After successfully eavesdropping on the conversation of the four siblings, she was obviously too excited to get carried away.

But it's a done deal, and it's pointless to regret it any longer.

The most important thing now is to take away the title of 'mastermind' and turn myself into the position of 'coerced'.

It's actually not easy, but with Yuanjing's help, it will be different.

The blond-haired paparazzi in the news department has always focused on 'gaining attention' in news reports, and it can be said that he seldom exaggerates.

But Yuanjing was the exception.

In other words, there is a great possibility that the other party has a personal relationship with the head of the news department.

'Maybe, that Todou Lilicia is Yuanjing's licking dog. 'Sakura Ikeda thought so maliciously in her heart.

In this case, Yuan Jing's statement will definitely have a key impact on Fujido Lilicia's report, as long as he can be deceived here...

Almost in an instant, Saki Ikeda had made a decision.

"Ah!" Embracing her body with both arms, Saki Ikeda squatted down all of a sudden, posing in a pitiful and weak posture. "Don't look at me!"

Men are protective, especially when it comes to beautiful women.

For this, Ikeda Sakiko knew quite well.

Although her beauty is not as good as Shijo Zhenfei (this is one of the reasons why she is extremely jealous of Zhenfei in her heart), but if she wants to call herself a beautiful girl, there is no problem at all.

A gentle and harmless good girl—this is the disguise she paints on herself, and it is the only way she hides her evil deeds.

Although the current appearance is embarrassing, such a lovely and pitiful posture is the most able to arouse the desire for protection in men's hearts, so as to treat themselves preferentially.

If it was a normal male of the same age, he should take off his jacket in a gentlemanly manner at this time, and then put it on his body to cover up his embarrassment.

This is what Saki Ikeda wants Genke to do.

But with a heart of stone, he still stood where he was, unmoved at all...

No, he actually looked away.

'I said [don't look at me], you really don't look at me? ! Ikeda Sakiko kept beating the ground in her heart, "Doesn't this mean that I am not attractive to you at all?" ! '

The self-esteem built up by virtue of her proud femininity was dealt a severe blow.

"Did something happen?" Yuan Jing repeated the previous question with some stubbornness.

"There are monsters!" Although I was a little bit defensive in my heart, the play still had to continue.

Ninety percent of the panic in Saki Ikeda's tone was true. Lily Spencer's ghostly performance had become a lingering nightmare that lingered in her heart.

"No, it should be witchcraft!" She said indiscriminately, "That guy from England is definitely a descendant of a witch who escaped trial, or he is a devil or a demon!"

"Oh?" After hearing her words full of fear, the boy in front of him neither showed doubts nor looked at him with eyes full of pity.

On the contrary, he showed a little 'so that's the way it is'.

And his behavior after that made Saki Ikeda's pupils shrink all of a sudden, and even fell into a sluggish state for a moment——

Separate your feet one by one, put your arms together in front of your chest, and clasp your hands together, as if holding a sharp sword.

The black-haired boy in front of her made such a gesture that was so familiar to her, it was almost imprinted in her mind, and she would never forget it.

"I want to confirm, is she using such movements to perform the so-called 'witchcraft'?"

The figures of the black-haired boy and the blond girl overlapped in her eyes. Such an impactful scene, like a sudden slash, pierced through the psychological defense line of the frightened Sakiko Ikeda.

Like the blown fuse when the current exceeds the load, the protective measures written in human genes are activated at once——

"Ah, I fainted." Seeing the upturned eyes of the girl in front of him, Yuan Jing's tone didn't have the slightest sympathy.

As an insider of the whole incident, he has nothing but hatred for the girl in front of him.

However, the other party's reaction made him have a certain guess.

I just put on the air of British swordsmanship just now, and there is no sharp edge in my hand.

Logically speaking, the lethality of such an action should be infinitely close to 0, but judging by the opponent's reaction, it is not like this at all.

Since it wasn't my problem, it was the means used by that Miss Artoria.

According to rumors, the archmage Merlin once applied magic to King Arthur's sword, covering its shape, making it an "invisible sword" that cannot be seen by others...

Yuan Jing recalled this legend with a thoughtful look on his face.


When Ikeda Saki regained consciousness again, the boy with black hair and black eyes no longer existed in front of her eyes, replaced by a blond girl looking at her with a smile.

The surrounding environment is no longer the cold garden surrounded by trees, but a warm and warm interior.

She is supported by soft cushions, and behind her is the comfortable back of the chair.

She even smelled the aroma of black tea.

But Saki Ikeda's spirit did not relax at all, but became more and more tense.

Because she had already recognized the blond and big-breasted girl with a huge bow tied behind her head.

"You're awake." Fujido Lilicia's words were full of concern, "When the staff were going to move you, they accidentally dropped you to the ground, but it didn't wake you up."

"I thought you wouldn't be able to wake up today, but luckily I didn't give up." She patted her chest and looked extremely grateful.

"..." Saki Ikeda stood up decisively after being silent for a moment.

Fujido Lilicia, the Minister of Information, is a person who has no morals at all for the sake of interesting news. Any words may be distorted by her into other meanings. At this time, it is the most sensible choice to shut up and run away immediately.

"Oh, is Ikeda-san leaving now?"

"Why, the Ministry of Information still restricts my freedom?" Saki Ikeda said unceremoniously.

"No, no, how dare you, I'm a formal club here, so of course I can't do such a thing." Fujidou Lilicia waved her hand with a smile.

"However, if Ikeda-san wants to leave, I have no choice but to find someone else." She showed a rather regretful look——

"There are nearly [-] candidates in total. Among them, there must be someone who is willing to be interviewed?"

Ikeda Saki's movement of leaving suddenly froze.

She turned around and looked at Todou Lilicia who was still smiling. Her cute face was distorted, looking ferocious like a ghost.

But Fujido Lilicia is obviously a woman who will not be intimidated by such things.

"Ah," she touched her eyes and lips with her hands, and she showed some concern on her face, "Ikeda-san, is it because you can't walk all of a sudden?"

"...Is it something that makes you happy when you push people into a corner?" Staring at Todou Lilicia viciously, Saki Ikeda said in a tone as if she wanted to eat her up.

"No," Fujido Lilicia denied in a relaxed tone, "Don't look at me like that usually, but I'm actually quite empathetic."

"If someone is attacked because of my report and can't stay in the whole campus, even I will feel uneasy and can't eat."

"then you......"

"But!" Fujido Lilicia interrupted Saki Ikeda's words, "In the end, I'm just an ordinary human being, and the only ones who can resonate with me are my kind."

"Among them, things like cockroaches and bedbugs are not included here."

"This kind of dirty and unsightly thing, let it disappear and never appear in front of your eyes, is the best way to do it once and for all?"

Fujido Lilicia stared at Saki Ikeda and said, it became quite obvious who the cockroaches and bedbugs in her mouth were referring to.

"Is it necessary to do this?" Saki Ikeda's tone began to be mixed with pleading.

"Of course it is necessary." Fujido Lilicia obviously had a heart made of iron.

"You're a junior, you may not know me very well." The smile on her face began to shrink, and a somewhat terrifying momentum began to brew around her, "Do you know why I became the Minister of Information?" ?"

Ikeda Saki didn't speak because she didn't know about it.

"Because I'm a mixed race, and because I'm a transfer student, when I came here, I received a lot of [attention]." Fujido Lilicia emphasized the word [attention], obviously, It's not the kind of thing people generally think about.

"But these things can't be changed, so I can only accept it reluctantly. But at least find a way to get revenge, let everyone know the pain of being [attracted] by others. That's what I think."

"With this in mind, I joined the news department, and then by digging up black material, I used scandals to force the few people who bullied me the most to drop out of school."

"To be honest, this kind of behavior is really very enjoyable. It even makes me a little addicted."

"That's what motivated me to become a journalist."

"Do you understand what I mean by that?"

The reason why Fujido Lilicia became a reporter was to take revenge on those who bullied her.And people like herself are undoubtedly the existence she hates the most, and she will never let herself go.

Ikeda Saki has a deep understanding of this.

"Are you going to make me unable to stay in this school?"

"Yes (sodayou~)." Fujido Lilicia didn't bother to cover up.

As the upper reaches of public opinion, she has such power in her hands.

"Since the result cannot be changed, why do you expect me to tell you the truth?" Ikeda Saki wanted to bargain.

St. Eden Academy is the best middle school in Sakurajima, she really doesn't want to be driven away from here.

"How can it be said that the result has not changed?" Fujido Lilicia's eyes widened in surprise, "If you don't tell me, I will tell other people the news. You're the only one who can't stay any longer."

"If you can accept this result," she stretched out a slender finger, pointing in the direction of the door of the house, "walk slowly and don't see you off~"

Whether to bear all the crimes by himself, or to drag everyone into the water, there are only two ways in front of Ikeda Saki.

Of course, if everyone keeps silent, then the possibility of survival of all members naturally exists.


Do these dregs who take pleasure in bullying others really have such ideological consciousness?

In other words, do these people believe that others will not betray themselves and pour dirty water on themselves?

Saki Ikeda sat back on the seat again.

"Slap." Todo Lilicia snapped her fingers easily——

"You really know the current affairs, Ikeda-senpai."

"I don't dislike this kind of quality, senpai~"


The next day, early in the morning.

Taking easy steps, Artoria came to her shoe cabinet.

She was a lot cleaner yesterday afternoon.

Although Shizuka Hiratsuka insisted in the class that she would hit people because of "another secret", but it is an indisputable fact that she knocked down more than a dozen people by herself.

For such a character, it is extremely normal for people in the class to feel fear.

And when he opened his shoe cabinet and was about to take out his indoor shoes from it——

Letter paper like snowflakes spewed out of it, startling him.

Picking up one of them from the ground, Artoria's green eyes were full of doubts.

With a twitch of her fair fingers, she opened the envelope, and then she pulled out the letter paper from it.

"Thank you letter?" After browsing through it, she said in a daze.

Chapter 52 Yuan-kun, save me! ! !

The shoe cabinet was obviously not a good place to read letters before.

Except for the letter that was opened to clarify the situation at the beginning, Artoria did not open the other envelopes.

Gathering the letters that were scattered on the ground and those still in the shoe cabinet, Arturia fixed them to her chest with her left arm and hand.

'A total of 57 letters. ' She counted silently in her heart.

Although it was known from the beginning that there would be many copies, after counting them carefully, there were so many copies, which was somewhat beyond Artoria's expectation.

There is no doubt that it is very difficult to hold so many loose letters against one's chest with only one arm and keep them from spilling.

But to Artoria, she acted extremely calmly, without any sense of reluctance.

Not only that, but in the process of bending over to take off her shoes and put on indoor shoes again, Artoria did not show the slightest bit of distress, as if the 57 letters on her chest did not exist at all. .

For her, the more embarrassing thing is actually the eyes and whispers of the students who come and go.

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