"Yes." Sijodi also realized the seriousness of the problem, and then said solemnly and briefly, "She was assigned to Class A."

The distribution of these 10 exchange students is not random like drawing lots.

After listening to the opinions of the head teachers of each class, the school will give them the first version of the classification situation, solicit their opinions, listen to their ideas, and then make certain changes to it.

It was at that time that Shijo Tei received the information that 'Lily Spencer's class is Grade A'.

By the way, according to the school's arrangement, he should go to class B, but he took the initiative to ask himself to come to class F where his sister is.

"Class A?" After hearing the news, the eyes of Concubine Shijo really lit up.

If Lily Spencer was in Class A now, it would be a little easier.

Class A's homeroom teacher, Shizuka Hiratsuka, is a very responsible teacher with a clear eye.And more importantly, there is 'him' in Class A.

As Kaguya's [boyfriend], he is also someone who will be affected by this incident, so it is necessary to inform him.

Without thinking about it, she took out the mobile phone from her pocket, and the four real concubines began to write messages on it like flying fingers.


"So, because of someone's carelessness, Kaguya and Lily Spencer in our class are very likely to become the target of people's gossip?"

Not long after the four messages from Zhenfei were sent, 'his' answer appeared on Zhenfei's phone screen.

Last Friday afternoon, in Shizuka Hiratsuka's office, the teacher asked six students who had the qualification to go to Vienna to exchange 'Line' with each other on the grounds of 'convenient communication'.

It was at that time that Concubine Sijo obtained the contact information of 'him'.

"Yes, I'm very sorry." Shijo Zhenfei replied immediately.After that, she also included a 'Apologize cat' emoji.

At this time, Emperor Sitiao had quietly come behind his elder sister, watching the conversation on the screen of Concubine Sitiao's mobile phone, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows in surprise.

As for the character of his elder sister, Si Tiaodi, the twin brother, naturally couldn't be more clear.

To put it nicely, it means strong self-esteem.

To put it bluntly, it is a bit duplicity and desperate for face.

And in front of this person, my sister was so frank that she could even use the word 'beautiful' to describe it...

Such an extremely abnormal situation undoubtedly made him feel extraordinarily surprised.

'Yes, my sister has also reached this age. In the blink of an eye, Emperor Sitiao quickly found the reason for Concubine Sitiao in his heart.

After he figured this out, the gaze he looked at Sijo Zhenfei became extraordinarily gentle.

However, he only showed such an expression for a while, and the concubine Sijo was keenly aware of it.

"Swipe!" Covering the screen with one hand to prevent him from peeking, Concubine Shijo's other hand made a movement to drive away.

"Go, go." Looking at her own brother, she made such a voice in a somewhat disgusted tone, "Don't peek at your sister chatting with others."

...and don't watch it.

Somewhat resentfully, he left behind the real concubine Sitiao, and Emperor Sitiao sat back in his previous seat.

However, he did not feel angry because of this, but rather happy.

There is an extremely sincere and pure sister-brother relationship between Sijo Emperor and Sijo Zhenfei, and there is no twisted relationship such as "sister control" or "brother control".

As the younger brother, Sijodi has always been worried about his sister in his heart, and it can even be said that he is "broken".

My elder sister is a person of high moral character and integrity.He has always been proud of having such a sister.

But a perfect person does not exist. The weakness of Zhenfei's character is this duplicity and her overly strong self-esteem.

This is a stumbling block on my elder sister's road to happiness. Under the obstruction of this 'big tiger', the fact that my elder sister's emotional experience is destined to be extremely rough and bumpy can almost be said to be a [certain matter].

...He always thought so until today.

But now it seems that my previous worries were too much.

Love is indeed an excellent catalyst for a person to change and grow.

'Shoot when it's time' and 'Frank when it's time'.

These two qualities, which he had never seen in his sister before, had grown up in her.

At this time, the four emperors were in the midst of extremely violent gratification and emotion.

The conversation between Concubine Shijo and that person did not last too long.

After all, the time between classes is limited, and in addition to notifying 'him', Concubine Shijo must also inform Kaguya Shimizu of the situation and obtain her forgiveness.

And just as Concubine Shijo finished the conversation with 'him' and began to search for the portrait of Kaguya Shimizu, Emperor Sijo, who was silently observing the expression of his elder sister opposite him, spit out a word——

"Boyfriend?" he said, winking at Concubine Sijo.

Although I didn't see the mobile phone screen, when communicating with different people, people's expressions will be subtly different, which is the reflection of their true inner feelings.

As the next patriarch appointed by the Shijo family, [Negotiation] is a skill that he must firmly grasp.

Seeing the details and seeing the inner thoughts from the subtle expressions on the other party's face is the essence of [negotiation]. Sijodi's ability in this area can be said to be quite excellent.

"That's right." Concubine Shijo obviously didn't intend to hide this person's identity from her younger brother, she nodded affirmatively while typing on her mobile phone——

"His name is Yuanjing."

"It's Kaguya's current boyfriend."

To be able to act so frankly, even the slightest bit of shyness in the words...


Wait a moment!Wait a moment!Wait a moment!

Did I hear wrong just now?

"Whose boyfriend?" After digging his ears with his fingers, Sijodi asked cautiously.

"I just said it, it's Hui Ye's boyfriend friend!" Sijo Zhenfei said so word by word, in her tone, the emotion of [impatient] was extremely strong.

"It's what I told you before, the one who saved Kaguya Shimizu from the hands of the Shinomiya family."

"Even if you still have a certain amount of love for Kaguya, but since you are no longer a child, you should learn to accept reality and let go..."

While Makoto Shijo was saying this in a bit of a babble, she tapped the screen of the phone nimbly and had a conversation with Kaguya.

For her, it is obviously not a particularly difficult task to focus on two tasks, especially the [CPU] performance occupied by talking about her younger brother is actually quite low, and she does not need to spend any effort on it. word.

But at this time, the four emperors obviously don't care about such trivial things.If this is the case, his ears will already be covered with calluses, and it is impossible for him to stir up even the slightest ripple in the lake of his heart that is already turbulent at the moment.

I didn't hear wrong just now, the person I was talking to my sister on the phone just now wasn't my sister's boyfriend? !

But Kaguya's boyfriend? !

However, when my sister was talking to him, the expression on her face clearly said that she had a certain degree of affection for him, and she still regarded him as the opposite sex.

I don't know, has my sister discovered this feeling in her heart?

There shouldn't be any, otherwise there would be no [bitterness] and [unreconciled] in her words just now.

This is the so-called 'the authorities are obsessed, the bystanders are clear', right?


When thinking about this, Si Tiaodi couldn't help taking a breath, and a little wry smile appeared on his face.

What is this all about.

Under the circumstance that I didn't realize it, I had unreasonable thoughts about my best friend's boyfriend that I didn't even realize...

Is this some morning soap opera?

Fortunately, looking at his elder sister's appearance, this kind of emotion is only a little hint.

In this case, there is still room for redress.

The four emperors frowned, obviously having made a decision in their hearts.


Ikeda Saki's spying skills are not very good, at least for Yuan Jing.

After receiving the tip-off from Concubine Sijo, he began to pay attention to the crowds coming and going in the front door and the back window of his classroom.

Immediately, a girl with long black hair who looked quiet and caring was on his list of suspects.

Although other people were used as shields, the number of times the other party passed Class A was too much.

Not only that, but besides 'Lily Spencer', the eyes of this person have been glancing towards him.

'The target is not only Artoria, but also me? '

Yuanjing thought so in his heart.

To be honest, he was not quite sure whether he should lament the other party's audacity at this time, or be speechless at the other party's recklessness.

After determining the target, Yuan Jing didn't make a move right away.

First, there is no evidence;

The second reason is that she wants to put a long line to catch big fish, and draw out her companions, subordinates, or something like that.

As the person who knew the essence of 'Lily Spencer' very well, he didn't think that this King Arthur would stumble on this kind of rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

And as for tricks like spreading gossip, he doesn't feel afraid at all.

The student council president of St. Eden Academy is his man.

In addition, Todo Lilicia, the head of the news department who is the mouthpiece of the school, also owes him a favor.

Under the siege of these two forces, the positive and the strange, the rumors will be quickly clarified, and there is no soil for their survival.

'On this court, even the referee is mine, why do you fight with me? 'Now Yuanjing can say such words without any sense of disobedience, because this is 1000% the truth.

'...By the way, is my influence in St. Eden Academy getting bigger and bigger? '

At the intersection of walking out of the garden, Yuan Jing rubbed his chin in distress.

'I obviously didn't take the route of [the whole school dominates], why did this happen? '

Chapter 51 Wow!Lily!We look up to you!

"Student, seeing your hurried and embarrassed look, what happened?"

Just as Saki Ikeda was about to walk out of the garden, she happened to 'meet' a boy with black hair and black eyes.

The long black hair that I am proud of and spends a lot of time maintaining every morning has become messy, and there are even dead leaves and gravel in the hair;

The original clean and tidy school uniform with a black long skirt was covered with dust because of falling to the ground several times, and there were 'scratches' outlined by the bushes in the forest;

The black pantyhose used to keep warm was scratched by branches and tough stones, revealing the snow-white skin inside...

Appearing in front of others in such a distressed state, others will be startled, and it can be said that it is an extremely natural thing to ask such questions.

Although the mirror that he carried with him was nowhere to be found, even if he didn't use it, Saki Ikeda could still imagine how embarrassed he was now.

When meeting students or faculty members, what kind of questions will be asked, and after that, what kind of attitude should I have, and what kind of answer should I make... These things, when she herself was fleeing , already in my mind.

In such a flustered situation, how could she still think about this kind of thing in her mind... I can only say that this woman, Saki Ikeda, really has two brushes.

However, because of this, the harm it causes is even greater.

"I actually met Yuan Jing here..." Ikeda Saki's pupils shrank, and she clearly recognized the black-haired and black-eyed boy in front of her.

Today, her previous plan—that is, to 'control the cowardly exchange student and use the former to lure Yuan Jing, so as to provoke the relationship between him and Shijo Tei'—has basically completely declared bankruptcy.

Lily Spencer is not cowardly, on the contrary, she is as strong as a monster, and she is not an object that an existence like her can handle at all.

Although Ikeda Saki was extremely resentful in her heart, she was completely helpless about it.

Moreover, the most important things at present have changed.

This kind of fight is absolutely unstoppable, at least the golden retriever paparazzi in the news department will never let go of such explosive news.

Waiting until tomorrow, on the new issue of "St. Eden Daily", this incident at noon today will definitely be the headlines on the front page, and it will become the object of discussion among the students.

There is no way for him to stay out of the matter, and Sakigo Ikeda is quite aware of this.

The surveillance equipment on the campus has already photographed herself walking with those dozens of people, and even if she didn't, she didn't think those scumbags would be too loyal to confess her, let alone that Lily Spencer herself confession.

You shouldn't be careless to go to the front of the stage.

Ikeda Sakigo's heart was full of remorse.

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