This was the first party he held after returning to China, and the prominent figures in the high society on Sakurajima should give the Shijo family a face.

Calculated in this way, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a "grand event".

However, to Yuanjing, this is completely meaningless.

Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai had already seen Genkei's tactics against Minamoto Raimitsu and the Shinomiya family, so they both knew that with the boy's ability, he didn't need to care about such things at all.

For others, this banquet is an excellent opportunity to accumulate contacts and curry favor with the Sijo family, but Yuanjing doesn't need this kind of thing.

If you don't want to go, then don't go, is there any big deal.

At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya had already begun to conceive the content of the reply letter.

In the communication among the upper class of Sakurajima, the so-called face is actually the most important thing.

Even if it is a refusal, it cannot directly say [I don't want to go] or [Don't bother me].

This is too disrespectful to others.

Generally speaking, when replying to a letter of refusal, you will write (edit) a certain reason, such as having an appointment with someone early that day, and you really can't get away.

All in all, it is the so-called that I really want to go, but I don't have such time.

Kaguya generally calls it the "go if you can" rejection method, [that is, if I have time, I will definitely participate! 】.

In other words, [I don't have time for this kind of stuff].

Apparently, Shimizu Kaguya here seems to be planning to use this style of writing to reply to the letter.

After all, the Sitiao family is one of the four major families. If possible, it is better to give them a little bit of favor, and not to make the relationship between them too rigid.

This is her job as Yuanjing's 'subordinate'.

And just as she was frowning tightly, relying on her many years of experience to type out the draft, Yuan Jing seemed to have seen through her thoughts, shook her head and said:

"You don't have to think about it so much, just simply refuse."

This invitation from the Sijo family is actually just the beginning.

If handled a little carelessly, it will become a bit troublesome.

At least for Yuanjing.

The Minamoto family is actually quite a closed family.

This is especially true for families in Kanto.

For a long time, among the families in Kanto, only the Fujiwara family, who has a thousand-year marriage with him, can have normal contacts with him, while the others can only stare aside.

The Yuan family is a thousand-year-old family that has monopolized the two incomes of Sakurajima's funeral and visits by virtue of religion and belief.

Apart from making friends with the Fujiwara family to obtain political protection, they don't need and disdain to cooperate with any other family.

This can be seen from Minamoto Raimitsu's own attitude towards the Shinomiya Group.

As the saying goes, 'if you stand on a wall, you can be strong without desire'.

Since the Yuan family has no need to beg others, nor does it have the need to cooperate with others, then its backbone has naturally become stronger.

Mysterious, indifferent, powerful, proud...

This is the stereotype that the Yuan family gave to the world.

As for Yuanjing himself, in fact, he did not intend to destroy this stereotype.

Because this is a pretty good set of protective colors.

If according to Shimizu Kaguya's thinking, in order to take care of the other party's face, and deliberately say some vague words, it will inevitably give people a somewhat 'soft' impression.

For now, although his specific status in the Yuan family has not been revealed, there should be no way to keep hiding the fact that he is an important figure in the Yuan family.

If you don't express your thoughts with a strong attitude here and scare others, then this kind of thing will be endless.

Yuanjing didn't want to waste his time on such things.

Finally, because of Artoria's appearance, all the students of St. Eden Academy's attention was shifted to her, and the number of "love letters" in my shoe cabinet every morning was greatly reduced.

If the mailbox at home is filled with invitations again...

Thinking of such a scene, Yuan Jing couldn't help shivering.

The above is the result of rational analysis.

But even if he discards reason and lets the emotions in his mind run wild, he will come to the same conclusion.

As early as in his previous life, he was already extremely tired of all kinds of social rhetoric and speech skills.

However, at that time, he was not as powerful as he is now.

Although my heart is a little depressed, but in order to make a living, I have to force myself to adapt to this rule, turning myself into a grasshopper jumping on a spider's web.

He clearly said "No" in his heart, but he pretended to be undecided and vague, racking his brains to find all kinds of excuses.

Naturally, he had had enough of this kind of life.

Now he has become a bird of prey.

Even a spider web that is dozens or hundreds of times tougher than his previous life, he can easily tear it through with just a slight flap of his wings.

If you decide not to go, you can say that you will not go, and if you feel like it, you can agree without hesitation...

Black is black, white is white, with edges and corners and distinct layers.

This is the life he wants.

In the end, Yuanjing's response to the invitation letter from the Sitiao family was only a very short four words and two punctuation marks.

It is—


Don't go. "

Chapter 60 Kiss me mouth and teeth!

"Hey, Xiao Yukino actually received an invitation from the Shitiao family. This is really beyond my sister's expectations."

Although it was unexpected, the element of surprise actually only accounted for about 20.00% of Yukinoshita's tone.

"Xiao Yukino, when did you become friends with the Sijo family?" The remaining 80.00% is basically filled with curiosity.

On this invitation letter, the name written is [Miss Yukinoshita Yukino], not [Miss Yukinoshita Yono]. The target person is naturally very obvious.

Yukinoshita's family is naturally qualified to participate in the weekend party, but even so, the invitation letter will not be sent to Yukinoshita Yono, but will be sent directly to her father or mother.

Although being cultivated as the next generation Patriarch, the current Yukinoshita Yono is not yet qualified to represent the Yukinoshita family.

In other words, the reason why this invitation letter was sent was because the Shitiao family invited [Yukinoshita Yukino], not [Second Miss of the Yukinoshita family].

Yukinoshita Yukino sighed helplessly after glancing at the sister who insisted on living with her with a stern face.

Ever since she exchanged identities with her when she went to audit at the university, Yukinoshita Yono would come to the apartment where she lived to 'catch a meal' from time to time.

Of course, the so-called 'cengfan' is just a name.At this time, Yukinoshita Yoshino cooks more often by himself.

This is actually a way for Yukinoshita Yoshino to care about his sister.

Well, considering the environment my family was in at the time, it was quite normal to worry about my physical and mental state.

However, because her life at school has been greatly improved, the frequency of Yukinoshita Yoshino's door-to-door visits has gradually slowed down.


"The reason why I received this invitation letter should be because of my classmate Shijo Zhenfei." If you want to talk about your fate with the Shijo family, it should be the only one.

"The day before you came here, she even came to me specifically, saying that she would study with me, and then beat Kaguya in the final exam." Yukinoshita Yukino recalled the girl who wrote a short deep The girl with brown twintails said so.

"It should be the reason for that time."

"Sijo true concubine? The daughter of the head of the Sijo family, that super lady?" Yukinoshita Yoshino opened her eyes in surprise, "Did you agree to her?"

"No." In Xue Nao's answer, there was no regret or regret, as if this was not an excellent opportunity to have a relationship with Shijo Zhenfei, but just a trivial matter.

"I knew it." Yukinoshita Yono held his forehead.

No one knows better than her about her sister's temperament.

I shouldn't have asked such stupid questions.

She was doing self-examination in her heart.

'However, the fact that an invitation letter will be sent over, doesn't this prove that the real concubine Sijo actually has a very good impression of Xue Nai?Is this a kind of crooked attack? '

"Sure enough, it would be good to be admitted to St. Eden Academy. If I had known, I would have worked hard at the beginning." Playing with the invitation letter in his hand, Yukinoshita Harino muttered.

This is of course just talk.

Even if time goes back and starts all over again, Yang Nao will not choose to take the test of Saint Eden.

Unlike Yukinoshita Yukino, Yukinoshita Yono spent her high school years in Chiba.

The full name of the middle school she attended was Chiba Municipal Sobu High School. Although it could not be compared with St. Eden, it was also the high school with the highest deviation value and the strongest teachers in Chiba.

In fact, in terms of talent beyond learning, Yokino Yukinoshita is actually not inferior to Yukino.

If she really wanted to, it wouldn't be very difficult to pass the entrance examination of St. Eden Academy and become a special student.

But she didn't make that choice.

Unlike Yukino, Yang was raised as the successor of the Yukinoshita family.

And Chiba is the basic board of Yukinoshita's family.

Yukinoshita's family, which is in the critical period of "transition from business to government", actually wants to stabilize their power in Chiba, compared to Tokyo's pioneering and enterprising.

If this is the case, compared to the unattainable Saint Eden Academy, which seems to be far away in the sky, Sobu High is obviously more friendly to Chiba people.

"You refused before, what about this time?"

Putting the invitation letter in his hand on the table, Yukinoshita Yono asked his sister like this.

"It's not good to spend all day studying, how about going to relax?"

she suggested so.

The reason why he made such a proposal was not to curry favor with the Sijo family, or to take advantage of his sister's success to expand his network or something like that.

Although she didn't receive an invitation herself, she would definitely receive an invitation letter from her parents in Chiba. As long as she accompanied her parents, she could easily enter the party venue.

Just like what she just said, this is hoping to make her sister 'relax' a little bit.

This is also the reason why she [Lai] is in the apartment where Yukino lives.

As for how diligent and hard-working her younger sister is, how could she not know who came to check on the post from time to time?

As for where the motivation for her to go on like this comes from, she naturally knows very clearly, and she will not stop it.

However, if you work so hard that you don't eat and rest well, and your body breaks down, that's not good.

During the long year of preparing for the St. Eden Academy, my father and mother once told me on the phone how hard Xue Nai had worked so hard in her studies in a proud tone with a little distress.

But this time, compared to before, it is naturally worse than it is.

After all, this time there is [Love], the most powerful buff for young girls.

In order to prevent Xue Nao from working so hard that her body breaks down, but also to take over small tasks such as cooking and cleaning, so that she can devote more energy to studying.

Just a few days ago, carrying toiletries and a change of clothes, Yukinoshita Harino knocked on the door of his sister's house.

She will live here until the day of her final exams.


Unlike the decisive Yuanjing, a little hesitation flashed across Yukinoshita Yukino's face.

If she only considers it from her own direction, she actually doesn't want to participate in this kind of party.

Under Yuan Jing's 'influence', her character of liking to be quiet and not socializing with others has actually become more and more obvious, like a party where there is a lot of drinking and drinking, it really makes her somewhat subconsciously resist.

Even if she wants to relax, reading a novel or going for a horseback ride is more suitable for her than going to a party.

But she is not Yuanjing after all, so she will naturally have concerns.

If mom, dad and sister want her to do it, then I can actually go.

In the above sentence, only the word "if" was spit out by her.

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