Yuanjing thought of the shackles wrapped around Artoria's ankles during that encounter on the water.

Obviously, the Spencer family's attitude towards Artoria is not friendly at all.

They treat him more like a prisoner in a prison than a courtier serving the king.

This is not difficult to understand.

Although King Arthur was once the Lord of England who ruled over Great Britain, that was already 1500 years ago.

Modern people no longer hold her in awe of it, but treat her as an unstable factor that may pose a threat to national security, which is actually a very logical idea.

It's just that Yuanjing doesn't understand that since he is so suspicious of Arturia, why not directly put her under house arrest in England instead of sending her to Sakurajima after all the trouble?

Although the partner of Sijojia can act as insurance, it is obviously safer and safer than letting others do it yourself?

Is there any unavoidable reason for this?

"Rita has come." Shiina Mashiro's tone was mixed with a bit of joy.Obviously, the arrival of her good friend made her extremely happy.

"However, Rita seems to have something on her mind, and she also said that she would bring me back to England." The original joy dissipated a little, and when she said this, Shiina Mashiro's tone seemed a little distressed.

"Also, although they seem to be getting along extremely harmoniously, I can see that Rita and Sayuri are actually guarding each other."

"Hey, that's it." Yuan Jing was not surprised by this.

As long as you know something about the affairs of the Sawamura family, you can see that the timing of this exchange student program is too coincidental, and there is a suspicious atmosphere from the beginning to the end.

Sayuri Sawamura was also aware of this.

It is naturally very normal to have doubts and guard against Rita Eindsworth who voluntarily asked to live in Sawamura's house.

However, do you want to bring Shiina Mashiro back to England...

Is this Rita's own idea, or the Spencer family's idea, or a combination of both?

"So, do you want to go back?" Yuan Jing said softly.


"I don't know." In Shiina Mashiro's words, there was a melancholy like cloud.

For her, this incident was a bit too complicated.

"Rita told me that the Spencer family has already looked for the parents. If they don't get out of this vortex in time, then the parents will be implicated by this matter."

Shiina Mashiro grew up in England. Even though she is not familiar with the world, she actually knows what a giant the Spencer family is.

"However, I don't want to leave Sayuri and Yinglili."

"I like them, and I want to help them and be their strength. This is the most sincere thought in my heart."

After getting along for a semester, she already regards Sayuri Sawamura and Eiri Sawamura as her family.

When the 'family' is in trouble, choose to withdraw and leave wisely...

This is obviously not in line with Shiina Mashiro's life creed.

But that being said, what can I do?

From a very young age, painting has occupied her entire life.

She can do nothing but paint.

Although she has accumulated a certain amount of fame because of this, but she wants to rely on this and her own paintbrush to make the Spencer family change their minds?

Stories like this should only exist in picture books of fairy tales, right?

Shiina Mashiro became extremely depressed.

"All right."

At this time, Yuan Jing had already cleaned up all the dead branches and leaves in Shiina Mashiro's hair.

And when she opened her eyes, a red dragon that was roaring fiercely at her broke into her sight.


Shiina Mashiro was first startled by the vicious aura contained in it, and leaned back slightly with a little fear, but immediately found something, and put his cheek on it all at once, almost lying on the picture made up of Red and black intersect to form a stick figure.

As a genius and expert in painting, she discovered the information hidden under the rough brushstrokes almost instantly.

Obviously, this is a poor copy painting.

But with such rough lines alone, it can make people feel frightened. What kind of painting would it be like in the first place?

Using his fingers in the void, tracing the lines on it, Shiina Mashiro began to guess the type of the original painting in his heart——

"This is, a copy of a mural?" Although Shiina Mashiro used interrogative sentences, his tone sounded quite positive.

"Well, it should be."

Artoria lived in the 5th century A.D. At that time, paper and cloth for painting did not exist in Great Britain.

Painting on slate with simple pigments was the most mainstream painting method of that era.

"Haven't you and Sawamura-san been thinking about how to ask me for help?"

"That's my answer."

"This painting is very important to me. As long as you restore it to its original appearance as much as possible, I will help the Sawamura family out of the predicament."

"That's my promise."

In fact, even if he didn't meet Shiina Mashiro today, Yuan Jing has already decided to intervene in this incident.

It would be fine if it was just a family matter of the Spencer family, but from the current point of view, the scale of this matter is obviously more than that.

But if he did, Shiina Mashiro would no doubt see it as an act of charity.

Artists are delicate and sensitive at heart, and Yuanjing didn't want to cast a shadow on her heart because of this incident.

It would be a pity if something like this caused Shiina Mashiro to create unnecessary bottlenecks in painting.

If so—

Then you might as well treat this as a deal, and save her from thinking about how to repay her kindness every day.

This is the real thought in Yuanjing's heart at this moment.

However, on Shiina Mashiro's side, this is not the case at all.

Yuan Jing seems to think that the painstaking restoration of portraits is a kind of 'job', and the help he gives is regarded as 'remuneration'.

But for Shiina Mashiro, who likes painting to the bone, this is not a job, but it should be some kind of reward.

In other words, in Shiina Mashiro's eyes, Yuan Jing paid double "reward".

In this case, she would naturally have to repay a double share of kindness.

Chapter 56 Only, will not lose to hypnosis!

"I'm back, Kaguya."

Carrying the purchased fruits, vegetables and meat, Ai Hayasaka walked into the door of the Yuan family.

"Welcome back, Hayasaka."

A girl with black hair and red eyes greeted her at the door.

The procurement of ingredients and daily necessities for Yuanjing New Residence is basically in charge of the former head maid of the Shinomiya Villa.

Which supermarket in Tokyo has the freshest vegetables, which fresh market has the liveliest fish and shrimp, and which store has the best meat quality...Our former maid is familiar with all these information.

This is her experience after working diligently in the Shinomiya family for more than ten years.

After welcoming Ai Hayasaka and sharing some weight for her, Kaguya Shimizu lowered his head to check the ingredients——

"Celery, tomato, beef... Hey, Hayasaka, why are there green onions and garlic?"

After seeing these two ingredients, she was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Ai Hayasaka with a slightly confused look.

As the head of the family, Yuan Jing does not eat onions, ginger, or garlic.

This point, Hayasaka Ai, who was in charge of his diet as early as in the Shinomiya villa, could not have known.

Is this what she wants to cook for herself?

"Don't ask me, Kaguya. Ah Jing asked me to do this."

Because of Shimizu Kaguya's help, Hayasaka Ai's hand was free.

With this hand, she took out the phone from her pocket, and after operating it with one hand, she showed Kaguya a message——

"By the way, love, when you go grocery shopping today, please remember to buy some onions, ginger, and garlic."

Before school was over, Hayasaka Ai received such a message on her mobile phone, and the sender was naturally Yuan Jing.

"Huh? Did Yuan Jun ask you to do this?"

The beautiful scarlet eyes widened slightly, Shimizu Kaguya looked at this message with some surprise.

"Is this for some kind of guest?"

"No, if there are guests, Ah Jing will definitely tell us in advance." Ai Hayasaka shook her head, denying this conjecture.

"I think, maybe it was bought to make medicinal materials."

Especially this one.She pointed to the scallions in Shimizu Kaguya's pocket.

"Medical materials?... Ah." After understanding what Hayasaka Ai was implying, Kaguya squinted at her with some reproach.

If you have a cold and a fever, you can use [external application] scallions to lose weight.

This is a folk recipe that has been widely spread in Sakurajima.

"Give me some seriousness."

Now we are talking about business, why did the topic suddenly start driving?

The filthy maid looks like she can't be had.

"I'm very serious." Ai Hayasaka said solemnly, "Scallions have medicinal value. In Zhang Zhongjing's "Book of the Living", there is a record of using Scallion White Decoction to treat typhoid fever and headache. This is not serious. ?”

"...you mean the medicinal use of this?"

"Or else?" The girl with blond hair and blue eyes opened her eyes wide, looking quite innocent.Then she seemed to understand something, and looked at Shimizu Kaguya with somewhat unbelievable eyes——

"Kaguya, H."

"Ahem!" Clearing his throat loudly, Shimizu Kaguya stopped answering, but directly picked up his things, turned his head and walked towards the kitchen.

Just following behind Shimizu Kaguya, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Hayasaka Ai's mouth.

Compared with the past, she is living a much happier life now.

She doesn't have to continue to live so cautiously, she doesn't have to suffer from inner guilt, and she doesn't have to take on such a heavy job that she can't breathe.

And he still lives with the two people he cares about most.

Well, the current me, the most ideal life for me, should be only short of [Night Night Shengge]...

"Don't worry, Kaguya, I have carefully selected these green onions. If you really have a fever, you will definitely not feel uncomfortable because of it, and maybe it will be very comfortable."

"Hayasaka! What you said before really meant that!"

Don't worry, don't worry, Hayasaka Ai.

Looking at Shimizu Kaguya who was puffing up her cheeks and looking at her, Hayasaka Ai said this to herself while laughing out loud.

Unlike before, for you, happiness is no longer an unreachable star in the sky, or a reflection in water that shatters at the touch of a touch.

It is already in front of your eyes, it can be said to be a [certain item].

You just need to approach him steadily step by step, then you will naturally be able to embrace him in the end.

Haven’t you been suffering in darkness for more than ten years?

Then, just a little bit more patience, just a little bit more patience for a while.

At least, wait until this silly girl in front of her expresses her heart to him......

"The purpose of buying shallots, ginger, and garlic?" When the two girls asked this question, Yuan Jing blinked and replied very naturally, "Of course it is for eating, what else?"

"Huh? But Yuan-jun, didn't you not eat these things before? You also specifically said that eating these things by yourself would make you sick." Shimizu Kaguya knew this very clearly.

For now, in Yuanjing's family, it is actually Yuanjing who is in charge of cooking.

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