If this is the case, then the most suitable place to start is naturally the joints.

In fact, joint skills have appeared in various schools of martial arts. In China, it is generally called capture, while in foreign countries it is called jujitsu.

However, even if the name changes, its core purpose will not change. That is to use various methods to cause abnormal distortion and deformation of human joints, causing severe pain and loss of resistance to the opponent, thereby forcing them to surrender. throw in the towel.

Artoria's willpower is extremely amazing, coupled with her physical fitness that is almost like a small tyrannosaurus, Yuanjing naturally did not intend to subdue her all at once.

When a fisherman is fighting with a big fish he has caught, he also has to gradually wear down the strength of the fish by taking in and letting go, so that he can catch it in one fell swoop only after he is exhausted.

And when the four real concubines arrived, Yuan Jing was locking Artoria's shoulder joints and knee joints, such an action naturally looked extremely indecent.

Although this scene was exposed in front of Concubine Shijo, and she had obviously misunderstood something, neither Artoria nor Yuanjing showed any signs of panic.

Neither of them was a sneaky person, and they hadn't done anything shady, so they were naturally open-minded.

However, this discussion should almost come to an end.

The original purpose of the two was not to compete, but to free Artoria from the sentimental atmosphere. From the current point of view, this purpose has obviously been achieved.

In fact, when the four real concubines came, whether it was Yuanjing or Artoria, they were all really popular. If it continues like this...

Then not only can't eat lunch for the two of them, but if they want to tidy up the dojo, they will naturally have to waste a lot of effort, and maybe it will delay the afternoon class.

Yuan Jing himself just came out of the turmoil of the cultural festival, and Artoria is currently the most influential figure in St. Eden Academy.

If there is any relationship between these two people, there will definitely be related gossip.

Although Yuanjing also has a way to suppress it, but it is a bit troublesome.

The arrival of Concubine Sijo also calmed the two of them down again.

After passing a glance to each other, Arturia and Yuan Jing separated their entangled hands and feet.

One of the two went to gather the scattered bamboo swords on the ground, and prepared to put them back into the cabinet for storing them; the other went to get them before the sparring, and put them in the dojo to prevent accidental injuries. There are two lunch boxes, one large and one small, in one corner.

Only then did Concubine Shijo notice the bamboo swords scattered in the dojo.

Because the scene of the two entangled together shocked her too much, she didn't notice this kind of thing directly.

'The dull thunder-like sound before, was it the sound produced when the bamboo swords collided with each other? ’ While thinking this way in her heart, Concubine Sijo naturally also saw the bamboo sword that was destroyed by the two 'joint forces', and of course the tip of the scattered bamboo sword.

Just when she was a little curious and wanted to step forward to see clearly——

"Student Sitiao, shoes." Yuan Jing, who was packing up the bamboo sword, reminded him suddenly.

"Oh." Shijo Zhenfei subconsciously replied so obediently.

Immediately after he realized it, he gave Yuanjing a slight look—'No, isn't that right, isn't he angry with him?Wouldn't it be a little embarrassing if you just do it obediently? '

'However, it's a rule to take off your shoes when you walk on the dojo floor...'

After a little hesitation, Concubine Sijo finally bowed down and took off her indoor shoes.

The slender feet wrapped in white silk also stepped on the wooden floor of the dojo.

'I'm not listening to this guy, I just don't want to stain the floor that someone else has worked so hard to clean. Convincing herself in this way in her heart, Concubine Shijo walked to the pile of bamboo swords messed up by Artoria quite honestly, and helped to pack the bamboo swords.

When passing by the sword head, she bent down to pick it up, and then stroked the fracture on it with some surprise.

She has also learned a little bit of kendo, so she is no stranger to bamboo swords.

Although it is made of bamboo, the bamboo sword has excellent elasticity and will not break easily at all.

Looking at the uneven fracture, it seems that it was constantly torn left and right by Juli, and then tore it off.

She couldn't help looking at Artoria, who was walking towards the two of them with a bento box in one hand.

Concubine Shijo had already known about Yuanjing's skills.

However, this blond, blue-eyed, petite and cute-looking British exchange student is also a hidden master?

"You two, were you competing just now?" The real concubine Shijo didn't know why, but she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, after seeing the entangled figures of the two, besides being shy, her first reaction was extremely strong anger.

You have already established a relationship with Kaguya and lived together, and you have a girl as good as Yukino who is in love with you, but you are ambiguous with other girls in private.

Yuanjing, you let me down so much!

At that time, the four real concubines had almost the same idea.

However, the candid performance of the two afterwards, the scattered bamboo swords on the floor, and of course the sword head in her hand, all told her that the truth was not what she thought.

This is also the most direct reason why she can keep calm.

"Of course." Although Arturia and Shijo Zhenfei met at the welcome meeting held by Shijo's house, they are not familiar with each other. In addition, they need to maintain a cold image, so the task of contacting her is natural. It is undertaken by Yuanjing.

"Otherwise?" Yuan Jing asked a little strangely, "What does Sitiao think we are doing?"

Concubine Sijo was a little dumbfounded, her fair face was burning like fire for a moment, and she was suddenly stopped by Yuanjing.

What are the two doing?

In that case, how could a lady like her have the nerve to say it?

"I thought..." After slurring something that even she didn't quite know what it was, she bent down and continued to pick up the bamboo sword.

Seeing such four true concubines, Yuan Jing couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling.

To be honest, for a young lady with an arrogant personality like Concubine Shijo, the various reactions she teased are the most interesting.

But Yuanjing is not some kind of devil after all, so naturally he won't take pleasure in it.

After seeing her blushing and silent, he didn't say anything to pursue the victory, but continued to pack up the bamboo sword with her.

As for the broken one, he will send a message to Ningguang to explain it, and then replace it with a brand new bamboo sword.

Yuan Jing is a person with extremely convenient hands and feet, and with the help of the four concubines, the scattered bamboo swords returned to the cabinet in a short while.

At this time, Arturia also took the bento again.

She herself is a person with a huge appetite, and after going through the "exercise" with Yuanjing at noon, when all the knots in her heart are gone, she is naturally hungry.

However, she didn't open her bento so self-sufficiently and munched on it, but after Sijo Zhenfei and Yuanjing had packed everything up, she came to Yuanjing's side and took his Handed him the bento.

After that, she sat next to Yuan Jing and started to untie her huge lunch box.

Although every move is very demure.

But those little feet that were swinging happily on the floor fully exposed Artoria's mood at this time.

Obviously, she was just pretending in front of Concubine Shijo, if it was only her and Yuan Jing, Artoria would behave more freely.

Sitting on the ground like this, Yuanjing opened his lunch box.

However, he didn't start eating directly, but first used the toothpick in the bento box to pick up a piece of fried shrimp, and then handed it to the four real concubines beside him.

"This is my hush money." Yuan Jing's tone was quite sincere, "I wonder if classmate Sitiao can take this prawn's face into consideration and not tell others what he saw at noon today?"

"...That depends on whether your fried shrimp can satisfy me." Shijo Zhenfei responded with some pride.

Although the misunderstanding at noon had been resolved, she still felt a little depressed about Yuan Jing's unceremonious rejection of her family's invitation letter.

Of course she will keep a secret for the two of them, but well, if Yuanjing's fried shrimp doesn't satisfy her...

Then she just, just, just...

The train of thought of the four real concubines was a little stuck.

She wanted to say that she would eat up Yuanjing's lunch, but firstly, she felt that such a punishment was too heavy, and secondly, she had already eaten her own lunch, so she really couldn't eat a second portion.

She wanted to have other bad intentions and do some other pranks, but she was not very willing.

To be honest, Yuanjing itself does not have the obligation to agree to the invitation of the Sitiao family. The real concubine Sitiao is just a little angry that he speaks too bluntly and hurts face. Can't do it.

In the end, Shitiao Zhenfei, who didn't figure out why, opened her mouth angrily (she was angry with herself) and bit off a piece of fried shrimp, and then opened her eyes wide-

"Good time."

Because of something in her mouth, Shitiao Zhenfei's words were slightly ambiguous, but the basic meaning was expressed very clearly.

As the eldest lady of the Sitiao family, she grew up, what delicacies from mountains and seas has she never eaten?But these are not as good as the fried shrimp that Yuanjing handed her.

"How? Can you still catch the eyes of Miss Sitiao?"

"...just barely."

Although she said so, the expression of Shijo Zhenfei suddenly relaxed and became a little soft.

Wait a minute, Concubine Zhen, you mustn't fall for Yuanjing's sugar-coated bullets!

Didn't you already decide that when you see him, you should ask him clearly?

Don't forget your teeth!

Concubine Shijo patted her cheek with her palm to wake herself up.

Immediately, with a somewhat serious expression, she asked Yuan Jing——

"Gen-kun, you declined the party invitation from Shijo's house, right?"

"I don't know, can you tell me the reason?"

Chapter 67 I have acted all my life, why do I need to explain it to others?

Why did you reject the invitation letter from the Sijo family?

After hearing the inquiry from Concubine Sijo, Yuan Jing blinked slightly, but did not answer her question directly, but asked instead, "Has Sijo classmate ever had such an experience?"

"In the class, a classmate who is familiar but not familiar with you suddenly talks to you, asking if you have time after school, and if so, do you want to hang out together?"

"Faced with such an invitation, would Sitiao generally agree to it?"

The Four True Consorts opened their mouths, but did not utter a single word.

The scene constructed by Yuanjing's question is actually a highly repetitive part of her life in the past 18 years.

In Sakurajima's school, there is a clear class distinction.

This is no different from other societies.

Whether it's family, appearance or personal ability, Shijo Zhenfei can be said to be one of the few people who stand at the top, so although she has no intention of doing so, other people naturally rank her at the top of the school class.

What followed was naturally a lot of people who wanted to 'befriend' her.

And for these invitations, among Shijo Zhenfei's answers, the proportion of [No] is overwhelmingly high.

Oh, the real concubine Sijo understood what Yuanjing meant.

When faced with these invitations, even if she doesn't have much dislike for the person who sent the invitation, she may have a good impression on the contrary, but generally speaking, she will still refuse directly.

Because once you agree, it's easy to be endless afterwards.

Humans are creatures who draw courage from the success of others.

'Since she is successful, why can't I? '—It is extremely normal to have such thoughts.

After one [Yes], countless [No]s are needed to bring the situation back to the way it was before.

If this is the case, don't say [Yes] from the beginning.

"So it turns out that the reason why Mr. Yuan refused the invitation sent by our family is not because he is not interested in this party, but because he doesn't want to start it." Shitiao Zhenfei said thoughtfully.

"Once you attend the party, you will naturally need to report your name. In this case, Gen-kun will be the spokesperson of the Gen family in the Tokyo area and come into the sight of other families."

"By that time, countless party invitations will come pouring in, which will disturb Yuan-jun too much, right?"

The party is a very common channel for the upper class of Sakurajima to exchange information, connect feelings, and expand contacts.

For the Kanto family, being able to establish a relationship with the Yuan family is an excellent opportunity, which was something that the original Shinomiya family attached great importance to.

Originally, they could only think about it, after all, they couldn't find any way out.

But if Yuan Jing surfaced as the source of the source family, then this group of people would naturally flock to him.

In fact, it was precisely this that was considered, so Yuan Jing was an extremely important member of the Yuan family. Although she told her parents about it, she did not reveal a single word to others.

But this party is too important.

This is an extremely important part of the Shijo family's convening for the next generation of their own heirs to declare their existence and officially enter the upper class society of Sakurajima.

If possible, she still hopes that Yuanjing can attend...

"If Mr. Yuan is worried about this, the Sijo family can..." However, before the real concubine Sijo finished speaking, Yuanjing showed a somewhat dumbfounding expression and interrupted her words.

"No, what do you know?" He said rather speechlessly.

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