Whether it's Yuanjing or Artoria, there is actually only one thing in my mind at this moment——

That is [overcome the opponent]!

Arturia's eyes were terribly bright, and in those jasper-like eyes, there was also a fire of fighting spirit burning blazingly.The indifference on his face has gradually dissipated, replaced by concentration and fanaticism.

There was no longer any trace of worry before.

Artoria is alone.

In this era, she was completely different, abandoned by her own country, and suspected by what she thought were her subjects, so she had to put on insulting handcuffs and come to this Far East.

The reason why she would obediently accept such a fate without any resistance was because apart from the vow she had made, she might not have a heart of self-destruction.

According to her original thinking, it is not unacceptable to just imprison herself in Sakurajima, spend the time she should have spent here, and bury her bones in this foreign country.

After all, she does not belong to this era, she is just a lost person who strayed into this place.

The biggest reason why she was completely different from her before, and had a little self-pity, was because she no longer had a goal.

She didn't know what she should do.

And now, although it was only a very short-term goal, she still had it.

The battle with Yuan Jing gradually brought back vigor and vitality to her dead heart.

She knew once again how important it is to have a goal to fight for.

In the olden days, it was 'Guarding Britain'.

But now, it is 'overcoming Yuanjing'.

There is no doubt that compared with the former, the latter is much smaller, and it can even be said that it is completely incomparable.

However, the latter managed to let Artoria taste the sweetness called 'Desire'.

If it wasn't for being in an extremely fierce battle, Arturia herself would almost shed tears.

To be able to meet this young man in this Far East, is it because the heavens have not given up on me?

In that case...  

Artoria's eyes became more determined.

Although at a disadvantage, Arturia naturally would not choose to sit still.

Before she was alive, she encountered too many unfavorable and even desperate situations. Although the current situation made her a little bit aggrieved, it didn't mean that she had no way out of the situation.

You know, her sword is not the only one in her hand!

Splitting the attacking long sword again, Artoria stepped on the ground with her slender feet, accompanied by a harsh 'squeak' sound, she ejected towards Yuanjing at the fastest speed so far and go.

Yuan Jing was not flustered, while the long blade unloaded, the short blade returned to defense, still preparing to use the fighting method between the two.

And at this moment-

Arturia's jasper-like eyes met Yuanjing's obsidian-like black eyes.

Yuan Jing's originally extremely smooth movements suddenly stagnated.

The muscles on his body trembled subconsciously, and the short blade originally used for defense suddenly deviated from the trajectory of Altria's long sword, but faced another direction.

It was as if an invisible sword was about to attack there.

'The Invisible Sword'.

This is Artoria's secret technique for uprooting the bullying gang in St. Eden Academy with her bare hands, but at this very moment, it is being used at this extremely critical moment.

Yuan Jing had long guessed the principle of this trick, but now after experiencing it personally, the truth is actually the same as what he expected before.

The so-called 'invisible sword' is a kind of phantom pain based on the principle of 'memory pain'.

For example, now, he suddenly thought of the scene when he was training with his stepmother Minamoto Yorimitsu when he was in the Minamoto family.

Although he doted on him very much, Minamoto Raimitsu never let go of water during the journey of kendo, and the vivid pain seemed to have been deeply engraved in his memory.

But at this moment, these dead memories all came back to life and began to attack him again.

This kind of skill is naturally invincible in dealing with those weak-minded mobs. It can be said to be the strongest acrobatic skill.

But for a character like Yuan Jing, he can only be stunned for a moment at most.

One moment is enough!

At this time, the long sword had already been cut aside by Artoria, and there was no way to turn around; the short blade was twisted in the wrong direction because of the 'invisible sword', and could not defend.

The current Yuanjing can be said to have opened the door to Buddhism, exposing his fragile body to his sword!

Arturia tightly clenched the bamboo sword in her hands with both hands.

Such an opportunity is only because she caught Yuan Jing by surprise, if he had been prepared, Artoria would never have succeeded so easily.

How can such an opportunity be let go?

Cracking up the atmosphere and making an extremely sharp whistling sound, the bamboo sword flew towards Yuanjing's forehead.

Because its speed was too fast, black afterimages were drawn in the air.

Artoria didn't show any mercy, because she simply didn't have such leeway.

Although he was not as good as himself, something like a bamboo sword couldn't cause any irreversible injuries to Yuanjing, at most he only needed to lie down for a day or two.

If such a result really happens, she will also take responsibility and take good care of him.

So, did Artoria's inevitable blow work?

The answer is naturally-


Yuanjing naturally did not forget that so-called 'invisible sword'.

Whether it was the first round when he was at a disadvantage, or the second round when he had the upper hand, he had already been secretly on guard in his heart, and he had left behind.

Artoria's bamboo sword didn't feel like hitting her forehead as she expected.

Her eyes were wide open, her red lips parted slightly, and for the first time a look of astonishment appeared on her face.

Yuan Jing caught the sword.

No, exactly, he didn't catch it.

It's [bited].

The bamboo sword was not a real long sword, it was wrapped with cowhide, and Yuanjing bit this place all at once.

Artoria tried to draw the bamboo sword, and found that Yuanjing's bite force was so strong that it was impossible to pull it out in a short time.

And at this moment, both the short blade and the long blade began to turn. If she didn't withdraw immediately, she would have to face the pincer attack of the two swords without her sword.

But if you change the sword again, it will be the same as before...

Arturia gritted her teeth, and in the blink of an eye, she already had a calculation.

She let go of the bamboo sword with both hands, but instead of running away, she took advantage of the situation and rushed towards Yuanjing.

She has already seen that, in terms of physical fitness, Yuan Jing is absolutely inferior to her.

If this is the case, then the battle must be dragged to the direction where the body is most concerned, which is——


A look of surprise flashed in Yuan Jing's eyes, and then he showed a bit of a smile.

He loosened his hands and let the two bamboo swords fall down. After the two things were not bound by them, his hands naturally became faster.

This is your own choice, don't say I bully you......

Concubine Shijo walked in the courtyard of St. Eden Academy a little depressed.

She doesn't even want to eat lunch.

Because she was already fed up by someone.

However, in order to maintain her image in the class, she couldn't express her mood throughout the morning, and finally caught up with the lunch break, so she found an excuse, said goodbye to her friends, and came to the Relax in the gardens of St. Eden.

"What [already read, don't go]," the pouting Lao Gao, Sitiao Zhenfei said a little indignantly, "at least, give me a good reason, why don't you add one [something]?"

"I don't even want to be perfunctory. I still treat you as a friend in vain..."

At this moment, a muffled thunder-like sound suddenly came to her ears. She followed the sound with some surprise, and found that the sound seemed to be coming from the kendo gym.

"Did something explode?" She hesitated for a moment, then ran towards it.

She still wanted to find out exactly what happened before going to the relevant personnel.

What if it was just a false alarm?

And when she approached the gate of the Kendo Hall, the sound disappeared, replaced by a sound like "squeak".

It seemed that there was some huge monster writhing on the wooden floor.

The four real concubines are naturally full of question marks.

Driven by curiosity, she came to the gate of the Kendo Gym and pushed it open.

And the scene that came into her eyes made her mouth wide open—,

"In broad daylight, the sky is bright, what are you, you, you, you, you two doing?!"

Chapter 66 is Yuanjing locked Artoria!

Well, if someone is curious about what Shijo Zhenfei saw, then in a few words, it can almost be explained——

Is it Arturia who locked Yuanjing?

No, it was Yuanjing who locked Arturia!

Anyway, that's pretty much it.

When the bamboo sword in Artoria's hand was restrained by Yuan Jing, she did not choose to withdraw and leave, but directly prepared to rely on her own physical fitness far surpassing Yuan Jing's to have a hand-to-hand fight with Yuan Jing.

What Yuanjing is not afraid of the most is this kind of close combat.

In the end, the two of them rolled into a ball on the wooden floor of the gymnasium.

To be honest, although I knew Artoria's strength was great during the sword competition before, Yuan Jing was still slightly surprised when he really joined hands.

In the previous sword fight, Artoria did not use her full strength.

It's not because of her self-indulgence, or any contempt for Yuanjing, it's just because of one reason——

That is, the bamboo sword cannot bear all her strength at all.

If she swung the sword with all her strength, probably with just one blow, the nylon rope binding the four pieces of bamboo would break, and everything it formed would fall apart in an instant.

For Artoria, things like bamboo swords, let alone weapons, are probably not even considered toys.

When fighting with such a thing in hand, one's hands and feet are naturally restrained, and it is impossible to use its greatest strength and its greatest advantages.

Compared with her swordsmanship, Altria has already mastered the art of unarmed combat, but it is undoubtedly her weakness.

The martial art of the Pandoragon family is a martial art that was born entirely for the battlefield. Although it is also involved in unarmed combat, its most prominent and proficient weapons are long swords and long spears.

But as the saying goes, one force will reduce ten meetings.

Although she is not skilled in skills, Arturia has great strength, fast speed, and breaks when she breaks, and she has an amazing sense of timing.

In addition to the fact that she had already seized the opportunity, Yuan Jing was unavoidably scratched by her at the very beginning.

That taste is not pleasant at all.

It was as if being pushed by a galloping rhinoceros with a single horn. If it wasn't for Yuan Jing, who is a master of martial arts, who knows how to relieve force, his throat would have been sweetened and he would have spurted blood.

But after becoming familiar with its strength, speed, and habits of moves, it can almost be regarded as the source of the encyclopedia of contemporary martial arts, and naturally found a way to crack it.

It is—

joint skills.

The composition of the human body is actually an extremely delicate machine. Muscle contraction is the source of its force, but to really exert its strength, the leverage of the bones and the bearing of the joints are naturally indispensable.

These three are actually indispensable.

Yuanjing is neither a poisonous snake nor an electric eel, so there is no way to paralyze Artoria's muscles by secreting venom or crackling electric discharge.

After all, it was a competition between the two, and it was not a life-and-death struggle. It would be unreasonable for Artoria to break a few bones here.

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