This is what they envisioned, the second step in gaining the limelight in the class, in other words, [stepping on people].

In fact, if the kendo course is carried out step by step, relying on the skills and qualities of several people, in fact, it will be a matter of time before they become popular.

But they were obviously not calm enough, and they didn't want to wait that long.

So take the initiative to provoke to create opportunities.

In fact, it stands to reason that choosing two of them to do a match has the highest success rate and is also the least offensive.

But this means that one of them must be the green leaf, and no one wants this role.

So, they began to look for candidates in the class.

And the name that bears the brunt is naturally——

source scene.

And the reason is actually quite simple, it's pure jealousy.

As early as September, when he first entered school, because of his appearance and the fact that he was not from Tokyo, Yuan Jing himself was quite excluded by the boys in the class.

However, after being teased several times to no avail, and Yuan Jing took the opportunity to clean them up, the boys in the class became much more peaceful.

In addition, Yuan Jing himself did not rely on that face to get close to the girls in the class, and there was not much conflict of interest between them, and they basically lived in peace after that.

But now and then.

The current Yuanjing is undoubtedly the object of envy and hatred of many boys.Not to mention that he is very close to Shimizu Kaguya and Yukinoshita Yukino from Class B, and Touma Kazusa from Class D, just looking at Class A alone, he is actually worthy of a lot of guilt in the hearts of some people died.

Because of her personality, Fujiwara Chika is basically smiling and kind to everyone.

In this case, it is easy to cause such an illusion, that is——

Is she interested in herself?

Coupled with her status as the daughter of the Fujiwara family, in fact, in the hearts of the boys in Class A, Chika can be said to be the most ideal girlfriend.

After a certain point in time, Chika Fujiwara's attitude towards Yuanjing changed significantly, especially after the cultural festival, anyone with eyes could see the intimacy between the two.

Therefore, in the eyes of some people with a little excess self-awareness, Yuanjing undoubtedly did something similar to "snatching love with a knife".

And even if you don't talk about Chika Fujiwara, there is Ai Hayasaka!

If Chika Fujiwara is the most suitable candidate for a wife in the hearts of boys in Class A, then Ai Hayasaka, who is synonymous with social butterfly and fashion, is the most suitable candidate for a lover.

Originally, although she would mercilessly reject the boys' confession, Hayasaka Ai actually didn't mind getting in touch with them (because she needed to collect information for Kaguya at the time), but later on, she also started to be honest with the boys Get up.

And the only exception is Yuanjing!

How can it be repaired (damn it)!

The boys in class A were so jealous that they almost shed tears.

What's so good about Yuanjing?

Apart from being a little more handsome and studying better, what else does he have? !

Yuan Jing never showed his skills in front of his classmates, whether it was Sigong Huangguang's time, or the time with his step-mother, in fact, they were all performed without outsiders watching.

Therefore, these young men from the kendo club have no idea of ​​his kendo level.

However, they didn't do it in a fever-headed manner.

Just when he was resting, Yuan Jing put the bamboo sword by his left hand.

This is proof that he himself is a layman.

When resting, the bamboo sword should be placed on the right hand side. This is one of the etiquettes known to those who practice kendo.

This is a gesture of friendliness, which evolved from the etiquette of the real sword.

Because people are basically right-handed, if you put it on the right, if you encounter an emergency, you can only hold the sword with your right hand. In this case, it is the left hand that draws the sword.

Compared with placing it on the left hand side, the reaction will undoubtedly be a little slower.

Therefore, placing the sword on the right hand side became a way of showing friendliness, just as the etiquette of shaking hands was originally to show the other party that one was not holding a weapon in one's hand.

Yuan Jing doesn't even know this kind of etiquette, so it can be known that he is definitely a layman!

This is their logic.

If you ask Yuan Jingzhi if he knows this kind of etiquette, then he certainly knows it.

But if you ask him why he didn't...

In fact, it is still a matter of habit.

The training of the Yuanjia family is extremely strict. In addition to the normal time of kendo practice, when eating, reading, and even sleeping, someone will suddenly attack him.

At that time, what they used were not bamboo swords and wooden knives, but real steel cast iron objects.

As the saying goes, 'Among masters, only fight for the first line'.

Although the influence of putting left and right is only a short moment, it is enough to affect the result.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Yuan Jing raised his head and looked at the boy who was looking at him with provocative eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Since the final exam, I have stayed away from this kind of playing house with my peers, and the confrontation is basically with the Shinomiya family or Minamoto Raimitsu.

As a result, today's incident suddenly made him feel like he was back a few months ago, when he just entered school, and instead aroused some nostalgia in his heart.

"Okay." Yuan Jing said with a light smile.

Now that these boys think they can do it again, let them see with the facts whether they can do it or not.

Chapter 63 Lily, do you want to exercise?

Every noon in St. Eden, finding a secluded place where she could eat quietly was Artoria's first consideration.

Although with the help of Chika Fujiwara, basically no one rushed to surround her, but as the most popular "popular person" in St. Eden Academy, attention is still indispensable.

Even Artoria didn't want to eat in full view.After all, her appetite is a little [a little bit] big, and if any strange rumors spread because of this, she will also have a very headache.

At noon today, Arturia quietly came to the place where the fourth class in the morning was held, which was the kendo dojo of St. Eden Academy.

This is the place she chose to eat.

Sakurajima's lunch break has always been short, plus the two factors of [school security is excellent] and [will be used in the afternoon], so once opened, the dojo will not close at noon.

After flipping and kicking lightly, he took off the clean white indoor shoes on his feet.The slender feet wrapped in black socks stepped on the wooden floor of the dojo, making a slight and crisp 'creak' sound.

In the empty dojo, apart from Artoria, there was no one else.

Although such a voice was slowly reverberating, it did not produce any sense of noise, but instead made the empty space seem more and more lonely.

It's as if this place has been abandoned by the whole world.

During the period when Artoria went to the locker room to change clothes after class, and went to the classroom to pick up lunch, the hardworking cleaning staff had finished cleaning the dojo, and the clean floor was as tidy as ever.

In the air, there is a slight and elegant fragrance lingering.

But it's not a natural floral scent, it's a freshener smell.

Sitting on the wooden floor, with a dull 'dong' sound, Artoria put the huge lunch box aside.

Next, she only needs to unwrap the package wrapped in the bento box, lift the lid of the bento box, and enjoy the delicious Sakurajima prepared by the chef of Shijo House, even though it is a bit cold Cooked.

If it were time to vote for her happiest time of day, this moment would be one of the top contenders.


There was a pause in the movement of Arturia unpacking the package.

She suddenly lost her appetite.

The reason for such an abnormal situation happened here.

Even in terms of time span, not too long has actually passed.

"Is this the [Sword] now?" Looking at the empty dojo, thinking about the scene in the kendo class...

After that, such words spit out from her mouth somewhat abruptly.

There is no doubt about the result of the practice match in the kendo class.

Compared with Yuanjing, that young man was too far behind, and in the end he could only become a 'green leaf' very reluctantly.

There was no joy on Yuan Jing's face either, defeating such an opponent would not bring him any joy.

However, this does not mean that this battle is meaningless.

In fact, it could be said to be quite significant.

Because it told Artoria a naked fact.

That is—the true appearance of modern kendo.

Although Sakurajima's kendo was developed from swordsmanship and inherited many traditions of swordsmanship, it is already fundamentally different from the killing technique whose ultimate goal is to kill the enemy, and has become a competitive event.

And its extremely prominent performance is the theory of "gas sword" in Sakurajima Kendo.

The kendo competition is a scoring system, and if you want to score, you need [air sword consistency].

Qi refers to "Qi He", call out the strike position with a full of energy, if you call [Mian! ] But if the place where the bamboo sword hits is the [throat], it means that you are either cheating, or a blind cat meets a dead mouse, and no points are scored;

The body refers to hitting the effective part with a correct posture, that is, the face, throat, trunk, hands and other places protected by protective gear. If you attack a place that is not protected by protective gear, such as maliciously chopping and stabbing the opponent's legs and feet, etc. If the opponent is injured, he will be directly judged as a loser;

The sword refers to hitting with the tendons and the front end of the bamboo blade, which account for about a quarter of the total length. Other than that, even if you hit the designated part, you will not score.

After all the above three points have been achieved, it is necessary to maintain a "remnant heart", that is, to maintain enough vigilance and momentum after the attack to prevent the opponent from dying to counterattack, such as quickly getting out of the opponent's counterattack range, or directly making up the knife Mode.

Not only that, but there are many other rules. For example, if you use language to confuse or even insult your opponent during the game, you will be directly sentenced to lose; such as deliberately stretching your feet to make a trip, grabbing the opponent's bamboo sword with your hand, hitting someone with your fist, etc. Things like this are considered fouls, points will be deducted or you will be sentenced to lose directly; even cheering loudly after winning is considered disrespectful to your opponent, and you will be sentenced to lose as well.

These are the words Artoria heard in class.

Where is this sword competition?It's just a joke.

Arturia originally wanted to yell at her so loudly, but such words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't spit them out at all.

the reason is simple.

Because she has no such qualifications.

In fact, not only Sakurajima, but the whole world is similar.

The sword had been her pride, a symbol of her royal power, a sacred object with which she could defend her domain and protect her people.

However, the current [Sword] has lost the luster that shrouded it.After humans have discovered a tool that is far more efficient and convenient than it, the so-called [sword] is no longer needed by modern people.

Compared with the murder weapon, the current [Sword] is actually more like a toy.The reason why it has not been completely abandoned is actually more of a sentimental value than a practical value. exactly the same as she is now.

If modern people have traveled to ancient times, because they have knowledge and technology far beyond the times in their heads, even if they cannot reproduce it, at least they must have the ability to make a difference.

But what if the opposite is true?

Then, the most prominent impression should be only two words.

That is [Useless].

My previous life is completely meaningless to this era.Even if you want to start learning from scratch, it can be said that there is no advantage compared to those who were born and raised in this era from the beginning.

After all, it is just an existence similar to cherishing species. What is the meaning of such an existence?

"I want to correct you, Sakurajima's kendo is not directly derived from actual combat swordsmanship, but from the cross-genre swordsmanship trial activity held by the Japanese Wutoku Association."

"From the source, it is actually biased towards competitive competition and learning. It is not a killing technique."

Just when Arturia was feeling a little depressed, a calm and dignified voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

She turned her face away in surprise, and a black-haired boy was reflected in her emerald green eyes.

"Yuanjun, why are you here?" Artoria asked in surprise.

"Qianhua said that you looked a little strange after class." Yuanjing also took off his shoes and walked on the wooden floor of the dojo, Yuanjing said, "She is a little worried about you, so she hopes I can come and see."

"...Is it so obvious?" Artoria sighed softly, and while she was a little embarrassed, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Of course, she also felt a little lucky, because Yuan Jing's arrival can be said to be just right.

After all, it is still not convenient to pass the book on a note.

This kind of quiet space where no one else exists, just her and Yuan Jing is what she needs most now.

Although the competition in the classroom can't explain the real level at all, the method Yuanjing has exposed so far is actually only one trick to avoid water. There is absolutely no mistake in Yuanjing being a highly skilled warrior.

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