Its mechanism is more complicated to explain, but it is basically closely related to the wrong conduction of the human nervous system.

Originally, Yuanjing thought that Artoria used such a principle to make those people mentally think [I was cut! ] Such an illusion caused pain and dizziness, but the answer she gave was what [Dragon's Coercion]...

'No, no, my thinking is wrong. '

Yuan Jing shook his head.

'Artoria herself really thinks so, but who said that her own cognition is the truth? '

The other party does not seem to be a person of his own time.

This is Yuanjing's true feelings after two days of contact.

Her ancient names for the stars, her gender concept that is incompatible with modern times, and...  

Taking out the picture drawn by Artoria from his arms, Yuan Jing just quietly looked at the portrait of the red dragon roaring towards him.

All of this points to a somewhat appalling fact, that is——

Arturia, it seems, is really the king from more than 1500 years ago.

Although this kind of inference is extremely absurd, but after excluding other possibilities, no matter how unbelievable it is, what remains is naturally the [truth].

'The specific mechanism of phantom pain has not been clarified even by modern science, but this obviously does not prevent humans from using it. '

'The farmers in ancient times did not know the principle of lightning and thunder, thinking that it was the anger of the gods, but this did not prevent them from using it in farming. '

'[Thunderstorms produce crops]... Such a saying is still passed down by them. '

Arturia should be the same.

She actually didn't know the reason why those people fell down, but she obviously found another reason for it, a universal reason that could explain it, that is——


Because I am [Dragon], then since [Dragon] can do things, I can definitely do it.

By imitating the imaginary [dragon], training oneself with it as the goal, and then hard training, the abilities displayed are completely beyond ordinary people, which will in turn strengthen the belief of [I am a dragon].

Not only that, but as the king of the British Isles, the general opinion of the people under his rule will also strengthen this point of view.

If [Pandaragon family is a family with the blood of a giant dragon] becomes common sense in everyone's mind, then the members of this family will naturally believe it.

From this point of view, Artoria firmly believes that [Dragon] exists, so there is an explanation.

This is the cornerstone of her martial arts.

Through such a method similar to [Hypnotize yourself], let your own martial arts climb to the peak...

This is the truth of the [Dragon Factor] family flowing in the rumor of [Pandoragon].

'It's really, the old training method. '

Yuanjing thought so in his heart.

However, although the old is a little old, it is clear that this training method is useful.

The current Arturia is the proof.

The so-called martial arts, when taken apart, are nothing more than [heart], [skill], and [body].

No matter what method is used, as long as these three can be strengthened, it will prove to be a good method.

In this case, it is worth a try.

It is actually not difficult for Yuanjing to imitate living things.

Among the boxing techniques of Huaguo, there is actually Xingyiquan, a boxing technique that specifically imitates animals——

Tiger shape, crane shape, bear shape, snake shape, monkey shape, horse shape...

For the current Yuanjing, he can be regarded as a master of the Twelve Forms of Xingyiquan.


He looked at the picture in front of him dumbfounded.

To be honest, this picture is too abstract, and it feels like he has nowhere to speak.

If it wasn't for that bit of charm, he wouldn't have been able to tell that it was a dragon, but he would have thought it was some kind of giant turtle instead.

He frowned tightly, as if he wanted to understand the spiritual core from this scribble, but obviously, such a task was a bit difficult.

Different from Artoria, Yuanjing actually doesn't believe that creatures like [Dragon] really exist in his heart.

He knows too much, and all of this knowledge constitutes his current spiritual world.And its overall tendency is undoubtedly biased toward [materialism].

But Arturia's training method is undoubtedly more idealistic.

These two ways of thinking are obviously at odds with each other.

In short, it was Yuanjing's own knowledge that bound him in his heart.

In Buddhist terms, it should be called 'knowledge and vision barrier'.

And when Yuanjing was staring at the painting, trying to squeeze his imagination as much as possible——

There was a rustling sound.

It seemed that someone was walking through the jungle bushes in the courtyard.

Yuan Jing followed the prestige, and saw a girl with a portfolio and long amber hair intertwined with leaves was walking through the forest with some difficulty.

When she saw Yuan Jing, her topaz-like eyes suddenly lit up.

As if seeing the cub of someone close to him, Shiina Mashiro ran towards Yuanjing with a patter.

Chapter 55 This wave is not well coordinated

"Where's Sawamura-san?" Yuan Jing asked strangely when he looked around but couldn't find the petite girl with blond hair and twin ponytails.

In the few limited encounters with Shiina Mashiro, she always followed Sawamura Eriri, and she was inseparable from him.

But today, Shiina Mashiro was actually echoing around the campus alone, which surprised Yuanjing a little.

"Eriri is going to class." Mashiro Shiina replied, "I don't need it."

St. Eden Academy has always had a very tolerant attitude towards gifted students. In the words of the headmaster himself, "we cannot let the strict system stifle the wings of gifted students".

Facing a student like Mashiro Shiina who has won awards in world-class competitions and even has the ability to hold personal art exhibitions, the originally strict school rules instantly become flexible and humane.

For Shiina Mashiro's attendance rate and test scores, St. Eden Academy has not set rigid requirements.

She can freely arrange her daily schedule according to her preferences and mood.

This is the privilege of a genius, especially a genius like Mashiro Shiina whose talent has blossomed.

"The school is safe." Shiina Mashiro added, "If there is a problem that I can't solve..."

Saying so, Shiina Mashiro took out a square thing from his pocket.

On the white base is a big button that is dazzling red.

This is a simple portable siren.

It's the kind of thing that sounds like a siren when you press it down.

If it is more advanced, it will also send an alarm to a machine somewhere at the same time, and it will have a positioning function to facilitate the location and search of the owner of the alarm by relevant personnel.


Generally speaking, this kind of thing is used by elementary school students to prevent them from being taken away by bad guys, or to warn those salty uncles who have evil intentions.

But here, it was used by Shiina Mashiro as a prop to ask for help.

It cannot be said that it is the best use of everything, it can only be said that it is very suitable.

"After pressing this button, some kind-hearted people will quickly come over to help me." Pointing to that, it was constantly sending out [Press me! 】The red button of breath, Mashiro Shiina explained the usage of this thing to Yuanjing.

"However, after getting this thing, I haven't actually used it a few times."

Although the ability of self-reliance is relatively lacking, Shiina Mashiro is already a high school student after all, not a baby who has just been born and needs to borrow the hands of others for everything.

She naturally still has the most basic awareness of avoiding danger.

This kind of siren is just an insurance to prevent Shiina Mashiro from accidentally getting lost or falling into a pit because he is too obsessed with painting and sketching.

After showing his own security measures to Yuan Jing, Shiina Mashiro put it back into his pocket, and even puffed out his chest.

On the cheeks with a lack of expression, there was also a hint of pride——

'Look, you don't need to worry about me at all, do you? '

She seemed to be saying this to Yuan Jing.

Well, if Shiina Mashiro could pick out all the broken leaves and twigs mixed in her long amber hair when making this picture, the persuasiveness would undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Yuanjing held back his smile, and signaled Shiina Mashiro to pay attention to his hairline.

He actually has a considerable affection for this girl who devotes all her energy to painting.

To some extent, Shiina Mashiro and him can actually be said to be the same kind of people.

It’s just that what Shiina Mashiro pursues is [painting], and he is more greedy and wants to [have everything].

Shiina Mashiro stretched out his hand, stroked through his hair, and then successfully picked out two broken leaves.

At this time, when the trees are withered and yellow, when walking through the forest, it is easy to get these things on the body.

Especially Shiina Mashiro has such beautiful waist-length hair.

Although she is extremely dexterous when holding a paintbrush, Shiina Mashiro is much clumsy when it comes to things like combing her hair.

She doesn't care about grooming at all, and she doesn't carry a mirror or a comb on her body.

It is impossible to pick off these broken leaves and twigs if you stroke your hair randomly based on your feeling.

Soon, Shiina Mashiro seemed to understand this too.

She hesitated to speak and looked at Yuanjing, a look of hesitation flashed in her citrine-like eyes.

Yuanjing can naturally see what Shiina Mashiro is thinking——

"do you need my help?"

Anyway, it's just a little effort, and I don't know much about it.


With a smile on his face, Shiina Mashiro took a few steps closer to Yuanjing.

After slightly raising her delicate face, she even closed her eyes gently, with an appearance of 'letting you do what you want'.

'...Is this a little too defenseless, too trusting of me? Yuan Jing was slightly surprised by this, "If I were a scumbag with evil intentions, Shiina, you would probably be deceived into a big stomach without knowing it." '

He couldn't help feeling a certain degree of worry about the future of this too innocent girl.

'Find a chance to remind Mrs. Sawamura or Eriri Sawamura, and let them talk to Shiina about this, shall we? '

When cleaning the other party's hair with his hands, Yuan Jing thought so in his heart.

In fact, he was overthinking.

Shiina Mashiro is a girl with an extremely simple personality, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But simplicity is not the same as "stupid".

Long after she came to Sakurajima, whether it was Sayuri Sawamura or Erika Sawamura, they had already poured the so-called [differences between men and women] into her with painstaking efforts.

Although it may be difficult for ordinary people to understand, Shiina Mashiro has his own set of rules for dealing with people.

Who is a good person who thinks of himself and can be close to, and who is a bad person who hides selfishness and should stay away? Shiina Mashiro does not say it, but in fact he is as clear as a mirror in his heart.

Obviously, Yuan Jing has been naturally classified by her after the former, otherwise, the siren of the simple alarm would have sounded long ago.

"By the way, is your British roommate here yet?" While arranging Shiina Mashiro's hair, Genke casually asked about the situation of the transfer student who was boarding at Sawamura's house.

[Lily Spencer]'s identity has basically been ascertained by him. In this case, the context of the whole incident has actually become a lot more enlightened.

The so-called being extremely disappointed with Sayuri Sawamura and bringing Sawamura Spencer Eriri back to England is really just a cover.

And the core of this incident is undoubtedly Arturia Pendoragon.

But even so, the matter of the Sawamura family is undoubtedly an extremely important part of the whole incident.

And since he was chosen to live in Sayuri Sawamura's house, Mashiro Shiina, the former roommate of England, must know some inside information.

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