Although she won't get any benefit from it, as long as she can see the pain and remorse of Concubine Shijo, that's enough.

Unfortunately, Shinomiya Kaguya has given up the surname [Sinomiya] now.

Thinking of this, Sakigo Ikeda sighed rather resentfully.

However, although Makoto Shijo didn't mention the person who Shimizu Kaguya Xin belonged to, Saki Ikeda was able to guess it.

As someone who was secretly watching Kaguya, she actually noticed Kaguya's recent changes.

As for the key person whose attitude changed, she can almost be sure——

That is the boy named Yuanjing from Class A of Senior One.

Naturally, like everyone else, she would not think that Yuanjing, the number one in grade, is a 'nerd who only studies well'.

Even Shijo-tei could only bear with it when facing the Shinomiya family, but Genkei was able to free Shinomiya Kaguya from the barrier, what this meant, Saki Ikeda naturally knew.

But that's good.

Only in this way can it be worthwhile to provoke the relationship between him and Si Tiaodi and let the two fight!

His beloved woman was taken away by others, Sakigo Ikeda couldn't believe that Tei Shijo didn't have any resentment in his heart!

That must be just a lie, and the purpose is to show his own capacity in front of his sister.

If someone else snatched away the boy she likes, even if she doesn't say anything, she will definitely retaliate fiercely, and she won't stop until she utters such a bad breath!

Ikeda Sakiko thinks she has seen through everything.

However, if only relying on this point, it is still not enough, and a fire must be added.

For example, the next girl he cares about is once again robbed of love by Yuanjing?

"Lily Spencer..." Saki Ikeda whispered the name silently.

This is the name of the girl that Shijo Tei said personally.

There were five girls among the exchange students from England, and she was actually not sure if this [Lily Spencer] was among them.

However, it is not difficult to inquire about this thing.

If she's really one of those five...

Then there is a good show to watch.

Ikeda Saki said so in her heart.

Concubine Shijo seems to have a very high opinion of Yuanjing in her heart, and she seems to regard him as her friend.

Then I don't know, if my friend and my brother turned against each other and had a conflict, which side would you help, Concubine Zhen?

I really want to see your expression when all this really happened.

Presumably, your heart should be struggling and suffering, right?

Oops, I seem to be a little impatient.


As a distinguished guest of the Shijo family, Arturia was naturally presented with a rich and delicious bento for lunch.

However, she did not enjoy her lunch directly in the classroom like most other middle school students.

After the bell rang for the last class in the morning, she ran away with a big lunch box at an extremely fast speed.

She was actually a little scared.

It may be because of the influence of Chika Fujiwara, the monitor of Class A, or because of the training he has received from Yuanjing, the mental toughness of the students in Class A is simply frightening!

Even though a whole morning has passed, the enthusiasm of these guys has not diminished at all. Every time between classes, her side can be said to be full of people.

It's not her nature to be indifferent to others, it's just a mask for her to refuse to connect with others. As a result, after this morning, she felt that her facial muscles were a little stiff, but the group of people remained the same.

But she could feel the enthusiasm in these people's hearts, and knew that the reason they did this was out of kindness and curiosity, not to embarrass her deliberately.

I am an 'exchange student', so I want to integrate into the environment here, they are just helping themselves.

With her character, being able to show 'indifference' to this kind of kindness is already the limit. If she is to be determined to sneer, sarcasm, intentionally make them sad, and keep a distance from herself, that would be too much. It's been a little more difficult.

Alas, our great Miss Artoria is not afraid of sharp blades and arrows, nor is she afraid of slander and slander, but she has no choice but to flee in embarrassment for this pure kindness and concern. …

What should we say about this?

'It won't work if it goes on like this, we have to find a way. 'When fleeing, Artoria thought with some distress in her heart.

However, what she didn't notice was that while she was running, someone looked at her passing back with a strange expression.

Looking at the direction she was heading, these people began to call for friends.

It wasn't because she wasn't vigilant enough, or because she was distracted by thinking.

It's just because these people pose no threat to her at all, so that they can't touch her at all.

Let me ask, when people walk on the road, will they react to the changes of the ants on the ground?


Arturia's final choice of dining place was on a bench deep in the courtyard of St. Eden Academy.

It's almost winter now, and even at noon, the outdoor temperature is not "pleasant" at all, so there are very few students who choose to eat outside.

But Artoria was obviously not afraid of the cold, and when she finally found such a quiet and deserted place, she was relieved.

Compared with being surrounded by people, being surrounded by trees and flowers obviously made her feel more at ease.

Putting the big food box in her arms on the bench, Artoria took a deep breath of the fresh air mixed with the fragrance of grass and trees, and then sighed contentedly.

After that, looking at the big food box wrapped in silk with beautiful patterns, she rubbed her hands impatiently.

At last night's welcome party and today's breakfast, she had already enjoyed Japanese cuisine full of Sakurajima flavor, and she was full of affection for this kind of food that she had never eaten before.

Now, I can finally enjoy it again!

However, at this moment, behind her, a very strange female voice suddenly sounded——

"It looks very rich. I wonder if we can share some for us who are hungry?"

After hearing this, Artoria frowned, and when she looked back, she found that there were about a dozen people following behind her.

There are men and women among them, but no matter men or women, they all showed a malicious smile to themselves.

And the one who spoke just now was a leading woman.

Who is this person if not Sakigo Ikeda?

Flies will always find flies.

A rotten person like Ikeda Saki would naturally attract companions with the same qualities.

In Sakurajima, the so-called oppression and bullying are basically collective behaviors carried out by 'like-minded' people.

As an existence that can accurately provide targets and come up with various tricks to satisfy this group of people, Saki Ikeda has also become the "leader" of a group of people as she wished.

After a whole morning of observation, Sakigo Ikeda has basically confirmed one thing, that is——

This exchange student named 'Lily Spencer' is a completely withdrawn girl.

Although he has a pretty face, his social skills are basically zero.

Even if he became the center of attention for a while as an 'exchange student', this interest could not last long.

Immediately, she will become a 'lonely person' who walks alone.

That is, the favorite and best 'bullyed' of people like them.

"The reason why Emperor Sijo cares about her is because of this face, right?" 'Looking at Artoria's beautiful face like a fairy, a trace of undisguised jealousy flashed in Sakuka Ikeda's eyes.

She winked at the people around her, and some of them dispersed tacitly and blocked the camera.

Judging from the proficiency of their actions, it is obvious that this group of people is not the first time to do such a thing.

Seeing 'Lily Spencer' who just looked at her group calmly, neither yelling nor running away, Saki Ikeda breathed a sigh of relief.

She was not mistaken, this girl was just an extremely beautiful vase, and because of the large number of people on her side, she was so frightened that she couldn't even speak.

However, this is good, so that it is convenient for him to control her.

Next, as long as she is obedient and obedient, to seduce that Yuanjing, and then Shitiaodi happens to find out, there will be a conflict between the two boys...

And just when she was thinking this way in her heart, the girl who was supposed to be trembling made a move that completely surprised them——

She showed an extremely happy smile as if she had finally solved the problem.

"It's a bad guy, that's great."

She even let out a long sigh of relief.

Artoria found a way to let her classmates spare her.

She put the lunch box behind her, as if guarding it, and turned towards the 'scumbags' headed by Saki Ikeda.

In order to increase their oppressive power, some of these people carry things like wooden knives, bamboo swords, or baseball bats from the community. Quite enough to scare them.

But Artoria ignored it.

The girl's figure was as straight as a green bamboo. She separated her feet one after the other, folded her arms in front of her chest, clasped her hands together, and assumed a very classic posture of holding a sword.

However, let alone a sharp knife in her hand, she didn't even have a wooden stick.

Instead, the girl stretched out a long and slender index finger from her right hand.

It seems that this green onion finger is like the 'sword' she is holding.

It was obviously such a ridiculous scene, but there was no laughter from this group of people.

On the contrary, almost everyone swallowed involuntarily, and some even took half a step back.

After posing in such a posture, the girl showed her extremely sharp edge like a sword that had been taken off its scabbard. Her aura was so fierce that it almost hurt the eyes of the group of people.

"As long as I defeat you here, the students in the class should respect me a little bit, right?"

Accompanied by such a chuckle, Artoria took a step towards the crowd...

Chapter 49 'The Invisible Sword'

In the school of St. Eden Academy, there is actually a building called the canteen.

This is something that needs to be told to you.

Although the majority of students and teachers carry bento from home to school, this does not mean that everyone is the same.

Modern food boxes basically have a certain heat preservation function, but there is an interval of about 5 hours between the time the food is prepared and the meal is served at noon.

When lunch is served at noon, the lunch in the bento box is basically already cold.

Basically, they don't heat it up with things like microwave ovens, but usually just eat it directly.

That is to say, unlike Huaguo, people in Sakurajima basically eat cold food for lunch.

In addition to the fact that the people of Sakurajima like to eat cold things, there are some other reasons for this, the most important one of which is [do not want to cause trouble to others].

In Sakurajima, eating cold bento is a quality.

The reason why there is such a cognition is actually very simple——

Because everyone usually eats bento in public places (for example, students in Sakurajima like to eat directly in the classroom), and if the bento is heated before eating, the smell of the bento will spread to the surrounding places, flooding the environment. The whole space, it will be very uncomfortable for others to smell, and it is not conducive to the next study and work.

But the cold bento basically does not smell, so naturally there is no such problem.

However, wanting to have a mouthful of hot food is actually a very natural pursuit, and in order to meet this demand, Saint Eden Academy, a noble school, naturally has a building like a cafeteria.

And Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka, the head teacher of our Senior One A class, is a canteen schooler through and through.

However, the reason why she chose the cafeteria was not because she preferred hot food, but because she was too lazy to prepare bento.

The head teacher is very busy, and she lives outside alone, taking care of herself, so she naturally wants to make life easier for herself.

Turn to the toaster and egg cooker for breakfast, let the school chef handle lunch, go to the restaurant for dinner, and have a drink when you are in a good mood...

As an older young woman with [time without a boyfriend = age], Shizuka Hiratsuka's three meals a day are settled so conveniently and quickly.

The canteen of St. Eden Academy has three floors. The first floor is the student canteen, the second floor is open to faculty and staff, and the third floor is dedicated to receiving important guests.

And when there are no guests, the third floor is a "small kitchen" for some people.

"Ms. Hiratsuka, here, here." When Shizuka Hiratsuka finished cooking and was looking for a seat on the second floor with a plate, a woman about her age stood up from her seat, waved her hand, and signaled There is still an empty seat on her side.

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