Like her previous self, Arturia also caught his textbook and handed it back, and at the same time, clipped the white paper in the process.

After Yuan Jing opened it and saw the content on the white paper, his pupils shrank violently, and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end for a moment.

Is this... a dragon?

He thought so with some hesitation.

On the piece of paper that Artoria handed over, the image of a huge monster was outlined in two extremely contrasting colors, red and black.

It is opening its mouth wide towards the source scene outside the screen, as if roaring loudly.

Such a scene is extremely breathtaking, even Yuan Jing couldn't help but feel a little shocked when he saw it at first glance.

But upon closer inspection, Yuan Jing's face could not help showing a little strange color.

Although it looks domineering at first glance, but if you look closely, isn't it a little, um, a little informal?

It can be seen that Artoria has a complete picture in her mind, but the pen in her hand can't keep up with her head at all.

The final result is this thing that has a bit of charm...

Artoria felt the slightly weird eyes from Yuan Jing, and coughed a few times in embarrassment.

There is no way, the original painting has already been lost, and it may have been burned.

This thing only exists in her mind now... She has tried her best, but her ability is really limited and she can only become like this in the end.

"This is a portrait of [Dragon]."

"Yuan-jun, in this world, there is such an existence as [Dragon]."

If Yuanjing wants to explore the secrets of the Pandoragon family, he must firmly believe in this.

Chapter 54 If I Were a Dragon...

The surname Pendragon is, in the final analysis, the surname of the supreme military commander of the Kingdom of Camelot in ancient British legends—that is, the king.

The word originated from the Britons who lived in the British Isles in ancient times.

Among them, [Pen] corresponds to [Head] in modern English.

In other words, the so-called [Pandoragon] means [head dragon] or [leader dragon], meaning [the most powerful leader].

Just like the ancient Chinese emperors would call themselves "Son of Heaven", the existence of this surname is a means to deify one's own family, so as to firmly grasp the king's authority.

'[Dragon] really exists? '

Looking at the note that Artoria threw over, Yuan Jing looked at the somewhat abstract picture of the "Red Dragon Roaring" drawn by her, and his brows wrinkled involuntarily.

Undoubtedly, what Arturia was talking about was not the eastern dragon who could fly clouds and rain and master the four seasons, but the eastern dragon who lived in ancient castles, robbed princesses, and hoarded treasures. fire-breathing tuatara.

As for whether creatures like "Western Dragon" really exist, the current general opinion in the scientific community is negative.

Starting from amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds... These creatures are all four-limbed animals in a broad sense.

It’s just that some choose to liberate their upper limbs to walk upright, and some specialize their upper limbs into wings (birds, bats, pterosaurs).

The reason is that the first batch of fish to land were creatures with two pairs of fins.

These two pairs of fins develop into limbs on the shore, and eventually branch out and become a large family of this diverse species on land.

But obviously, if Western dragons are real creatures that exist in this world, then they certainly do not share a common ancestor with other terrestrial vertebrates.

the reason is simple--

Because they are not creatures with limbs.

A pair of front legs, a pair of hind legs, and a pair of wings.

The legendary western dragon is actually a creature with six limbs.

...if they were real creatures.

In other words, according to the theory of evolution, they should have evolved from fish with three pairs of fins landing on land.

If such a creature type really exists, then it shouldn't just be the [Dragon] group.

However, not to mention in reality, even in various fossil remains, no traces of hexapods have been found.

Even if fishes with three pairs of fins landed on land at that time and evolved populations.Apparently, these guys were outdone by their four-legged brethren early on, too.

That must have been a long, long time ago.

So long that at that time, the species 'human' did not exist at all.

That is to say, no matter whether it is the magical eastern dragon or the tyrannical western dragon, they are all creatures processed by human imagination and do not exist in the world.

However, Artoria said that [Dragon] is real...

"You said [Dragon] is a real creature, but do you have any evidence?"

In the final analysis, the fact that the creature [Dragon] does not exist in the real world is just an inference. Although the accuracy rate is extremely high, it cannot be used as a real basis for the non-existence of this magical creature.

If Arturia has tangible evidence (such as dragon corpses or fossils), Yuanjing doesn't mind overthrowing the deeply rooted traditional concepts in his mind...

"No, I haven't seen such a creature with my own eyes, so I can't come up with practical evidence."

"However, my ancestors must have seen such a great creature with their own eyes, because my family martial arts evolved from imitating the habits of this creature."

"Walking on the surface of water is because the dragon itself has the ability to repel water; the reason why people faint through the air without scars on the outside is because the dragon's whole body has the pressure to repel the weak..."

"Don't you want to ask me, why can I do such a thing?"

"Then here is my answer."

"Because [Dragon] can do such a thing, so I can do such a thing."

"It's that simple."

Arturia wrote that very seriously on the paper.

This is all her sincerity, and there is no lie in it.

Although the martial arts of the [Pandoragon] family, if it is really necessary to list them, it may not be possible to fill this paper.

But if we want to talk about its core and essence, it is the painting that she has given to Yuan Jing.

【I am the dragon】.

This is the core of all the martial arts of the Pendoragon family.

Whether it is sword skills, spear skills, ax skills or hand-to-hand combat techniques, all of their skills are imitations of such great creatures as [Dragon]. The roaring red dragon in the middle is generally unique.

The [Pandoragon] family is a family that has been bathed in dragon blood and has the existence of [Dragon Factor].

In England at the time, such a statement was rampant.

And Artoria is the existence closest to the imaginary perfection in the [Pandoragon] family.

It is precisely because she has such a terrifying talent that her father will conceal her gender and let her inherit his position as the king who reigns over the whole of Britain...

For the current Arturia, that was already an extremely long memory.

It was so far away that she could hardly remember the faces of her father, mother, sister...these people.

However, because she had to observe it almost every day, and she had to think about the reason for that painting in her heart all the time when practicing martial arts, this family treasure was preserved extremely completely in her memory.

Every toe, every tooth, every scale of that red dragon...has been firmly imprinted in her mind, and it may not be forgotten until after she dies.

But because of her poor painting skills and lack of time, the painting she made in class is actually not as good as its original one ten thousandth, no, one billionth.

It can only be said that it has a little charm.

If he saw the real original painting, Yuan Jing should be able to understand it more deeply, right?

It's a pity that the original painting has disappeared into history together with the [Pandoragon] family.

Arturia thought so regretfully in her heart.


The bell for the end of the first get out of class rang on time.

Like yesterday, the crowd in the class gathered around Artoria again.

What was different from yesterday was that a pink-haired figure appeared beside Artoria.

That was Chika Fujiwara.

She was already very interested in Artoria, an exchange student. The reason why she didn't contact him before was because there was no suitable time, and Arturia herself seemed to be quite resistant to it.

But this time, because of Yuanjing as an intermediary for matchmaking, she was finally able to stand by Artoria's side.

"Everyone, I know that you all like classmate Lili very much and want to know more about her, but if you gather around like this, it will scare the girls."

Five fingers facing each other, placed on the chest.Fujiwara Chika said with a smile.

"Student Lily will be very troubled by asking questions in such a hurry? Even if she wants to answer, she doesn't know which one to return to with so many questions?"

"Exchange students in England have the right to ask the teacher to change their class. You don't want to scare Lily away with enthusiasm, do you?"

As the monitor, Chika Fujiwara already had a very high prestige in Class A, and her remarks were indeed reasonable, so the students who originally wanted to surround her stopped naturally.

"Actually, I've already contacted Fujido Lilicia-senpai from the news department. She will conduct a very professional interview with Lily after school this afternoon."

"If you really want to know more about classmate Lily, please look forward to tomorrow's St. Eden Daily."

Seeing the slightly unwilling expressions on the faces of other students, Chika Fujiwara threw out this information just right.

As the saying goes, "blocking is worse than sparse", since showing indifference and making the crowd stay away from Lily Spencer is no longer feasible, it will be more beneficial to spend a period of time by revealing some news in a timely manner to satisfy people's curiosity. Smooth daily life.

It worked pretty well.

At least the crowd that had gathered around had gradually dispersed.

Artoria tugged at Chika Fujiwara's clothes—

"I haven't heard of interviews or anything." She whispered in a voice that only Chika Fujiwara could hear.

"Don't be nervous, just talk casually." Fujiwara Chika also responded with the same very small voice.

"Senior Todou Lilicia has a good impression of you, and with me watching, she won't write any excessive articles."

"Student Lily is a prominent figure in the entire St. Eden Academy. If you don't use this method to calm down, the vortex surrounding you will become bigger and bigger, which will not be conducive to your stable life in the future."

Lily Spencer's appeal is actually very similar to Yuan Jing's, basically [wanting a peaceful life].

Although this is estimated to be an unlikely goal for Yuanjing, Lily obviously hasn't reached this point yet.

As long as it works properly, Fujiwara Chika is confident that she can completely subside this turmoil within three days.

Of course, the premise is that Lily Spencer will not be involved in any big event that can focus the attention of the whole school like this time.

...Shouldn't it?

"If you say that..." Although a little hesitant, Arturia finally agreed to Chika Fujiwara's request.

In addition to feeling the sincerity between the girl's words and expressions, the trust in Yuanjing is actually a very important reason.

When thinking of Yuanjing, Arturia reflexively forgot to glance to the left, and then was taken aback——

'Where's Yuanjing people? '

After the surrounding crowd receded, she found that the boy's seat was empty.

'Did you go out with something? '

Artoria thought to herself.


Yuan Jing was relaxing on the forest path in St. Eden Academy.

Artoria's words actually shocked him greatly, and he needed to use this method to properly digest them.

To be honest, he actually had guesses about Artoria's so-called 'invisible sword'.

The most reliable of these is to regard it as a kind of spiritual attack.

I don't know if any of you have had this experience...

When you are pointed at the center of your eyebrows with a sharp object (such as a sharp knife or a needle), will you involuntarily feel extremely slight pain or dizziness?

This phenomenon is called Visual looming syndrome (abbreviation SEES) in English.Because it is too unpopular, the official Chinese translation does not yet exist. If it is translated literally, it should be called [Visual Approach Syndrome].

This is actually a type of phantom pain.

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