Surrounded by street trees, a bright silver luxury car drove quietly and smoothly.

The setting sun shone in through the car window, and the entire space inside the car seemed to be infused with honey, dyed golden.

The sound insulation effect of luxury cars is amazing.

In this space soaked by the warm winter sun, only a very slight sound can be heard, as if playing cards are flipped gently, which is a little bit like the sound of water waves shaking, Not only will it not make people upset, but it will make this space more and more quiet.

It seemed to have sunk to the bottom of the lake.

Just at this time--

"So, sister, have you thought about what to do for a while?" A young man broke the quiet atmosphere.

Looking away from the scenery outside the window, Shijo Tei turned his head to look at his sister who was sitting in the back seat with him, and couldn't help asking.

At this time, the four real concubines were leaning against the back of the chair with their eyes closed, their long eyelashes drooping down like silk tree leaves, and a few strands of dark brown hair mischievously scattered on their foreheads, trembling slightly as the car moved forward.

Because of the fact that she has already returned home, what Concubine Shijo is wearing is not the school uniform of St. Eden Academy, but a white snow-like skirt and ordinary clothes.

Among them, the most commendable is the thin and exquisite waist belt around his waist.Under the light strangle of this ribbon, the girl's slender waist without a trace of fat was subtly set off.

This image can be said to be perfect.

His own sister is really a beautiful girl who is one in a thousand, no, it should be said to be a one in a thousand, and Shijodi once again realized this fact.

Of course, the premise is-

"What? It's hard to talk about Mr. Shijodi, do you want to give me some guidance?" The long eyelashes that seemed to be leaves of the silk tree turned up all of a sudden, revealing the eyes that were as crystal clear as purple crystals, but when looking at his younger brother , but revealed a little disgust from it.

The premise is that you don't speak to bury people.

"No no no, how dare you dare." Emperor Si Tiao showed a flattering smile, "I just want my sister to be mentally prepared."

He pointed to a western-style villa with a red roof and white walls not far away from the car window, "Isn't this coming soon? If my sister hasn't finished drafting and making a plan, then I will let the master Go around in circles for a while, and buy time for you, sister."

'Well, judging from the aggressiveness of my sister's words just now, she should also have no idea. 'Si Tiaodi said in his heart.

After I put forward this suggestion, although my sister immediately followed suit and acted extremely quickly.

But obviously, among them, the unwillingness to persuade Yuanjing at noon is actually the most important internal driving force.

But now that she has completely calmed down and her mind has cooled down, uneasiness and apprehension have overcome unwillingness and occupied the high ground in the heart of Concubine Shijo.

Sijodi expressed his understanding.

Although nominally she was going to play with Kaguya Shimizu, the owner of the house and the object of her persuasion was a man.

And she is a peer with a good impression and a certain liking for her.

Although my elder sister had the experience of staying overnight at a classmate's house before, it was the first time that she stayed at a house with a male classmate.

It is very normal to have such a reaction.

Some people may ask, did the Sijo family, especially the head of the Sijo family and the father of the two siblings, Zongren Sijo, know and agree that his daughter would spend the night at a male friend's house?

The answer is yes.

The status of the true concubine Sijo in the Sijo family is actually quite special.

Let's put it this way, if there were no Emperor Sijo, Concubine Sijo would definitely be the next Patriarch of the Sijo family, and her status would be the same as that of Yukino Yukino's in Yukinoshita's family.

And even now that there are four emperors, as long as she wants to, the probability of winning that seat is actually quite high.

In addition to the status of "the daughter of the current head of the family", the excellence of the real concubine Shijo is actually a more important reason.

"The capable ones prevail" is actually an extremely important family rule of the Sitiao family, especially in the selection of the head of the family.

In fact, compared with Emperor Sijo, who is passionate about football and even proposed to study in England because of this, Concubine Sijo is actually more in line with the expectations of many elders in the family.

However, Concubine Shijo has publicly stated in the family many times that she is not interested in that position and will do her best to assist her younger brother.

Therefore, Sijo Zongren and his wife naturally loved their sensible and intelligent daughter very much, and it could almost be said that they responded to every request.

In terms of making friends of the opposite sex, the two are actually quite open-minded, basically in a state of laissez-faire.

Sijo true concubine is not the marriage tool of the Sijo family.

She will be the second in command of the Sijo family in the future, and also the best and most important helper of Emperor Sijo.

That being the case, there is no need to tell her how to make friends, as long as she is 'happy'.

"...No need." After taking a few deep breaths, Concubine Si Tiao let out a long breath of foul air, and the expression on her face became firm, as if she had made up her mind.

When she closed her eyes and meditated before, she actually simulated various scenes in her mind:

When she was at Yuan Jing's house, how would she get along with Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya, and Hayasaka Ai?

Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing are couples who are already living together. There may be some extremely intimate interactions between the two of them. How should I face it so that I can appear calm and decent?

Of course, the most important thing is - how can we persuade Yuanjing to attend the party held by Sijo's house on Saturday?

These questions are like swimming fish, constantly swimming up and down in the lake of her heart.

And even now, she still hasn't considered it too clearly in her heart.

However, she also knew that even if it dragged on, it would be impossible to think of a perfect solution.

That young man is not someone who can be easily persuaded, otherwise, at noon, she would have succeeded.

In that case...  

The bright silver car stopped slowly, and the beautiful villa with red roof and white walls was already in sight.

Pushing the car door open, Si Tiao Zhen Fei got out of the car carrying a bag.

'We can only adapt to the situation! '

With such determination in mind, Concubine Shijo rang the doorbell under the worried eyes of her twin brother.

And after that...

The time suddenly came to night.

Wearing the pajamas she brought, lying on the soft bed in the guest room, Sijo Zhenfei just stared at the extremely strange ceiling.

Her cheeks were puffed up like a hamster, and she looked quite dissatisfied.

If one were to ask the reason for his anger, who else would it be if it wasn't Yuan Jing?

"You actually used the trick of 'hide and see me', Mr. Yuan, you are too despicable!" ’ The real concubine Sijo thought of this rather angrily.

That's right, from the moment she came to the door, until she finished washing and lay down on the bed in the guest room, the four concubines did not see Yuanjing as the head of the family.

"Miss Sijo, didn't you come to find Kaguya?" She still remembered the extremely innocent look of a certain blond maid when she said this.

"If that's the case, why do you still see Ah Jing?" Hayasaka Ai said, firmly blocking the way of Shijo Zhenfei's progress, "This is what Ah Jing meant, and it is also an order he gave me."

"I hope Miss Sijo won't make it difficult for me."

For such a reason, the four true concubines were silenced.

It is true that she came here under the banner of 'playing with Kaguya', but this is obviously not her main purpose.

Convince Yuanjing to accept the invitation from the Shijo family.

Apparently, Yuanjing seemed to know this too, so he simply said 'out of sight, out of sight'.

"I was wondering why he agreed so readily. Didn't I expect that he was waiting for me here?"

The real concubine Sijo hated her teeth so much, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Even at dinner, Yuan Jing didn't show up, and Shijo Zhenfei finally ate with Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai.

And at other times, because of the obstruction of Ai Hayasaka, the elusive maid, she couldn't even walk into the room where Yuanjing was, let alone talk to him.

And compared to herself, Shimizu Kaguya obviously listened to her boyfriend more.

Wanting her to help him hold down the maid, but it is also a fantasy.

However, it would not be true to say that her trip was completely in vain.

First of all, she knew one thing - that is, Yuanjing is the cook in charge of this family.

The fried shrimp she ate at noon turned out not to be made by Kaguya Shimizu or Ai Hayasaka as she thought, but made by Yuan Jing herself.

And the dinner she ate today was naturally made by him.

Compared with cold bento, hot meals are obviously more suitable as a carrier of cooking skills.

Concubine Sijo is also someone who is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, but even so, the food at Yuanjing's family tonight still completely exceeded her expectations.

When she found out that Yuanjing was deliberately avoiding her, Concubine Sijo was actually quite resentful.

She originally wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble at the dinner table and make a little noise, so as to force Yuanjing to show up.

But because the food was so delicious, she still didn't do it in the end.

'Anyway, there's still plenty of time after dinner anyway, so it's okay to delay a little bit. ’ That was what she was thinking at the time.


And after cooking, comes music.

Yuan Jing's absence disrupted all the plans that Concubine Shijo had already made.It seems to be to compensate Zhenfei, of course, it is more likely to be out of some kind of show off.

After dinner, she dragged Sijo Zhenfei to a room marked [Music Room (spare)] on the door plate, and the two of them listened to music together.

As the eldest lady of the Sijo family who received an elite education, Concubine Sijo's music appreciation level is naturally online.

She can naturally hear how superb these music players are, and she is addicted to them almost instantly.

Yuanjing is actually quite diligent in practice.

It’s okay to say that he didn’t have the conditions before. After moving into a big house, he would also record it with equipment while practicing, so that he could hear his flaws from it.

This spare music room is where these things are stored.

When you are in a happy mood, time always flies by quickly.

For Shijo Zhenfei in the music room, it seemed that in the blink of an eye, the clock on the dial was set to the time when it was time to wash up and then go to bed.

Therefore, the plan she had in mind to force Yuanjing to show up after dinner could be said to be aborted.

After lying on the soft bed, Sijo Zhenfei finally had the time and energy to sort out all the energy after coming to Yuanjing's house, and then she also naturally discovered——

I seem to have been fooled by Yuanjing?

Whether it's food or music, they are all part of Yuanjing's plan, the purpose of which is to dispel the grievances in her heart and prevent her from making any unexpected moves.

This is the so-called 'delay strategy'.

But... why did he make such a big circle?

While she was angry in her heart, Shitiao Zhenfei also felt a little puzzled in her heart.

If you really don't want to see yourself, why did you agree to let yourself come?Wouldn't it be more efficient and more in line with his usual style to refuse directly?

Obviously allowing myself to come to the door, but hiding and not seeing myself on purpose... Such a method, other than making yourself angry, what is the point?

The four real concubines frowned.

Unless, just the fact that I came to the door has a certain meaning to him.

But what exactly does this mean?

His own visit just made Ai Hayasaka and Kaguya Shimizu have things to do.

Kaguya was responsible for accompanying her, and Hayasaka Ai wanted to stop her, so naturally she also had to watch out.


What can Yuanjing gain from this?

...I can't figure it out at all.

The thinking circuit of the four real concubines fell into a dead end.

Half of it was because of anger, and the other half was because of confusion. It was already in the dead of night, but the real concubine Sijo was not sleepy at all.

After lying dead on the bed for an unknown amount of time, the girl suddenly got up——

'No, I'll go out for a walk and relax, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at all. '

She didn't plan to go out either, she just wanted to walk around the villa a little bit, to see the night view and so on, to relieve the depression in her heart.

Because it was too late, the whole villa was quiet, there was no sound at all.

The other three should have fallen asleep, right?

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