"If the character is the same as your usual self, isn't it meaningless? According to my experience, it is best to play a character who is very different from your usual self for the first time. Only in this way can the relationship be greatly improved. Ability."

She said that somewhat sternly.On his exquisite face, there was a look of righteousness and dignity, and there seemed to be no selfishness in his words.

"So, from my side, the suggestion for Ah Jing's first role-playing target is——"

"[Frivolous strike-up man]."

...This is indeed a character that is quite different from the usual Yuanjing.

"Acquainted with a man?!" It was not Yuanjing who made such a strange sound, but Shimizu Kaguya who had been watching.

The scarlet eyes widened, and she asked the maid, "Who do you want Mr. Yuan to strike up a conversation with?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Ai Hayasaka puffed up her chest, "Of course it's me who has the best acting skills."

She has stopped hiding her intentions.

...Anyway, for the two people in this room, this cannot be concealed at all.


Since it is said to be acting, the necessary makeup is naturally indispensable.

After tossing around in her own bedroom for a while, Ai Hayasaka (Ver., the pure young lady) reappeared in front of the two of them.

Moreover, since it was a strike-up, it is naturally impossible for the two of them to know each other and live in the same room as they are now.

In the coffee shop, the young lady Hayasaka Ai who is very vigilant while drinking coffee and reading a book quietly, and the frivolous and flirtatious man Min Jing who met her for the first time.

That's pretty much the setup.

Under the watchful eyes of Kaguya Shimizu, who was a bit angry, Ai Hayasaka was sipping coffee elegantly in the [cafe] (that is, the living room of Genjing's house), while looking at something.

And at this moment, Yuanjing pushed the door open and entered.

After he glanced at the environment in the [cafe], his eyes lit up when he saw Hayasaka Ai.

Striding towards Ai Hayasaka, he sat down opposite Ai Hayasaka.

Ai Hayasaka frowned suddenly.

But the coffee shop is a public place after all, and she can't say anything, so she just shrank her body back very obviously, and moved a little away from Yuanjing, showing a clear attitude of rejection.

"Hello..." Just when Yuan Jing said this, Ai Hayasaka stared over with great vigilance, her blue eyes were full of sharpness, like a knife The same look poked him all of a sudden.

Obviously, if Yuanjing said something at this time, 'Can we get to know each other? ' or something like that, then he will get a merciless rejection.

However, Yuan Jing did not say such words, but said——

"Do you believe in predicting the future?"

"Huh?" This made Ai Hayasaka a little puzzled, she looked at Yuan Jing, but she still didn't say a word.

"[What nonsense is this person talking about?] Now you should think so." Yuan Jing showed a very confident smile on his face, and with his already handsome face like a god, even It was Ai Hayasaka who was extremely vigilant, and she couldn't help but feel a little loose.

"But I'm a fortune-teller, and that's my job." He continued, "Just by asking a few irrelevant questions, I can know your name. Why don't we try?"

"...Yes." Hayasaka cherished words like gold.

She doesn't believe in divination at all, and obviously thinks it's just the other party's tricks.

However, if he guessed wrong, the other party would have no face to stay opposite him, right?

That's not bad.

"Okay, so first question - out of the planets in the solar system, which one is your favorite?"

"Huh?" What does that have to do with my name?

"Answer whatever comes to mind." Seemingly seeing through Hayasaka Ai's doubts, Yuan Jing said with a light smile.

"...that's Saturn."

"Saturn. The direction of your fate line is roughly between twelve to the twelveth power." Yuan Jing nodded, "Next question, the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, and blue , blue, purple, which color do you like best?"

"...probably blue."

"Is it blue? So that's how it is. I can feel the thread of fate gradually closing." Yuan Jing said with some pretentiousness, "Then the third question, if you have a previous life, you dogs, cats, dolphins, birds, Which one among snakes, fish, or rabbits?"

"...I choose dolphins."

"A dolphin?" Yuan Jing nodded.After thinking about it carefully, he snapped his fingers with a sudden realization——

"I see, your name is [Hayasaka Ai], right?"

"...you already knew me?"

"No no no, how is that possible." Yuan Jing waved his hand and said, he put something on the table, with a flick of his finger, the square thing slid right in front of Ai Hayasaka.

"What I want to say is that your student ID card has been lost."

Hayasaka Ai was a little embarrassed when she silently brought her student ID card.

From the current point of view, the other party seems to be here to return the student ID card, but she seems to have misunderstood him as a flirtatious guy.

"...What kind of divination is this?" Although she still said such words, Hayasaka Ai's tone has undoubtedly eased a lot.

"If that's the case, then I'll help you divine the name of your future marriage partner." After hearing these words, Yuan Jing immediately said so.

"This is not information that can be obtained by relying on documents. I need to show my true skills." While speaking, he took out a stack of Tarot cards from his pocket.

Put the tarot cards on the table one by one, then shuffle the cards several times, and divide them into three decks.

"First is the past. Choose a card from the deck and turn it over."

Hayasaka Aiyiyan drew a card from the middle of the nearest pile of cards and turned it over, on which was a picture of a woman subduing a lion with her slender hands.

"The past is the inverse of [Power]. From this we can see that your growing environment is full of oppression." Yuan Jing said in a pitiful tone, "Let's draw another card from the middle stack."

Seemingly being caught by Yuan Jing's words, Ai Hayasaka continued to obediently obey, and finally drew a picture of a man with one leg hanging upside down by a rope.

"Now you live in the opposite position of [The Hanged Man]. Well, now you are trying to endure, looking forward to the day when it will come to fruition." Yuanjing replied, "Next, draw a card from the last stack. "

The pattern of the third card is a man in a gorgeous costume standing in front of a stage with wonderful props.

"The future is the right place for the [magician]. This is interesting. In the future, you can get rid of the shackles of the past and build a beautiful family that respects each other as guests."

"To sum up, your husband's name..." Yuan Jing deliberately dragged his voice here to make a fool of himself.

"...It should be the surname Yuan."

"Surname Yuan? How did you come up with this answer?"

"Because my surname is Yuan." Yuan Jing showed a sly smile, "My name is Yuan Jing, and I am single."

"This beautiful lady, I wonder if you are willing to marry me and become my wife?"

"Of course!" Ai Hayasaka said subconsciously.

"Ka!" Making a big cross in front of his chest, Kaguya Shimizu burst into the space between the two of them.

"What's that after that? You're progressing too fast, what about Hayasaka's high-cold character design that loves you?!"

"My fault." Ai Hayasaka said obediently.

"So, do you want to do it all over again?" She said with a smile between her eyebrows and eyes.


Yuanjing: [Acting Skills] Lv.0→Lv.1.

This is his harvest tonight.

As for how many times it came back...

Then please imagine it yourself.

Chapter 58 Who is Tanuki?Who is the prince? (4.5k)

On this night when Yuanjing and Hayasaka Ai showed off their acting skills, Shimizu Kaguya watched unwillingly while biting a handkerchief.

In Tokyo, in a mansion of the Shijo family, a somewhat special father-son conversation is also going on.

"So, is this the condition of the Spencer family?"

The person who said this was a middle-aged man in his 40s.His complexion is fair, and there is still a little handsomeness between his brows, and the handsome outline of his youth can be vaguely seen.

He is the father of Emperor Sijo and Concubine Sijo, and also the current head of the Sijo family, Sijo Zongren.

At this moment, there was a little weirdness and doubt on his face.

"Exchanging identities between my adopted daughter and a branch of the family blood, and specifically asking us to help cover up the traces, and not let this [Lily Spencer] leave Sakurajima?"

"What's the point of that?"

Due to the crowding out of the Sinomiya Group, the Shijo family in the early years was struggling in Sakurajima, and the focus of its business was basically placed in Europe and the United States.

And after Sigong Yanan's health deteriorated, and he gradually lost the vigor of his prime, and after he began to fail, the Shijo family began to tentatively retract the center of gravity of the economy back to Sakurajima.

However, this does not mean that they have given up their business in Europe and the United States, it just shifted the direction of expansion from abroad to domestic.

It is impossible for them to give up the network resources they have accumulated before, and the Spencer family is their most powerful ally in Great Britain.

"This incident actually reminds me of an allusion. Emperor, do you know what it is?" At this moment, Sijo Zongren suddenly asked this question to Sijo Emperor.

"It's [civet cat for prince]," Sitiaodi replied.

"That's right, that's it." Sijo Zongren smiled approvingly.

The so-called [civet cat for the prince] is actually a story in ancient China.

It is said that during Song Zhenzong's time, after his heirless queen died, two concubines Liu and Li were pregnant almost at the same time.

Obviously, at this time, whoever gives birth to the prince first can be made the queen, and his heirs can also be made the prince.

Concubine Li was the first to give birth.Concubine Liu had long been jealous, so she conspired with Guo Huai, the great eunuch at the time, to exchange the skinned civet cat for the baby born to Concubine Li Chen when Concubine Li was bleeding and fainted after giving birth.

After giving birth to such a [monster], Concubine Li was naturally thrown into the cold palace.Concubine Liu successfully gave birth to a prince, who was naturally made the queen, and her son was naturally made the prince.

This is the so-called [civet cat for prince].

"Emperor, in your opinion, who is [civet cat] this time, and who is [prince]?" Zongren Sitiao asked with a slight smile.

In this incident, Lily Spencer was only a child adopted by the Spencer family, and she did not have the blood of the Spencer family.

And Sawamura Spencer Eri is an orthodox member of the Spencer family.

If you look at it this way, Lily Spencer is naturally the so-called "raccoon cat", and the role of Sawamura Spencer Eriri is the "Prince".


"Who is [civet cat] and who is [Prince], does it matter?" Si Tiaodi replied.

After hearing such an answer, Zongren Shijo did not show a surprised expression, but showed a little satisfaction.

"The Spencer family is not the British royal family, and the identities of the two are actually extremely marginal existences in the family." Emperor Shijo shook his head and said, "Although it looks a bit similar, it is not such a short-term thing at all."

"There's no point in getting entangled in this kind of stuff."

"The most important thing to care about is actually only the intention of the Spencer family." Said the Emperor Sijo with deep eyes.

In fact, as early as when he was invited to be a guest of the Spencer family and told of such conditions, he had been thinking about the other party's intentions in doing so.

This is also the main reason why he would mention the name [Lily Spencer] when Shijo Zhenfei asked him if there was anyone he cared about.

"Oh, it looks like you already have your opinion." Sijo Zongren encouraged, "You might as well talk about it."

My son is already 18 years old, and he is legally considered an adult.

He no longer regarded the four emperors as children.

"In my opinion, there are actually two main intentions for doing this." Si Tiaodi stretched out two fingers.

"For one thing, it is that this matter itself is not important, and its purpose is just to give us a handle."

For behemoths like the Shijo family and the Spencer family, both Lily and Yinglili can actually be said to be insignificant.

Even if this matter was not done secretly, but was done openly, most people would just turn a blind eye and would not do anything for these two girls.

Even if the enemies of the Spencer family knew about it, they should only attack verbally, and there was no way to cause too much damage.

After all, both Lily Spencer and Sawamura Spencer Eriri have the surname Spencer. Strictly speaking, this matter is actually a [family affair] of the Spencer family.

The reason why they handed over this matter to the Sitiao family is that the matter itself is not critical, the most important thing is the attitude of being willing to hand over this matter to the Sitiao family.

In other words, it is the so-called 'voting certificate'.

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