In general schools that are not equipped with facilities such as large changing rooms, they generally adopt the method of driving boys out of the classroom, so that girls can complete the dressing in the classroom. During this period, in order to prevent boys from peeping , There will also be girls guarding the front and back doors alternately.

But St. Eden, who is rich and powerful, will naturally not do this.

However, this also created a situation, that is, in the break before the physical education class, there will be a little insufficient time.

It would be fine if they just put on light clothes such as shorts and shorts, but the situation in St. Eden Academy was more special.

As for the reason, let me tell you later.

For Artoria, Chika Fujiwara's strength is too weak.

She didn't even need to exert force deliberately, as long as she had the idea of ​​"don't" in her heart, she could continue to sit still on the seat like a mountain.


After all, she still didn't make such a move.

After being pulled up from the seat by Chika Fujiwara, Artoria's eyes met with Yuan Jing who was seated next to her as if by chance.

Yuan Jing slightly tilted his head to the side, and in those dark and deep eyes, like the night sky, there were dots of smiles floating around.

"How about my fiancée?" He seemed to be asking with his eyes.

Without responding with her eyes, Artoria turned her eyes away.

Although she wasn't in a bad mood, she just didn't want to respond to Yuan Jing's eyes.

"Really, don't ask such obvious questions..."

She whispered so in her heart.


The richness of a school's physical education curriculum is actually closely related to the completeness of its teaching facilities.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

If it is a school in a poor place with almost only playgrounds and no basketball courts, no matter how capable the physical education teacher is, it is estimated that the sports that can be provided are extremely limited.

But St. Eden Academy, as the most famous middle school in Sakurajima, can also be said to be the richest middle school, so naturally it will not have such troubles.

Because physical education is not included in the exam, St. Eden seems to be quite free from the subjects he has learned.

Taking one month, that is, 8 physical education classes as a cycle, St. Eden Academy will provide its students with completely different sports programs every month to maintain the freshness of these sons and daughters.

Take Yuanjing's Class A as an example. In September, their physical education program was football; in October, they were brought in front of the archery teacher.

And today happens to be the first week of November, which is when it's time to change the physical education program.

And the next project of Class A of Senior One is——


If you want to take kendo lessons, naturally you can't wear shorts and shorts sportswear, but you should change into kendo uniforms.

Compared with the former, which only needs to be put on, the latter is much more cumbersome to put on. Because of this, there is a saying that 'the time between classes is not enough'.

Of course, like school uniforms, kendo uniforms are uniformly made by the school according to the students' figures.

Even an exchange student like Artoria will have her own body.

Don't feel like it's a waste.

Compared with the staggeringly high annual tuition fees of St. Eden College, this kind of fee is just a drop in the bucket.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!" With a little pride, Chika Fujiwara pushed Artoria, who was wearing a kendo suit, to Yuan Jing.

"How about it, is it unbelievably suitable?" For the convenience of the next activities, Chika Fujiwara tied up her long pink hair and combed it into a single ponytail very similar to Artoria.

Different from the usual Jiaohan, after changing her hairstyle, Chika Fujiwara revealed a somewhat sassy heroic spirit.

However, if we want to talk about changes, Arturia next to her is still bigger.

The kendo uniform custom-made by St. Eden Academy is an extremely elegant style.

The upper body is a white short sleeve, which gives people a fresh, delicate and clean feeling.And about 10 centimeters down from the chest, you have already come to the field of the black dress.

And at the bottom of the long black dress, two exquisite and slender jade feet shyly leaked out.

It seems that they are not used to being exposed to the eyes of others. After discovering Yuanjing's eyes, they shrank under the black skirt in some panic.

Unlike mixed races like Hayasaka Ai and Todou Lilicia, Artoria is a very pure Westerner. Logically speaking, she should not be suitable for wearing a kendo uniform.

But should it be said that beautiful people look good in any clothes?Such a pure oriental costume, Altria can't make people feel even the slightest sense of disobedience when she wears it, as if the other party is really a female swordsman who has traveled from the shogunate era.

Just as Chika Fujiwara said, 'It's so unbelievably suitable'!

Looking at the place between his feet, Yuan Jing looked at Arturia with a slightly questioning gaze.

He did know that between Artoria's two ankles, there were slender fetters lingering in between.

If you accidentally expose it when changing clothes, you will cause some gossip on purpose.

For example, this transfer student from England actually has very special hobbies, or some kind of [master's task] and other messy things.

Of course, judging from Lily's current reputation in St. Eden Academy, the biggest possibility is that she will say it is some kind of weight training, right?

Arturia understood Yuan Jing's meaning, and then shook her head gently at him.

In the locker room, she asked Fujiwara Chika to cover her up a little on the grounds that she was a little shy.

Because of her petite body and extremely quick movements, the long, slender and shiny chain was actually not noticed by others.

Not even Chika Fujiwara who was closest to her.

However, although the chain was not found, it does not mean that Chika Fujiwara did not discover anything.

When changing clothes, the skin that was previously covered by the clothes will be exposed, which is actually a very normal thing.

Because of this, Chika Fujiwara discovered the abnormality in Artoria.

Should it be said that she is the most orthodox British beauty?Compared with himself as an oriental person, his skin is really as white as snow and jade, and his skin is so good that Chika Fujiwara is very envious.

Because of this, though, it makes the few blemishes stand out all the more.

On the skin of its waist and abdomen, there are some ugly, fiery red scars.

Chika Fujiwara is no stranger to such traces.

This seems to be the trace after the burn?

62 The sky is sunny and the rain has stopped, some people think it’s okay again

The kendo class of St. Eden Academy is held in a special dojo, and its teachers are also senior kendo masters specially invited by the school with a high salary. The students also wear very formal kendo uniforms, which look quite decent .

However, after all, this is not a kendo dojo teaching students, it is just an ordinary physical education class.

In fact, the school did not think about how deep the students should learn.It's like when teaching basketball and football, you don't expect the students to enter the national team and win glory for the country.

This approach is actually just hoping to give students a rough understanding, at least to appreciate this sport.

Just like the archery learned in Class A before, this is just a method used by the school to improve the students' background and self-cultivation.

The time left for the students to chat with each other was not too long.

With the arrival of the kendo teacher, the entire dojo quickly fell silent, everyone shut their mouths, and then sat in line in the dojo.

Respecting teachers is a quality that almost all Asians value very much.Outside the classroom and campus, you can naturally be the daughter of a big consortium or a chaebol, but in this campus, if you disrespect the teacher because of your identity, you will be looked down upon by others.

Because the ultimate goal is not to let the students fight with others, but mainly to let them understand what kendo is, improve their cultivation and quality, and this is also the first kendo class for the students of Class A.

Therefore, the kendo master did not talk about how to attack the enemy with a bamboo sword at the beginning, but first talked about the development history of kendo, and of course the spirit of kendo, emphasizing that this is not only a sport, but more The way of self-cultivation and dealing with the world not only exercises physical endurance and agility, but also exercises metaphysical observation and thinking abilities, and at the same time cultivates a life attitude of self-denial and courtesy.

Anyway, it was something like this, and I talked directly for nearly 10 minutes.

To be honest, this master speaks well, vividly, with both form and spirit. From time to time, he also tells some interesting stories among swordsmen to prove his point of view. Should it be said that he really deserves to be a master invited by Saint Eden with a high salary?

However, compared to this kind of pure theory, the students in class A, especially the boys, actually hope to enter the real combat stage immediately.

Especially the few boys in Class A who have joined the Kendo club and are quite accomplished in this area.

The few of them were staring eagerly at the kendo master who seemed to be talking about sex with wide eyes, and their eyes were full of urging and longing.

No wonder they were so eager.

Physical education class has always been an extremely important occasion for athletic boys like them to show their charm and gain the right to choose a spouse freely.

When I was in the archery class before, those boys from the archery department really made a splash.After this month, the rate of leaving the order of these people reached an astonishing 80%!

How can this make the good men in the Kendo Department not envious?

They have been looking forward to such a day for a long time, and almost all of them are gearing up to perform well in this kendo class, show their masculinity, and then win a few hearts and start a rosy campus life.

Seemingly noticing the eager eyes of the students, the kendo master who was talking about sex smacked his lips with regret, and stopped talking about these purely theoretical things.

He first took the protective gear, explained in detail how to wear the protective gear, and then picked up the bamboo sword to show the students how to hold the bamboo sword, and demonstrated several extremely simple postures.

After a rough demonstration of all these things, he distributed a bamboo sword to everyone, and began to let the students stand apart to practice the most basic sword swing.

In Sakurajima's kendo, it is generally called 'Su Zhen'.

The kendo master shouted "lift!", and everyone held the bamboo sword and raised it high.As soon as he shouted "Wave!", everyone lowered their arms and swung the bamboo sword to a level with the ground.

During this period, the kendo master continued to shuttle among the crowd, checking and correcting everyone's posture.

After doing this kind of practice for less than 10 minutes, most people, especially girls, already feel their hands are sore and limp.

Compared with swords made of real steel, bamboo swords are already very light, but even so, laymen without special training still cannot swing them for a long time.

It can be compared to arm swing exercises during military training.The hands are still empty when swinging the arms, but most people still can't last long.

If it was in his dojo, facing the disciples who came to learn, the kendo master should turn a blind eye, and he would not stop until they squeezed all the strength from their bodies.

But after all, this is just an ordinary physical education class, and this is also Saint Eden, not his dojo.

Therefore, when he found that the students' movements were getting weaker and weaker, the kendo master waved his hand to signal the students to take a break.

As soon as these words fell, a group of people collapsed in the dojo in an instant.

Seeing this situation, the kendo master frowned.

As a person who has dedicated the first half of his life to kendo, he has always respected kendo very much.

In his opinion, the dojo is an extremely sacred and inviolable place. Here one should be in awe and follow the etiquette. It is so inappropriate, what does it look like!

Even if this is not his dojo, that won't work!

While opening his mouth to scold those who sat down casually on the ground, he also glanced admiringly at a few students who were still maintaining the etiquette of the dojo.

And the few people who were praised straightened their bodies more and more, and their expressions became more dignified.

These people are the ones in Class A who participated in the Kendo Club.

Long before, they had anticipated such a situation.As people who have some experience in this, they have already expected that other people will never be able to adapt to the intensity of this kind of practice, and thus show their ugly face.

In this way, the few of them will naturally stand out.

This is the first step in their private plan.

Judging from the current situation, the development of the whole situation is just as they thought!

After exchanging glances with each other, they glanced at someone at the same time, looked at the position of the bamboo sword, and suddenly their eyes lit up, and they nodded at each other.

"Teacher, I have a suggestion!" One of the boys impatiently raised his hand, signaling to the kendo master that he had something to say.

The latter saw that this person was one of the few people who observed the etiquette of the dojo before, so he said very gently: "What suggestion does this student have? If there is something I didn't teach well, please don't worry about it. Just say it."

"No, teacher, what you teach is beyond reproach, and I have benefited a lot from it." The boy who spoke was tall and handsome, and after complimenting the kendo master with a very correct attitude, he continued:

"I just have a small suggestion."

"Now it's time for a break, and many students only know about the sport of kendo, but have never watched related competitions. If this is the case, it is better to take advantage of this time to have a practice match, so that everyone can learn more about it. An intuitive understanding, what do you think, teacher?"

"Practice match?" The kendo master smiled when he heard the words, "This is the content of the next class. I will bring my assistants to show everyone the attack and defense in kendo."

"If it's today, then forget it..."

But before he finished speaking, the boy interrupted him very respectfully, and said, "It's okay, teacher, just treat it as a rehearsal."

"After watching my practice match, I will watch your match in the next class. I think everyone will have a better understanding of your superb skills."

After saying this, before the other party could answer, he turned directly to a male classmate who was sitting quietly——

"Student Yuan, I see that Su Zhen's posture was very standard before, and it's not like you don't know anything about swordsmanship. You might as well get involved and have a competition with me?"

The obedience when talking to the teacher before his words stopped, the provocation was extremely obvious.

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