It might be that her expression was too obvious, without her having to finish the whole sentence, Yukinoshita Yoshino understood what she meant.

"Okay, I understand." Yang Nai sighed after waving his hand to Xue Nai, indicating that she didn't need to continue talking.

"I am the one who will support the entire Yukinoshita family. If you take this as your responsibility without authorization, I will be very troubled."

"You know, Xue Nai, I hate other people's meddling with my things."

"...Thank you, sister." Yukinoshita Yukino said in such a low voice after heaving a sigh of relief.

She is not a fool, of course she knows what Yang Nai intends to say.

However, after seeing the smile on Yang Nao's face that seemed to have a "conspiracy succeeded", she immediately began to regret——

"Hey, what did Xiao Xue Nai just say?" Putting a hand in the shape of a cattail fan to his ear, Yang Nai pointed it in the direction where Xue Nai was, "Sister accidentally became deaf just now, can you please say it again?" ?”

"Why didn't I know you had such a problem? You clearly heard it clearly."

"You don't understand that, Xiaoxue." Lifting a slender index finger, she shook it mischievously while denying, "Obviously her hearing is excellent, but at critical moments, especially when When a girl expresses her heart, she suddenly becomes deaf, which is an extremely important skill."

"I generally call it—[Protagonist's Hearing Impairment]."

"The me just now was because I was attacked by this disease."

On Yukinoshita's face, there was a smile more beautiful than flowers.

Compared with sister and sister Gong, she still prefers this way of getting along with molesting her own sister.

Xue Nai's personality is cold and arrogant, and extremely upright, it can be said that it is almost the complete opposite of her.

But it's such a character, it's fun to be funny!

When she was in Chiba, what she liked most was teasing her [stupid] sister, it was like masturbating a cat, she couldn't stop at all.

The relationship between Xue Nai and her before was so rigid, and this way of getting along actually accounted for a large reason.

But it's a pity that after coming to Tokyo, Yukino has grown up a lot compared to when she was in middle school.

Such words and deeds in the past can make her a little impatient.

But now, she can only get a few supercilious looks from her.

It must be a good thing that her younger sister can grow up, and she is very happy about it.

However, what's the matter with this kind of lonely feeling that the child's wings are hardened and he is about to leave himself?

"Okay, don't mention these things." Putting the invitation letter back into the envelope, Yukinoshita Haruno put it back on the table.

Although my younger sister is not going to attend, she and her parents will still go to this party. When the time comes, just apologize to the concubine Zhen.

As it happens, I can use this as an opportunity to talk to him...

Well, these things can be pondered later, for now, there are more important things.

"Xiao Yukino, are you really not going to let him know?" While saying this, Yang Nai pointed in the direction of the bedroom.

It is of course very important to work hard and pay for your relationship.

But Yang Nai felt that, compared to working hard in private, being able to let the other party know what he had paid was actually extremely important.

This is not an invitation for credit, but an extremely normal method.

Regarding Yukino's efforts, no one knows better than Yang Nao who lives with her.

In fact, she was quite glad that she stayed a little tough, otherwise, according to Xue Nai's recent madness, she probably wouldn't even be able to remember whether she had dinner or not.

As a result, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't intend to show it to that guy at all.

Not only that, but she even learned to put on light makeup recently to cover up her tiredness, so as not to let 'he' find out...

Regarding Xue Nai's approach, Yang Nai really didn't know what to say.

"After the cultural festival, has the two of you made any progress?" Yukinoshita Yoshino said in a tone of resentment, "It's been more than a week, and according to the general rule, hugging is good for you. It shouldn't be an obstacle anymore, right?"

"Sister!" Xue Nai said with some shame and indignation.

"What? It's no use yelling at me. You've been hesitating and evasive before, so I'll take this opportunity to ask you about it today." Yukinoshita Yoshino seems to understand why her parents like to rush you so much Married herself, because what she is doing now is something similar.

This kind of behavior of letting my younger sister go through the ordeal that I have suffered——

It's so cool!

Yang Nai, the scumbag elder sister, seems to have awakened some serious habit.

Yukino's personality is too late. During the cultural festival, if it wasn't for the coercion of other people, especially Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika, even if she was killed, she probably wouldn't be able to do that kind of behavior.

As a result, without the help of other people, Xue Nai all shrank back at once, how could this work?

Even if you don't attack with a straight ball, at least let Yuanjing see your efforts!

Are you going to snatch men, Xiaoxue Nao!

Although she has never snatched a man, but as a college student of Sakurajima, she has tasted too many such scenes. After rounding up, she can be said to be experienced.

"I've heard about that, Shimizu Kaguya, and that Hayasaka Ai, but they've already moved into Yuanjing's new home, but you haven't even visited at home once."

Seeing that Xue Nai opened her mouth to say something, Yang Nai hurriedly continued to choke her with words——

"I know, you have your reasons. You are busy with your studies, so you have to focus on nothing before the final exam."

"The current dormancy is for the outbreak during the winter vacation. Anyway, it is something like that?"

Yang Nai tilted his head, looking at his sister who was a little speechless.

"That's good."

"With the New Year, that is, January 1st of the next year as the boundary, the relationship between you and Yuanjing must make some progress."

"I'm not going to mention anything else, at least we should kiss, right?"

Of course she knows how difficult it is for Xue Nao, but with her character, she won't move unless forced.

"Otherwise—" Yang Nai deliberately dragged on.

"Otherwise?" Xue Nai raised her eyebrows, she didn't quite know how her sister could threaten her.

"I'll tell my mother to stop your living expenses."

"Ah?" Xue Nai was stunned.

"Go to Yuanjing's house to eat, drink, and live." With a comfortable smile, Yang Nai declared so.

Chapter 61 Please don't believe anything

In the weekly class schedule of first-year students in St. Eden Academy, physical education appears twice.

As for Class A of Senior One where Yuanjing is located, it is the fourth class on Wednesday morning (that is, the last class in the morning) and the second class on Friday afternoon (that is, the last class in the afternoon).

By the way, the home economics class occurs once a week, which is basically the last class in the morning or afternoon.

The reason why I chose the last class is actually out of scientific considerations.

After a morning or a day of study, the last class is often the time when students are physically and mentally exhausted and need to relax properly.

In this case, physical education or home economics is the best choice.

Wednesday morning, after the third period——

"Student Lily, let's go, let's change clothes together!"

The pink-haired girl approaching Artoria with a smile as bright as the sun on her face is the one who saved her from the fire——Chika Fujiwara.

Using her as a bridge, Artoria accepted an interview with Lilicia Tododo yesterday afternoon.

As for the final result...

It can only be said that whether it is in the classroom or on campus, it is extremely rare to be surrounded by people.

In addition to the fact that curiosity has been satisfied by the report, Arturia herself clearly stated in the report that she does not like to be watched, and the efforts of Chika Fujiwara and Ai Ming and Ai Hayasaka are also the reasons for this phenomenon.

Arturia is a person who will repay her kindness.

Judging from the current situation, Chika Fujiwara is undoubtedly her benefactor (Ai Hayasaka used her own network to do it secretly, so Lily Spencer didn't know about it).

This creates a phenomenon -

That is, before repaying the favor, Artoria has actually become quite difficult to refuse Fujiwara Chika's words.

For example, this request to change clothes together.

Before this happened, Arturia would never agree.

but now......

Although she still had a cold expression on her face, no words of rejection could come out of Artoria's mouth.

In terms of how to deal with this kind of character, Fujiwara Chika is actually very experienced.

Kaguya in the early years, Yuanjing when he first entered school, Yukino when he first met...these are all characters with a cold appearance and extremely difficult to get along with.

From interacting with these people, Chika Fujiwara's [social] skills have been fully sharpened, and it can be said that she has made a qualitative leap.

What's more, such a cold personality is not actually Artoria's true nature, but just a mask she wears to keep others away from herself.

With the help of Chika Fujiwara, she has achieved this goal tentatively, and the situation that she had in England did not appear before.

Although it's not as she imagined, it's because of her indifference and force that others keep her at arm's length...

However, the side effect is the Fujiwara Chika who is getting closer to her...

'Forget it,' Arturia sighed in her heart, 'Fujiwara Chika is Gen-kun's fiancée, since it is absolutely impossible to hide from Gen-kun's eyes, then it doesn't matter if there is another Fujiwara Chika, right? '

She comforted herself so in her heart.

You can't hide things like cross-dressing from Yuan Jing.

At the level of her and Yuan Jing, appearance and facial features are no longer the most obvious characteristics of a person.

Muscle activity, bone outlines, habitual strides and gait... These things that ordinary people can't see and don't care about, can be described as subtle in their eyes.

Even ordinary people can roughly judge the approaching footsteps of close people like their parents through the sound of footsteps they hear over time.

So for two people with sharp eyes and ears, this skill is naturally not a problem.

The reason why Arturia favors Yuan Jing, and does not hide her true side in front of him, besides admiring her, this is also an extremely important reason.

So since Yuan Jing can't hide it from him, it doesn't matter if he adds a person who is very close to him?

Arturia thought of this rather shabby.

The breakthrough from 0 to 1 is often the most difficult step.

After that, although the number from 1 to 2 is the same as that from 0 to 1, the difficulty is already far apart.

Otherwise, why is there such a saying [there are only 0 and countless times of betrayal]?

In just a few days, Artoria has already gone from the very beginning of [I'm alone, don't get close to anyone! ] changed to 【Since you can't hide it from Yuan Jing, it doesn't matter if you get close to him, right? 】.

Then, there is the current [Since Yuanjing may tell it to those close to him, he can also open his heart to these people a little bit].

As for what will happen in the future... that's actually not sure yet.

It can only be said that once the compromise begins, the next will naturally never end.

If you don't want to develop into a situation of 'I can't get in', then when he asks for a hug, you have to refuse it with righteous words.

Otherwise, it will easily evolve into Artoria's current situation.

Fujiwara Chika naturally didn't care about Artoria's entanglement.

No, it should be said that even if she knows clearly, she will pretend not to know.

If one wants to get close to someone like Arturia, a thick skin is the most basic requirement.

If she shrinks back when encountering a little difficulty, she will not be able to become excellent friends with people like Kaguya and Yukino, and naturally it is impossible for her to be the one who goes the farthest on the road to capture Yuanjing. the woman.

Seeing that she didn't speak out against it, and that there was a bit of hesitation on her face, her azure eyes turned slightly, and Chika Fujiwara naturally understood the current situation.

No rejection is yes.

At least on Chika Fujiwara's side, such an equation is naturally established.

Grasping Artoria's forearm without hesitation, Fujiwara Chika pulled towards the door.

"Sa, let's go! If you don't go, you won't be able to catch up!"

In Sakurajima, just like entering school, you have to change your indoor shoes. When you go to physical education class, you have to change into appropriate clothes.

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