But as an intelligent AI that "deeply loves" its master, [Maid-chan] actually understood the meaning of Akasaka Ryunosuke by analyzing the master's tone and tone.

For such an intelligent AI, multithreading is actually a routine operation, and it does not only do one thing at a time like a real human being.

Obviously, this was just an excuse for her temporary disappearance.

"Master Boss Master, I was just joking just now. Don't be angry if you have a lot of adults." Before disappearing, [Maid Sauce] said this sentence to Yuanjing in a slightly lower voice.

Yuan Jing rubbed his chin, and looked at Ryunosuke Akasaka with great interest, "You can say such a polite thing, [Maid-chan] is more sophisticated than someone."

"Are you qualified to say such a thing?" Akasaka Ryunosuke rolled his eyes slightly. In this regard, the two of them are each other, right?

However, compared to himself who doesn't understand these things, this guy in front of him disdains it, or doesn't need it?

"I'm very busy, have you brought everything?" For Akasaka Ryunosuke, talking to Yuan Jing was actually quite satisfactory.

There is no need for that kind of empty-headed thing between the two of you, you just need to go straight.

"Of course." Mashiro Shiina behind her handed the painting she had just finished to Ryunosuke Akasaka, and Yuanjing lifted up the keel model with adjusted movements in his hand, allowing Ryunosuke Akasaka to have a deeper understanding of it impression.

"With these two things, a rough model should be able to be established, right? As for the final adjustments in details, I will ask this classmate 'Lily Spencer' to dictate."

When her name was mentioned, Artoria nodded slightly to Ryunosuke Akasaka.

As for the latter, "Shua La" took several steps back as if he saw some scourge.

Even Arturia, to be honest, couldn't help feeling a little hurt at this moment.

"Is it because of women again..."

Akasaka Ryunosuke mumbled softly, and sighed slightly from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that Yuan Jing was different from those men who only had yellow waste in their heads, and did not do certain things for the sake of beauty.

But this is the worst.

Because of having three older sisters, Akasaka Ryunosuke actually has a very deep understanding of the bad personalities of women.

"Guy like you, be careful not to be repped by a woman..." After all, he didn't say such words.


at the same time.

"Concubine Zhen, you want to come to my house to play?" Shimizu Kaguya opened his eyes wide, listening to the voice on the other end of the phone in great surprise. "After all, there are boys in my house."

"Is this a little, uh, inconvenient?"

Chapter 74 It's fair reciprocity!

"Hey, Concubine Zhen is going to Kaguya's house to play?" Fujiwara Chika couldn't hide her surprise when she turned her attention away from someone's handwritten notes.

"And you're going to go tonight, so suddenly?"

The place where this conversation took place was in the activity room of the Lamb Club, and the people who had the conversation were naturally two members, Shimizu Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika.

The activity time of the Lamb Club actually includes the lunch break and after school.

Still, after-school lamb meetings are generally a lot more lonely than the foursome's lunch break.

If there is no special event, or if it is specifically requested by other members of the Lamb Club, Yuan Jing will not stay in the school after school, so in a relatively long period of time, in the Lamb Club after school, generally only The state of three will remain.

After the St. Eden Academy Cultural Festival, instead of expanding its scale, it shrank to a situation where there were basically only Chika Fujiwara and Yukinoshita Yukino present.

Compared with a student of St. Eden Academy and a member of the Lamb Society, in Shimizu Kaguya's heart, the importance of the identity of [Genjing's 'subordinate'] is obviously overwhelming.

Because Yuan Jing hardly participated in the Lamb Club after school, it was very natural that Kaguya, who made supporting him the highest priority, would choose to be absent with him.

In fact, today should be Shimizu Kaguya's first time attending the after-school lamb meeting after the cultural festival. The reason is that a certain teenager has something to stay in St. Eden Academy, and she wants to wait for him to finish the matter. go home with him.

It may be because the time is approaching the end of the semester, and those who want to make troubles are also busy preparing for the most important event of each semester in St. Eden Academy. The opening times of the Lamb Club after school can be said to be pitifully small.

However, this situation is more in line with the wishes of the three girls.

The club house of the Lamb Club is originally located in a corner of the club building. If the whole club building is compared to a kingdom, then this place can be said to be an authentic poor country refuge. It is this quietness that makes Yuanjing choose it as its initial base.

Compared with the overcrowded school library due to the approach of the final exam, this quiet 'paradise' is obviously a better place to study.

Especially when there are friends who are also working hard to motivate each other.

The moment his phone rang, Kaguya Shimizu, who was organizing the next study plan for Ai Hayasaka, ran out holding the phone.

When she came back, after hesitating for a moment, she came to Chika Fujiwara, who was concentrating on her studies with her long pink hair in her mouth, and told her what happened on the phone just now.

"Although she didn't make it clear on the phone, I actually probably know what her goal is." Shimizu Kaguya showed a helpless expression on his face, "She should be rejecting the invitation from the Shijo family for Gen-kun's sake." Don't you worry about it? After all, the wording of the answer is too rude."

"Ah, I understand." Fujiwara Chika nodded quite understandingly, a sympathetic look appeared on her face, and then said: "For people who don't know Ah Jing, it's easy to take this hard answer as a Kind of offensive, right?"

"Let me guess," Fujiwara Chika pinched her chin with one hand, and made Yuanjing's favorite posture when thinking, as if she wanted to use this imitation behavior to switch her way of thinking to [Yuanjing Mode], " Ah Jing, did he just reply with two words [not going]?"

"...No, he also added the word [read] in front." Shimizu Kaguya gave Fujiwara Chika a strange look.

"You actually added [read] in a tactful way," Fujiwara Chika opened her eyes wide in surprise, "I remember that the protagonist of this party is Shijo Tei? Could it be that Ajing's impression of Shijo Tei was unexpected? Is the land not bad?"

"No, as far as I know, Yuan-kun should not have had any contact with that Emperor Shijo, so this should be the reason for the real concubine." Regarding the encounter with the real concubine while fishing in the Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park, Yuan Jing did not tell Shimizu Kaguya Do any concealment with Ai Hayasaka.

When he brought home the fish he caught and handed it over to the two, he told the two girls about it in a casual tone.And successfully made Shimizu Kaguya's heart rise to his throat.

Fortunately, according to Yuanjing's performance, the lies she told Si Tiao Zhenfei were not false, which made her breathe a sigh of relief afterwards.

"However, it would be a tact to add [Read], isn't this a little bit too much for Gen-kun?" Shimizu Kaguya said as if wanting to protect his own boss.

And what greeted her was Chika Fujiwara's loving eyes——

"No, if it's Yuanjing who just started school, the most likely situation would be to directly answer [No]." Fujiwara Chika said in a somewhat nostalgic tone, "After all, he directly said [I I hate you, can you stop bothering me in the future]?

"Wow, there really is a man who said such cruel words to girls! At that time, I was so hurt by these words, it took me a long time to recover."

If you only read this passage, you might think that Chika Fujiwara is complaining about Yuan Jing's straight male behavior.

However, as a close friend with Chika Fujiwara, and a girl who also has a crush on Yuan Jingxin, what Shimizu Kaguya heard from him was a different kind of emotion——

That is full of sweetness.

Fujiwara Chika may be the girl who has been rejected by Yuanjing the most times.

When Yuan Jing was covered with "don't come near me" spikes, she began to stretch out her hands full of kindness to him, wanting to get close to this rather indifferent young man.

Although she has been stabbed quite a few times, and therefore has experienced countless depressions, her hands that stretched out to Yuan Jing have never retracted.

And now, the scars and pains she received in the past have become stars shining in the sky of her memories.

Every time I think about the past appearance of Yuanjing, and then think about the current situation between the two, Chika Fujiwara is enveloped in a great sense of happiness, which makes her seem to exude some kind of dazzling brilliance.

This change became more and more obvious after the cultural festival. In the words of her sister Fujiwara Moeha, "My sister is becoming more and more like a happy idiot!" '.

Every time at this time, Fujiwara Chika would tidy up her disobedient sister with a little black belly, but she never denied such words.

What's wrong with being a happy fool?How many people want to be but can't be? !

"Okay, since Qianhua said so." Barely maintaining a smile on his face, Shimizu Kaguya, who was about to be blinded, accepted Fujiwara Chika's words.

What the other party said was the original scene before the intersection with him.

If this is the case, I am not qualified to comment.

Of course, she also wanted Chika Fujiwara to be so confident and have no doubts about her future happiness, but unfortunately, she couldn't do it.

Hayasaka Ai once persuaded her, and she naturally knew it.

The current relationship between herself and Yuanjing is an extremely abnormal, even distorted relationship, which she is naturally very aware of.

The promise of 'I don't have any desire for you' is like an invisible chain, binding all of Kaguya's actions to death.

It reminds Kaguya all the time: "You can only go so far, you can't go any further."

However, do you want to say whether Kaguya regretted the promise he made at that time?

the answer is--

never had!

Because without it, Kaguya would not even have the slightest possibility of entering the arena.

She and Yuan Jing will only be two non-parallel straight lines, and after a brief intersection, they will go further and further apart. In the end, in Yuan Jing's mind, the impression of Hui Ye is probably only 'One of the members of the club, by the way, did her a favor' that's all.

She doesn't want such a future!

This kind of situation where you can only watch Yuanjing being approached by other girls little by little, but you have to endure it forcibly, and you can't even effectively stop it, for ordinary girls, it can be said that it is no different from torture. .

But although Kaguya often shed blood and tears in his heart, he still forcibly endured it with his amazing will and some sugar residues he picked up in his daily life.

Whenever this time, she would even be a little grateful for the experience and education she received in the Shinomiya family.Without these precious 'wealths', Kaguya would not be able to do such a thing.

No matter how hurt she is in her heart, no matter how embarrassed she looks, she still has to maintain the connection with Yuan Jing.

There is no way, because in the war of love, she has already 'lost'.

When in love, the man and woman who is the first to fall in love and fall in love with each other is the 'loser'.

This is Kaguya's view of love.

However, the current appearance of Fujiwara Chika gave Kaguya some faint but extremely important hope.

The suffering I am going through now will become a sweet memory in the future, right?

Hope so...

"So, regarding Concubine Zhen's coming to my house, what's your opinion, Qianhua?" Hui Ye asked.

"Hey, Kaguya, didn't you respond directly while you were on the phone?" Fujiwara Chika asked in surprise.

"I said, I need to ask Mr. Yuan, so I hope she can wait." The owner of the house is Yuan Jing, and she does not have the power to make such a decision, "However, before that, I think it is necessary to consult your opinion."

"Oh, just because I'm Ah Jing's fiancee?" Fujiwara Chika tilted her head slightly, staring at Shimizu Kaguya's bright red blood eyes, and said so in a somewhat cute tone.

"..." Shimizu Kaguya responded with silence, apparently tacitly acquiescing.

"Obviously when Hayasaka Ai was allowed to live in, she never asked my opinion at all, but now she's starting to think about my thoughts again? Kaguya's inquiry criteria are so flexible that people are a little envious... ..." Fujiwara Chika muttered in a low voice.

Seeing that Kaguya seemed to want to justify something, she hurriedly waved her hand and said, "This is not to condemn you, Kaguya. After all, Ai Hayasaka is a personal maid who grew up with you, and you will be slightly biased. It's totally understandable behavior on her side, and I'm not angry about it."

"Actually, what I mean is, you don't need to ask me such a thing at all." Chika Fujiwara's smile was mixed with two very obvious emotions.

One is self-confidence.

The second is trust.

Gain the confidence of Yuanjing's love, and believe that the other party will never deceive oneself.

This is the reason why Fujiwara Chika is strong.

"I think that a relationship that needs to restrain each other and monitor each other to maintain a sense of security is actually a very unhealthy relationship."

"When I was chatting with other girls in the class, I heard it, like suspecting that my boyfriend was on the wrong side, so I secretly unlocked the password of his mobile phone to check his chat history, and even asked a detective to follow him quietly the behavior of."

When saying this, Fujiwara Chika frowned tightly, looking very distressed.

"I can understand their feelings. But I think love shouldn't be such a heavy and frightening thing."

"It should be brighter, warmer, and lighter at the same time." Chika Fujiwara placed a hand on her left chest, feeling the "plopping" beating, and a touch appeared at the corner of her mouth. A smile that was too dazzling for Kaguya.

"What I'm after should be such a beautiful thing."

The Lamb Club now is a private space exclusively for the three of them.Whether it's Yukinoshita Yukino who listened silently to the conversation between the two, or Shimizu Kaguya who was standing in front of her, they are all friends that Chika Fujiwara has already identified in her heart, and she has not made any mistakes to them at all. any need for concealment.

This is Chika Fujiwara.

"I will not doubt any decision of Ah Jing, whether he agrees or refuses, I will have the greatest degree of trust in him."

"It might look silly to others, but that's how I do it."

After this rather resonant sentence came out of Fujiwara Chika's mouth, the Lamb Club's room suddenly fell into silence.

Whether it was Yukinoshita Yukino or Shimizu Kaguya, they were all speechless.

It seemed that he had shown his sincerity too clearly just now, and Chika Fujiwara, who had a slightly feverish face, looked at Kaguya Shimizu, and cleared her throat slightly——

"However, it is an indisputable fact that whether it is love or true concubine, it is Kaguya who is the bridge between them."

"If Kaguya really feels sorry for me for these actions, and wants to make up for me..."

"Then let me visit your house on the weekend?"

"Ah Jing came to my house last Saturday, so this week will just change."

"Is this an extremely fair exchange of courtesy?"

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