With such a state, there is no way to enter the state where she can exert 100% of her ability.

For this, she needs a little 'help' from Yuanjing——

It just made her feel dangerous.

Protect your own life, let yourself survive... This is the first and deepest obsession of all life.

By deliberately giving up the right of first hand, you will limit yourself to danger, thereby activating your instinct and entering the state of "I am a dragon".

This is her purpose.

That pair of jasper-like eyes reappeared in front of Yuan Jing very abruptly.

Arturia seemed to have opened her eyes.

Facing the bamboo sword right in front of her eyes, there was no panic in her eyes, but a look of indifference.

It is as faint as a bottomless lake.


This is the crisp sound of bamboo swords colliding with each other.

Artoria's sword came first, and unexpectedly intercepted Yuan Jing's sword.

She is using both hands. Compared with Yuan Jing who is using one hand, although she is not as flexible in terms of flexibility, this grip will give the sword a greater acceleration, which is why she has to cut it off first. .

Yuanjing was not discouraged when the sword failed.

He never thought that he would be able to defeat the enemy with one blow.


'It's a lot of strength. ' Yuanjing said in his heart.

There are natural differences in physical fitness between men and women, and Artoria herself is a petite type.According to the general situation, Yuan Jing should be able to double kill Artoria in terms of arm strength alone.

But obviously, this is not the usual case.

The current Arturia exists in this world due to an extremely rare coincidence, a unique miracle. Apart from her own extraordinary talent, what happened to her can definitely be regarded as the blessing of heaven.

What's more, the martial arts of the Pandoragon family already have the ability to develop their own potential and relieve muscle restrictions.

If one compares physical fitness alone, the current Artoria can almost be said to be the pinnacle of this world.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!" In the kendo dojo, there seemed to be a sudden rainstorm, and there was the sound of swords colliding with each other so densely that they almost became one.

The waving bamboo sword tore through the air, making a breathtaking and sharp sound, whining like a ghost crying.

At this time, in the space between the two, due to the extremely fast speed, the outlines of the two bamboo swords could not be seen at all, only a mess of light and shadow was dancing non-stop, and there was a burst of light from it. Bean-like sound.

Arturia and Yuanjing entered a stalemate.

But at this time, Yuanjing was slightly at a disadvantage.

Artoria's strength was too great and her speed was too fast. Every time the two swords intersected, Yuan Jing could feel the force from the blade, which almost paralyzed his palm.

The bamboo sword in his hand was whining continuously, as if protesting against such inhuman abuse.

If it weren't for its excellent elasticity, it should have been broken in two.

This kind of power is simply beyond the scope of human beings.

Yuan Jing felt that he was not wrestling with a sword at this moment, but was really wrestling with a giant dragon.

Although he was at a disadvantage, Yuan Jing's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if a flame was burning in his eyes.

He didn't think he was going to lose.

No, it should be said that he must be the one who won!

'Just a little bit... a little bit...'

While silently estimating the limit of something, Yuanjing and Artoria engaged in a stormy offensive and defensive battle.


'It's now! '

Just when Yuan Jing said such words in his heart, Artoria's calm face like a lake also had emotional fluctuations for the first time.

There was only a 'click' sound, and the bamboo sword in Artoria's hand broke from the intersection of the two swords.

Of course, this is not only because the too fierce battle has exceeded the limit that it can bear, otherwise, it should be broken with both swords.

This is the purpose of Yuanjing.

Among Sakurajima's schools of swordsmanship, there is a school called the Kurama school.

Legend has it that Oni Yifayan is the swordsmanship passed down to Minamoto Yoshitsune.

This is a style of kendo dedicated to dueling.Different from other genres, the primary target of the Kurama style is not people.

but a sword.

First cut down the opponent's weapon, and then kill the opponent.

This is the purpose of Kurama-style kendo.

When Yuan Jing confronted Arturia, he used the "rolling technique" of the Kurama style, and the target was not Artoria herself.

It was the bamboo sword in her hand.

"!!!!" Although the bamboo sword in his hand was cut off by Yuanjing, Artoria was not shocked.

After all, it was she who took the initiative now.

Moreover, the swords in this dojo are not only these two in the hands of the two.

As if throwing a javelin, she threw the bamboo sword, which was already short by one end, towards Yuanjing without hesitation. Arturia did not look at the result of the blow, but turned around immediately, towards the pile of bamboo swords. The place rushed over.

She didn't think such a trick would work for a great swordsman like Yuan Jing, it was just a way to buy time.

But Yuanjing did not attack.

When Artoria pulled out a bamboo sword from the pile of swords again, and then turned to face Yuanjing again.

She found that the opponent was still standing in place, and did not take advantage of this painstakingly planned advantage to pursue her.


Arturia's pupils shrank slightly.

Although he was still standing in place, the opponent's sword-holding posture had changed.

He didn't throw the bamboo sword he threw aside, but held it in his hand.

That is to say, now Yuanjing's left and right hands are holding two bamboo swords, one long and one short.

Dual Swords?

Seeing Arturia turn around, Yuan Jing also smiled slightly, and put on a somewhat weird posture.

"Have you chosen yet? Classmate Lily?"

"If you choose well, let's start the second round as soon as possible?"

Chapter 65 long-dead memories suddenly start attacking me

In the history of Sakurajima, countless schools of kendo have sprung up.

However, in the sublimation process of evolving into modern kendo, the center of its selection is the Yidao style.

In modern kendo, the structure of the middle section of a sword can be understood as the basic way, while those kendos that implement structures other than the middle section are evil ways that violate the basic concept.

The so-called two-sword style, that is, the technique of holding two swords in both hands, was also regarded as a heresy for a long period of time.

Even if there are great sword masters such as Miyamoto Musashi and Yagyu Juhei, the two-sword style is actually not popular in Sakurajima Kendo, and it is basically regarded as an evil sword rather than a righteous one.

If you want to get to the bottom of the reason, it is naturally because compared with the one-knife style, the two-knife style has quite a lot of shortcomings.

Because you can only use one hand to hold the sword and don't separate one hand from the other, no matter in terms of strength or accuracy in controlling the sword, the two-sword style is no match for the one-sword style.

In addition, the threshold of the two-sword style is many times higher than that of the one-sword style, which has extremely high requirements for talent.

Because it takes distraction to control the two weapons, if there is no distraction of "drawing a circle with one hand and drawing a square with one hand", the two knives will not only be unable to complement each other, reaching '1+1>2', but even very may interfere with each other, causing the result to be even less than 1.

But even if there are many inconveniences, this does not mean that the two swords style is useless.

First of all, the increase from one sword to two swords, although the difficulty factor used has almost tripled at once, but it has indeed brought about an improvement in the tactical dimension.

If there is only one sword, then attack and defense can only be selected at the same time; and if there is an additional dagger, the choice of the swordsman will be more than doubled.

Besides, the most important reason why Yuanjing no longer sticks to the one-knife style, but chooses to use the two-knife style is to establish an advantage, and that is——

Long hands beat short hands.

Artoria's physical fitness is indeed better than Yuanjing's. If it is a comparison of strength, Yuanjing will definitely be KO'd by him unilaterally.

But in some aspects of the body, Artoria is obviously not as good as Yuanjing.

That is height and arm length.

Arturia is petite, only over 1.5 meters tall.

Yuan Jing is tall and slender, more than 1.8 meters tall.

This is the natural advantage of Yuanjing, and the choice of the two swords style is to expand it.

You may wish to imagine in your mind two people who are exactly the same and have swords of the same length. One of them holds a sword with both hands and the other holds a sword with one hand.

Then obviously, when the person holding the sword with one hand can cut the person holding the sword with both hands, the latter's sword edge is still some distance away from the former.

In actual combat, the advantage of attack distance is extremely obvious.

As the saying goes, 'one inch is long and one inch is strong'.

The attack range of the two-sword style is greater than that of the one-sword style, and Yuanjing's own arm length is longer than that of Artoria. When these two things are added together, the following situation is created——

That is, Yuanjing can attack Artoria, but Artoria cannot attack Yuanjing.


Artoria frowned tightly, with an extremely depressed expression on her indifferent face.

After the start of the second round, almost at the moment of the fight, she discovered Yuanjing's intention with her extremely keen intuition.


She can't help it.

It's not that Arturia has never fought against opponents who use long weapons, such as spearmen or spearmen. She has killed countless times.

Facing these opponents who want to take advantage of her by relying on the attack distance, as long as they directly destroy the opponent's trajectory, shift their center of gravity, lose their balance, and then bully them close, they can be punished with a sword.

However, the experience of fighting long weapon users in the past can't be used in this place at all.

In terms of sword skills alone, Yuan Jing has the absolute upper hand.

Again, the saying that the ancient is better than the present has always been untenable.

Although the status has gone from bad to worse, it can't be compared with the era of Artoria at all, but after 1500 years of development, and the efforts of countless talented and brilliant people, whether it is the power-generating skills or the power-releasing skills, , Kendo has already made great progress.

If it weren't for Artoria's monstrous physical fitness and her almost innate spirituality in using swords, with her half-hearted mentality at the moment, there would be absolutely no way to gain the upper hand in the previous battle.

Although the strength of holding the sword with one hand is insufficient, because of its greater range of motion, it is more convenient in terms of unloading force than holding the sword with both hands.

And even if she destroyed the trajectory of the long blade used for attacking, she pushed it aside.When he wanted to approach Yuanjing, he would be stopped by another dagger.

But when she used her strength to push the short blade away, the long blade had already adjusted its stance and started to attack her, forcing her to use her sword to defend.

Before, when Yuan Jing destroyed the sword in Artoria's hand and shortened it with the strength of the two of them, he had already calculated it in his mind based on the length of their arms.

This short blade 'forged' by the two 'joint efforts' was just at the critical point of Artoria's attack range.

And the area between the long blade and the short blade is the best space for Yuan Jing to fight Artoria.

Relying on such tactics, Yuanjing finally managed to reverse his own disadvantages, and it can even be said that he has the upper hand.

Because of the increase from two bamboo swords to three, the original sound like a rainstorm became more and more dense.

It's like a firecracker's pop!Snapped!Snapped! ' The sound has been completely connected, and the sword dojo is trembling slightly.

If it weren't for the fact that this place is surrounded by gardens and is relatively remote, someone should have followed the sound to watch the excitement, right?

But at this moment, the two people in the dojo have no time to take care of this kind of thing.

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