As the monitor of Class F, and also the person whose grades are at the top of the whole grade, Makoto Shijo is naturally favored by the teachers, so she has some small privileges.

For example, she could easily borrow the key to the cooking room that was originally kept by the homeroom teacher without explaining why.

After opening the door of the cooking room, Concubine Sijo walked in first, and Emperor Sijo naturally followed closely behind——

He even closed the door again after he walked in very considerately.

"It's a great help, sister." Si Tiaodi said in a relieved tone, "To be honest, even I, when facing so many girls, feel a little uncertain..."

"You don't need to thank me." Si Tiao Zhen Fei pulled out a chair and pushed it to Si Tiao Di.After motioning for him to sit down, she placed another chair across from him.

That's her place.

"What I said in the classroom is not an excuse to save you."

"I have something to tell you, and something to ask you."

She sat down on a chair.

The siblings, who were born almost at the same time, just face each other face to face.

The air became a little quiet in an instant.

"What do you want to tell me?" It was Shijodi who broke the silence first, and he blinked, with a somewhat confused expression on his face, "Sister, obviously she was at home yesterday and on the car going to school today. , you have a lot of free time to talk to me, why do you have to choose now, and..."

And still in this empty classroom?

"Of course it's because it's not convenient for others to listen to such things." Before Si Tiaodi could finish speaking, Si Tiao Zhenfei immediately pierced his disguise.

This is something both of them know very well, and she doesn't want her brother to take an evasive posture.

"Emperor," although the figure is much smaller than that of Emperor Sijo himself, but in terms of aura, Concubine Sijo is indeed a 'sister', "Do you still like Kaguya?"

Straight to the point and outspoken.

Concubine Sijo threw this question to her younger brother in the most brutal and direct way.

She and Sitiaodi are siblings of the same mother, so there is no need to go around in circles to try.

"..." Si Tiaodi was speechless for a while.

This is really not a good thing to tell him when there are others, especially when there are people from the Shitiao family.

As early as childhood, Sijodi met Shinomiya Kaguya, who was still a little girl at the time, and fell in love with her at first sight and had a great affection for her.

But the Shinomiya family and the Shijo family are feuds. Because of their identities and positions, the two families are wary of each other, and he and Kaguya never have the chance to meet again.

The people of Sijo's family, even the parents of Emperor Sijo and Concubine Sijo, don't take this kind of children's family-like relationship seriously, they even think that Emperor Sijo has forgotten Kaguya long ago.

But Shitiao Zhenfei, who is a twin sister, knows that her younger brother has not forgotten.

He just temporarily sealed up this feeling, and when the time comes...

Unfortunately, such an opportunity will never come.

"Emperor, do you know that during the time you left Sakurajima, many things happened."

Looking at the silent Emperor Sitiao, Concubine Sitiao sighed secretly in her heart, and then continued: "And there is such a thing."

"That means Shinomiya Kaguya has left the Shinomiya family." Looking at Emperor Sijo with a little pity, Concubine Sijo hardened her heart and continued, "She is no longer called Sigong Kaguya."

"Now she has a brand new name [Shimizu Kaguya]."

"Qingshui..." Sijodi didn't show any unexpected expression on his face, he chewed the name with a wry smile on his face, "I know about it."

As if muttering to himself, and as if confiding to Concubine Zhen, he said, "When Mom and Dad talked to me, they told me about this as a joke."

Sigong Kaguya's departure from the Sigong family is undoubtedly another scandal for the Sigong family, and the Sijo family is naturally happy to see it happen.

"That's it," Shijo Makoto was silent for a while, but continued, "Then, have they ever told you that it was actually a young man who saved Kaguya?"

"He is now Kaguya's [boyfriend]."

The real concubine Sijo showed such a cruel truth in front of her younger brother.

She has no resentment towards Yuan Jing, and she doesn't think that what he did is to win love with a knife.

Sijodi has admiration for Huiye, and is determined to rescue her from the Sigong family, but so what?

When Shinomiya Kaguya was most desperate, where was Sijodi?

He didn't even dare to go to the same school as her!

Such four emperors are not even qualified to say 'obviously I came first'.

When this judgment was made, the position of the real concubine Sijo was not the elder sister of Emperor Sijo, but a young girl in her prime.

If she and Kaguya switched places——

On the one hand, he only met once in childhood, and disappeared after that, a 'stranger' whom he had not seen for almost ten years; on the other hand, he brought her uprightly so that he could face the big demon King Sigong Yan'an. The young man who left the Sigong family's devil's den, and had long cherished admiration for it...

Would it evolve into such a result, isn't it a matter of course?

This is not a battle on a level at all, it's just a one-sided massacre.


After being silent for a long time, a somewhat relieved smile appeared on Si Tiaodi's face.

"I lost." He murmured softly, and looked up at Concubine Shijo, "Don't worry about me, sister. I've already been mentally prepared for this."

"Who's worried about you, idiot." After saying something duplicity, Concubine Si Tiao also heaved a sigh of relief. She was actually a little afraid that her younger brother would make a fool of herself.

"Sister, don't imitate me," he seemed to really put it down, and even joked about Shitiao Zhenfei, "Once you meet someone you like, don't worry about this or that, but face your heart directly. It’s just going forward.”

"You don't need to teach me how to do things." Seeing her younger brother walk out of the shadows so quickly, Shitiao Zhenfei replied fiercely while being happy in her heart.

The atmosphere between the siblings suddenly eased up.

"By the way, you've been in England for so long, haven't you met a girl who looks right to you?" Concubine Shijo said teasingly, the best way to get out of a relationship is to start the next relationship.

Although she has never been in a relationship, Concubine Sijo still knows such basic knowledge.

Sijodi smiled wryly and shook his head.

Studying and football have occupied most of his energy, and he really has no time to chat with those girls who eat people and don't spit out their bones.


"Although there is no girl who looks right, there is one woman who cares."

"There was a girl named 'Lily Spencer'..."

He didn't have the kind of feelings between a man and a woman towards Lily. The reason why he cared about this girl who didn't have much contact with him and transferred to their school halfway was because of the extremely peculiar qualities of this girl.

And just when he wanted to tell his sister——


Concubine Sijo's face suddenly changed.

She got up from her chair at an extremely fast speed and rushed directly to the closed door.

However, when she opened it, there was no one outside the door.

The person who eavesdropped outside has long since disappeared.

Chapter 48 You scum, you came at just the right time! (5k)

Panting somewhat hastily, Saki Ikeda covered her chest with her hands, trying to calm down the heart that was about to pop out of her throat.

'Fortunately, fortunately, the real concubine Shijo didn't find out. With such thoughts in her heart, she had a triumphant smile on her face.

'In this case, I win! 'Obviously the one who was so frightened that he ran away, but Saki Ikeda said so triumphantly in her heart.

Please don't get me wrong, there is no enmity or conflict between Saki Ikeda and Concubine Shijo, nor is there any old enemy relationship.

In fact, as a student of Class F, Sakigo Ikeda has received many favors from Princess Shijo.

In normal campus life, Saki Ikeda actually took a very supportive, even flattering attitude towards Concubine Shijo, the class monitor. The relationship between the two is actually good.

At least that's how it looks to others.

But in Saki Ikeda's heart, she didn't think so.

The reason is actually very simple -

That is, she is jealous of the four real concubines.

She is jealous that she was born as a "princess" of the Sijo family, one of the four major families, her extraordinary beauty, her intelligence that can easily get in the top of the grade, and her ability to compete with boys and girls The overwhelming popularity among...

All in all, Saki Ikeda is jealous of everything about Concubine Shijo.

Although she is also from a wealthy family, if compared with ordinary people, she is actually worthy of the title of "Miss".But if compared with the four real concubines, it's like a local chicken meeting a phoenix, which is not above an order of magnitude at all.

Obviously jealous in her heart, but she still has to show flattery and fawning in her daily life, and she can't show the ugly feelings in her heart, otherwise, even if the real concubine Sijo doesn't do anything, she will be punished by F The people in the class are isolated and become the loner in the class...

This kind of life is going to drive her crazy!

Since the resentment is stagnated inside, it is natural to need a way to vent it outside.

As for Sakigo Ikeda, she actually has two ways.

One is what she calls the 'substitution method'.

It is to substitute someone who can make the four real concubines crippled and defenceless.Thereby gaining spiritual victory.

And the person she substitutes most often with this method is actually Shinomiya Kaguya.

The Sigong family and the Sijo family are feuds, and Sigong Kaguya is the old enemy of Shijo Zhenfei.This is no secret to the students of Saint Eden Academy.

After the mid-term exam, when she saw Kaguya Shinomiya beating Concubine Shijo and the extremely unwilling expression on the latter's face, she felt as refreshed as if someone offered iced watermelon during the dog days.

She has automatically replaced [Kaguya Shinomiya] on the report card with [Sakuo Ikeda].

With Si Tiao Zhen Fei's unwilling face, even if she only eats big white rice, she can still enjoy it.

However, the good times don't last long...

After the cultural festival, Shinomiya Kaguya not only broke away from the Shinomiya family and changed her name to Shimizu Kaguya, but also turned enemies into friends with Shijo Zhenfei.

While this made her feel depressed in her heart, she also felt resentful towards Shimizu Kaguya.

Although she has never interacted with Shimizu Kaguya, in her heart, Shimizu Kaguya and her are undoubtedly 'friends' of the same camp.

In other words, this is a shameful 'betrayal'.

...Although it may even sound like cerebral palsy, this is her truest thought.

And after that, in order to relieve the boredom in his heart, Sakigo Ikeda intensified his use of another decompression channel, which was——


Ikeda Saki has a strong desire to spy.

What she is best at and likes the most is to inquire about all kinds of gossip.

In addition to satisfying her dark desires in this way, she can also gain tangible benefits from it.

Through all kinds of gossip and other people's leaked words, to grasp the handle of some people or find out the relationship between some people, and then use it to coerce others, forcing the other party to do certain things according to her wishes, So that she can benefit from it...

This is what Saki Ikeda is good at.

However, she usually does such things to gloomy girls or guys who are at the bottom of the school food chain, because these people not only have no friends, but are generally cowardly by nature. Even if they are coerced, they dare not tell their parents or teachers. Will choose to endure and swallow.

This undoubtedly contributed to her arrogance.

This time, daring to eavesdrop on the conversation between the Sijo siblings was an extremely risky act by Ikeda Saki who had been dazzled by jealousy.

Concubine Shijo actually didn't expect that someone would dare to eavesdrop on the conversation between herself and her younger brother, which made her take advantage of the loophole.

"So, then, let me think about it, how can I use this hard-won information?" After finally calming down, walking on the forest path of St. Eden Academy, Sakika Ikeda began Think about it.

In fact, although she successfully eavesdropped on the conversation between the siblings, the information she obtained was actually not much——

"Emperor Sijo likes Qingshui Huiye, but Qingshui Huiye already has his own heart."

"Shijodi cares about an English girl named [Lily Spencer]."

If summed up, in fact, there are only two of them.

If it was during Kaguya Shimizu or Kaguya Shinomiya, then the first message would be a very explosive melon.

The Emperor Sijo, who is almost predestined to be the next generation head of the Shijo family, actually fell in love with the daughter of the feuding family. This is simply the modern "Romeo and Juliet".

As long as it is spread, the two parties will definitely have a great headache about it, and the real concubine Shitiao will also be heartbroken for her "leaking".

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