After a while, thinking that the students in the class would no longer think that she and Yuan Jing were on the same side, Artoria followed quietly.

The goal of the two is one of the most proud buildings of St. Eden Academy, which is——

Society building.


"Here is it?" Under Yuan Jing's guidance, the two stopped outside a certain room of the club building.

Here is the destination of the two.

Rather, it should be said to be one of the destinations.

"This is the spare classroom of the biology club." Yuan Jing took out a key from his pocket while saying so.Obviously, this is what he took out of the table hole.

Inserting the key into the keyhole of the classroom door, Yuanjing continued, "Because of a certain matter, I had some contacts with the Biological Society, and I helped them a little, so I was able to obtain the right to borrow this thing. "

Although Yuanjing said it was a "little favor", the people from the Biological Society obviously didn't think so.

I don’t know if you still remember the seven clubs that went to Lilicia Tododo from the News Department to find a solution on the eve of the cultural festival because of the possible abolishment crisis?

To this end, Fujido Lilicia also published a special news about the "Seven Mysteries of St. Eden Academy", aiming to attract traffic for it.

But after this trick was seen through by Yuan Jing, he did not ignore the life and death of these clubs, but chose to combine the haunted house project of Class A of Senior One with the seven clubs involved in the "seven incredibles" to become A very large plan.

In the original biology club, there was only one not-so-big room. In fact, there was no spare classroom for storing various items.

But because of its outstanding performance at the cultural festival, the association not only earned enough funds to continue to support it, but the application for the spare classroom that had been rejected before was also approved at once.

After experiencing such a thing, Biological Society not only has no resentment towards Yuanjing, but is also full of gratitude.

When Yuanjing contacted the president of the Biology Club, the bespectacled second-year senior readily handed him the key to the spare classroom.

The door of the spare classroom was opened with a "click", and after Yuanjing's hand groped the wall beside the door for a while, the incandescent lamp on the roof suddenly lit up, and it would appear extremely dark due to the thick curtains Dim interior lighting.

"!!!" Artoria's emerald green eyes widened suddenly, and her small mouth opened slightly, showing a little shock.

She saw the 'dragon'.

No, it should say yes, it should be 'Dragon Skeleton Model'.

The Biological Club of St. Eden Academy is not a group formed for biological competitions or the like. Its members are all people who really love and like all kinds of creatures.

In fact, most of the funds it obtained from the student union, and of course the profits from the cultural festival, were spent on various biological models.

But obviously, because there is no way to win the award, as a "little transparent" in the eyes of the student union, the funds that the Biological Society can obtain are naturally pitifully small.

The ever-increasing spiritual needs of the members to "buy, buy, buy" naturally created more and more acute conflicts with their insufficient funds and budgets, and in the end, the method they chose was——

Do it yourself.

Instead of buying finished products made by merchants, buy raw materials and let the people in the community make the models they want.

This is the approach that the Biological Society came up with.

In addition to greatly saving costs, this also opened up a way of "selling models" for them to subsidize funds, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

And placed in this spare classroom are almost all the finished models of the Biological Society.

Among them, there is an extremely complete bone model of [Western Dragon].

The exhibition project of Biological Society in the cultural festival is "Phantom Beast Skeleton Exhibition".

In addition to western dragons, they also made skeletal models of phoenixes, unicorns, centaurs, and other creatures that exist in fantasy worlds.

Among these models, because [Western Dragon] is the most famous, they naturally put the most effort into it.

This skeletal model is the brainstorming of the staff of the whole biological society. By analyzing various legends of Western dragons, extracting relevant information from them, and mixing contemporary biological knowledge, of course there is a little fantasy and [I think here should be This is what it looks like], the crystallization of wisdom and hard work that eventually formed.

Although it's just a skeleton, you can still feel the courage of that great creature.

"Is this the [Dragon] Yuan-jun wants me to see?" Although there are models of other creatures beside her, Artoria can only see this "evil dragon" who is looking up. dragon'.

Carefully avoiding other models on the ground, Artoria came to this 'dragon' that was about two-thirds of her height, and then looked at this majestic skeleton with curious eyes.

The murals in the family show the 'outside of the dragon', but the one in front of me is the 'inside of the dragon'.

However, after the initial surprise, Arturia couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Although the skeleton model of this western dragon is quite well done, it was only made by a group of high school students after all, and because of material and funding reasons, it was not made very huge.

This is indeed a dragon, but if Yuan Jing wants her to see only this kind of thing...

"Of course not." Yuan Jing also walked in front of the model.

He bent down and placed both hands on the base of the skeleton model.

"Didn't I say it? I want to meet three people with you, and the model is not considered a person." Yuan Jing lifted the whole model with a little effort.

This one-meter-high model was as light as nothing in his hands.

"I'm just here to move this thing."

After raising it high to prevent it from colliding with other models, Yuanjing signaled Artoria to follow him.

"Let's go, let's meet two people next."


The destination of the two this time was a somewhat special studio in the club building.

When they walked here under the guidance of Yuan Jing, Artoria noticed that on the door of the studio, there was a sign [Exclusively for Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Spencer Eriri].

'Sawamura, Spencer, Eri...' After seeing this name, Artoria couldn't help but slightly 'thumped' in her heart, and suddenly she had mixed feelings.

Although she has seen photos of this 'family member', she has never really met him in real life.

She was deliberately avoiding such a meeting.


Arturia felt ashamed.

In fact, she knew that no matter whether she existed or not, the fate of Sawamura Spencer Eriri would not change much.

It is impossible for the Spencer family to let their blood stay abroad, and they will definitely find a way to bring it back to the country.

My own existence, on the contrary, can make the Spencer family pay more attention to Ying Lili.If her mother Sayuri Sawamura behaves well (referring to keeping secrets and taking good care of Artoria), then there may be a possibility of mother and daughter reunion.

But in any case, it is an indisputable fact that he will occupy the identity of Sawamura Spencer Eriri.

And because of her own existence, after arriving in England, Ying Lili also had to abandon her original name and live with another identity until——

She died of old age on this strange island country.

How long will this take?several years?Over ten years?decades?Or... hundreds of years?

Arturia herself didn't know.

But she still has a certain understanding of how difficult Eriri's future life will be. Because of this, she will try her best to avoid meeting this Sawamura Spencer Eriri.

But now it seems that hiding is impossible.

Arturia glanced at Yuan Jing who was holding the skeleton model, his expression was as usual, his handsome face was still peaceful.

This should just be a coincidence... right?

However, whether it is a coincidence or not, I should not avoid it.

Before Yuanjing could speak, Artoria, who had already made up her mind about it, walked forward and knocked on the door of the studio.

"Who? No visitors here."

A girl's voice as crisp as an oriole came from the room, but there was a bit of resentment and impatience in her voice that was disturbed.

"It's me." Yuan Jing said as he also walked to the door of the studio.

"Yuan Jun?!" Obviously recognized the identity of the speaker, the resentment and impatience in the other party's words were instantly swept away, replaced by full of surprise and untraceable joy.

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, the door of the studio opened suddenly, and a girl with blond hair and double ponytails appeared in front of Yuanjing and Artoria.

However, the first thing that Eiri Sawamura saw was Artoria who was closer to her and stood in front of the studio.

It seemed that she was a little surprised by Artoria's beauty, and of course it might be because the scene in front of her was a bit unexpected, and Eiri Sawamura was stunned for a moment.

But soon, she came to her senses, subconsciously glanced at Yuan Jing behind Arturia, and after confirming that she had heard correctly, she said to Artoria with this smile on her face—

"Who are you?"

"My name is Lily Spencer, and I'm an exchange student from England." Facing Ying Lili's somewhat puzzled expression, Arturia introduced herself like this.

This is the beginning of Arturia Pendaragon and Sawamura Spencer Eriri, two girls who had nothing to do with each other at first, but by coincidence, their fates are closely intertwined and inseparable. See.

'Lily Spencer? 'After hearing [Spencer]'s name, Sawamura Eriri's blue eyes flashed a hint of alertness.

Obviously, with her, the reputation of the Spencer family can be said to be so negative that it can no longer be negative.

But before she and Arturia continued to speak a few words, a small head with amber hair protruded from behind her.

Her gaze flicked across Artoria's face, and after staying on it for a short while, she was sucked away by something.

That is what Yuanjing is holding, the skeleton model of Western Dragon.

"Zhenbai," Yuan Jing looked at the other party's extremely eager eyes, and couldn't help but chuckled, "I'm here to give you auxiliary items."

Chapter 69 'A Little Bit' Side Effects and 'Self-Portrait'

"Well, I think the posture of the red dragon in the painting should look like this?"

"No, Yuan-jun, its neck is lower, but its head is raised higher, like this..."

As a culmination of the wisdom and hard work of the students in the Biology Society, the skeleton model of this western dragon is not fixed to death, but can only maintain one posture.

They have movable organs on several of their main joints. If they are kept in the [closed] state, this joint will be fixed so that it cannot move.

But if it is maintained in the [ON] state, it can move the joints.

In this way, the posture of the entire Western Dragon skeleton model can be changed.

Looking up, flapping your wings to fly, roaring loudly, walking leisurely...

Getting the model to pose in these poses isn't particularly difficult, as long as you play with it carefully.

And now, in the exclusive studio of Eiri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina, Yuan Jing and Artoria are carefully changing the joint state of the skeleton model of the western dragon so that it can be closer to Artor In the stick figure drawn by Liya, the pose of the roaring red dragon.

Yesterday, Yuan Jing gave Shiina Mashiro a commission, hoping that she could restore it to its original appearance based on the scribbled sketch drawn by Arturia. In return, he would intervene in Ze The incident at the village family gave her an ending that would satisfy her, Ying Lili and the others.

In his opinion, both he and Shiina Mashiro have contributed, so it is naturally considered a transaction; however, in the eyes of Shiina Mashiro, a painting idiot, this is not the case at all.

Well, although there is such a difference in cognition, at least for now, it will not have any special impact on the current situation, so let's press it for now.

However, although it is said that she has entrusted Shiina Mashiro with the full authority to restore the mural, it does not mean that Yuan Jing will just wait for the result of her efforts and do nothing.

Artoria's painting skills, no matter how much she compliments her, are still far from the level of 'good', at most she can only reach the level of 'readable'.

It is extremely difficult for Shiina Mashiro, a genius among geniuses, to reproduce the prototype of the mural painting more than 1500 years ago based on her stick figure.

Just like what he said before, the skeleton model of the Western Dragon from the Biological Society is a prop he specially found to assist Shiina Mashiro in painting.

To be precise, it should be one of the props.

However, apart from this, Yuanjing also has other purposes, that is——

He wanted to see Artoria's reaction when she met Sawamura Eriri.

Because of the secret efforts of the Hayasaka Love News Network, although it has only been less than three days, the information on the ten exchange students from England has actually been quite detailed.

After taking a general look, Yuan Jing discovered that most of the people were actually not too ignorant of the plans of the Spencer family, and they basically came to the Far Eastern island country to enjoy some exotic customs.

Among them, the only ones who really know the inside information are Lily Spencer herself, Tei Shijo, and Rita Eindsworth who has already lived in Sawamura's house.

However, it can't be said that the intelligence collection work for these other exchange students was completely fruitless.

After all, these people came from England, and their understanding of Great Britain and the Spencer family naturally couldn't be as dark as Yuanjing's.

Through these people, Yuan Jing learned some rather interesting information.

For example, the unbelievably strange attraction of 'Lily Spencer' on the land of England, and the group around it who arbitrarily named themselves [Lily Spencer's entourage].

Of course, the most valuable information among them is naturally the news that not long ago, in order to prove their genealogy, the Spencer family spent a lot of money to form a relevant scientific research team and carried out excavation operations on its original fief.

Although according to these exchange students, after that, due to a sudden accident, the entire scientific research team was wiped out. After that, the Spencer family also died down, and there was nothing to say.

However, the date of this event is just before the emergence of 'Lily Spencer' as the adopted daughter of the Spencer family, so the truth is quite interesting.

In addition, at noon, Chika Fujiwara told him after the kendo get out of class that "Lily has a lot of red scars on her body, which seem to be left after burns"...

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