They didn't look at her with the eyes of aliens or dirty things, on the contrary, their eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

What the hell is going on here?

Obviously yesterday afternoon, they still looked at themselves with the eyes of looking at dangerous people with respect and distance!

Why is it like this in Sakurajima?

Although she shouted in her heart, Arturia still maintained a haughty and glamorous appearance.

There is no way, if you don't continue to maintain this attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, someone will definitely come up to talk to you.

She doesn't want to be surrounded by people asking questions like yesterday again!

'No, I have to find someone to ask clearly what's going on. '

Artoria thought so in her heart.

"Rita's words..." The first thing she thought of was the name, "No, she just came here too, so asking for information would be too much of a stretch." '

In the same way, other British exchange students can be excluded.

"Ah," in Artoria's mind, the shadow of a boy with black hair and black eyes suddenly appeared.

'If it is him, he must know something, maybe there is a way to help me out of this predicament. '

Although the gait is extremely elegant, the speed is quite fast.

Holding the pile of letters in her arms, Artoria quickly moved towards her class——

'Yuan-jun, save me TT! ! ! '


In Class A of Senior One, the first class on Tuesday is mathematics.

This kind of course is not Artoria's strong point.

In fact, apart from English, Artoria is good at almost none of the subjects. If she is not an exchange student, but a real student, she will definitely not be able to escape from the position at the end of the crane. .

It's not because she's stupid or doesn't study hard or anything like that.

On the contrary, Artoria is actually quite smart, at least much smarter than most people in the world.

And if she is more diligent, she will not fall behind anyone at all.

Compared with practicing swords, learning this matter is much easier.

What Artoria lacks is 'time'.

The learning of knowledge is not a castle in the air, it needs to be preceded and foreshadowed.

For an ordinary high school student, before entering high school, he needs to go through three stages: kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school, with a total of more than ten years

Progress from the most basic addition and subtraction within ten digits to the Pythagorean theorem, trigonometric functions...

These are the results of accumulation over time and little by little.

But Artoria did not have such time.

It will take her a few months to catch up with the efforts of others over the past ten years, and she will also have to find time to master a foreign language and writing...

To be honest, Arturia's ability to barely stay behind is already a sign of her talent and intelligence. After all, St. Eden Academy is the most famous middle school in Sakurajima with the highest average deviation.

If you were to find a random high school student from the 'countryside' outside of Tokyo, she might not be as good as Artoria.

Fortunately, Sawamura Eriri's high school grades are actually not ideal, so the danger of being cheated is greatly reduced.

And as for Sawamura Eriri's painting skills...

Mashiro Shiina, who is inseparable from him, will be brought back to England. After losing this painting friend and best friend, Eri Sawamura, who has suffered a serious blow to her heart, is going to close her pen for a long time, which should be very normal. something?

Thinking of the plan made by the Spencer family, Artoria looked a little sad.

However, since the two can meet again in England, it should be a good thing.The people of the Spencer family have promised her that they will keep her safe for the rest of her life.

Of course, the prerequisite is that I stay in Sakurajima so well...

'No, now is not the time to think about this. '

Artoria shook her head, driving these somewhat depressing things out of her mind.

'There are more urgent things to do now! '

If it was an ordinary Artoria, no matter whether she could understand or not, she had to listen carefully at this moment.

But the time left for her is actually running out.

During the gap between the morning self-study and the first class, Artoria relied on the method of "reading the thank you letter" to open up a shelter from the wind in the class.

But the letter has been read almost.

Moreover, there is no way to procrastinate like this, the problem must always be solved from the source!

Artoria turned aside Yuan Jing who was sitting not far to her left, and rolled up the written note in her hand——

"About the change in the attitude of the people around me, do you know why?"

The note with such words was thrown onto Yuanjing's desk in an instant.

In fact, when reading the thank-you letter, Artoria basically already had some guesses.

The guy I defeated at noon yesterday seemed to be a villain who bullied men and women in this Saint Eden Academy.

However, I just beat up this group of people, and didn't kill them, or drive them out of this campus. Why did I receive so many people's thanks?

According to my previous inference, my behavior can only tell others the fact that 'resistance is meaningful'.

Although it should be able to inspire many people, it is still too far away if it can really solve this problem.

Someone must have done something after that.

But who is this person, or these people?

Just when Artoria's heart was full of question marks, a note with Yuanjing's answer had already arrived on her desktop——

"Push the textbooks on your desk off the desk towards me, and remember to be natural."

Instead of directly answering the question directly, Yuan Jing just said so on the note.

Push the textbook towards him?Although Arturia didn't know the intention of Yuanjing's instruction, but out of trust in Yuanjing, she obediently followed it.

Arturia spread out the textbook, placed it close to the table, and pressed it lightly with her left elbow.

She raised her neck, looked at the math teacher who was writing and drawing on the blackboard, and said something to the students in the classroom, and then seemed to inadvertently raised her elbow that was pressed on the textbook, towards her and Yuan A glimpse of the hallway between the tables...

The textbooks, which were already in jeopardy, suddenly lost their focus under this rub.

And before it fell to the ground, a slender and powerful palm caught it all at once.

Yuan Jing, who had been prepared for a long time, caught the math textbook that Artoria slipped on purpose.

After lifting it, he didn't say anything, but lifted it up and handed it to Arturia who was looking at him.

Arturia also took the textbook with a cold face, and then nodded slightly to express her gratitude.

During the whole process, the two did not have any communication.

'I don't know her (him) well, and I don't want to interact with her if I don't have to. '

This is the gesture that the two of them showed together.

When receiving the textbook, Artoria's movements paused slightly.

'The weight got a little bit heavier. ' She thought in her heart, 'Mr. Yuan seems to have caught something in it? '

She feels right.

When she brought the textbook in front of her and opened it again, a piece of paper that had been folded several times appeared in front of her eyes.

'Is this a newspaper? 'Artoria knows this thing.

It seems that Yuanjing deliberately cut it from the original reading.

But even so, the paper is too big, and the note can no longer be passed on, but this method can only be used to pass the message without being discovered by others.

Arturia looked around for a while, and then reopened the folded newspaper clipping under the cover of the textbook——

"Shock!A beautiful blonde exchange student from England actually did such a thing in public! ! ! "

Looking at the huge headline in black that almost split the paper, and the huge exclamation mark that seemed to tear the paper, even Arturia couldn't help but make a "old man looking at his phone on the subway" ' classic expression.

What is this?


Arturia read the entire report.


How should I put it, although the title is very serious, the main body of this report is extremely serious and serious.

On the so-called beating incident of exchange students, although it was mentioned, it didn't really mention much.

Its important content still revolves around the vicious small group headed by Ikeda Saki (Artoria only knew the name of the girl she let go) and the countless crimes they committed before.

I have to say that the person who wrote this report has a very superb style of writing.

Just using simple words can easily arouse the resentment in the readers' hearts.

Even Artoria, who is 'well-informed', couldn't help feeling a little turmoil in her heart when she read these words.

Not to mention the middle school students who are at the young age?

Artoria looked at the title again, and found the author's name in the lower right corner of the article——

【Fudodo Lilicia】.

After remembering the name in her heart, Artoria continued to write the note.

"What happened to these people?"

Throw it over.

"After such reports, do you think they can still stay in the school? Except for a very few who are still struggling, others have already started to withdraw from school."

Throw it back.

"It's so fast? If it's just this report, it shouldn't be so powerful, right? Is there something else hidden behind this?"

Throw it over.

"Of course. As far as I know, the reason why Sakigo Ikeda came to you was because he overheard the conversation between the four siblings. This group of people will pack up and leave so quickly. Apart from this report, it is also People with four families put pressure on them from behind."

"Others don't know this, so they will naturally attribute all the credit to you."

Shijo House...

Arturia knew this family.

The house I live in now, as well as my daily expenses and food, are all provided by this family.

In addition, the Spencer family also said that if you have any difficulties in Sakurajima, you can go directly to this family.

They gave themselves a series of phone numbers and said they had 'dealed' with the Shitiao family.

In other words, the four brothers and sisters actually talk about me?This is a bit of a surprise.

Now the truth is revealed, but his situation has not changed in any way.

It can only be said that it has changed from 'dead in a daze' to 'dead clearly'.

"Yuanjun, do you have any way to make people respect me?"

She couldn't help but write in the note.


Yuan Jing's answer was short.

Before she could reply, his next note immediately appeared on her desktop——

"Just tear apart the goodwill others have unleashed on you."

"Didn't you receive a lot of thank-you letters? Just go to the radio station and recite it in front of the teachers and students of the school, and add spicy comments, and you can easily achieve this goal."

"What do you think of this method?"

Arturia looked at the writing on the ball of paper, and fell silent for a while.

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