Chapter 75 I can’t tell you the specific situation, it just feels wrong

Just when Chika Fujiwara's "following the trend" was progressing extremely smoothly, Yuanjing's plan, which had been progressing extremely smoothly, encountered some unexpected obstacles.

However, this obstacle is not due to the lack of capabilities of the IT department where Akasaka Ryunosuke works——

The western dragon is a frequent visitor in the game, and the focus of the IT club's current activities is also on the 3D mobile game, so a lot of dragon models have been built.

The red dragon in the "Red Dragon Roaring Picture" is a very typical western giant dragon. Just pull out a relatively similar one from the stored dragon model data, and then base it on the basis of Shiina Mashiro's painting. After making certain modifications and model changes, and finally letting Arturia refine the details, she will be able to perfectly [resurrect] the 'Red Dragon' that only exists in her mind.

Simple but effective, this is Yuanjing's entire plan.

The plan was actually going pretty well until...

"Sorry." Taking off the VR glasses on her face, Arturia's face flashed a few traces of embarrassment, and the blonde hair that was originally as bright as the sun seemed to have become a little hungry and dull because of the owner's depression.

"I can't do it." Her words were full of apology, and she seemed quite guilty.

That's right, just above this last kick, he got stuck all of a sudden.

Yuan Jing slightly raised his eyebrows, but he didn't seem very surprised, "Did you not see clearly enough?"

However, while speaking like this, he did not take off the VR eyes on his face like Arturia, but followed the voice and looked in its direction.

Because Arturia is a complete layman, in order to carry out the last step smoothly, Akasaka Ryunosuke and the others did not let Artoria look at the computer screen or projection screen to dictate, but directly put a VR The glasses were given to her.

Unlike two-dimensional screens and projections, the models seen by VR glasses are more vivid and three-dimensional. In fact, they are not far from seeing their real existence.

When Arturia put on this kind of VR glasses for the first time, when the machine was started and the giant dragon projection appeared in front of her eyes, her reaction could be said to be quite out of control, and she almost subconsciously entered the [I am the dragon] ] mental state.

"No, no, it's not a problem with the equipment." Holding the VR eyes on her chest, Arturia was half amazed and half touched gently touching this rather modern technological equipment.

She has been shocked countless times by the progress of modern humans, but when she came into contact with this thing, she still couldn't help expressing emotion.

'It's almost like magic, no, it should be said like a miracle. '

"Even in my most absurd dreams, I never imagined that human beings could do such a thing..."

"Whether Minamoto, Shiina, or everyone in the IT department have done a very good job." Artoria said frankly, "The root of the problem lies with me."

On the top of Artoria's head, there is a bundle of golden hair that is extremely outstanding.

What Arturia wore was an extremely elegant and noble bun. Logically speaking, this small bunch of hair would destroy the overall impression of the hairstyle and give people a slightly messy look.

But the end result is not the case.

This small group of hair, which is called "dumb hair" in the industry, not only did not destroy the noble and elegant atmosphere around Arturia, but added some playful and cute girlishness to it, which made people feel involuntarily. A little kind.

However, the current ones shrugged in frustration, maintaining an astonishing synchronization with Arturia's mood at the moment.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that something is wrong."

Artoria's mouth is not considered stupid. Regarding the picture of a giant dragon that she has seen countless times and which seems to be deeply engraved in her mind, when she relays it, she also There is no stuttering at all, but it can be said to be quite smooth.


What was presented in the end did not satisfy her.

"Well, if you force me to say something wrong, I can't say it at all." The slender eyebrows were frowned, and Artoria herself was quite puzzled about what the problem was, "If you have to say it, should be......"

"Well, doesn't it feel right?"

"That's enough." Yuan Jing raised a hand speechlessly, signaling for Artoria to stop talking.

"What you said just now is a forbidden sentence among the forbidden sentences. For the sake of the blood pressure of Akasaka-san and other members of the IT department, I think it's better for you not to continue talking."

Not only Akasaka Ryunosuke, but most members of the IT department also find some odd jobs online in their spare time. On the one hand, they can practice their skills, and on the other hand, they can also earn some pocket money that belongs only to them.

However, these experiences do not only bring benefits, they also often face some extremely tricky and weird problems from customers.

If customers are really knowledgeable and can clearly tell them where the problem is, it will be easier to handle.

I'm afraid that they themselves don't know what's wrong, or they don't want to take the money so happily, so they have to 'torture' them.

At this time, they often say "I don't know what's wrong, but I don't want this feeling", and then let them modify it to "have that feeling" without giving specific requirements.

Arturia naturally wouldn't be so bad-tempered that she wanted to play tricks on others.

All the words she said came from the bottom of her heart.

But this is still a big stepping stone.

"It's not your fault, classmate Lily." The person who defended and supported Artoria at this moment was quite unexpected——

Gently pulling down the VR glasses on her face to her neck, Eri Sawamura stood up, "This is actually a very common phenomenon."

"Student Lily, if what I have learned is correct, the painting should have been destroyed, right? In other words, its original image only exists in your mind, right?"

She looked at Arturia and confirmed that.

The latter nodded his forehead, indicating that what Eri Sawamura said was absolutely correct.

"And, according to Zhenbai's picture, it should not be an oil painting, but a rather old mural. I don't know, am I right?"

The answer this time is still a nod.

"That's right." Eri Sawamura raised her chin proudly, with a look of 'I have found the truth', "It is different from oil painting, which mainly pursues [realism] as much as possible. , due to the limitations of tools, murals generally follow the direction of [freehand brushwork].”

"Compared with external verisimilitude, it should emphasize its inner spiritual essence, which is actually more similar to oriental painting habits."

When preparing gifts for Rita Eindsworth who came all the way from England, Sawamura Eiri spent a lot of effort, and even made 'Gyotaku' with Shiina Mashiro, so that This feeling is quite deep.

"If you want to pursue the similarity in appearance, what this thing can do can be said to be extremely perfect." Touching the somewhat cold shell of the VR glasses with her fingers, Eri Sawamura's tone seemed quite satisfied.

"However, if we want to grasp its spiritual core at the same time, relying only on this kind of thing seems too insufficient. This is the 'feeling wrong' that Lily said before?"

"Not only that, this painting should be an extremely important thing in Lili's heart, otherwise you probably wouldn't bother to restore it, would you?"

"In this way, even if you don't mean it yourself, you will subconsciously beautify it to a certain extent in your own subconscious. In this way, even when you see the copy that is exactly the same as the original, you will still feel that it is in your memory. It looks even better."

"After all, [the dead can never be defeated]." As a senior old man, Eri Sawamura naturally uttered a classic sentence that has been widely circulated in the field of ACG.

However, because it was indeed quite vivid, Arturia understood the meaning of the other party very quickly after being a little dazed.

"...Sawamura-san, you understand well." Artoria looked extremely surprised, and she cast some admiring eyes at Sawamura Eriri, "I didn't think of it before, but it seems to be true It's like this."

Faced with such straightforward praise, Sawamura Eriri seemed a little embarrassed.

I don't know why, but she naturally has a very positive impression of Artoria, so she is naturally very happy with the other party's praise.

However, she was not dazzled by it.

"Well, classmate Lily, you are not a creator after all, so it is reasonable to not know these things." Sawamura Eriri seemed a little humble.

"I'm in the drawing book...cough cough cough, I mean when I draw a work, I often suffer from not being able to fully present the things in my mind on my drawing paper, even after a very long process. And the painful process of retouching is still the same, so naturally I feel deeply about this kind of thing."

Because of Eri Sawamura's unexpected activity, the reason why Artoria "feels wrong" has an acceptable explanation.

In fact, it stands to reason that Arturia was indeed in the IT department and saw the appearance of a real dragon. The promise Yuanjing made at noon was actually fully realized.

But it may be because Yuanjing has done so well, so Arturia naturally had some extravagant wishes to go one step further.

Before that, she never thought that she could reproduce the damaged family symbol.

But Yuanjing's previous actions rekindled a little bit of hope in her.

And now, this unrealistic hope seems to be extinguished by reality again...

"However, although I can't do such a thing, it doesn't mean that no one can do it." Seemingly feeling Artoria's slightly sad state of mind, Sawamura Eriri expressed half relief and half pride Said the tone.

She pointed to Shiina Mashiro who was next to her. Since she put on the VR glasses, she pressed them against her face and remained motionless, as if she was completely immersed in that virtual world——

"In terms of talent in painting and the degree of effort and obsession in it, Zhenbai is the well-deserved No.1 among the people I know."

"On the premise that there are already so many materials to assist, it is just a reproduction of a mural. For Zhenbai, it is not difficult at all."

As if she was bragging about how good her children are, Sawamura Eiri puffed up her chest and said so with certainty.

This is not some nonsense, she thinks so from the bottom of her heart.

No one knows Shiina Mashiro's almost daunting talent and concentration in painting better than her. Sawamura Eriri has great confidence in her and doesn't think Shiina Mashiro will stumble on such a thing.

Artoria turned her gaze to Shiina Mashiro.

In fact, as early as in the studio, the other party's painting skills had already won her respect.not to mention......

The promoter of this matter is Yuanjing.

Although the contact time is not long, but as an existence who has experienced the "heart-to-heart exchange with the sword", Arturia actually has a rather deep understanding of Yuanjing's character.

Out of trust in the young man, she didn't think that the other party would do things in vain.

"If that's the case, please ask Shiina-san."

For the current Artoria, having expectations is actually a relatively extravagant thing.


Her eyes turned around Yuanjing, Shiina Mashiro, and Sawamura Eriri.

To be honest, the current situation has deviated farther and farther from what she expected.

However, she was a little surprised to find that she didn't seem to hate such a situation at all.

Anyway, it's a dream that only lasts for two weeks, so it shouldn't matter if she indulges a little, right?


At this moment, in a certain classroom of St. Eden Academy.

Silently listening to the conversation between a blond girl outside the door and other students, feeling the impatience hidden under her words, a smug smile appeared on the corner of the blond maid's mouth.

If Rita Eindsworth is also present, it will definitely hinder the acquaintance between Artoria and Sawamura Eriri, so people have to trip her in the teaching building to prevent her Have an impact on Yuanjing's plan today.

And the best person to do this is naturally Ai Hayasaka.

Obviously, she has perfectly completed the task entrusted to her by Yuanjing.

Unfortunately, this joy did not last long.

Accompanied by the shock, after she received the email from Kaguya, after that, our maid lady's eyes widened suddenly——

Concubine Zhen will be a guest tonight?Is it even possible to stay overnight?

And this Saturday, Chika Fujiwara will come too?

Hey, hey, Kaguya, are you serious?

Chapter 76 The embankment of a thousand miles, destroyed by [one study]

After finally getting rid of the entanglement of her classmates, Director Rita Einsworth let out a long sigh of relief.

Different from the high-cold route that Arturia was going to take (although it is basically a failure now), she, who shoulders the mission of the Spencer family, is actually taking a people-friendly route.

She needs to select one or two 'friends' suitable for development in the class.

This has nothing to do with her own mission, it's just out of her selfishness——

After leaving Sakurajima, she still needs one or two information channels to understand Artoria's situation.

As a person who has been conquered by Arturia's personal charm, although the other party has no intention of blaming her, she naturally feels guilty about the latter.

After all, she could be called one of the accomplices.

It may seem a bit hypocritical to others, but she is really worried about Arturia's life in Sakurajima after that.

Lord Artoria is British after all, will she be uncomfortable in Sakurajima?

After that, Sayuri Sawamura, who was forced to do so, would definitely not give Lord Arturia a good look. Would she deliberately vent her grievances on Lord Artoria?

All in all, concerns like these.

Sakurajima's coterie culture is actually quite prevalent. There is a huge difference between being alone and having someone to speak for (even if there is only one or two).

As a figure firmly controlled by the Spencer family, there are actually not many things she can do for Artoria, and this is the best way she can think of.


Today's students, are you a little too enthusiastic?

At first she didn't feel anything strange, but when she realized that it had been an hour and the people around her still didn't want to disperse, Rita felt something was wrong.

After that, she said several times in the open and in the dark, 'or should we stop here today? ', but these young ladies who used to be very clever, seem to have turned a deaf ear to them.

After that, she tried to interrupt the conversation several times, but was blocked back by this group of people without any trace, so she never got away.

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