"Families in England, especially old nobles like the Spencer family, have always attached great importance to reputation."

"If this matter is revealed, although it will not have a great impact on the family itself, it will obviously stain the surname [Spencer], and it must be washed away, even if they are It will take a while."

"Wishing to hand over such a scandal to us is an attitude, an attitude of wanting to continue to cooperate with us and express trust."

The most important thing in the cooperation between families is naturally to have the same interests, this is [cooperation benefits both].

However, in addition to this, it is actually quite an important part to grasp each other's handles. If this is the case, it can be said to be "two evils".

Combining will benefit both, and dividing will harm both.

Together, this relationship can last forever.

Hearing what his son said, Sijo Zongren showed approval on his face.

He personally lifted the teapot on the table in front of the two of them, filled the teacup in front of Shijo Tei, and let him moisten his throat, and then asked with great interest——

"Then what is the second intention you mentioned?"

That's the part he's curious about.

"I, it's not easy to describe." Si Tiaodi's face showed a little hesitation and uncertainty, which was completely different from the confident attitude when he said the first reason.

"Father, what I said next doesn't actually have any definite evidence, it's almost all my subjective conjecture."

"This makes me even more curious." Sijo Tei's performance is too rare, and the interest on Sijo Zongren's face naturally became stronger, "You have lived in England for a long time, and you can have a good relationship with Sawamura Spencer Eriri Said there was no contact."

"That is, is there a problem with this Lily Spencer?"

"That's right." Tei Shijo nodded, "The first-in-line heir of the Spencer family is my partner in the same team, so I can observe his attitude towards this girl."

The housekeeping skill of the Sijo family, and also the key to its ability to establish itself abroad and become bigger and stronger, is this keen insight.

Sijo true concubine is like this, and her twin brother is naturally not bad.

"Although he has tried his best to hide it and pretended to be very close and familiar with him, but," Si Tiaodi's words were full of doubts——

"He seemed frightened."

"Afraid?" Zongren Shijo repeated with some astonishment, "Is that Lily Spencer scary?"

"No, not at all." Shijodi shook his head and denied, "This girl named Lily Spencer is not scary."

"She's not some grumpy ogre king."

"On the contrary, kindness, integrity, trustworthiness, bravery... These words are placed on her, and they will not appear exaggerated at all, because she is such a person."

"Lily Spencer transferred to my school, in fact, it was only about two weeks. Before that, according to her self-introduction, she had been living in [countryside]."

"It stands to reason that with such a background, it would be good not to be bullied in school, but she didn't have such an experience."

"She seems to have a natural charisma, and she can always gather others around her. Although it's only been two weeks, a group that can be called a certain force has gathered around her, and there is no lack of it. In the past, an honorable son with eyes higher than the top."

Sijodi recalled his experience in Great Britain, and even now, he still feels like falling into a dream.

"It seems that this Miss Lily is a clever courtesan." Zongren Shijo said in amazement.

"No, father, it's not." Shijodi shook his head, "If this is what Lily Spencer did on purpose, then it's okay, I haven't seen women with superb wrists before."

"But no."

"Lily Spencer didn't do that on purpose."

"In fact, she is a relatively low-key and introverted person. Not only did she not deliberately manage power, but it can be said that she avoided it."

"But even so, the power under her command is still expanding uncontrollably. Even if she doesn't admit it, those guys still don't get discouraged and call themselves their followers. They call themselves [Lily Spencer's Retinues]."

"Follower?" Sitiao Zongren frowned.

"Follower." Si Tiaodi nodded in affirmation.

"Lily Spencer's style and character are very similar to the knights in ancient England, so the followers of the knights are naturally [squires]."

Lily Spencer is just the adopted daughter of the Spencer family. Not only is she not an aristocrat, she is even a daughter.

No matter what, she is the opposite of the knight, why on earth...

"Then what about you, Emperor." Zongren Shijo looked at his son with probing eyes, "Would you like to follow this Lord Knight?"

"How is this possible." Tei Shijo shook his head with a grin. "I'm from Sakurajima, not from England. I don't have any special plot for things like knights."

"However, the Spencer family's fear of this young girl seems to come from this indescribable charm." He continued, "They seem to be afraid that if this continues, Lily Spencer will take possession of her." Like a magpie's nest, bringing the entire Spencer family under her name."

"Anyway, that's what the first in line heir thinks. Because of the same team, I occasionally listen to him muttering things like [Mandate of Heaven] in the lounge."

"So that's how it is." Zongren Shijo said with some clarity, "The Spencer family was afraid that this development would get out of hand, so they threw this hot potato to Sakurajima."

"It's really..." He was a little hard to comment on this, and could only shake his head wordlessly.

Obviously, the head of the Shijo family thought that the Spencer family on the other side of the ocean was too worrying and there was no room for others.

It's just that she doesn't have the blood of her own family, so she is extremely repelled, and even imprisoned in a foreign country.

Such an approach is a bit too stupid.

"The Spencer family is a family that respects bloodlines very much and is proud of their own bloodlines." Shitiaodi shrugged nonchalantly, "Before, in order to prove his family's genealogy, he even spent a lot of money to set up a related scientific research team. Excavations have been carried out on the fiefdoms of the

"However, it is said that there was an accident later, and that team can be said to have been wiped out, so the matter was left alone, and there was no further information."

"Well, but if the Spencer family is so afraid of Lily Spencer, then my original plan won't work." Zongren Shijo shook his head regretfully.

"After hearing that Concubine Zhen said that you cared about Lily, I wondered if the two of you could make it." He winked at Emperor Sijo and said with a little teasing.

Looking at the speechless Sijodi, he couldn't help laughing heartily.

"By the way, since you're back this time, don't go back to England." After laughing, Zongren Shijo said so abruptly.

"!" Si Tiaodi's eyes widened all of a sudden, and his mature and prudent expression suddenly disappeared, "Why? Didn't I agree before that I will wait until after I finish high school..."

"One moment and another moment." In Sijo Zongren's tone, there was a clear sense of intolerance, "You also know about the recent changes in the Sigong family."

The fact that Sigong Huang Guang was exiled by Sigong Yan'an had a considerable impact on the Sigong family.

On the point of deciding on a new heir, Shinomiya Yan'an did not show the previous courage, but it can be said to be quite indecisive.

Now, the battle between the second son Sigong Qinglong and the third son Sigong Yunying can be said to have intensified.

Although under the suppression of Sigong Yan'an, the Sigong Group is still calm on the surface, but his health is not good, and now he is just trying to support himself.

Once there is a just in case...

Then the opportunity that the Shitiao family has been waiting for for nearly a hundred years is here!

Being expelled from the family and being forced to change his surname to Sijo is a shame for every member of the Sijo family.

They all dreamed of annexing the Sigong family, so as to wash away the shame of their ancestors.

"At this juncture, you are still abroad, what are you talking about?"

The Emperor Sijo is the one who will carry the Sijo family in the future. If he stays in England for the reason of 'like football' at this time...

Even in the Sitiao family, which attaches great importance to the family relationship between the clansmen, some people will gossip.

After all, this is the so-called [evasion of responsibility].

"Isn't it the same when football is played in Sakurajima?" Zongren Shijo said generously, "I have decided, just this weekend, I will hold a party and feast guests!"

"I want to make your return into the biggest news in Sakurajima's high society!"

It was Zongren Sijo, the father of Emperor Sijo, who made this decision.

But he is also the head of the family who is responsible for the entire Shitiao family.


On Wednesday morning, an invitation letter was respectfully delivered to Yuanjing's current residence.

On the envelope is the family crest of the Shijo family.

It was Kaguya Shimizu who opened the letter.

"The Shijo family seems to want to invite you to the banquet held on Saturday night." After browsing carefully, Shimizu Kaguya said to Yuan Jing who was busy in the kitchen.

"are you going?"

"Don't go."

It only took Yuanjing 0.01 second to make this decision.

Chapter 59 This is an upgraded version of 【Unread】! (The reward has been paid off)

Yuan Jing is a member of the Yuan family dominating Kansai, and his status in the Yuan family is not low.

This is the current Sijo family's impression of this young man, Yuanjing.

If you want to ask why this happened, you have to start with Minamoto Raimitsu entering Beijing about a month ago.

First of all, when it comes to entering Beijing, Minamoto Yorimitsu can be said to be quite arrogant.

At that time, she had been separated from her favorite adopted son for 2 months. If she was divided by job description, it could be said that she was in the form of a complete berserker.

Almost like a tank, she drove to Yuanjing's rented house at that time, and when she learned that Yuanjing didn't come back at night, she staged a big disturbance at Fengyi Pavilion and directly killed Dongdong in Setagaya District. Ma's house.

Afterwards, the reason why no police or the like came to the door was that there were almost no related reports. Apart from the Fujiwara family, Shinomiya Huangguang, who was interested in making friends with the Gen family, also made great efforts.

In fact, the Shijo family at that time also wanted to contact Minamoto Raimitsu, but the power of the Shinomiya family in Tokyo, which was not involved in internal fighting at that time, could be said to be overwhelming.

Although the Sitiao family is more than enough to protect themselves, it is still a bit far away if they want to seize food from the Sigong Group.

So the Shitiao family can only choose to wait and see.

However, even though they knew that Minamoto Raimitsu, the current patriarch of the Minamoto family, had entered Beijing, the Shijo family at that time was still at a loss as to what she was here for.

The reason why the Shitiao family's eyes focused on the young man Yuanjing was naturally because of the failed kidnapping case during the cultural festival.

[Yuanjing is from the Yuan family] This incident was said by Sigong Huang Guang himself, and it was passed to the ears of Sitiao Zhenfei who was present at the time.

However, he didn't say anything about [Original King is Minamoto Yorimitsu's adopted son, and he is also the next helm of the Minamoto family].

In fact, in Tokyo, very few people know about it.

Apart from the few girls around Yuanjing, there are only Shinomiya Huangguang, Shinomiya Yanan, Touma Yoko, Sawamura [family] of three, Fujiwara Chika's family, and Yukinoshita Haruno.

Sigong Huangguang has been exiled by Sigong Yan'an to Hokkaido to grow crops, and the others are quite familiar with Yuanjing's character, knowing that he doesn't like to make publicity, so they naturally keep their mouths shut.

The fact that Yuanjing's status in the Yuan family is not low is actually the concubine Sijo's own deduction.

Apart from the fact that he dared to face Sinomiya Yan'an directly and let him be deflated, the young man's ghost-like skill is the most important evidence.

The Minamoto family is the only one among Sakurajima's four current families that is established as a 'Wu'.

Generally speaking, the better one's skill is, the higher one's status in the family will naturally be.

Yuan Jing was able to fight against the dozens of players brought by Si Gong Huang Guang with his own strength, and beat them so loudly.

To be able to possess such force, its status in the Yuan family is absolutely impossible to be low.

In addition, Shijo Zhenfei herself has a very good sense of the original landscape, and it can even be said that she is very fond of it... Then it is very normal for her to get an invitation letter to the weekend party of Shijo's house something happened.

Well, but he himself doesn't want to accept the favor at all.

Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai were not at all surprised by Yuan Jing's refusal attitude at this time.

Concubine Shijo didn't have much contact with Yuanjing, only three times, and the only time they talked with each other in a serious manner was at the Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park (of course, the two of them actually didn't know about it).

Because of this, she naturally doesn't know much about Yuanjing's nature.

But for Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai, Yuan Jing is the lifelong partner they have already identified. What they think about day and night is how to improve their "score" in Yuan Jing's heart.

Coupled with the fact that Yuan Jing himself didn't bother to hide it at all, and had always been an upright self, so the moment they saw the invitation letter, the two of them actually knew the boy's answer.

For Yuanjing who likes to be quiet, places like parties that are lively and full of wine and wine are naturally places that they can't avoid.

"So, do you want to reply and decline?" Putting down the invitation letter in his hand, Shimizu Kaguya was a little eager to try.

When she was still in the Shinomiya family, although because of her mother's status, Kaguya's position in the family was a bit embarrassing.

But that was for the three brothers Sigong Huangguang, Sigong Qinglong and Sigong Yunying.

And for other people, especially those who gather around the Sigong Group and rely on the breath of the Sigong Group to survive, Kaguya is also a big shot sitting above the clouds.

She receives dozens or even hundreds of invitations to parties or banquets like this every day.

These invitations will be filtered by Ai Hayasaka before the more important letters will be handed over to her. It is up to her to decide whether to spare time to participate, to reply euphemistically and decline, or to ignore them directly.

Of course, the Sijo family is not a cat or a dog. According to the content of the letter, the protagonist of this party is the next head of the family that the Sijo family has already selected - Emperor Sijo.

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