As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.The current 'Lily' is obviously in a state of completely closing herself off and not communicating with the outside world. If she doesn't find an entry point, even Chika Fujiwara will feel quite helpless.

"For this, I have a suggestion."

After flipping through Chika Fujiwara's written test paper, Yuan Jing took out a small object from his pocket, and then gently pushed it in front of Chika Fujiwara.

"This is, sugar?" Fujiwara Chika looked at the somewhat square little thing in front of her, and immediately understood Yuan Jing's meaning, "You mean, classmate Lily is a foodie?"

"Probably." Although Yuan Jing was quite sure about this, he was not 100% sure about it.

For the character of Artoria, apart from her identity as the 'Knight King', one of the most distinctive characteristics of her body is the attribute of [foodie].

This is not something created by a second creation, but a 'setting' with a clear official endorsement.

In this regard, the official explanation for this is that he was "not blessed to enjoy delicious food during his lifetime", so he became extremely interested in modern ingredients after he became a follower and came to modern times.

British cuisine, well, I know everything.

It's not just England.Throughout Europe, in fact, until the nineteenth century, dark cuisine has always been popular.

Not to mention commoners who don't even like vegetables, even the dishes of nobles and courts are actually terrible.

Appearance first, taste second.

This has been the main criterion of court cuisine for a long time.

Chefs are more willing to work on various decorations than to adjust the taste.Meat and fruit and the like, like nightclub girls' hairstyles, are piled high and decorated endlessly with inedible twigs, paper crafts, and even bird feathers.

What changed all this was the French Revolution and that Napoleon.After the French Revolution, the barrier between nobles and commoners was partially destroyed, and the technology and culture that only existed in the court flowed to the people, which of course also includes cooking.

After that, cooking finally stopped focusing only on appearance. The natural concept of "putting the most importance on taste" was formed and innovated, and finally grew into something that can be called food culture.

Later, in order to bury Napoleon, the devil, the heads of European countries gathered in Vienna for a meeting. This style of cuisine was used in the reception banquet to entertain the guests.

After receiving the supreme praise of the monarchs of various countries, it finally spread to the whole of Europe and continued to develop magnificently.

[Food] This attribute is actually an excellent breakthrough.

After all, according to the setting, Arturia showed a great interest in it because "the food of modern times is much better than the food of her own era".

But if what she ate since she was a child was all delicious modern cuisine, would she still be as enthusiastic about [eating] as she was in the anime in her previous life?

This is a question well worth exploring.

"Hey," playing with the candy that Yuanjing handed her with her fingers, Chika Fujiwara's face was slightly darkened, and she seemed a little unhappy.

"Ah Jing seems to be quite familiar with the new exchange students."

While saying this, Fujiwara Chika watched Yuanjing's face, "And as soon as she came to our class, she immediately asked to sit next to you."

Fujiwara Chika did not notice the behavior of passing notes between Artoria and Yuanjing.For these two people, it is actually quite easy to do such a thing without anyone noticing.

"Have you met her before?" Fujiwara Chika's cheeks bulged slightly, as if she had discovered that her husband had a wife who was suspected of cheating, showing a suspicious attitude.

But such a swollen look didn't appear to be a bit fierce, instead it revealed the girl's delicacy without a doubt.

"Well." Faced with such a 'questioning', Yuan Jing was not panicked at all, he pinched his chin with his hands, thought for a while, then chuckled and said——

"What if I met her in a dream?"

To be precise, it should be the previous life.However, this is obviously something that cannot be disclosed to Qianhua.

"Dream lover?" Fujiwara Chika took a breath, and looked in Artoria's direction again, but she couldn't see the girl's figure because of the barrier of people.

"That is to say, Ah Jing actually expected today's meeting a long time ago, and for this reason, he even specially prepared candy as a gift to get in touch..." Chika Fujiwara looked a little lost.

"No, no, you think highly of me." Yuan Jing waved his hand, "I don't have the ability to predict things, how could I know such things in advance?"

"This candy is for you."

"For me?" Fujiwara Chika blinked her big eyes, and just looked straight at Yuanjing.

"It's a reward," Yuan Jing said, "Even though Qianhua is very determined, I think a certain amount of positive feedback is still necessary."

Fujiwara Chika is different from him, there is no way to turn hard work into visible results, if this is the case, Yuanjing is going to replace this process with some homemade candies and the like.

"Candy not only satisfies the taste buds and makes them feel happy; it also satisfies the sugar-starved brain due to overuse. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

"When preparing this, I thought so." Yuan Jing said very frankly.

"Really? I don't believe it." Although she said so, Fujiwara Chika's face was full of smiles.

In fact, her previous expressions and words were just intentional.

As one of the people who can be said to know and trust Yuan Jing the most, how could she lose her temper because of such a thing?

Her purpose is actually quite simple.

"Unless you feed me." After Fujiwara Chika finished speaking, she opened her red lips slightly, revealing the sweet tongue inside.

That's right, she just wanted to act like a baby to Yuanjing, flirting with him.

It's rare that Yuanjing's attitude has softened a bit recently, so it's even more important to strike while the iron is hot.

What, you said this is still in the classroom, in front of the public?

Isn't that better?Although Chika Fujiwara didn't seem to care much about Yuan Jing recently receiving a love letter like a waterfall, she was still somewhat upset.

Because of this, it is necessary to advertise Yuanjing as "a famous grass has its own master".

You vulgar fellows, don't bother him!

If it was a kiss, then she might have to worry about other people's gazes, but it was just feeding the play, which was nothing at all.

It's a pity that Class A of Senior One is not Chika Fujiwara's one-spoken teacher. Even if Kaguya Shimizu is not there, there is still a stumbling block here——

"Don't bother Ah Jing, I'll just come." A certain blond-haired, blue-eyed maid obviously couldn't stand it any longer.

She came to Yuanjing's table with an extremely fierce aura, took the candy from Yuanjing's hand, stripped off the coat, and stuffed it into Fujiwara Chika's mouth.

Hmm, is it a little over the top?

Fujiwara Chika's eyes narrowed with regret.


"So sweet."

That's it.

Chapter 47 Life Discussion, But the Lost Dog Edition

There are a total of 5 exchange students from England, 5 men and 10 women.

Artoria, whose alias is "Lily Spencer", was accepted by Shizuka Hiratsuka's Class A of the first year of high school, and Class F, where Mako Shijo belonged, also "fortunately" ushered in her own exchange student.

However, even though he is an exchange student from England, this one from Class F is not from England, but a [-]% Sakurajima native——

The snow-white chalk rubbed against the black blackboard, making a short and harsh 'creaking' sound.

After writing his name on the blackboard, the boy who returned to his hometown turned around and showed a refreshing and confident smile to the students of Class F.

"My name is Sijo Tei." He introduced himself in a very calm tone, "The thing I like most is playing football, and my future dream is to leave my name in the history of football in the world."

"In the next two weeks, please give me your advice."

Afterwards, he bowed slightly to the students in the classroom, indicating that he had finished speaking.

"Hey, hey!" Similar to Artoria, Shijodi also received extremely curious eyes and welcoming applause.

The difference from the former is that the vast majority of those who are looking at Shijo Tei with extremely warm eyes and not sparing their palms are girls in the class.

Generally speaking, on the island country of Sakurajima, people generally quantify political and economic strength with a certain index, and finally rank the four most influential families. These are the so-called "Four Great Families". .

As for why it is the number 'four', it is because this saying actually evolved from the 'four surnames'.

Source (gen), flat (pei), orange (kitsu), rattan (tou) original.

This was when Sakurajima was still in a feudal society, apart from the royal family, the four most prominent surnames of Sakurajima.

And as time went by to modern times——

The religions of Sakurajima are still integrated and indistinguishable from each other, and the Minamoto family, which holds the matter of worship in one hand and the power of funeral in the other hand, still occupies a place among the four major families.

Deeply cultivated in the officialdom, the Fujiwara family, known as the "evergreen tree" in Sakurajima's political arena, naturally still holds one of the seats.

But apart from these two families, the Heira family and the Tachibana family have actually declined long ago, and are no longer the grand occasion of the past.

Today's Sakurajima people generally hand over the remaining two positions to the two big families of [Shinomiya Family] and [Shijo Family].

And the Si Tiao Emperor, who is the son of the current head of the Si Tiao family, is the first successor of the Si Tiao family, and his status as the next helm can be said to be a certainty.

Among the four major families, the Minamoto family has always been a leader but not an end, and basically only dominates Kansai, and will not interact with them in Tokyo. This is a common perception in the upper class. (Yuanjing's identity has obviously not been revealed, and those who know it so far obviously don't want other people, especially other girls, to know about it too)

In the generation of the Fujiwara family, Chika Fujiwara and Moeha Fujiwara are both girls, and the males of this generation, the sons of Chika Fujiwara's uncle's family, are still in elementary school.

As for the Sigong family, Sigong Huangguang, Sigong Qinglong, and Sigong Yunying are no longer in the same generation as them, and besides Sigong Yunying, the other two are married and have children.

That is to say-

As an 'exchange student', Emperor Shijo can be said to be the son-in-law with the highest gold content and the highest-ranked diamond prince in St. Eden Academy.

In addition, Sijodi himself is also extremely sunny and handsome. Even without such a background, he himself belongs to the kind of handsome sports guy who will be very popular among high school girls.

With the superposition of these two layers of BUFF, the girls in Class F will show a strong interest in Shijo Tei, which can be said to be a very logical thing.

However, Shijodi didn't feel the slightest bit of panic about the green wolf-like eyes the girls cast on him.

His first semester of junior high school and high school was not spent on Sakurajima, but in England, which is more open.

Compared with the girls there, the ladies of St. Eden Academy are even more reserved.

In addition, "treating others" is the most emphatic point in the elite education of the Sijo family. The Sijo Emperor, who has received professional training and is well versed in this way, is naturally not flustered.

not to mention......

His eyes searched in the classroom, and immediately locked on the girl with short dark brown twin ponytails that he was very familiar with.

That was his twin sister, Concubine Shijo.

Even if I can't handle it myself, isn't this still my sister?She will definitely help my little brother, right?

And at this moment, the deep purple eyes of Emperor Sitiao and Concubine Sitiao met for a moment.

He found that his sister was pinching his chin, looking him up and down, as if he was not looking at his brother, but a piece of char siu that was up for sale.

And at the corner of Concubine Sijo's mouth was a smirk, an expression he was very familiar with, the moment he saw this smile, his whole body shivered involuntarily, the childhood shadow that had been hidden deep in his memory suddenly revived, And began to attack his mind.

Whenever Concubine Zhen shows this expression, there must be nothing good waiting for him!

After quickly looking away, Sijodi swallowed involuntarily.

...Forget it, I can do it myself, so don't count on this sister, right?


Just like 'Lily Spencer', after the first get out of class was over, a turbulent wall of people quickly surrounded him, ready to surround Shijo Tei just like that.

But just when he was about to fall into siege, a slender arm directly stretched out and rescued him all at once.

"Sorry, can you leave this first break to our siblings?" Although it ended with a question mark, when Madam Shijo said this, her tone was irrefutable.

When passing through the crowd, the girls made way for him one after another, just like in the Bible, the ocean was divided under the stick of Moses.

After walking to Emperor Sijo's desk, Imperial Concubine Sijo tapped his desktop with her fingers, and after hooking her finger towards her younger brother, she walked towards the door of the classroom.

After putting his hands together and apologizing to the people around him, Shijodi stood up from his seat and followed him without hesitation.

Only the girls in Class F were left looking at each other.

Concubine Sijo is the eldest lady of the Sijo family, and the twin sister of Emperor Sijo. She is also the squad leader of Class F, and she has a very high prestige here.

If she wanted to talk to the four emperors, they naturally had no excuse to stop her.

However, Concubine Shijo said that she only needs to occupy one recess.

Sitiaodi will stay here for another two weeks, and there is still a lot of time after that.

Saying this in my heart, the crowd that had already gathered began to disperse.

However, one of the girls didn't seem to give up.

With the excuse of 'defloration' (that's the elegant way for Sakurajima ladies to go to the toilet), she bid farewell to her friends and walked out of the classroom.

After that, she didn't turn to the direction of the bathroom, but hung far behind the four siblings.


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