"Sister, isn't it impolite to just drag me away from Minister Qingshan?" Sijodi said with a wry smile.

The area of ​​St. Eden Academy is about [-] times that of ordinary middle schools, so it is natural to find a secluded place suitable for talking.

Especially now that school is over, it can't be easier to find a classroom that is empty.

After learning the lesson from last time and making sure that no one was following the two of them, Concubine Shijo closed the door of the classroom and turned to her younger brother.

"So what, if you don't be tough and cold, how can you interrupt the conversation between the two of you so easily and drag you out?"

"It's nothing more than being considered overbearing, and I don't care about such things."

The real concubine Sijo obviously doesn't care about such a false name.She is the kind of person who only cares about what she cares about, and who doesn't bother to care about people who can't get into her eyes.

"It's you." After casually revealing the previous incident, she stared at her twin brother, her deep purple eyes still full of seriousness.

"Are you really going to stay in Sakurajima like this and not go back to England?"

"...Why do you still talk about this kind of thing now? Isn't this something that has already been decided?" Facing his sister's scorching gaze, Emperor Sijo seemed to be afraid of being scalded, and put his original The eyes that looked at him quietly moved away.

"Father and mother, as well as other elders in the clan..."

"I'm not asking them." The real concubine Sijo interrupted Emperor Sijo very rudely, "Of course I know what they mean. I'm asking you standing in front of me."

"Emperor, are you going to give up just like that and go back to China?"

Although she and Di's parents love their two children very much, but because of the busy business and piles of family affairs, the time they spend with this pair of siblings is actually not that long.

Because of this, they don't have a deep understanding of how much the four emperors love football.

In their eyes, Tei Shijo's love for football should actually be similar to that of children's love for toys, right?The left and right are just a plaything.

However, Makoto Shijo, who is a twin sister, is quite clear that her stupid younger brother is really taking football as one of her careers.

The hard work and sweat he put in on football, the strategies he used to study in England and the guarantee he made to his parents that he would never delay his studies because of football, the look on his face when he was galloping on the field The happy smile, and the way she couldn't wait to share her joy after winning the high school football game...

All of this, although the four real concubines didn't say anything, they all saw it in their eyes.

But now, Emperor Sijo said that he would give up all his previous efforts and return to Sakurajima...

"Well, I completely agree with the opinions of my parents and elders, and I am going to start again in Sakurajima." Tei Sijo's tone was quite sincere, "Where is it not playing football? Although the experience of honing yourself in England is very good, but if you can play in the If Sakurajima leads the team to break out into a world, it will naturally be a pretty good experience."

"Sister, you don't have to worry about me in this regard."

"...That's it." Shijo Zhenfei glanced at her brother's hands, and after seeing the slightly raised little finger, although she sighed in her heart, she didn't say anything more, "Since you really think so If so, then of course I won’t say anything more.”

Although she knew that her brother was not as relieved as he seemed on the surface, but in her capacity, it was really hard for her to continue talking.

In her opinion, this is for the sake of her younger brother.

But if other people know about it, they might think that they have ideas about the position of the next Patriarch.

However, although she can't do such a thing, it doesn't mean that someone can't do it.

The figure of a young man with black hair and black eyes quietly appeared in the heart of Concubine Sitiao.

If it was him...

"Then, let's talk about the business." When thinking of him, Si Tiao Zhenfei coughed slightly, and after clearing her throat a little, she changed her previous vigorous and resolute manner, and said in a slightly hesitant manner.

"God, actually, I have a friend recently, and she seems to have encountered a little problem."

Sijodi blinked, and he was relieved from the serious atmosphere before.

"Sister's, a friend?" The friend you mentioned, isn't it...

"Why, can't it?" Si Tiao Zhen Fei gave her younger brother a fierce look.

Of course she knew that her cover-up just now was actually very clumsy.

But no matter how clumsy it is, concealment and non-disguise are still two concepts.

At least for her, as long as she has this cover, she can see it as something that didn't happen to her, and then say it smoothly.

And just after this explanation, Emperor Si Tiao also roughly figured out the current situation.

However, because of the art of Concubine Sijo's speech, he didn't think that his sister's actions were for his own sake, but that she simply wanted to have more contact with that boy named Yuanjing.

To be honest, he is a little hesitant now.

My elder sister is obviously getting deeper and deeper. At this time, should I just let her wake up and get out in time, or just help my elder sister so that her first love will blossom and bear fruit...

There is no way for him to make these two choices for his sister?

Huh, wait a minute...

"Sister, I remember you said that Shimizu-san is living with that Minamoto-san now, right?" Tei Shijo no longer used Kaguya, but adopted the title "Shimizu-san".

"Then, how about letting her contribute a little bit?"

"No, this is a matter of our Shijo family, how can we push all of it to Kaguya." Shijo Zhenfei shook her head, denying her brother's statement.

"Of course I don't push all of them to her, just ask her to help me a little bit." Emperor Sijo showed a hearty smile, "Aren't sister and her friends? If this is the case, it should be quite reasonable to go to a friend's house for a night. Do you want to ask? In this way, it wouldn’t be natural to have more opportunities to get in touch with that Yuan classmate, and naturally be able to persuade him better, wouldn’t it?”

"Great idea!" Shitiao Zhenfei opened her eyes wide and blurted out this sentence, "I thank you on behalf of my friend!"

"Where is it?" Emperor Si Tiao waved his hands, expressing that he did not dare to do so.

What he did was to make his sister give up.

He could know how boring it would be for a man and a woman living together in a private space like home, just thinking about it.

What's more, since they have already lived together, the possibility of having eaten the forbidden fruit can almost be said to be a certainty.

With her own sister's character, after discovering that Shimizu Kaguya had walked into Yuan Jing's room at night, the sprout of love that she didn't even notice would wither in an instant, right?

Of course, if my sister can withstand such a blow, it means that she has made up her mind.

That way, he'll help her in the relationship in turn.

Hmph, to think of such a plan, even I am a little afraid of myself.

Si Tiaodi thought in his heart with some pride.

Chapter 71 I, I am not such a shy girl!

"Huh...you want me to draw a portrait of her?" After hearing Yuan Jing's request, Sawamura Eriri, who was in some kind of fantasy before, seemed to suddenly come back to her senses.

She patted her fair cheeks, not only to wake herself up, but also to suppress the eye-catching blush.

After taking a few deep breaths slightly, Sawamura Eiri didn't know why, and looked at Artoria with a rather thankful look, and after a moment of hesitation, she sat down in front of her drawing board.

"What kind of portrait do you want? Oil painting? Watercolor? Or sketch?" Opening the toolbox beside her, Eri Sawamura began to ask about the requirements of the 'customer'.

When Yuan Jing and Arturia adjusted the movements of the keel model together, after placing the refreshments in the studio next to the two of them, she has been quietly serving as a background board.

Regarding the 'deal' between Yuanjing and Shiina Mashiro, she actually knew about it yesterday.

It is naturally impossible for Mashiro Shiina to hide such an important matter from Eriri Sawamura. Almost immediately after returning to class, she bit her ears with Eiri Sawamura and told her the good news.

As long as a picture can be restored, Yuanjing will protect Eriri Sawamura and Sayuri Sawamura and help their mother and daughter out of the predicament.

When you hear the news, if you want to ask Eri Sawamura if she is happy, then the answer is naturally yes.

The approaching Spencer's house was like a big mountain, overwhelming her and her mother. In this period of days when the future was completely invisible, the two of them even had a very strong smile in their smiles. shadow.

However, if Yuanjing helped, the situation would naturally be very different.

The Sawamura mother and daughter are one of the few people in Tokyo who know the real identity of Yuan Jing, so they naturally know that what the boy said is not a lie.

However, after being happy, Sawamura Eriri actually had a little regret in her heart.

And the source of this regret comes from a thought, that is - [I don't seem to have played any role at all].

It's like in a sports meeting held by the school, your class beats other classes and gets No.1 in total points, but you don't contribute at all to it, you're just a complete bastard.

This kind of slightly strange joy is the mood of Sawamura Eriri at this time.

However, although she felt a little awkward in her heart, Sawamura Eriri was not so hypocritical that she would feel that her dignity was hurt because of this, and then she did any irrational behavior.

In terms of painting, Shiina Mashiro is far above her.

If I use the analogy of a car race, although I have greatly surpassed my peers, I probably can't even see the real white taillights of the racing car.

If this is the case, it is extremely normal for the entrusted person to be Zhenbai, not himself.

Because of such a clear self-awareness, after Yuanjing and Artoria approached and learned their purpose, Sawamura Eriri tried her best to reduce her own sense of existence, just quietly watching from the sidelines, expressing Be quite knowledgeable.

In other words, the source of the picture entrusted to Shiina Mashiro by Minamoto is actually in the memory of this 'Lily Spencer'?

When she heard the news, she looked at Lily Spencer for a while.

For Sawamura Eriri, the surname [Spencer] is actually a complete point deduction item, even if the other party came with Yuan Jing and is his friend, but it just allows her to hold back Just drive her out of the studio.

There is no lack of hostility and vigilance that should be there, just like a wounded cub, grinning and sneering at it is the attitude that suits your personality.


There is no way to raise any hostility at all.

It's really unbelievable. Normally, just hearing the surname [Spencer] is enough to make her feel particularly bad, but after seeing Lily Spencer and knowing the other party's name, she felt Not only did his mood not drop instantly because of this, but unexpectedly picked up a lot.

There was something strange about Lily Spencer that wanted to keep her close.

In the eyes of Sawamura Eriri, this petite girl with blond hair and blue eyes seems to be surrounded by invisible light.

Even [Spencer], whose prestige on Yinglili's side has already been said to be infinitely negative, there is no way to cover it up.

Take now for example.

When she heard what Yuan Jing said, she hoped that she could draw a portrait of this Lily Spencer, she didn't even feel dissatisfied, but felt a little...


It seems that being able to do such a thing is a supreme honor to oneself.

What happened to me?

Sawamura Eriri was full of doubts.

For a moment, really only for a moment, Eri Sawamura even had doubts about her sexual orientation, thinking that the reason why she had such an abnormal reaction was because she fell in love with Lily Spencer at first sight, so she was greedy for her body came.

However, Eri Sawamura himself immediately denied this possibility.

If you want to ask her the reason why she is so sure...it might be a little bit embarrassing to say it.

Because she couldn't figure it out.

As we all know, for painters, 'being confident' is actually an extremely important skill.

After all, the source of this idiom is a "Master of Black Bamboo" surnamed Wen in the Northern Song Dynasty.

So, is Eri Sawamura a master of painting?

Of course it counts.

Why is the master of the book not a master of painting?Is the master such an inconvenience?

So since this is the case, Sawamura Eriri naturally also mastered this skill.

Every time when drawing a book, Sawamura Eriri will make a draft in his heart in advance, and on the most convenient drawing board of the mind, he will roughly go through the plot of the whole story, especially the most exciting ones image.

She belongs to the kind of painter with strong sensibility and high requirements for her own works.

If the picture she paints in her mind doesn't touch her, it certainly won't touch her readers either, so she doesn't acknowledge it and then embody it.

It is precisely because of this kind of seriousness and persistence in "just want to be astringent" that "Eri Kashiwagi" has become a golden signboard in the local circle.

Therefore, the moment she wavered about her sexual orientation, she began to conduct an extremely 'rigorous' certification in her heart, and the certification method was——

Brain supplement Lily book with herself and 'Lily Spencer' as the main characters.

And this result——

Naturally it was a failure.

She had no way of painting a complete picture of it in her mind.

After realizing this, Sawamura Eriri breathed a sigh of relief.

As a girl with a very normal sexual orientation, if she suddenly found that she fell in love with a woman of the same age at first sight, she really didn't know what to do.

Looking at it now, it's really lucky...

Wait a minute, is it because I haven't drawn a notebook for too long that my related skills are rusty?

Eri Sawamura suddenly thought of a somewhat scary possibility.

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