The truth of the whole incident has gradually become clear in Yuanjing's mind.

As long as a few more points are clarified, then all the intentions and practices of the Spencer family will no longer be secrets in the eyes of Yuanjing.

And the most important point is what kind of status the Sawamura mother and daughter have in the eyes of the Spencer family...

Arturia, who was the center of plans and conspiracies, definitely knew this.

"To be honest, although I told you in class, 'It would be great if it could fully show its original appearance'," after slowly correcting the pose of the keel model with Yuan Jing, making it more in line with my memory When he was in the middle of the scene, Artoria suddenly chuckled and said, "I didn't expect Yuan Jun to actually find someone to do such a thing directly."

That's right, the restoration of the murals was actually approved by Arturia.

No, it should be said that she herself wanted to achieve the goal.

When the note was passed on, it seemed that she didn't want Yuan Jing to underestimate the core of her family's martial arts. After handing over the "stick figure" that she tried her best to draw carefully to Yuan Jing, Artoria herself was a little flustered A lot of patches were made in a panic.

For example, he said that the things he painted were not even one ten thousandth of the original style, or that if Mr. Yuan saw the original work, he would definitely be amazed.

[It would be great if it could show its original appearance completely] This sentence is Artoria's deep feeling from the heart.

She definitely has real feelings for this mural that she has seen since she was a child.After learning that it had been buried in the dust of history, what came to Artoria's heart was extremely strong sadness.

When she wrote this sentence on the note, she didn't have any hope in her heart, she just sent it out of pure feeling.

But what she didn't expect was that Yuan Jing remembered it in his heart all at once, and started to do such a thing so soon.

"Not only that," Arturia's eyes turned slightly in the studio, and the countless "failed works" that had been piled up in the corner, as well as the keel model that was staring intently at the two of them, seemed Shiina Mashiro, who wanted to imprint it firmly in his heart, took a look.

'It seems that the chance of success is not small at all. It should be said that in St. Eden Academy, is it really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger? '

Arturia thought so.

"I'm also interested in the original, and I want to see what kind of charm the original will have." While slowly correcting the posture of the keel model according to Artoria's words and the original copy, Yuan Jing He said very frankly, "Also, I'm also very interested in the method Lily used to hone himself."

"Oh," Arturia heard, her elf-like beautiful face did not show any anger, "You are for me Pan...I mean I happened to be in the family Are you interested in the secret method found in the classics?"

'It was so dangerous, I almost said the name [Pandaragon]. '

Arturia stuck out her tongue slightly in her heart.

'Mr. Yuan is very smart, if this surname appears here, he will definitely be suspicious. '

She still doesn't know that most of her secrets have already been discovered by Yuan Jing.

It's not that Artoria is not smart enough to cover things up, it's just that Yuan Jing, as someone who knows the truth of this world, has almost locked on her and [Artoria· Pandoragon], that is, the fact that [King Arthur] has a very close relationship.

The difference in difficulty between "I don't know the answer at all, and I can only push it forward based on the clues at hand" and "I know the general appearance of the correct answer, and I can use both forward and backward pushes" is of course not the same.

As a 'born to know', Yuanjing already has an unshakable advantage over information.

"Well, that's right." Yuanjing admitted Artoria's words openly, and there was nothing to hide, "I have already encountered a bottleneck in martial arts, so naturally I want to go further .”

"However, if you don't agree, Lily..."

"No, no, no, I didn't say that I disagreed." Before Yuan Jing could finish speaking, Arturia immediately vetoed it.

Now that all the clan members have passed away, and she herself has no idea of ​​giving birth to an heir, it can be said that the Pandoragon family has existed in name only.

Now is not the time to be self-absorbed.

Although this mural was quite precious in her era, even she did not have the power to pass it on to foreigners, but now that technology is rising and personal force is gradually declining, its preciousness has long been greatly reduced.

Rather than dying with such a memory, it is a better choice to reproduce it and pass it on to a talented person like Yuanjing.

From an oriental point of view, this seems to be called... keep a little, um, incense?It should be the word, right?

In order to live in this extreme eastern place, Artoria has actually studied oriental culture and read related books in her spare time.

Before, when she defeated the group of bullying groups that came to her door, she had left the handwriting of "the beater, Lily Spencer is also" on the scene.

This is what she learned from the deeds of a certain second brother surnamed Wu.

"When encountering a bottleneck, it is actually quite normal to try to see if we can break through it by 'learning from others'. I support this." Regarding the bottleneck encountered by Yuanjing, Artoria Naturally, I know a thing or two, so naturally I am quite enthusiastic.

In her opinion, it is a very exciting and great thing to be able to have a "Wu Sheng" level figure in this era when "Wu" has declined.

"However, if you want to learn my secret technique, then I have the obligation to inform you of a certain 'side effect' of this technique." Artoria whispered to Yuanjing, biting her ear.

What she said before, she didn't think anyone could get a glimpse of the door with her crude painting, so she didn't mention it.

The situation now is, of course, very different.

"'Side effects'?" Yuanjing's hands didn't stop, but obviously, he was quite curious about what Artoria said, "What is that?"

"Well, how should I put it..." The two willow eyebrows were intertwined, and Arturia was obviously considering the words, "It's actually a bit inappropriate to say it's a 'side effect'."

"About the principle of my secret technique, Mr. Yuan, you should have a general understanding."

The so-called "Pandoragon" family's core secret skill is nothing more than "I am a dragon", that is, a warrior who does not think that he is a human body, but has the blood of a red dragon flowing in his veins.

Through the idea of ​​believing in this, you can truly detach yourself from yourself.

Artoria stretched out a slender white finger, and tapped her head lightly, "Because I need to get closer to the dragon at the level of thinking, there may be a slight change here... ..."

"You mean, a big change in temperament?" Yuan Jing frowned.

If there were such side effects, he would not practice such things.

"No, no, no, this won't have any effect on the character." Artoria waved her hands hastily, but then she said a little embarrassedly, "It just magnifies people's desires and makes people more loyal to you." Just myself."

"Look. Can't I just have a little bit to eat?" She stretched out her right index finger and thumb, with a little space between them, "That's all the 'side effects'."

Yuan Jing heard that, turned his head and gave Artoria a strange look.

He thought of the big three-layer bento box that the other party had during lunch break, and couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

Is this the so-called 'a little bit'?It's 'billion points', right?

However, if it's just such a side effect, it's acceptable...

During the conversation between the two, the posture of the entire keel model has been adjusted by the two.

After locking the joints again and keeping them in this position, the two stood up, fully exposing the adjusted model to Shiina Mashiro's vision.

"The next step, should we just wait for this classmate Shiina's painting to be completed?" Artoria looked at Mashiro Shiina with interest, "This is the 【Dragon】 that Yuan-kun wanted me to see. ?"



After slightly dragging the tone, Yuan Jing denied it so lightly.

"I've said it before. If you want to see a real dragon, whether it's a model or a painting, it's just a preparation."

"However, since idleness is idleness, then during this period of time, it is better to find something to do."

Yuan Jing looked at Artoria, then turned to look at Sawamura Eriri.

"Sawamura-san, this Lily-student is an exchange student from England, and will be leaving here to return to China in two weeks."

"In this case, can I ask you to help me draw a portrait of her?"

Chapter 70 I have a friend.jpg

Just when Yuanjing and Artoria came to the studio of Yinglili and Zhenbai, a conversation was also taking place in the teaching building of St. Eden Academy.

"Want to join the soccer club?" The man who spoke was a hulking, muscular young man who hardly looked like a high school student. He was the head of the soccer club at St. Eden Academy, and his name was Yusuke Aoyama.

Sakurajima's most popular sport is naturally baseball, but football can still be ranked second.

Because of this, as one of the largest, most popular, and most attractive clubs in St. Eden Academy, there has always been an endless stream of people applying to join the football club.

Generally speaking, as a minister, Yusuke Aoyama doesn't care about this kind of job of recruiting new people.As a minister, he is actually very busy, and there are actually quite a lot of people who apply to join the ministry. If he handles all of them, he won't have to train every day.

For this kind of person who directly approached him and wanted to join the football club, Aoyama Yusuke would basically ask him to go to the person in the football club who specializes in managing this kind of affairs, the so-called manager of the football club.

However, that's just how you deal with ordinary people.

And the boy who stopped him in front of him is not a shallow person who lacks interest in football and joins clubs just to get the right to choose a spouse. Instead, he has already obtained a permanent seat in the English high school football league and started A person who shows his head.

At the beginning of "Slam Dunk", didn't Akagi Takenori treat them differently when facing Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi Hanamichi's application for joining the team?

This is human nature, and there is nothing to criticize.

"Of course." When hearing the other party's application, Aoyama Yusuke first agreed without thinking, but then he seemed to remember something, and continued with some doubts, "Although I am very happy that you joined The intention of our football club, but I remember, don’t you, Sijo, go to school in England?”

"Looking at what it looks like now, are you ready to go back to China?"

The Sitiao classmate he was talking about was also the one who stopped him after school in the afternoon. Naturally, he was an exchange student from England and also Emperor Sitiao, who was also the number one heir of the Sitiao family.

Oh, it should be a former exchange student now, after all, his father has decided to let him go to school in Sakurajima, and will never return to England.

Coincidentally, when the exchange period ends, it is almost the end of this semester.In January of the new year, which is the beginning of the next semester, Emperor Sijo will enroll as a freshman, enter the class where his sister Zhenfei Sijo is, and become classmates with her.

"Well, of course." Sijodi replied in a very calm tone, his face was not even a bit unwilling, but calm, "Sakurajima people are still in a foreign country, there are still many inconveniences, I have had enough That group of Brits who have one thing on the outside and another on the back.”

"In fact, I didn't want to stay there for a long time. I just took advantage of this opportunity to return to China, so I simply didn't go back."

This is a lie.

However, Aoyama Yusuke obviously couldn't recognize this.

He sighed rather regretfully, and said, "It's true to say so, but I really still feel a little pity."

"Didn't Sitiao just get a permanent seat in the English high school football league? This position is quite difficult to get."

"If it was me who gave up and returned to China so easily, I would definitely feel unwilling."

Although football is a popular sport in Sakurajima, compared with England, the birthplace of modern football, it is far inferior in terms of level, professionalism and domestic atmosphere.

If you really want to make achievements in football and leave your name in the history of world football, it is more appropriate to stay in England than to return to Sakurajima.

However, after all, Emperor Sijo is the next patriarch of the Sijo family who is almost certain. For him, the so-called football should be just a hobby and a means of spending excess energy and killing time, right?

That being the case, it is not difficult to understand the other party's current choice.

"Where to play football is not to play?" Compared to Aoyama Yusuke's regret, Shijo Tei was quite open-minded, "Also, Sakurajima's football is in a period of rapid growth, and after a few years, it may not be as good as England. "

In fact, Aoyama Yusuke regretted a little after he said those words before.Although he looks big and rough, he is actually a thoughtful person - isn't he the one who doesn't open the pot?

Even if it was Sijodi's own choice, after giving up that opportunity, he would definitely feel a little regretful in his heart.Aren't you poking his scar?

You have to ask what Emperor Si Tiao said, does he believe it?

That is of course unbelievable.

I guess even Sijodi himself doesn't believe it, right?

But it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, what matters is the fact that Si Tiao Di has found him a step down.Then he would naturally not be so blind, and continue to hold on to this point because of regret in his heart.

With a hearty smile on his face, Yusuke Aoyama said: "If that's the case, what are you waiting for? I just happen to be going to the club right now, so let's come together."

"I just took this opportunity to introduce our new king to other members..."

However, before he could spit out the second word "card", a slender and fair hand rested on Sijodi's shoulder.

"Sorry, I have to borrow God, so he may not have that time." His dark brown hair was tied into two small twin ponytails, and his dark purple eyes were full of seriousness.

Although compared with Sijo Tei and Aoyama Yusuke, the girl's figure is very petite, but the powerful aura emanating from her body suppressed the two men at once.

Especially Yusuke Aoyama who was facing her head-on, he couldn't even breathe freely for a moment.

This girl is a celebrity in St. Eden Academy, and Yusuke Aoyama naturally knew him, but when he opened his mouth to say something, he couldn't help hesitating.

The surnames of the two people in front of them are both Sitiao.If he adopts the title of 'Student Si Tiao', confusion will inevitably arise.

However, if he used the title of 'Student Zhenfei', he would be a little afraid.

Don't look at Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing in front of some cute and naive, but in the eyes of other students, especially those like Aoyama Yusuke who haven't met her a few times, Shijo Zhenfei has always been majestic and full of dignity. full look.

In Sakurajima, calling someone by their first name instead of their surname is an extremely intimate behavior, and it is almost only used between people with very good friendships.

Yusuke Aoyama didn't quite know how many people had such qualifications in the eyes of Concubine Shijo.

But he knew very well that he definitely did not have such qualifications.

And just when he was hesitating, after bowing his head politely to him, Shijo Zhenfei grabbed his younger brother's arm and dragged him away without hesitation.

Tei Shijo smiled apologetically at Yusuke Aoyama, but he did not resist his sister's pulling, but waved goodbye to the head of the football department directly.

"Since my sister has something to ask me, then I'll come back to bother you tomorrow."

"Ah, oh, yes, no problem."

Just like that, Yusuke Aoyama watched the pair of siblings go further and further away until they disappeared at the end of the corridor.


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