This is not to say that Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai can't cook.

In fact, compared with their peers, both of them should be regarded as the kind of people who are quite skilled in cooking.

However, if you want to compare it with Yuanjing, there is still a gap like a gap.

Both Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai were extremely unwilling about this, and both of them were actually honing their cooking skills in private.

In Sakurajima, providing delicious meals for her husband is the most important duty of housewives, almost the most important duty.

As two people who grew up with the traditional education of the Shinomiya family, they actually quite agree with this concept in their hearts.

This is why they sharpen their culinary skills.

It's not that I want to surpass Yuanjing, but at least I can serve him edible meals...

This is the goal of the two.

"That's right, I didn't eat these things before, but do you know why I stay away from these things?"

After Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai looked at each other, they shook their heads in unison.

"The reason is very simple, because these things are 'meat'."

In his previous life, although Yuanjing didn't really like onions, ginger, garlic and the like, he certainly didn't feel disgusted by them like his previous self, or even feel nauseated after eating them.

Naturally, he was a little puzzled about this, but this kind of inquiry eventually came to nothing.

And after going through Minamoto Raimitsu's incident and recovering his memories before entering St. Eden Academy, the doubts in his heart were also answered.

The ones who should take the blame for this thing are actually Minamoto Larimitsu and the Minamoto family.

The Minamoto family is a family that believes in Buddhism and Shintoism.

The reason why modern monks do not need to observe the precepts is that in 1872, the Meiji government promulgated the "Removal of the Prohibition on Meat-eating Wife Belt".

In it, it is clearly stated that monks are free to marry wives and have children, drink alcohol and eat meat, shave their hair or not.

But the history of the Yuan family is more than [-] years earlier than the implementation of this decree.

Because of this, compared with the modern monks who basically only regard it as a means of earning a living, the Yuan family, especially the Yuan family, actually follow some ancient rules inherited from Buddhism.

One of them is to stay away from [five meat].

There is a saying in Buddhism that you should not touch meat, but this [肉] and [鲜] are actually two completely different concepts.

Most people nowadays regard "肉" as meat, which is an obvious mistake.

The radicals of Chinese characters are actually a sign.The word "肉" is the prefix of grass, so it naturally refers to plants.The word "Xiang" is next to the word "Yue" and next to the word "Meat", which refers to meat.

In ancient times, the so-called "meat dishes" actually refer to vegetables that cause a bad taste in the mouth after eating, and the so-called "five meat dishes" are actually not only Buddhist sayings, but also exist among other practitioners .

In the description related to [Garlic] in "Compendium of Materia Medica · Vegetables", there is "five meats are five pungent, because of their pungent, smelly and dizzy nature. Sprouts and coriander are the five meats; Taoists use leeks, scallions, garlic, brassica, and coriander as the five meats; Buddhists use garlic, shallots, leeks, onions, and Xingqu as the five meats. Xingqu is also asafoetida.” Such a record.

In Yuanjia, the so-called five meats refer to the five kinds of garlic, ginger, green onion (that is, green onion), green onion (that is, onion), and blue onion (that is, leek).

Originally, the position of ginger should be Xingqu's.

But because Xingqu is almost extinct in Sakurajima, and Minamoto Yorimitsu himself hated ginger very much, so it became like this.

As for why almost all religious people taboo these foods, the reason is actually very simple——

That is so indecent!

Think about it, you are already an eminent monk, but when you open your mouth, the smell of green onions or garlic hits your nostrils, how ruined the atmosphere would it be?

It is for this reason that the Minamoto family prohibits the use of these things.

And Yuan Jing, who can be said to be imprisoned at home by Minamoto Larimitsu, was naturally forbidden to eat these things, and she told them over and over again with various allusions.

This has become a kind of subconscious in his mind, even if he has no memory, he still instinctively dislikes these things.

"I see." After listening to Yuan Jing's explanation, Hayasaka Ai nodded with some understanding, "But, even so, why did Ah Jing suddenly think of eating these things today?"

Of course it was because of Arturia's remarks.

The so-called "I am a dragon" is the core of the martial arts philosophy of the "Pandoragon" family, which is the so-called "a person's mental state will be reflected on his body".

This is the true meaning of his martial arts.

Judging from the other party's current state, although she was bound by shackles, Arturia didn't have much resentment or reluctance.

Obviously, she herself has reached a certain agreement with the Spencer family and has agreed to such an approach.

For a person like Artoria, once she has decided on something, it can be said that no number of cows can be pulled back.

In other words, if Yuan Jing wants to intervene in this matter, it is very possible to be opposed by Artoria, and to confront her tit for tat, even to the point of a knife.

That being the case, it is extremely important to prepare for this early.

Yuanjing's body actually doesn't reject things like [scallion, ginger, garlic].

Now his body can be said to have almost stood at the apex of the world, not to mention the condiments, even bark and bone sticks, his powerful digestive system can digest them perfectly.

In other words, when he ate these things, the reason why he would subconsciously vomit was completely [spiritual] reasons.

This is the so-called [people's mental state will be reflected on their physical body].

Although one is BUFF and the other is DEBUFF.

But obviously, Artoria's [I am a dragon] and Yuanjing's [Ji Wu Hun] are actually the same thing in essence.

As long as you delve into this state of your own body, you will naturally have a certain understanding of Artoria's fighting form.

In addition, although the painting was handed over to Shiina Mashiro for him to restore, Yuanjing didn't have a clear answer in his mind as to how far she could go.

It’s true that Shiina Mashiro is a painting genius born in the world, but even if she wants to restore the "Red Dragon Roaring Picture" 500 years ago with a copy of a painting skill [not very good], it is still very difficult. Reluctant behavior.

According to Yuanjing's estimation, Shiina Mashiro's ability to restore [-]% of her original figure is already a very remarkable act.

And after that, he needs to make up for it himself.

"I'm starting." Without dipping it in sauce to cover up its original taste, Yuanjing bit off the green onions bought by Ai Hayasaka after the simplest washing, with a 'click' sound Come together.

Some indescribable smell rushed straight into the nostrils, and the moment he bit it down, Yuanjing frowned.

He didn't say anything, though, and he didn't follow his instinctive reflexes to spit it out.

After chewing carefully for a while, Yuan Jing swallowed it even though it was a bit difficult.

And then again—


Seeing Yuan Jing's extremely serious face, Hayasaka Ai and Shimizu Kaguya did not speak out to dissuade them, although they were a little distressed.

They would basically unconditionally support Yuanjing's own decisions.

After all, the synonym of love is blindness.

From the green stems and leaves to the white roots, Yuanjing swallowed the whole green onion into his belly one mouthful at a time.

"I see......"

After being silent for a while, Yuan Jing said this thoughtfully.

"Ai." He suddenly looked at Hayasaka Ai, "Next, I need to trouble you with something."

"I want you to hypnotize me as I say."

"Hypnosis?" Ai Hayasaka's eyes widened.

"That's right." Yuan Jing nodded, "I seem to have touched the threshold."

...Although I just said that I want to obtain happiness step by step, step by step.

However, if there is a chance to reach the sky in one step...

Should it be caught or should it be caught?

Chapter 57 Will You Be My Wife?


It means that under the premise of the hypnotized person's own willingness, the hypnotized person is guided to an open state of subconsciousness through language, gestures or utensils, etc., and the concept that can help the hypnotized person achieve change is implanted in his subconscious mind, so as to achieve The purpose of helping the hypnotized person to change behavior habits and solve psychological problems.

This is a more official explanation.

Simply put, this should be regarded as a means for psychiatrists to treat patients with mental illness.

But, among all kinds of butter and notebooks, the effect of the so-called [hypnosis] can make Professor X and a certain big-breasted woman with blond hair and star eyes feel ashamed. It's called "hypnosis", it's better to say it's "consciousness control".

And if we switch to Yuanjing...

"Well, did it really fail?" After some attempts, Yuan Jing said so without being very surprised.

He is actually no stranger to [hypnosis].

Among the secret arts of the Genka, there is a technique called [Hudang], which is a method of talking with a different person through a special tone of voice, thereby affecting the consciousness and behavior of the other party.

However, this kind of secret technique can only be used between the opposite sex, because its principle is [human beings are less resistant to the sound of the opposite sex mixed with breath and unique tone].

Because of this, Yuan Jing would consider asking Hayasaka Ai to assist him, to see if he could use the method of "hudang" to help him experience the so-called "believing heart is my magic" of the so-called Pandoragon family... ...

Unfortunately, such an attempt failed.

Because of the help of the [Proficiency System], Yuanjing can use the method of accumulating proficiency to complete the mastery and refinement of skills in any aspect. It can be called an extraordinary talent, a genius among geniuses.

But Hayasaka Ai obviously does not have such ability.

[Calling] is not a simple skill, even in the source family, there are only a handful of people who can practice this skill proficiently.

In fact, because this was the most important means by which Yuanjing could influence the attitude of his adoptive mother Minamoto Raimitsu and gain some freedom when he was still relatively weak, so maybe he is the most proficient in this way of Yuanjing figure.

But even with a master like Yuan Jing giving him all the money, Hayasaka Ai did not succeed in getting Yuan Jing into that state.

Of course, there is a reason why Hayasaka Ai has just come into contact with this way, but the more important point is that Yuanjing's subconscious is too tough, and there is no way to be easily shaken.

Among all kinds of books, games or texts, as long as the hypnotist is successfully hypnotized, the hypnotist is like a god to the hypnotized person, and his distortion and modification of the subconscious mind of the other party is simply worse than modifying the text in Word. Be easy.

But the real situation is obviously not the case.

Even if the hypnotized person's superficial consciousness sinks and subconsciousness rises to the so-called hypnotic state, your subconscious and superficial consciousness are still connected together. Instead, they are the yin and yang sides of the same thing.

Not only that, but the subconscious self-interested tendency is actually stronger than the conscious, which is more subject to subjective influence.

It doesn't have any concept of morality, and only regards [protecting the body] and [surviving] as the most important goals.

In this subconscious state, once asked to do something against one's will, or to accept some ideas that distort one's will, the subconscious will be alerted immediately, prompting the person to get out of the so-called hypnotic state at once.

Ordinary people are like this, but for martial arts masters like Yuan Jing who have reached the [Prophet of the Autumn Wind Unmoved Cicada] state, the so-called hypnosis is already impossible.

He is different from the previous Minamoto Raimitsu, there is no so-called second personality inhabiting the mind, so there is no flaw that can be grasped at all.

Even if he tries his best to cooperate, it is obvious that what cannot be done is still impossible to do.

"Ah Jing, I think you might as well change your mind." When she found that even though Yuan Jing was very cooperative and taught all the relevant skills, she still could not successfully hypnotize Yuan Jing, Hayasaka Ai felt a little regretful I breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, it would be impossible if even a little bit of evil thought didn't arise.

As a girl who loves Yuanjing wholeheartedly, even if only a little bit, she also hopes that the eyes of her sweetheart can stay on her body for a while...

"For Ah Jing, wanting to use others to change himself is not a very good idea." After all, Yuan Jing's own personality is there.

"If this is the case, I think we can try to adopt the method of [change yourself by yourself]."

"How about [acting], for example?" Hayasaka Ai suggested.

She herself is a master in this regard.When she was the head maid in the four palaces, because of work needs, she needed to keep changing her face.

Hasaka-chan who hates boring girls' school education, wanders around the Minato area, and fishes for men.

Ai Hayasaka (Campus Ver.), a hot girl who loves fashion and doesn't follow the school rules, and works hard to buy clothes and accessories after class so that she has no time to play with her friends.

A half-breed immigrated to Sakurajima due to the Potato Famine (Irish Famine), the almighty butler Hasaka-kun who was favored by the executives of the Zaibatsu and became a housekeeper.

And Ai Hayasaka, a handsome maid who can flexibly deal with all kinds of unreasonable demands from the young lady (Maid Maid Ver.)......

For a long, long time, Ai Hayasaka lived like this.

Therefore, under such circumstances, she very naturally threw out this method.

"[Play]?" Yuan Jing repeated thoughtfully, which is indeed a way of thinking.

Moreover, he actually prefers this method of relying more on himself than borrowing the hands of others.

"Besides, I have some suggestions on what kind of role to play." Seeing the emotional expression on Yuan Jing's face, Hayasaka Ai immediately said while the iron was hot——

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