't approach me, I will not speak well of you."

"According to what Sakurajima called you, should I call you Yuan-kun?" Xiao Zhituan voted again, "Could it be that Yuan-kun is some kind of bully-like character, why does getting close to you cause my reputation to deteriorate ?”

Between the lines, Arturia's doubts were evident.

"Because there are too many girls who are entangled with me, if you only show a different attitude towards me, you will be gossip without authorization."

In St. Eden Academy, there are plenty of men who are jealous of him, but they just dare not chatter in front of him.

However, Artoria's next ball of paper made him raise his eyebrows in surprise——

"The more powerful a man is, the more women he can possess. Is there any problem?"

It says so.

Does she have such a point of view?

Chapter 46 Goals, Candy, and Barriers

The "notes and letters" between Artoria and Yuanjing did not last long.After Shizuka Hiratsuka continued to give lectures, she continued to listen to the lectures seriously, and did not continue to pester Yuanjing.

Artoria's character is basically not related to "stalking people".

The main reason for such behavior was that the two encounters were too coincidental, which really gave her a feeling of 'the two are quite destined'.

But that's all.Artoria's feelings for this young man, Yuanjing, are quite pure, and have nothing to do with the relationship between a man and a woman.

If you really want to make an analogy, it is actually very similar to Boss Cao seeing Zhao Zilong who is hugging a Dou on the slope of Changban, and the proportion of [appreciation] is overwhelming.

In fact, the current Artoria has no possibility of falling in love with anyone at all.

She has experienced too many things. These things that ordinary people would never encounter in a lifetime, or even exist in the most absurd imagination, have left countless 'scars' in her heart.

Blood flowed out, wounds scabbed... After such honing, Artoria's heart is as firm and sharp as a sword that has been honed through thousands of years.

Not only that, in fact, from the note he passed to Yuanjing, one can also see that——

That is, although the appearance and body are [-]% beautiful girls, Artoria does not regard herself as a 'girl'.

On the contrary, she is based on a completely 'masculine' perspective.

[The stronger the male, the more females he can possess naturally].

These are words that can come out of a girl's mouth...

Glancing at Arturia, who was a little confused but still working hard to attend lectures and take notes, Yuan Jing shook his head lightly.

He got another 'shard'.

Although there is still a long way to go to piece together the complete outline of the entire incident and restore the truth of the entire incident, there is no doubt that he is on the road to the final result.

For him, that's enough.


After the first get out of class was over, Artoria took it for granted and was surrounded by a group of curious female students.

Although the curiosity in their hearts is no less than that of the girls in the same class, the male students obviously want to maintain their demeanor in front of him.

Although they didn't form a human wall around this 'Lily Spencer' like the girls in the same class, they basically pricked up their ears, wanting to hear from this beautiful exchange student from England , to grab some more useful information that is conducive to getting a good impression from her.

But whether it was the girls who gathered around to ask things, or the boys who made their ears longer than rabbits, they didn't get what they wanted in the end.

Different from the closeness and acquaintance with Yuanjing when passing the note before, Artoria put on an 'indifferent' mask on her face very skillfully during the break.

She didn't feel any pressure from the incident of being "surrounded by people". Facing all kinds of strange problems, Artoria revealed even less information.

"I do not know."

"I don't want to answer that question."

By skillfully using such a universal 'answer', Arturia blocked all these questions and successfully established her arrogant, indifferent, and unkind personality.

Faced with such a tight and tight lock, it is undoubtedly difficult to find out the secrets before finding a suitable 'key' to loosen it.

At least relying on the strength of a group of high school girls, it is impossible to do it at all.

"Wow, it's really cold."

Chika Fujiwara, who ran to Yuanjing during get out of class time, looked at the wall of people and whispered such amazement.

She came to find Yuanjing to 'correct the test paper'.

Like Yukinoshita Yukino and Hayasaka Ai, Fujiwara Chika actually made it her ultimate goal to be among the top three in the final exam and then go to Vienna with Yuan Jing.

For her, whose grades can only be said to be above the middle, she seems a little bit overwhelmed.

But Yuan Jing said that as long as she completes all the tasks he assigned, there is a possibility of achieving this goal.

Yuanjing has proved countless times that he is a person who can 'do what he says'. Even without all kinds of previous evidence, Chika Fujiwara is actually quite willing to believe the words of his sweetheart.

If this is the case, then she will naturally be happy with the effort.

"By the way, why don't you give it a try?" Looking at the answer written by Chika Fujiwara, summing up her weaknesses and deficiencies in a special notebook, Yuan Jing turned to Artoria, no, it should be said yes now Nozzle in the direction of 'Lily Spencer'.

"I thought you'd be the first to rush up."

"For me, the most important thing now is to get the quota to go to Vienna with you. Other things can be put aside for a while." Fujiwara Chika said without shyness.

She obviously has her own set of criteria for judging which is more important.

"And, even if you want to surround it, it shouldn't be now." She pointed to the crowd of people surrounding Lili and whispered to Yuanjing.

"Student Lily doesn't know why, but she is quite resistant to communicating with others. This kind of "siege" of her will only have the opposite effect." Fujiwara Chika is obviously very satisfied with this have experience.

After all, she had already gotten a lot of exercise from someone.

"However, even refusing to reveal my own interests and hobbies, classmate Lily is really much more difficult than imagined."

The beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, and a look of embarrassment appeared between Chika Fujiwara's brows.

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