As a social person, Shizuka Hiratsuka naturally has her own social circle, and the person who is waving to her is the English teacher in Class E of Senior One, and his name is Nan Dao Xun.

Because both belong to the cafeteria group, and they are both older single female youths, the two actually get along quite well, and they can even be called 'confidants'.

After sitting down diagonally at the same table as Mr. Nan Dao, the two of them started chatting as usual.

As the most popular topic in the freshman year, the exchange program with a famous British school has naturally become the focus of the topic between the two of them——

"Mr. Nandao, I remember that there seems to be an exchange student in Class E, whose name is Rita?" Hiratsuka Shizuka's words revealed a bit of curiosity.

"That's right, full name is Rita Einsworth." After taking a sip of the soup, feeling the lubricating taste in his throat, Mr. Nandao narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

"How does she get along with the other students in the class?" Thinking of the attitude of that 'Lily Spencer' in her class, Shizuka rubbed her temples with a headache.

Although the time is only two weeks, as long as you enter her class, you are her student.Shizuka Hiratsuka naturally hoped that this exchange student from England could integrate into the big family of Class A.

"How do you get along?" When talking about Rita, Nan Dao patrolled with a smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with this foreign girl.

"Rita is optimistic, cheerful, warm-hearted, and fluent in Sakurajima dialect." She said full of praise, "Although I only go to visit occasionally, it is obvious that everyone in Class E is actually very friendly. Welcome to this transfer student."

"By the way, she still lives with Ying Lili and Zhenbai from our class. The three of them are as good as one person."

"That's great." Even though he said so, there was no envy in Hiratsuka Shizuka's tone.Lily Spencer was the one who took the initiative to join the class she was in charge of, so she had to take responsibility.

Although it seems that they all want to 'walk alone', after a whole morning of observation, Hiratsuka Shizuka's teacher's soul burning in her chest told her that there is actually something between Lily Spencer and Yuan Jing. are fundamentally different.

If Yuanjing is 'enjoying loneliness', Lily Spencer is actually more like 'adapting to loneliness'.

The former is his own choice, while the latter is 'had to do'...

Shizuka Hiratsuka has been annoyed by the "stab head" in Yuan Jing's class for almost a semester, so she can naturally feel the difference between the two keenly.

'Knowing this, what then?As a class teacher, what can I do? '

Today's lunch at Shizuka Hiratsuka is tonkotsu ramen.

After pouring the hot sauce as a condiment into the bowl, Shizuka Hiratsuka absently stirred the noodles and soup with chopsticks, and then thought about such a question in her heart.

If Lily Spencer had been a transfer student in her class, she would have had time to bridge the gap she had created.

However, she was only an exchange student and had only been in her class for two short weeks.

In this case, the water mill will not work.

There must be a more intense, more explosive event as an opportunity...

And just when Hiratsuka, who was turning back and forth in his heart, was quietly sucking on the noodles——

The elegant music coming from the speakers on the second floor suddenly stopped.

"An urgent announcement is being broadcast now. A very serious violent incident is taking place in the courtyard on the east side of the teaching building." Despite the filter of the equipment, Hiratsuka Shizu could still hear the strangeness in the calm tone of the announcer. She is clearly 'pretending to be calm'.

"Please, Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka, the homeroom teacher of Class A, Senior One, go here immediately and stop your student's behavior!"

"Repeat, please go here immediately and stop your student's behavior!"

"Ahem cough!!!" After hearing her name, Hiratsuka Shizuka choked up.

The smell of hot sauce surged up, irritating her nasal cavity, making her teary for a moment——

My students are involved in fights?

Did you win?

Bah bah bah, no.

What should be concerned now is [Who? 】 That's right.

Disregarding the ramen that he had just eaten, Shizuka Hiratsuka wiped away tears with his sleeve, then turned and ran away.

No matter who it is, they are all important students of hers, how can they be ignored? !


Shizuka Hiratsuka came too late.

After hearing the broadcast, she used her fastest speed and almost ran all the way to the location mentioned.

Even so, when she arrived, everything had already been settled.

And when the scene in front of him came into his eyes, Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly stopped in his tracks, and there was a somewhat unbelievable look in his eyes.

She understood why the tone of the broadcast was so strange.

On the ground deep in the courtyard, there were many students dressed in St. Eden Academy lying on their backs, including men and women, and there were about a dozen people in total.

Bamboo swords, wooden knives, baseball bats... Holding all kinds of 'equipment' in their hands, these people were lying on the ground, obviously completely unconscious.

And surrounded by this 'corpse', a young girl was sitting on a bench in the garden.

A large lunch box has been opened and placed on her lap.

Using a pair of chopsticks extremely skillfully, she is putting the food in this huge lunch box into her mouth at an astonishing speed.

The beautiful eyes like jasper were happily bent into two crescent moons, and the face as beautiful as an elf was almost overflowing with satisfaction.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Hiratsuka Shizuka would have no way of connecting the happy foodie in front of her with the indifferent and calm exchange student in the morning.

At this moment, the eyes of the two met——

The girl's movements stopped suddenly.

Because of the food, her cheeks swelled slightly into a shallow arc, but this did not damage her beauty, but added a bit of amiability and cuteness.

Artoria quickly woke up from the delicious food 'trap', quickly swallowed the food in her mouth, and the noble and glamorous color once again occupied her cheeks.

Nodding towards Hiratsuka, Artoria did not stop the chopsticks in her hand, but her demeanor became more elegant.

It was as if she was a lady who had just walked out of the boudoir.

Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to laugh a little bit, but then stopped it with great perseverance.

'Lily-san can also show such a cute expression. ' she thought in her mind, 'Finally found a [weakness]...'

"Student Lily, you should have witnessed the whole incident."

"Can you please tell me the whole story of the incident in detail?"

Obviously, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't know that the girl was the culprit of the scene in front of her.

This is a matter of course.

Compared with her single-handedly bringing down this group of people with murder weapons, it is obviously more likely that these dozens of people fought each other to create such a tragic scene.

Lily's words should be just a melon-eating crowd hiding on the sidelines. After seeing this group of people collapsed, they boldly walked from the forest to the scene to provide first-hand information for those who came. .

This is a more logical and common sense inference.

Admired by the girl's upright character, Hiratsuka Shizuka strode towards the crooked crowd, but immediately, her footsteps stopped suddenly.

She saw a line of writing.

Before, because of the distance and the barrier of the group of lying bodies, this line of words did not catch her eyes.

But after Shizuka Hiratsuka walked in, some wild handwriting jumped in front of her eyes——

"The beater, Lily Spencer too".

Surrounded by everyone, and on the ground directly in front of the bench, there are dents interlaced, showing such a sentence.

Among them, the name Lily Spencer was repeated in English next to Sakurajima, as if afraid that people would not understand it.

Shizuka Hiratsuka showed a somewhat sluggish expression, obviously being shocked to some extent.

After being stunned for a moment, she suddenly turned her head to the girl sitting on the bench, and asked with an unbelievable expression——

"You did all this?"

Nod, nod.

Arturia answered without hesitation.This behavior of "leaving a name after doing something" is a method she learned from studying oriental literature.

"But, how do you..."

Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes wandered around Arturia, as if looking for the 'murder weapon'.

But the girl's body was clean and refreshed, except for the lunch box above her thighs, she didn't even have a wooden stick.

Not only that, but the school uniform on her body was also clean, without any scratches, not even a single stain.

She is not the slightest different from her previous appearance in the classroom.

"How did you do it?" Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help asking.

This seemed to have stumped her a bit.

Arturia glanced regretfully at the wooden knife in the hand of the person closest to her, as if she regretted not taking it away, so as to make her words more convincing.

"...Using momentum?" She replied with a little hesitation.

Although it was unbelievable, what Arturia said was completely true.


As if being chased by something, Saki Ikeda stumbled through the forest.

She turned her head from time to time, as if she wanted to see if the blond demon had caught up.

That's right, that girl is definitely not human!

It's a monster!It's a devil!It's the undead!It's a wizard!

Anyway, definitely not human!

Just flying your index finger in the air can make people faint as if being cut by an invisible sword...

How can there be a human being who can do such a thing? !

Luckily, the inhuman thing didn't seem interested in her, which allowed her to escape.

Artoria just wanted to create an incident that would make people fear her, and it would be easier to spread this incident by missing one or two.

Out of such considerations, this allowed Ikeda Saki, who was at the back, to escape successfully.

It's a pity that although Artoria let her go, it doesn't mean that she, the bad person who started the whole thing, can stay out of it.

Just when she was about to pass through the courtyard, a boy with black hair and black eyes suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her way——

"Student, seeing your hurried and embarrassed look, what happened?"

With an inexplicable look in his eyes, Yuan Jing asked.

Chapter 50 Even the referee is mine, why do you fight with me?

If you want to know the reason why Yuanjing appeared here, you still need to mention the siblings Si Tiao Zhenfei and Si Tiao Di.

When Concubine Shijo discovered that there seemed to be an eavesdropper in the secret conversation between her siblings, although she was not caught on the spot, and she was not even [-]% sure of its existence, it did not mean that she did nothing.

The things she and her brother said in the cooking room were big or small, but in the end they were nothing more than boring love stories related to her brother.

However, as the monitor of Class F, Makoto Shijo, who has already seen how popular her kid is, naturally knows quite well that this is what boys and girls of this age are most concerned about.

If it is not contained, these things are very likely to spread throughout the grade and even the entire campus. After passing through the mouths of countless people, what kind of posture these news will eventually become, Sijo Zhenfei just thinks about it , I shuddered a little.

However, no matter how the rumors change, the characters involved will not change - my silly brother, Shimizu Kaguya, and of course that Lily Spencer.

My younger brother and that Lily Spencer are exchange students and will only stay here for two weeks.

And when the two leave, the pressure of gossip will all be on Shimizu Kaguya alone.

After changing the surname from [Sinomiya] to [Shimizu], although Kaguya escaped from the barriers and gained freedom, in the eyes of outsiders, this also means that Kaguya lost the protection of the Shinomiya family.

They wouldn't think it was Kaguya's own initiative to ask to do this, but they would probably think that Kaguya made some mistake, angered Shinomiya Yan'an, and was kicked out of Shinomiya's house by him.

The freedom to decide one's own life and love is undoubtedly something that everyone yearns for.

But if the price of obtaining this kind of freedom is to abandon the life of rich clothes and good food and the status of a young lady, then the vast majority of people in St. Eden Academy will naturally be indifferent to this.

Even if you break away from this school and expand the scope to the whole society, there are very few people who would choose to do such a 'stupid thing'.

But Kaguya did just that.

This is also the most important reason why Concubine Shijo took a 180-degree turn in her impression of Kaguya, and even developed admiration for her.

Otherwise, how could she recognize him as her best friend and be willing to be her wingman for the smooth progress of the relationship?

"Di, is the [Lily Spencer] you mentioned earlier also included in this student exchange program?" Turning her eyes away from the door, Concubine Shijo said to Emperor Sijo in a serious tone.

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