Moreover, unlike himself, he is a person who truly grew up in this era...

"Yuanjun," the dark green eyes were filled with the reflection of the black-haired boy, Arturia asked in a very serious tone, "Why did you learn martial arts?"

Definitely not trying to use this to get ahead.

Artoria knew that although Yuanjing was extremely skilled, Yuan Jing himself did not join any clubs related to martial arts, but instead joined a strange club called [Lamb Society].

Not only that, judging from the reactions of other people in the morning, he didn't even show his ghostly skills to others.

This is quite puzzling for Artoria.

If one wants to study martial arts to a level like Yuanjing's, no matter how amazingly talented one is, one must put in a lot of hard work and sweat.

In this era when [personal force] has gradually declined and is about to be swept into the trash can, how can someone be able to progress to such a point,...

To be honest, although Arturia admired her very much, she was accompanied by doubts.

Unlike her, Mingming Yuanjing can put this energy and hard work on more valuable and meaningful places, so why do he have to learn martial arts?

If it was an ordinary person, the most reliable guess would be 'courageous and ruthless', but Yuanjing's personality is completely different.

Just as he was guessing in his mind, Yuan Jing, who had already sat down not far from her, said his answer without hesitation——

"Because it's interesting."

"Interesting?" Arturia opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"That's right." Yuan Jing said so simply.He looked at the huge lunch box beside Artoria, and asked, "Student Lily, you probably like to enjoy delicious food, right?"

Arturia nodded.

This is one of her few hobbies.

"[Practicing martial arts] to me is actually the same as [eating] to you." Yuan Jing said, "When you are enjoying delicious food, it is difficult to think about the meaning of this behavior and whether it is Is it just a waste of time?"

"Probably not? When I was practicing martial arts, I naturally wouldn't think about such things."

"In other words, in fact, this martial skill is just a by-product, and the real reward, in fact, I have already obtained in the process of doing so."

"That's the simplest and purest joy that comes from seeing yourself improve."

"..." Artoria was a little speechless.

In Yuan Jing's eyes, there is actually no essential difference between "practicing martial arts" and "playing", they are just means for him to obtain happiness.

This kind of talent is definitely the top class, and it's no wonder that they can reach that level in this era...

"In addition to this biggest reason, I will learn martial arts, no, not only learning martial arts, the reason why I learn all kinds of things is actually because of my aversion to one thing."

What does Yuanjing hate the most?Artoria was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

If she had to use one word to describe Yuan Jing, the first word that came to her mind was actually [Calmness].

What is it called in Eastern dialect, it seems to be "Mount Tai collapsed in front of it, but the color does not change"?

Even for such a young man, is there something that he hates and even fears in his heart?

Yuanjing didn't give in.

"That's [feeling of powerlessness]," he said bluntly.

The least favorite word is "impossible", and the most hated word is "I can't do anything".

This is the most authentic side of the young man Yuanjing.

"The so-called learning process, in my opinion, is to make more things that can be done, and then make less things that cannot be done."

"At any time, I will never step into a desperate situation that I regret, and I can always find a way to break through the situation."

"This is my pursuit in life, and it is also the attitude I hope [the strongest person] should have."

"Just like now." Yuan Jing suddenly turned his face to Artoria, "If I don't know any martial arts at all, and I'm just a feeble scholar with no power to restrain a chicken, I can only try to use weapons like words at this time. Let's see if it can resonate with you and untie the knot in your heart."

"I don't like this approach very much, because the element of luck is too much."

"But since my martial arts are good, I naturally have another choice."

He pointed to a corner of the dojo.

It was a cabinet, and it was also the place where the bamboo swords were stored in the dojo.

In the classroom, the kendo master took out the bamboo sword from there and distributed it to the students in class A.

"I see that you don't seem to have much appetite, and you don't seem to be able to eat much. Why don't we exercise first?" Yuanjing suggested, "I have only fought against local people in Sakurajima, and I have never understood it. Yinglun's sword skills, I wonder if classmate Lily can satisfy my curiosity?"

After a moment of hesitation...

"Okay." The haze disappeared from the beautiful face like an elf, and a very bright smile bloomed on Artoria's face.

Yuanjing, this boy...

So much fun!

Chapter 64 Cut the sword first!

Bamboo swords are specially made by Sakurajima for competitions.

It is made of four pieces of bamboo.

Select osmanthus bamboos that are more than three years old, split them, put them in a drying room to bake for 15 days, and go through many steps such as selection, weighting, straightening, planing, and polishing to make bamboo chips for bamboo swords. .

After that, the bamboo sword handle and other parts are wrapped with processed cowhide, and the cowhide is connected with a very tough nylon rope.

In this case, a bamboo sword is completed.

Compared with real knives, model knives, and wooden knives, the lethality of bamboo swords, which are specially made for competition, is naturally greatly reduced.

But this does not mean that the bamboo sword is absolutely safe.

In Sakurajima, the number of people who were sent to the hospital because of not wearing armor or improper armor configuration is still countless.

"There are only bamboo swords here, so let's use this kind of thing to endure for a while."

After opening the cabinet door, Yuanjing took out a bundle of bamboo swords from it, and then stacked them on the wooden floor of the dojo, letting Artoria choose by herself.

In fact, there are not only wooden knives in the dojo, but also real knives.

But unlike bamboo swords, they were all locked up because they were too dangerous.

Yuan Jing and Artoria are not fighting for their lives this time, so the bamboo sword is completely enough.

Pulling out a bamboo sword from it, Arturia swung it lightly, as if judging the feel of the [sword].

Sure enough, it was still too light.

It felt light and fluffy when it was swung, and it didn't have the weight of real steel that reassured her.

However, it is not a big problem.

According to British legend, Lancelot, a knight under King Arthur, had to fight Felot without a sword because of his strategy, but he finally knocked him down with a branch.

And Artoria herself is an expert in using swords, so she can actually do such a thing.

Compared with the branches broken from the tree, the bamboo sword is actually much, much better.

In fact, in the kendo class, although Artoria was a little frustrated, relying on the instinct of a swordsman, she had already figured out all the information about the structure, length, elasticity, sharpness, etc. of the bamboo sword.

Now it's just a matter of reawakening this memory and fine-tuning it according to the bamboo sword currently in hand.

After waving it lightly a few times, Arturia nodded towards the source, indicating that she was fine.

After that, the two put their bento on the edge of the dojo, and then stood in the center of the dojo.

There was about a few meters between them, and the blond girl and the boy with black hair and black eyes faced each other quietly.

Both of them are holding swords with both hands.

But there is a difference even between holding a sword with two hands and holding it with two hands.

Arturia is a typical Western two-handed sword hammer grip, which is characterized by both hands firmly holding the hilt.In this case, the sword is more difficult to let go, and it can be swung with more force.

Compared with using a sword to 'cut', this way of holding a sword is actually more inclined to 'smash'.

And Yuanjing used the two-handed sword method of Sakurajima Kenjutsu, which is characterized by holding the sword with one hand and holding it with the other.

The hand with the real grip is responsible for exerting force, while the hand with the virtual grip is used to adjust the angle of the blade.

If Artoria's grip is more inclined to use 'power' to suppress the enemy, Yuanjing's grip is more inclined to use 'skill' to win.

But at the stage when the two were confronting each other, Arturia suddenly did something that made Yuan Jing somewhat puzzled——

She closed her eyes suddenly.

Eyes are the most important channel for human beings to obtain external information. It can be said that most of the information in people's daily life is obtained through these bright eyes.

It would be fine if Arturia was the kind of blind swordsman whose hearing and sense of touch had been trained to be as good as eyesight, but obviously she wasn't?

If this is the case, then what is the point of deliberately using such a method to hand over the right of first hand to me and put myself at a disadvantage?

Yuanjing didn't know Artoria's intention in doing so.

He doesn't need to know either.

Unlike a certain card game, there is no such thing as a flag such as [the first player must lose] for sword fighting.

On the contrary, it should be something to fight for with all your might.

Sakurajima's kendo has a morbid obsession with attacking, and even has the principle of "three prohibitions".

The so-called "Three Don'ts" is not something similar to "Three Don'ts", but rather——

When the opponent just makes a move, don't let it go, attack quickly!

When the opponent hesitates to make a move, don't ignore it, attack quickly!

When the opponent is exhausted, don't miss it, attack quickly!

This is the so-called "Three Don'ts".

Naturally, there are defensive moves in Sakurajima's kendo, but their purpose is definitely not pure defense, but just as a springboard for attacking.

"Offense is the best defense."

Sakurajima Kenjutsu is a martial art that fully demonstrates this concept.

In fact, not only Sakurajima swordsmanship, but in most martial arts in the world, the value of offense is far greater than that of defense.

As the saying goes, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

In terms of attacking, even if you return hundreds of times without success, generally speaking, just one success is enough.

But if it is switched to defense, it is exactly the other way around.

No matter how many times you succeed, as long as you fail once, you will fall into the abyss.

Comparing the two in this way, it is not very incomprehensible that the offense occupies an absolute dominant position, right? .

Yuanjing's reaction was extremely quick.

Almost at the moment Artoria closed his eyes, his body moved at an extremely fast speed——


Since Artoria personally gave up the tool of vision, Yuanjing naturally wants to make more use of it.

Although it's just a sparring session, as long as you stand on top of this ring, then [winning] is the most important goal!

On the contrary, being merciful is disrespectful to the opponent and an insult to Artoria.

Because the windward side is extremely small, although Yuanjing's thrust was as fast as lightning, the sound it made was extremely small.

And because there is a hand specially used to adjust the position, the position of the most lethal point is actually not fixed.

Even if Arturia really has some plans, Yuan Jing can quickly adapt and deal with them. This is the advantage of this grip.

With the blessing of speed, even if only a bamboo sword is used, it can easily pierce through the flesh. If Artoria really takes the thorn without dodging or evading, she will definitely only be able to spend the afternoon. Spent in the health room.

But that's what Arturia needed.

The core of the martial arts of the Pandoragon family is to use psychological suggestion to break through the limitations of the body and obtain superhuman skills like a dragon.

This is the idealistic martial arts of the eight classics.

This means that Arturia's own psychological state actually has an extremely important impact on her performance of martial arts.

Before this competition, she herself was still in a state of confusion.It's like a flat boat sailing in the boundless ocean, unable to find the direction to go.

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