To be honest, the success rate of Yuanjing's method is quite high. If it is really implemented in this way, it should be able to achieve her goal with ease.


She didn't care about how her image would become, but she just thought of the warm and sincere words in the thank you letter she had read before, and she really couldn't do such a cruel thing.

As if seeing through it, another ball of paper was thrown on her table——

"It's really hard to be a villain, right?"

Yuan Jingshen wrote this with emotion.

Chapter 53 The answer is imagination!

There is an old saying: peaches and plums don't say anything, but a path is formed by oneself.

It means that although peach trees and plum trees can't speak, people go to pick them one after another because of their beautiful flowers and delicious fruits, so they step on a path under the trees.

Nowadays, it is generally used as a metaphor for being sincere and honest, which can naturally inspire people and make others gather around you.

Whether it is for Artoria or Yuanjing, this sentence is actually very applicable.

Although according to the original intention of these two people, they actually don't want to expand their influence on the campus, and they both hope to be an existence that can be separated from the crowd and preferably have nothing to do with others.

However, the characters and talents of the two did not allow them to be unknown, and the final result was what they are now.

To use a somewhat 'fashionable' phrase, that is, 'a man (female) like the two is like a firefly in the dark night, so bright and outstanding' (laughs).

And the person standing opposite the two is that Ikeda Saki.

She herself does not have any extraordinary talents and abilities, and she is also a pure villain in character.

Although relying on the secrets he overheard and the disgraceful means of "bullying others together", he has gathered a certain number of people around him, and he barely has a certain amount of power.

But such groups are actually quite fragile.

Just a little accident like Artoria, the whole group fell apart at an extremely fast speed.

"Since you are not going to use the permanent solution, then you can only choose the temporary solution." Glancing at Arturia who was sitting on her right hand, she saw that her delicate and pretty face like an elf was full of tears. When it was sad, Yuan Jing wrote another note and threw it over.

After turning over the note and seeing the words on it, Arturia's entire face lit up.

"What is the solution to the symptoms? Please tell me!" Almost impatiently, Artoria's note was quickly sent back to his desk.

"Do you know the monitor of our class, Chika Fujiwara?"

Throw it over.

"I know! I know! It's the girl with pink hair and black bow who goes to Yuan Jun every class?"

Throw it back.

"That's right, it's her."

"In fact, not only in the class, Qianhua is actually very popular in the whole school. Basically, everyone will give her face and be willing to listen to her."

"If you really don't want to have too much contact with others, you can go to her and tell her directly."

"With her helpful character, she will definitely help you."

"Although there is no guarantee that no one will bother you, I think it is still possible to greatly reduce the number of such people."

The note Yuanjing threw back this time was a bit long, but to sum it up, there was actually only one sentence, and that was——

'Go to Chika Fujiwara for help! '

Indeed, in the office of class teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka, she also told Artoria that if there is any problem or trouble to talk to her, then go to Chika Fujiwara.

But here, Yuan Jing actually said the same thing.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is a trustworthy person.

Although the contact time is not long, but as a former king with the 'ability to recognize people', Artoria does not think that she will misjudge people in this respect.

And Yuan Jing is the only "similar" that I have met in this era and has a fate with him, and he has no malice towards himself at all.

Since both of them said so, it proves that this girl named Fujiwara Chika must also be a trustworthy person, right?

If only by asking her, I can reduce the concentration of eyes on myself...

Artoria's eyes froze, apparently having made a decision.

"By the way, Gen-kun and that Fujiwara-san seem to be very close. What's the relationship between the two of you?" After sorting out some of the troubles in her heart, Arturia naturally began to care about other things. things come.

Yuan Jing had warned her before not to have anything to do with him, the reason was that there were too many women who were entangled with him.

If this is the case, is this Fujiwara Chika one of the women who has a deep relationship with this boy?

"She's my fiancee."

Yuanjing did not hide this.

He didn't have any ambiguous thoughts about this British exchange student, and naturally he wouldn't hide his relationship with the opposite sex from him like a scumbag.

'fiancée?Does Yuan Jun already have a marriage contract? 'After seeing Yuanjing's answer, Arturia was not surprised at all.

Although she didn't ask, Artoria had already expected that Yuanjing herself came from a very prominent family.

In her era, the so-called martial arts, especially advanced martial arts, have always been the monopoly resources of the superiors and big families.

In addition to maintaining dignity and divinity, the most important thing is that only a prominent family like this has the ability to cultivate warriors like her and Yuanjing.

The so-called "poor literature and rich martial arts" is actually a universal truth.

After the modern age, although with the development of the times, the point of "meat every meal" is no longer an unsatisfactory condition for modern people.

But what people have to learn has also become extremely complicated.

Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History, Biology...

Artoria couldn't help being amazed every time she saw the names of these courses.

Today's people no longer need skills like [Wu] to protect themselves, they already have better and more efficient choices.

For people nowadays, the purpose of practicing martial arts is actually more to strengthen the body, rather than to be brave or fierce, or to save one's life.

And to be able to hone one's martial arts skills to such an astonishing level in such an era, in addition to the young man's own talent and brilliance, the family background is absolutely indispensable.

Arturia was very sure of this.

"You two are a good match."

Throw it over.

"Thank you."

Throw it back.

"By the way, as the saying goes [come and don't reciprocate], since Mr. Yuan has helped me so much, if I don't return it, I will really feel sorry for my face."

"Is there anything I can do to help Yuan-jun?"

Now that the previous matter has come to an end, Arturia very naturally proposed the idea of ​​giving back to Yuanjing.

She has a very good impression of Yuanjing, a "traveler" and "destined person" in a foreign country, and now he has done him such a big favor.

Although she can't compare with the past now, as long as it is something she can do now, she is still obliged to do it.

Yuan Jing is not hypocritical.

The contact of these few days, coupled with the understanding of her character in the previous life, clearly told him that the blond girl in front of him was an upright and frank person by nature.

Since she said so, it is definitely not some polite words like 'I'll treat you another day'.

It is the most real thought in the heart of the other party.

Coincidentally, after reading Fujido Lilicia's report, he himself had some doubts in his heart, and wanted to take this opportunity to consult Artoria——

"Student Lily, I read from the report that although you knocked down all those dozens of people with your own strength, besides the injuries caused by falling to the ground, they even had a little extra trauma. nothing."

"Can you tell me exactly how you did this?"

Yuan Jing's strokes are full of curiosity.

"Of course, if this touches a taboo in your martial arts and it's not convenient to explain it to me, I can understand."

"Please answer me directly with [this is a confidential matter]."

'Well, he sure was curious about that. '

After receiving the note from Yuanjing, the corner of Artoria's mouth slightly raised, revealing a slight smile.

She didn't feel it was offensive, but felt a little kind.

It is extremely normal to be able to hone one's martial arts to such an extent in such an era, and to have such a strong curiosity.

Rather, it should be like this!

In this, Yuan Jing is very similar to her.

To be exact, it is very similar to her when she was a child.

If I didn't have this quality, I wouldn't be who I am now, but just like other ordinary women...

However, Yuan Jing is really perceptive, and unexpectedly discovered the most critical point at once.

Just like what he wrote on the note, this is indeed a taboo among the taboos in her family's martial arts.

According to the family rules, if you spy on such things without authorization, you will be exposed to the public.

Unless he joins his own family and changes his surname to [Pandoragon], then he can avoid death.

Source · Pandoragon.

No, according to the oriental way of calling, the surname comes first and the given name comes after.

So it should be [Jing·Pandoragon].

...I always feel a little awkward.

Arturia shook her head regretfully.

However, those things are already old calendars.

The Pandoragon family has long been eliminated in history. In today's world, I should be the last [Pandoragon].

Artoria didn't think she would marry and have children in this era.

Apart from the fact that she herself has long been disheartened by this, those guys in England should not allow her to do such a behavior.

Then [Pandoragon], the ancient surname, naturally came to her.

Although Arturia was a little bit embarrassed about this matter, in her heart, she had already accepted the ending of the name [Pandoragon].

Then, as the only survivor of the Pandoragon family and also the head of the patriarch, it should be understandable for her to give some pointers to the younger generations who are worthy of her eyes, and at the same time pass on the traces of her family in this foreign country, right?

Now, the only thing restricting her is actually only one——

That's her skill in painting.

"Wait for me a little while." After throwing the note that said herself like this, Artoria took out a brand new white paper from her desk.

From her pen bag, she took out two gel pens, one red and one black, facing the white paper, Arturia took a deep breath——

Now, it can only be 'a dead horse as a living horse doctor'!


"Push your textbook down toward me on purpose."

Although it was said to be "for a while", in fact, it was about half an hour later, less than 10 minutes before the end of get out of class, that Artoria finally completed all the corrections.

In the note she threw over, besides this sentence, there was another sentence——

"do not laugh!"

Arturia wrote this with a little embarrassment.

...why are you laughing?

Although I was slightly puzzled in my heart, since the other party said that on purpose...

With a movement very similar to Artoria's before, he also pushed his textbook off the table.

But Arturia did this to the left.

And his direction is to the right.

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