The four real concubines thought so.

In fact, if she was brave enough and determined to find Yuanjing at this time, Ai Hayasaka would have no way to stop her.

But obviously, the face of Concubine Shijo really didn't support her to do so.

Stepping on the soft carpet, like a kitten, the four real concubines walked aimlessly in the corridor.

And at this moment, she heard the sound of water.

At first she thought she had heard it wrong, but after following the sound, the sound of the water became louder and louder.

It was the sound from the swimming pool.

'If I remember correctly, Yuanjing's swimming pool is outside, right?It's this time, is anyone still swimming?It's December now?Although it is not yet time to freeze, the water temperature must have only reached single digits. '

'Is it a thief? '

Concubine Sijo became vigilant all of a sudden.

Taking out her mobile phone and being ready to call the police at any time, she then tiptoed towards the place where the sound of water came from.

But when he walked to the French window of the living room and peeped at the scene outside, the eyes of the four real concubines suddenly widened.

In the early winter of this early December, there were indeed people swimming outside.

But that's no thief.

...but the master here—

source scene.

Chapter 79 Why Avoid Me?Are you tired of me?

The purpose of Shijo Zhenfei's trip is to persuade Yuanjing to let him attend the banquet specially held for her younger brother on Saturday.

However, when she visited Yuanjing's home with the reason of "looking for Kaguya to play" with some trepidation, she was held back by Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai, and there was no way to see Yuanjing.

The real concubine Sijo who was lying on the bed became more and more depressed as she thought about it, she walked out of the guest room without any sleepiness at all, wanting to walk around the house and relax.

But as the saying goes, "If you plant flowers deliberately, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows and willows unintentionally, they will make shade".

Following the faint sound of water, she walked away, but saw the figure of the boy in the swimming pool outside the living room.

Logically speaking, at this time, she should take this opportunity to step forward.

If you want to convince someone, effective communication with them is the most important thing.

And this encounter at night immediately provided a reason and opportunity for communication.

As long as she came to the big floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room and knocked on the window glass with her knuckles to attract the boy's attention, the next conversation would follow naturally.

Whether it's a slightly complaining "Why have you been avoiding me?", or a slightly hurtful "I didn't expect you to have a hobby of winter swimming?" '.

All in all, as long as the channel of communication is opened, then this is at least a good opportunity.

...This is the rationality in the heart of Concubine Shijo, an extremely valuable suggestion given to her.


Hiding in the shadow of the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Sijo Zhenfei just quietly looked at the scene outside the window, and her whole body seemed to be frozen, unable to make any movements.

Just like... a sailor who is addicted to the beautiful song of the siren.

How should I put it, for Concubine Shijo, if someone suddenly asks her, "In your mind, who is the person who best meets the standard of [beautiful boy]?"

The real concubine Shijo would probably be a little stunned for a while, and after thinking for a while, she would say the name 'Yuanjing'.

The reason for this situation is not because among the four real concubines, there are some characters who can match Yuanjing in terms of appearance, but because she actually doesn't care too much about Yuanjing's beautiful boy attributes.

For those who have never been in touch with Yuanjing, the boy's appearance is the most recognizable feature, and the representatives of these characters are the girls who put love letters in his shoe cabinet.

But for someone like Concubine Shijo who had some contact with the young man, Yuanjing's interior has already overwhelmed his appearance, and has become a more iconic symbol on him.

Yuanjing is of course beautiful.

But compared with its inner nature, its performance has become a party that is easier to ignore.

Because of this, when answering this question, she needed this 'bewildered' effort.

Sijo Zhenfei is not a face control.

The reason why she wants to make friends with Yuan Jing is different from those superficial women who only want his body, because she appreciates his calm and calm personality and powerful ability.

...Sijo Zhenfei originally believed so deeply.

But this belief was greatly shaken because of the coincidence that night.

The curved crescent moon hangs on the horizon, and the strands of moonlight are as thin as a girl's hair.

It fell from the sky like raindrops, as thin as hair, and dripped onto the young man's skin, splashing a faint halo.

The young man's majestic figure was gradually blurred by this thin halo, making him appear a little dreamlike.

Obviously, Yuan Jing has been swimming in this pool for a long time.

The four true concubines could see the dripping drops of water dripping from the already wet long black hair on her forehead.

Starting from the position of his forehead, the drop of water slid across the corners of the boy's eyes and cheeks with some reluctance, swayed slightly on his chin, and then swayed to the delicate collarbone of the boy, and finally landed on his chest. The place before, suddenly submerged in the water, completed the trip.

Concubine Sijo didn't know why, and suddenly her mouth became dry.

Logically speaking, Kaguya is her best friend, and Yuan Jing is Kaguya's boyfriend.

In that case, she should look away.

Her good character, as well as the education she has received since she was a child, are telling her to 'see no evil'.

But she couldn't do it at all.

"Just, let's just go to the beach to play together," Sitiao Zhenfei began to find reasons for herself, "Yuan Jun is a boy, and he should be topless at the beach, wearing only a pair of swimming trunks. '

'This is normal attire! '

Of course she knew how pale the reasons she used were.

Even if they were going to the beach to play together, it would be extremely rude to stare at someone else's boyfriend with such eyes.


She couldn't have a better reason.

And at this time.

Yuan Jing, who was looking up at the starry sky, didn't know what he was thinking, as if he noticed the sight from the living room, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Sijo Zhenfei.

The young man's behavior shocked the real concubine Shitiao.

I am now hiding in the shadow of the curtain, logically speaking, it is not so easy to find myself.

Moreover, even if Yuan Jing finds out, he will be able to walk out of the situation and start a conversation with the boy, so as to carry out the great cause of persuasion that he has writhed in his mind for countless times.

If that's the case, there's nothing to be afraid of at all.

But Sitiao Zhenfei, who has always been of excellent psychological quality, is now like a frightened deer. Her heart is in a mess, and her feet subconsciously shrink back.

However, it may be that standing for a long time caused some stiffness in the joints, or she was too flustered to know what to do.Of course, it may also be the reason why the living room is too dark to see the feet.

In short, Shijo Zhenfei tripped over something, and lost her balance all of a sudden.


Oops, if you fall here, you will be found!

Concubine Shijo thought so, but at this time she had no way to deal with the current situation, and could only just watch the development of the matter.

But the worst she expected didn't happen.

A pair of arms stretched out from the side, supported it, and then pulled it further inward.

Si Tiao Zhen Fei, who was still in shock, looked up, and a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in front of her eyes.

Among all the concubine Shijo knew, there was only one person who had eyes as fresh as fresh blood.

That is her good friend, who is also Yuanjing's girlfriend——

Shimizu Huiye.

At this moment, Shimizu Huiye was frowning tightly, looking at Sijo Zhenfei with rather unkind eyes.

Her eyes wandered around the four real concubines, as if she was thinking about which place was the most suitable place to attack, but it only lasted for a relatively short period of time.

Obviously, compared to Shijo Makoto, Shimizu Kaguya has more important things to do.

"Ah Jing, I didn't know before that you still have a hobby of winter swimming."

A sound like gurgling water came to the ears of the two of them.

When Shimizu Kaguya heard the words, the expression on his face was a little tense for a moment.

After letting go of the hand holding the four real concubines, she poked her head out from behind the curtain and looked in the direction of the swimming pool.

Although the real concubine Shijo felt a little guilty, curiosity overwhelmed everything after all.

She bent her body down, poked her head out under Shimizu Kaguya's body, and looked in the direction of the swimming pool.

In fact, she had already vaguely guessed it in her heart.

In this villa, there are only her, Shimizu Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai, and Yuan Jing.

If this is the case, then the girl who spoke is obviously about to come out.

When the swimming pool appeared in her field of vision again, with the ray of moonlight, she naturally also saw the girl who was standing by the swimming pool, smiling and looking forward.

That's not Ai Hayasaka, who is it?


"'s so late, why don't you go to bed, and instead run out to hang out." Without answering Ai Hayasaka's question, Yuan Jing said, "Haven't you been busy preparing for the final exam recently? If that's the case , how can I not sleep well."

"Hey, Ah Jing really knows, I'm busy with final exams recently." Hayasaka Ai was not surprised by this, she took a few steps in the direction of Yuan Jing, "If that's the case, Ah Jing must also know Well, what am I working so hard for?"

"...Is it for the trip to Vienna during the winter vacation?" Yuanjing replied.

"Dudu, the answer is wrong." Crossing her arms across her chest, Ai Hayasaka smiled like a flower, "It's to go to Vienna during the winter vacation [with you]."

She emphasized the pronunciation of the words "together with you".

"That is to say, Ah Jing, my goal is not Vienna, but [you]." Ai Hayasaka looked at Yuan Jing with a burning gaze, "In that case, when I find that [you] is deliberately avoiding me, Which one will I regard as the most important event, without even thinking about it?"

"Ah Jing, why do you deliberately avoid me and Hui Ye?"

Even the concubine Shijo could find the contradictions in Yuanjing's behavior, so how could Ai Hayasaka, who has always been fighting for Yuanjing's lover, not notice it?

Unlike the behavior of Concubine Shijo's 'a blind cat meets a dead mouse', Ai Hayasaka's actions were well thought out.

The purpose, of course, is to find out the reason for Yuanjing's abnormal behavior this afternoon.

That's right, the reason why Yuanjing allowed Shijo Zhenfei to visit was not because he changed his mind at all, but because he wanted to restrain Ai Hayasaka and Kaguya Shimizu, so as to avoid them.

"Ever since I came back from doing business with that classmate Lily, Ah Jing has become a little strange." Hayasaka Ai pouted, showing a little aggrieved look.

"Did something happen between you and that [Lily Spencer]? Or did we do something wrong to upset you?"

For the current Hayasaka Ai, there are actually only a few important people in her mind.

And Yuanjing is indeed the most important person among them.

Being estranged from Yuanjing was like a bolt from the blue to her, so naturally she had to figure out a reason.

"...Nothing, you didn't do anything to make me unhappy." Yuanjing shook his head and denied.

"Oh, in other words, it is indeed related to [Lily Spencer], isn't it?" Ai Hayasaka narrowed her eyes suddenly, "A Jing will alienate us and come out to swim at night, Also because of her."

"Is that right?"

Yuan Jing remained silent.

And silence is naturally an answer.

"May I ask, what exactly is it?" Hayasaka Ai then asked.

"...I can't say it right now." Yuan Jing said with a bit of a headache.

Because of the proficiency template, he can be said to be the most talented group of people in almost any matter.

But now, this kind of extraordinary talent has tricked him a little bit——

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